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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I just had the best workout! I was a nasty hot sweaty mess and I felt amazing!


I did 65 straight minutes on the elliptical and 15 minutes on the bike. I would have done more bike but I couldn't get my mp3 to tune in clearly to the Celtics/Cavs game. The buzzing was driving me nuts. LOL



I also worked my rear end on the seated leg press. I would have done more exercising but the gym was packed and I needed to get home to take care of things here.


I'm thinking I will do a repeat tomorrow morning since I don't have to work.




Go Metro, get that body, work your butt, get that body.


LOL You crack me up!!! You need to get over to the Biggest Loser ranch and be the new Jillian Michaels making people bust their butts!


GREAT work-out! Who are you rooting for (or do you not care)?

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LOL You crack me up!!! You need to get over to the Biggest Loser ranch and be the new Jillian Michaels making people bust their butts!


GREAT work-out! Who are you rooting for (or do you not care)?


Maybe just Jillian Michaels enforcer, she does a good enough job all by herself. LOL


I have always like watching the Celtics play so I really want them to beat the Cavs.


I'm a die hard Phoenix Suns fan and I am impatiently waiting for them to play the Lakers!

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I really want the Celtics to beat the Cavs too - only because my ex is a big Cavs fan and this will prob be their last year with LeBron, and after that their championship chances will plummet. Ok yeah, it's petty and pathetic, but he treated me like crap so I feel ok secretly rooting against his team, lol!

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Well I didn't get back to the gym after that amazing workout because there were tons of things that needed to get done at my house. I guess you can say I got my workout at home, running up and down the stairs with the laundry and cleaning for 2 days. My back was pretty sweaty and my legs were tired so I guess I will call it a mini-workout.


I have a sneaky suspicion that I will have to work overtime today but in the event that I don't have to stay, my gym bag is ready to go when I get home.


The boyfriend isn't working tonight so he wants to have dinner but I politely declined because I really don't want to miss another day at the gym. Thankfully he has been really understanding of my turning down his dinner dates to work out.

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Good for you for keeping up with working out, even if it means turning down the bf for dinner. You're a good trooper.


BTW, doing housework around the house can be a semi-workout too.


If you saw my house, you would understand why it was a workout. That place was a disaster.

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If you saw my house, you would understand why it was a workout. That place was a disaster.


Probably not as disasterous as mines I need to do some spring cleaning soon.


BTW, I signed up to take an intro to scuba class at my gym. It was only $40 to learn how to scuba (try out the equipment, learn the basics from a scuba master, etc), at the gym pool. I saw the people from the scuba place having class and trying out the stuff on Fri evening at the pool, and asked about pricing.


It should be fun.

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Probably not as disasterous as mines I need to do some spring cleaning soon.


BTW, I signed up to take an intro to scuba class at my gym. It was only $40 to learn how to scuba (try out the equipment, learn the basics from a scuba master, etc), at the gym pool. I saw the people from the scuba place having class and trying out the stuff on Fri evening at the pool, and asked about pricing.


It should be fun.


That is really awesome. You are just going out there and doing all kinds of stuff. I'm proud and a bit envious. I want to try some different things. I read about your Zumba class. I wish the classes at my gym were more in tune with my schedule. I think I would have to go to one of the other locations to get a class that would work with my schedule.

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Fail= I didn't make it to the gym yesterday. Not because I was lazy or anything like that, something I ate made me kinda sick and I really didn't want to go to the gym with my toxic gases if you know what I mean. So I stayed home and a whole lot of nothing.


I decided to take a hot bath and before I knew it, I had the 3 little ones in there wanting to take a bath with me. So Aidan and Jade hopped in and hung out with me for a bit, got them all cleaned up and then Kayleigh wanted in, so the other two got out. My tub isn't going to accommodate 4 of us. LOL


The last few days I have been feeling kinda down. I can't really put my finger on it but the depression feels like it is kicking in again.

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So I went to the gym and did 50 minutes of cardio. I didn't even bother with any of the weight machines. For one, I was tired and not feeling all that great and two, the place was packed. Ugh.


I noticed that my tummy feels a little bigger but it doesn't appear that I have gained any weight, I seem to be maintaining although I haven't lost anything else either.


I know part of my problem is my recent eating. While I am still eating healthy for the most part, I noticed that my urge to eat more food is creeping back. I need to quash that real quick or I am gonna find myself getting heavier again.


