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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I walked last night on my lunch hour and then went to the gym for a little while when I got off work. I worked on my back and my biceps and did a few more minutes of cardio but took it a little easy because I was feeling some pain in my back. Yesterday I bent down the wrong way and probably a little too quickly to pick up my shampoo bottle and felt that little twinge of pain right where I have the slipped disc. Within a short time I had pain but it wasn't as intense as it usually gets so that is why I still wanted to walk. I feel ok today though so that is a huge blessing. I have my workout clothes with me so I will walk on my lunch hour again and hopefully I can squeeze a little more time into the gym tonite when I get off work.


Oh and it's hot as balls outside again. Really, I am just over this heat. Thinking about moving to iceland. lol

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Naturally after I spend 30 dollars to get my car washed and waxed because I have neglected her since June, an unlicensed driver hits the driver side of my car. Luckily the idiot owned up to it (she lives in my apartment complex) but now I have a huge dent on the left side of my car. I haven't even seen it yet, my son called me to tell me the news. I dread seeing it later when he picks me up. The idiot's boyfriend which happens to be a good friend of my daughters boyfriend says that he will get it repaired and can we please leave the insurance companies out of it?


I don't even know if they have insurance and even if they do, she's not licensed so it wouldn't matter anyway. So I guess the best I can do right now is tell them I want it repaired in exactly the condition it was in and I should probably make them sign something to the effect.

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Naturally after I spend 30 dollars to get my car washed and waxed because I have neglected her since June, an unlicensed driver hits the driver side of my car. Luckily the idiot owned up to it (she lives in my apartment complex) but now I have a huge dent on the left side of my car. I haven't even seen it yet, my son called me to tell me the news. I dread seeing it later when he picks me up. The idiot's boyfriend which happens to be a good friend of my daughters boyfriend says that he will get it repaired and can we please leave the insurance companies out of it?


I don't even know if they have insurance and even if they do, she's not licensed so it wouldn't matter anyway. So I guess the best I can do right now is tell them I want it repaired in exactly the condition it was in and I should probably make them sign something to the effect.

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Def get something signed Mama. Do you have uninsured driver's on your insurance?


Probably...... the insurance stuff is still on my counter since I just renewed it so I will look at it when I get home. I will survey the damage, get pics taken in the morning when the sun is out and then I will draft something up and have them sign it. He's a pretty stand up guy but I still have to cover my rear just in case something goes wrong.


I'm certainly not looking to make a buck or get my entire painted looking like new, just want to get it fixed back to it's original condition. He used to be in the auto detailing business so he knows people that can get it done.

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I swear when it rains it pours. Last night I stopped at Jesse's house to check on him, he hasn't been feeling well. I stay for about 30 minutes, go home to find the Sheriff's have blocked off the driveway entrance to my apartment complex because they are arresting some people. Okkkk......I just park on the street, no big deal. By this time I am exhausted and just collapse on the bed when I get inside. When I leave this morning, I totally forgot that I had parked my car on the street last night and I find a parking ticket on my car. Really???? Like I didn't have enough going on already with everything else, now I have a !@#$ parking ticket.


Soooo, I drive to Jesse's because he has an appointment this morning with the kidney doctor. He's taken his blood pressure meds after just coming off the dialysis machine. He's sitting in the chair and I knew as soon as I saw him that something was wrong. He got up, walked to the bed and nearly passed out. I'm in the kitchen looking for the chicken broth because now I have to give him sodium and quick or we are going to have a problem. I can't find the broth, because he used the last of it and didn't tell me. I'm trying to open a can of soup, the microwave isn't working, he's yelling that he's sick, I bring the trash can and he's throwing up and he's shaking and he's sweating like he has never sweat before. He was drenched. I take his blood pressure and it's 67/41. Holy crap, he's gonna die was my thought. So I get him on the bed, his feet propped up on pillows above his heart, start washing him down with a damp cloth to cool him down. I was just about to call 911 when he started coming around.


I asked "why did you take your medicine when you come off the machine"? I forgot was his response. We had this issue last month, he took his meds right after coming off the machine and his bp bottomed out.


I swear sometimes it's like taking care of another child. I wasn't going to go to this appointment with him today but something told me to just wake up and accompany him. Had I not been there, he probably would have passed out and god only knows what would have happened.

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Man, I will be glad when the fall season is officially here and we start getting cooler weather. The heat is ridiculous and so is the humidity, it feels like pea soup outside. Naturally it rained yesterday after I spent 30 dollars washing and waxing my car. I'm just really so annoyed with everything at the moment.


