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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I hated Vegas this time around. Oh my goodness, the money gods were not kind to me and I couldn't win a shiny nickel to save my life. I lost money on Keno and football. Usually I can win a little something on one or the other but not this time.


I tried to be mindful with the eating but the only thing I think I did ok on was portion control, other than that I ate all the foods that I would typically avoid because of the calories. I did work out Sat and Sun night at the gym in the hotel. The gym was very nice, all state of the art equipment and I really enjoyed my work outs there. I think I put on about 2lbs. My stomach looks a little fuller. I tried walking on my lunch break today but only did it for about 35 minutes. I just wasn't feeling it today.


Will try to get back on full track tomorrow. Maybe I will feel better, I think today I was just tired from getting home last night and then working overtime this morning. Blahhhhhhh

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Always stuff to do, never enough time to get everything done. Work is quiet thankfully, all my bus assignments made it out of the yard on time. I am however working on 6 days worth of paperwork that no one bothered to do while I was gone. It definitely won't be finished today, I can only do so much. I'm going to email my boss and say "since there was an apparent work strike while I was out of town, I will be coming in on overtime to get some of it done." He won't say no, in fact I can see him probably laughing at the email. Oh well, more money for me. I shouldn't complain that they are going to pay me a lot of money to do this work but it just really steams my clams that no one ever enforces the work rule around here. I would never sign up to cover someone's shift and not do their work. In reality, that would be like me agreeing to cover first shift but deciding I'm not going to do bus assignments. Ummmm bus assignments is what you do on first shift, I don't get to decide what work is going to get done and what isn't. If i'm covering your shift, I am going to perform the duties of that shift. If you are going to cover my shift then you should be willing to perform the duties of the shift. I expect you to and I would have hoped that mgmt expected it as well but I guess not.


I'm going to walk on my lunch break today and then it's off to the gym tonite after work. I will probably get home at midnite, I'll need to hit the hay as soon as possible because I have to be back here in the morning for my overtime. LOL

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No gym last night. I decided against it only because I needed to be in the office for OT this morning and didn't want to push myself. I actually slept somewhat decently last night which is a wonderful thing.


I was up at 7:30am, packed up my lunches and snacks and got ready for work. Overall, it's a pretty good day here at the office. I'm getting a lot of that past due work done. The boss called earlier and I answered the phone and he laughs and says "jesus, you're there already? Are you racking up all the overtime?" to which I replied "apparently while I was gone there was a work stoppage so yes you are paying me to finish it up". He laughed, I laughed. It's all good.


Looked at the scale this morning, really hope it's accurate and not trying to trick me. LOL 177.6 lbs

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That is AWESOME mama! (on the weight loss)


Have you heard any more from the hospital?


I haven't sent them confirmation of the current weight. I was going to do that this week but of course I was disappointed that I gained 2 lbs in Vegas, at least I think I did. I was able to work it off though so that is a good thing. I think I am just going to wait a little while longer and when I reach 175, I will send off the confirmation. I just want to make double and triple sure that there are no roadblocks.


He and I have a date tomorrow at the LA County Fair, you know what that means.......lots of food that isn't waistline friendly. lol He was just telling me what he wants to eat tomorrow, oh yikes. So I guess I will really have to kick butt in the gym. Sigh...

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It's 2am and I am soooooo exhausted. We went to the fair today, he wanted to leave at 2pm. The concert wasn't until 7:30 so the idea was we would walk around, maybe do some shopping and he would have some drinks. Well, it was probably 108 outside, the sun was way too much for someone in his condition. He had only been outside a few minutes before he started feeling really sick. He would walk a few steps, sit down, walk a few more and sit again. I got him into an air conditioned building and he just looked like he was ready to faint.


We pretty much stayed in the buildings and didn't walk around the fair. We did go to eat, went back to the buildings until it was time for the concert. That was fun, he got to meet the leader of the band, Emilio Castillo (tower of power) and even took a picture with him.


When we came out of the concert, we went to this one stand that sells old school cd's. This year they had some different types of mp3 players and these are pre-loaded with either oldie's but goodies, cruising music, or freestyle. He bought me the one that has the freestyle music on it, that is going to be perfect for the gym. You can also add your own music to it. Excited!!! Now I just have to get my rear in the gym later today to work off the food I ate. Overall it wasn't too bad, I had 2 ribs which filled me up. Later in evening I had some jambalaya, with red beans and rice and a hot link but I shared that meal with Jesse. I didn't have anything fried.

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This heat is unbearable. I went to pick up two of my grandbabies for the weekend and once I had them, I got a call from my previous work site. Could I cover someone's shift tomorrow morning? Sure....I like making money, it's the first day of the new pay period so that is a good way to start I guess. I have to hit the hay early tonite because I have to be there at 6am. Great thing about that location, it is dead on Sunday's and it's super quiet so that will give me plenty of time to organize coupons. I haven't really been doing much with my coupons lately since I spend most of my free time at the gym or resting. My little stockpiles have dwindled down to almost nothing. I first noticed my laundry soap supply was nearly dead. I had 7 bottles, down to only one now. It doesn't help that my daughter comes here to wash the kids clothes and 'forget's her soap. LOL


I was feeling kinda bad that I have two of the babies here but wasn't planning on going anywhere because of the extreme heat and honestly they seem perfectly content just watching cartoons and playing around in living room so I guess it's okay.

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I'm not going anywhere today, it's just too hot. I'll go to the gym tomorrow after work since I get off early. Making dinner right now, probably not the best idea to make an oven roasted turkey breast while it's a million degrees outside but my house sure smells good. I think I will make some steamed baby reds and a veggie to go with it.

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Woohoo, I love making easy money. Sunday's at this location are so quiet, I sat here for 4 1/2 hours sorting and clipping coupons. The phone didn't ring and I only had 1 bus breakdown. Perfect day to make overtime money.


