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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Worked out at the gym this morning. Did 30 minutes are hard cardio and then I worked back and arms today. I haven't even been walking lately, well I hadn't been doing much of anything for the last couple of weeks but making a conscious effort to get back into the swing of things. I'll walk tonite because I really need to kick start my weight loss again. I haven't really gained too much, just 2 lbs but my tummy looks more bloated than usual probably because of all the emotional eating I was doing. grrr..

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Great to see you. You look wonderful in your pics. You're more dedicated to exercise than I am right now. I should follow your lead and get my ass back on track.


Oh Bella, I wish. I slacked off for a couple weeks. I was in some kind of depressive funk, I wouldn't work out and all I did was stuff my face with everything I typically avoid and I kept telling myself, ok just today I'll eat whatever and then get back on track tomorrow but tomorrow would come and go and I was still eating, still being a sloth.


I finally made it to the gym this morning and now I just got done with my walking during my lunch hour. I feel so out of it.


You've been MIA. You ok?

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Something woke me up early, not sure what though. I was really trying to get back to sleep but like usual, I just tossed and turned and finally got up. It was still early enough that I could go to the gym and work out and still have time to cook for my lunch and shower before work. I head out determined to get a good workout in only to find a sign on the front door of the gym stating that it's closed today due to plumbing issues. Really??? Seem like that gym just has nothing but issues since LA Fitness took over. The same machines are always out of order and the often either the pool is closed or the jacuzzi is closed.


I've tried to contact them through facebook but of course they conviently have it rigged so you can't post anything on their page nor can you email them. So I guess my only recourse is to call the gym directly but I don't want to do that. I'm sure the manager of the gym knows that his machines are out of order. It's really frustrating when corporations make it so you can't contact them easily. Maybe they think people will just give up. They apparently have met the likes of Mama Met yet. lol

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I think the theme this week is 'no sleep week'. Last night I made a late night market run, I wasn't going to be able to pack my lunch today for my 12 hour shift if I hadn't gone. By the time I got home I was pooped and I knew I was going to pass out almost immediately. Sure enough fell asleep probably a little before 1am and wouldn't you know it, I was awake at 5am. Mind you, I had taken my Ambien before bed so I should have been out cold but not this girl. Apparently I only need a few hours of sleep (sarcasm). So I'm up at 5am, my alarm is set to go off at 8am because I'm working overtime this morning. I try really hard to go back to sleep, I really do but to no avail so I get up and cook breakfast, cook my lunch for work. Watch tv, make breakfast for my night owl son who is also wide awake, take a hot shower and even do my makeup because there is literally nothing else to do.


I'm not quite sure why I'm not sleeping properly, not even with the Ambien. Now I'm stuck in the office until 10:30pm. It's going to be a long long day. Sigh....

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I think the downfall of working with a large group of people is there is always a birthday, always something to celebrate. I'm always being offered cake or cookies or this or that. Last night one of the employees told me to be ready for a bbq today, they are having steak. I can't eat beef but they aren't eating until 9:00pm tonite, way too late for me to eat even if I could join them for steak night.


Today they had cake and ice cream for one of the mechanics here (birthday) and wouldn't you know it, here come the diet killers with their cake and ice cream. They left a plate on my desk. They thought it was pretty funny when I told them that I will have to walk an extra lap or two tonite on my lunch break.


Dear God......please no more birthdays this year. lol

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It rained so hard today, actually I think it's still raining so no walking for me tonite. Normally I wouldn't mind but since I wear my Nikes when I walk, it's too slipperly outside. There is usually some kind of oil on the ground from the buses and I really don't feel like falling on my caboose tonite.


Now I just need to figure out what to do on my lunch break. I have my coupons with me but I really don't feel like searching the deals at stores. Oh what's a girl to do?

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Another night with minimal sleep. If I keep this up I can try out for a part in the Walking Dead. I went to sleep earlier last night and again something woke me at 5am. I did fall back asleep for a few minutes at a time and would wake up again. I do remember having some pretty vivid dreams last night, probably during the few hours that I was actually sleeping. I remember dreaming about my dog that just passed away in May. I kept saying in my dream, "Marco why are you here, you passed away". Then I had another dream where I was driving a white van and had to park it to attend some kind of function and when I came out the van was completely blocked in by other white vans. When the other vans left, I tried to start the van but it wouldn't start. I've noticed that many of the dreams I do remember revolve around cars and car trouble.


Anyway, it's a lovely day outside. Too bad I'm stuck in the office. I do have my walking clothes ready and since the rain has already moved through the city I should be good to walk tonite. It appears it's going to be a really slow day so I'm going to file all the maintenace cards for these buses, work on coupon stuff and probably watch serial killer documentaries on youtube. A good Friday to be at work, indeed.

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Enjoyed my two days off, Sunday is always good because I get to watch football all day. Went to Jesse's at 1:00 and suprised him with lunch from this place called Dog Haus. Really good hotdogs and tater tots. Watched my Seahawks beat the Patriots and then went couponing.


Monday was good as well, dinner at Noodle World and then watched Monday Night football. Today I'm back at work with a raging migraine and the phone hasn't stopped ringing.

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This migraine is still kicking my rear. I've been wearing sunglasses all day in my office. Nothing is getting rid of it, I guess I will just have to wait until it goes away on it's own. Sucks though, my head feels like it is going to just explode. My left eye feels like it is being pushed out from the inside and it's watering.


Not a good day at all.