My son called me a little while ago and said that he needed me to forward pictures of the car to him because the people that hit it are making plans with a body shop to get it fixed this weekend. Thank goodness because I hate driving around with that big dent in my door.


I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow, just to hang out and be lazy. Jesse and I are supposed to go to Olive Garden for lunch/early dinner and perhaps to another spot to catch some college football. I think this is when I am truly happiest, spending time with him both of us enjoying football. Ahhhh the good life...

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I decided to put on makeup today. I guess now that I am starting to feel better about myself, I wanted to see if I still had my mojo when it comes to the makeup and yeah I did ok. I'm here at work and the men are walking in and doing double takes. So far I've heard


"do you have a hot date tonite"


"are you coming from a hot date"


"why are you wearing contacts"


I had a heck of a time trying to convince my coworker that I really do have green eyes. LOL


Anyway, my body is hurting today. oh good god my arms are aching, my back in aching. I know all this gym time is paying off but damn, I wish this pain would just go away now.

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My back was killing me last night. I had to take a pain pill, rub some stinky cream on it and lay on the heating pad. Feels alright this morning, arms still kind of hurt but today is legs and abs day. Oh joy, I might as well have a bad back again. Either way Im gonna be sore when I walk. Grrr


I got up early today, not because I wanted too I was actually sleeping pretty good but because some ass clown in the building went peeling out of here like they were drag racing or something. So I remembered that I am dog sitting my son's girlfriend pitbull. They are in San Francisco for a wedding this weekend and didn't trust him to be alone with the other dog. He likes to torment her (she's and older Dobie) and she's bit him a couple of times, I guess he does that because he is still quite young, probably about a year old if that. So I take him out for a walk, this is the first time I have walked a dog since my Marco passed away in May. My dog was always easy to walk probably because he had really bad hips so our walks consisted of him going super slow, picking himself up after his hip go out etc. This dog doesn't know how to walk, he's just all over the place. He wants to smell the most random things and he was just going around me in circles, on the left and on the right. Ugh.....


Im going out with Jesse and my best friend Walter later for dinner either at Olive Garden or this little sushi spot in West LA. Either one would be good, we love both places. Im just looking forward to time out with both of them.

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Why is it so freaking hot again? If there is an award for girlfriend of a lifetime then I want it. LOL I went out in the heat with my achy body (I thought I was feeling better but I guess not) and braved the swapmeet in the blaring sun just to get the only deodorant that doesn't break Jesse out. Thankfully I was only walking around for about 10 minutes before I found a vendor that had it. Whew, I bought 2 so I don't have to go back there for a while.


I did buy some raw almonds and pecans which were delicious! That tasty little snack should hold me over until dinner.

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Dinner was great, I didn't go too wild. Olive Garden has a couple of new skinny drinks, so I had the skinny strawberry lemon drop. It was really good, reminded me of a starburst candy. After dinner Walter and I wanted to go to this store called Home Goods. I love going in there and looking at all the great stuff they have. I tell myself all the time that when I finally move out of this hell hole, I'm going to buy all new stuff from there. Well Jesse didn't want to go in but we made him go anyway and he fell in love with the store. Now he's eager to find a bigger place and wants to decorate it with stuff from there. LOL


He bought a few things he needed for his bathroom like a new shower curtain liner, one of those rubber mat thingys you put in the tub so you don't fall, and a new bath towel because his highness only wants nice egyptian cotton. lol So it was cool.


I did kind of get an idea of what's in store for our future. He made a comment about when we get our place together, he wanted to shop there. I said "you don't want to live with me" and I said that with all sincerity because I know him and I know that living with me and marriage were going to be no go's and while I wasn't exactly pleased, I sort of just became accustomed to how everything is now and didn't really think there was ever going to be any changes. He said " well when you don't have everyone living with you then we can". The problem with that statement is, I know as long as my family lives with me he will forever use that as an excuse. My mom lives with me, she will live with me until the day she dies because she has no one else and doesn't have the means to live on her own.


Two of my sons also live with me. The older one is 21 and will likely be with me forever because of his condition. I don't think he could be on his own and be okay. My youngest boy also lives with me. He's in college and no doubt will move out once he has a decent job. He's goal oriented and has no interest in living with mama forever which is good.


Two people that love each other and want to be together but not nessecarily be married or living together is okay right? I hate having to explain to people why Im not engaged to the man that I am giving a kidney to. People don't understand it and maybe I don't either but it is what it is and it's not the end of the world. It's doable I think, I just wish people would stop harping on me about it.