The girl that normally works 2nd shift here called out and I could have just done a double, 16 hours of overtime but when I pitched my idea to Jesse, he sounded disappointed that I wouldn't be going to his house to watch football so I went ahead and found someone to cover that shift. If I wouldn't have found anyone, I probably would have just worked it myself.


It's okay though, I have more OT waiting for me at my regular work location this week, no worries.

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Between Vegas, the county fair, my birthday and my coworkers birthdays a day apart and working overtime all week, I'm going to blow up like the goodyear blimp. I haven't been to the gym in over a week, just been walking but that clearly isn't enough to burn all the calories that I have eaten this past week. I gained 3 lbs.


I did have a really nice birthday though. My coworkers suprised me with a cake yesterday. I was serenaded by a bus driver when he came in to report his bus wasn't working. There were beautiful flowers on my desk from another coworker and my son and his fiance showed up at the office last night to surprise me with a bottle of wine and more sweets. Went home to find a blueberry cheesecake had been made by my other son's gf for me. Awww.


My best friend is taking me out Sunday for brunch and then Jesse wants to take me out Monday to celebrate. Today is also my grandsons 10th birthday. I didn't get a chance to see him today because I had to work but I did leave his gift with his mom. She posted a video on facebook of him opening his gift and I was teary eyed. I gave him a card with 50 dollars in it. When he opened his card he was just so excited. Jesse is stopping by to see him tonite before he goes to work and is going to give him money as well.


Just had another small piece of cake to celebrate my coworkers birthday today as well. What is up with all these Virgos? LOL I'm walking in an hour, I brought my workout clothes so hopefully I will have energy when I get off work to hit the gym tonite, that would be nice.

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I haven't worked out in a week. Well maybe I did once but that is all I can remember. I've been taking care of a sick boyfriend and now it appears I have picked up a bug myself. I was all set to do my daily walk here at work and then venture out to the gym after work but now I'm sitting at my desk shivering and I've made enough trips to the little girls room to last me the whole week.


All I want to do is go home and climb into bed.

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Haven't dieted, haven't exercised. Taking care of a sick person sucks the life out of you, well at least it did me. I'm tired and aggravated, not to mention that I'm feeling emotional in general and just didn't really care about the whole healthy living thing. I went back to emotional eating which really sucks. Ironically I didn't gain back a ton of weight, just like 2 lbs but still.


I hate feeling this way.

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I did my 3 mile walk last night and this morning since I was up early, I decided to go to the gym. Only stayed an hour, I needed to get home and cook my lunch for work. I have my exercise clothes with me so I will hit the pavement again tonite.


My son's engagement party is this Saturday and I still haven't went shopping for a dress. I'm stressed but not overly so, so perhaps that is a good sign that I will find something on Friday. Usually I stress out majorly when I have to wear something more than jeans and a tshirt.


I have to call the family by tomorrow to RSVP and I still need to find something for my other son to wear. He's like me, jeans and tshirts, and vans. Yikes.

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Apparently depression, being hungry before bed and ambien make for a horrible evening. I made something to eat last night, not sure what though. I don't remember any of it, I just know that I had some mild heartburn and tossed and turned a lot. I found the evidence this morning near the stove. I guess I'm not so tidy when I'm in an ambien state. Needless to say, I didn't go to the gym this morning because I was exhausted.


I had plans to do my 3 mile walk tonite but I'm sitting here at work and just the thought of going out there has me near tears. I don't want to walk, I don't want to do anything. That's not entirely true, I want to go home.


I'm meeting my daughter in the morning to go shopping for something to wear to this engagement party. I called my soon to be DIL's parents today to let them know how many of us were coming. She seems like a really nice woman and is eager to meet us. Hopefully we make a good impression.

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My daughter and I had a date this morning to go shopping for something to wear to the engagement party. She had the baby with her and I can tell you now that I will never ever ever ever ever shop with a little kid again. NEVER. We were already working with a time constraint and he was just being a little pill. We left the mall empty handed, well he didn't. He got a Mickey Mouse from the disney store. 'moush moush' is what he calls Mickey Mouse.


I had to drop her off to get her car and I proceeded to Target to see if there was anything suitable that I may like. To my surprise I found a dress (the first one I tried on) and I liked how it looked, I loved how it fit, it hid my rolls. LOL We were going to try the shopping thing again tomorow without the baby but she went ahead to Target and found a dress herself as well. So I will pick mine up tomorrow and I need to find a pair of shoes to wear with it. I was thinking of getting flats but everyone is telling me to get some heels. Holy mother of God, I haven't worn a pair of heels of any sort in almost 8 years. Sigh.... I guess I can opt for a low pair and pray that I don't roll an ankle. I'll be sure to post pics from the party because it's probably the only time you guys will ever see me in a dress again. hahahah

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The engagement party was really nice. It was really just a casual affair and I could have saved myself money by not buying a dress and heels. Many of the guests showed up in sundresses and sandals, the men in jeans and button up shirts. Her father was wearing a tshirt and shorts. LOL So yeah super casual. I felt overly dressed and the running joke of the evening was I look like I sell houses. HAHAHA..


They had an open bar and the liquor was flowing. There were several different beers being served as well. The food was just your traditional mexican family buffet style set up. Carnitas, 3 different types of beans, rice, steamed veggies, a variety of salsa's, some cheesy potatos, tortillas of course, a broccoli salad and a fruit salad. The bride's brother baked the most amazing treats.


I felt warm and welcomed by her family. The bride's mother gave me a basket with wine, wine glasses and a little buddha statue and some chocolates. She gave me a hug and officially welcomed me into her family.


Now if I can figure out how to post some pictures here, I would be good.

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