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Much better today. Went to sleep last night and woke up feeling great. No migraine, no tiredness. YAY


I have lots of work to do today in the office, work that I didn't do last night because my head was killing me. Should be an easy day, seems pretty quiet around here. I'm not working tomorrow though, I'm playing hooky so I can watch the Seahawks/49rs game. You know you have a die hard fan on your hands when they take vacation days to watch football. Go Seahawks!!!!

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Glad your migraine is gone.


Is it hot out by you? It's in the upper 80's down here by me .


Wish fall would get here pronto.


yeah the temp guage on my car read 99 degrees so it's pretty freakin' hot up here. It's supposed to be even hotter tomorrow from what I heard. Hopefully that isn't true because if it's any hotter, I'm going to be cooked internally. We had a couple of nice cool breezy even rainy days up here last week. I want those back!

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Enjoyed playing hooky yesterday. I took my car to get it smogged and it passed... well it better have passed I take pretty good care of my car. LOL Bummed around the house for a while until it was time to go to Jesse's to watch the game. Brought a personal pizza for me and some spaghetti and meatballs for him. The game sucked (Seahawks lost) but I expected that.


Went to Walmart for a late night grocery run with my daughter and my mother. Picked up some really nice looking pork chops and baked those today. I couldn't be more pleased with how well they turned out. I'm actually wishing it was lunch time already because I am ready to eat.


Walking tonite of course. I haven't been to the gym in a few days, need to get there soon.

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Did a 3.35 mile walk last night which felt pretty good.


This morning I decided to hit the gym and I'm not quite sure what got into me but I had a really great workout. I did 30 minutes of really intense cardio and then 30 minutes of working on legs, back, and biceps. I have my walking clothes here with me so if it doesn't rain tonite I will do another 3 mile walk.


I picked up my grandaughters last night. Usually I have my grandsons but the girls have been wanting to spend time with me so I have them this weekend. They really are a hoot to hang around. Jade has learned so much sign language in school, it's really amazing to watch her. She still likes to tell stories, some of it I understand and some I don't. She appears to still have some hearing capability which is good.


She has an appointment coming up soon at Children's Hospital for a hearing test with and without her hearing aids to see how much she can actually hear. The doctor did warn us that she would likely lose all of her hearing as time goes on. For now we just take everything one day at a time. She's doing great and that is all that really matters.

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Mama Metro, did her docs ever indicate if Jade would be a candidate for a cochlear implant?


Google "Cochlear America".


Either way I know she will do just fine in this world. I know several deaf students who are in college now. I have an uncle who is completely deaf and signs. I want to learn ASL.

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Mama Metro, did her docs ever indicate if Jade would be a candidate for a cochlear implant?


Google "Cochlear America".


Either way I know she will do just fine in this world. I know several deaf students who are in college now. I have an uncle who is completely deaf and signs. I want to learn ASL.


They said the cochlear implant is not an option nor is there any surgery that will restore her hearing. She does really well though day to day. I got a little emotional last week because she was visiting for a little while and didn't have her hearing aids with her. She was watching tv with the kids in the living room and she looks at me and says "I can't hear it Nana". I forgot why she didn't have her aids with her, I think her mom had picked her up from her dad's house and she said she was never sending Jade with her hearing aids over there again because the grandmother didn't care for the aids properly even though she had been told how to. So yeah, I was sad that day for her because she was just sitting on the couch and I could just see something different with her.


I had my son look into the sign language class for me at the local community college. They have classes starting in January I think that go from 9am-12pm 3 days a week. I could work with that schedule since I don't start work until 2pm. My daughter is hoping to find someone to take care of the baby so we can attend together. Jade's school offers a class but it is just one day a week and I think for only an hour. In the meantime I watch videos on youtube.


I like this lady from expert village. She makes it pretty easy to learn.



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Sleeping with my granddaughter is impossible. She moves around so much, she was practically on top of me the whole night. Needless to say I didn't get a whole lot of sleep. I got up early and was able to get my granddaughter's tamales that they like. Then I headed out to the gym and had a really good workout. I was focused and had a fair amount of energy so I was able to get 45 minutes of cardio in, 30 of that was butt kicking cardio and then I did 45 minutes working on weight machines targeting triceps, back, and chest.


I'm working OT tomorrow on my day off (yay money) so hopefully I can get to sleep early enough tonight so I can get another good workout tomorrow before work. Then of course I will walk on my lunch for anther 3 miles or so.

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Why is it when you are dead tired to the point of yawning constantly and your eyes are watering because you are so tired, you still can't fall asleep? I swear I am the wierdest person when it comes to sleeping issues. I couldn't fall asleep last night even with my Ambien. I guess I finally passed out after 1am, woke up at 5 something and then back to sleep for a few hours. I got up and went to the gym. I was anticipating a good workout only to find my mp3 player suddenly stopped working properly. It will only play 2 songs even though I have about 100 songs on there so I'm going to try and figure it out before I go walking tonite because I really don't want to walk without my music.

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3.29 miles on my lunch hour, it didn't really even feel like a chore tonite. I was pretty deep in thought, some things going thru my mind and walking (or any kind of exercise) really helps me to release that built up frustration I get so that walk did go by pretty quick.


I was contemplating going back to the gym tonite but I think I should just unwind at home, take a codiene for this achy shoulder of mine and try to hit the hay. On a good note, this OT day was super easy. I almost feel guilty that they pay me as much as they do and there was really no work to be done today.

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My shoulder has been bothering me and now my neck and shoulder are aching. I know it's the mattress I sleep on, it's horrible and I don't generally sleep well on it. Today I'm sore and I have been getting frequent dizzy spells. I've eaten enough food and I even made sure I had a little sugar today just in case my sugar was low but the dizziness is still there. Hope it goes away so I can walk tonite.

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