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I decided to put on makeup today. I guess now that I am starting to feel better about myself, I wanted to see if I still had my mojo when it comes to the makeup and yeah I did ok. I'm here at work and the men are walking in and doing double takes. So far I've heard


"do you have a hot date tonite"


"are you coming from a hot date"


"why are you wearing contacts"


I had a heck of a time trying to convince my coworker that I really do have green eyes. LOL


Anyway, my body is hurting today. oh good god my arms are aching, my back in aching. I know all this gym time is paying off but damn, I wish this pain would just go away now.


Man that gets on my nerves. I don't wear much makeup if any at all but when I decide to just because I'm in the mood people go crazy. A co-worker asked me before "Ooooh you're wearing makeup, who are you trying to look good for here?" I said, "No one, what I have at home is better than anyone I can find here." Maybe a little abrasive but it bugged me, lol!

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I took a 3 day weekend, didn't work out at all but was still good with eating and I'm down to 178lbs. It's coming off slowly but surely. I won't complain. I worked out this morning for a little bit, I'm going to walk tonite on my lunch hour and then I will go back to the gym tonite after work to finish working my muscle group. Today is abs and legs and I gave my legs a pretty good workout but didn't do too much with the abs so I will get that done tonite.


Thankfully it's another short work week for me, I'm going to Vegas this weekend for the start of NFL. My favorite time of year, I have all my Seahawks stuff ready to go. I even ordered some Seahawk nail art so when I get my nails done this week, I will have Seahawks on each one. YAY.

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I did my hour long walk which was a really good hot sweaty walk and now I'm about to leave the office and I'm debating if I still want to work on abs at the gym tonite or just go home and try to sleep. I think I already know that I'm not going to sleep so I might as well get my rear in gear and just go to the freakin' gym.

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Total cardio today, (well yesterday but you know what I mean) 1 hour and 35 minutes. Lord have mercy, I went to the gym twice and walked on my lunch.


I called Cedars Sinai the other day to inquire if I was good weight wise to finally start the paperwork for transplant. I waited anxiously while the receptionist asked my current weight, I could hear him typing presumably my name to look up my information. I explained to him that when I made the initial call several months ago I was 202 lbs and I was advised to get down to at least 185lbs but that at the time of the call I was 179lbs So he's typing, I'm waiting and actually I think I started to sweat. LOL He finally speaks up and says "ok you just need to fax over proof of your current weight and we can start the preliminary paperwork". OMG!!!!!!!!!


This is all so crazy, I have worked so hard to get where I am right now and it's finally happening. Next week when I get back from Vegas I need to have either someone at the gym sign off on my weight or my doctor has to sign off on it. I'm hoping by next week, I will have dropped a couple more lbs. I fully intend to work out in Vegas, probably in the morning while he is still asleep or late at night while he is connected to the dialysis machine. I'm happy, I want to cry.

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Oh man I was hungry. I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast, usually I eat just a little more than that so by lunch time I felt famished! LOL I ate a 6inch oven roasted chicken sandwich from subway on whole wheat, with spinach, tomato, onion, cilantro, jalapeno, cucumber, bell pepper, and just a tiny bit of the chipotle sauce for flavor. I feel super content now. Still no sodas, drinking lots of water.


Going to try and get through most of my work today, so I can enjoy my lunch time walk and not have paperwork to do when I come back. Woohoo, just one more day of work and then I am off for 4 days and heading out to Vegas this Saturday. I'm undecided if I am going to don a bathing suit and hit the jacuzzi but just in case I am, I started applying my self tanner today so i will have at least a hint of color should I decide to strut around in my bathing suit. LOL

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I didn't go to the gym last night, my back was hurting and my butt was hurting. I really just wanted to go home and sleep and actually thought it would happen since I've been feeling exhausted lately. Well for some reason on my drive home last night I just started crying, probably because I've been dealing with some emotional stuff. By the time I got home, my head was pounding and all I wanted to do was lay down. I took my sleeping pill, took a codeine too and hit the bed only I ended up back in the kitchen eating just about anything I could find probably because I was pretty emotional and I'm famous for emotional eating. I think I slept for like 4 hours and woke up at 5am. I decided at 6:30am to just get up and get dressed and go to the gym.


I worked out, but I notice my back is still hurting so I cut it short. Put on my swimsuit and sat in the jacuzzi for a bit and then the dry sauna but nothing really helped, my back still hurts.


Ugh, I can't wait to just get out of here tonite at 10:30 and then I am off for the next 4 days. I should have taken 4 hours vacation time today and left at 6pm but I didn't think about it until it was too late and now no one can come in early to cover me. Oh well....

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