They didn't have coverage for 3rd shift last night, so I came in at 2:00am. I am ridiculously tired and can hardly keep my eyes open. I still have my entire shift to work.


I'm going to hit the gym again today and then afterwards, I have to go buy flowers for my granddaughter's birthday. She turned 5 today and she loves fresh flowers.


Tomorrow is the bf's birthday. I bought a really nice frame for the picture that Sidehop fixed up for me and will be giving that to him tomorrow. He's a die hard Philadelphia fan, anything Philadelphia so I bought him a personalized Phillies shirt with his last name accross the back. I think he is going to be thrilled with them and I really hope I don't start crying when he sees the picture of his parents. I am such a sap when it comes to things like that.


On a final note, game 2 of the Lakers/Suns game today. I'm wearing my Suns jersey and ready for some good basketball. Go Suns!!!!!

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maybe you are gaining muscle in your tummy!!!


you probably are eating better than I am. I still need to get the eating healthy down pat. Right now I eat healthy on some days and NOT on others.


have a good day.


It's definitely not muscle, I don't work my stomach that much to create muscle. It's probably a combination of fat and water. I guess it's good that I noticed it yesterday because that is just going to force me to go harder with with the workouts and be more diligent with my eating. I was feeling really good about myself in recent weeks and then I was feeling some kind of depression coming on. I don't want that to take over me, I have to come out on top, I have to stay focused.

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I am going to be totally off topic here but I LOVE your avatar. I LOVE Steve Nash he is so hot IMO.


Oh God, yes he is.....


No one really understands my attraction for him. He still doesn't know that i am secretly going to marry him one day. I'm going to make him my bride. LOL

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Oh God, yes he is.....


No one really understands my attraction for him. He still doesn't know that i am secretly going to marry him one day. I'm going to make him my bride. LOL


Well don't worry I totally get you. I find him to be myseterious for some reason and I think that is my main attraction for him. Shoot I will take him over Brad Pitt anyday. I just feel like he would be so interesting....Gosh what a sexy beast! Everytime I see him wearing his basketball uniform I just want to undress him LOL! Oh well make sure you invite me to the wedding

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^^ your sweet!


Ok, so I made it to the gym yesterday and did 30 minutes of cardio and worked on various ab machines including the captains chair. I feel alright today for the most part, just a little sleep deprived.


I weighed myself this morning and the scale was showing at a slightly lower weight but I think it's all a crock. I don't look any smaller, don't feel any smaller. I think it's probably from not having dinner last night. My stomach was probably just empty.


Yesterday was Kayleighs 5th birthday, I bought her a big bouquet of flowers with a Hannah Montana ballon and her mom bought her a bouquet of balloons. She got home from school and said she wasn't feeling well. She devoloped a high fever rather quickly and proceeded to throw up for the next few hours. Her birthday cake sat untouched in the fridge. Hopefully today she is feeling better, that way we can celebrate her birthday and my bf's birthday today. I'm cooking dinner when I get home from work so I will unfortunately have to skip the gym today.

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Mama metro, I am so glad that you made it to the gym yesterday yay you! I am very proud of you for the weight loss you have accomplished. I saw the previous picture on your avatar and you are looking hot, I think Steve Nash better watch out because his apduction day is coming up pretty soon from what I can see


Don't worry about the scale, I am pretty sure it was fine as the scales at the gym tend to be pretty accurate. I am sure you will see you are smaller...


You are such a sweet grandma. Balloons and flowers....awww reminds me of when I was a kid. I feel so bad for your poor granddaughter and I hope she feels better soon. Somtimes I guess kids pick up germs or something, used to happen to my sister a lot when she was little


Happy birthday to your boyfriend.....what are you planning on cooking?

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Gosh, I haven't been here in 5 days, feels like a lifetime. That is how you know you spend so much time on ENA, during my little hiatus, I kept thinking I can't wait to tell so and so about this and that. LOL


Boyfriend's birthday was very nice. I made dinner, chile verde and beans. He loved loved loved his gift, (Sidehop if you are reading this, YOU ARE THE MAN!). He was truly amazed with the picture of his parents and it is now sitting on his nightstand at home.


We had a great weekend together and I'll be completely honest, I haven't worked out in days and days.


My plan was to hit the gym hard today, start fresh and just really turn up the heat but my daughter had this brilliant idea to swap bedrooms, she wanted to be upstairs and I got stuck with a sucky bed in the downstairs room. Last night was the first night I slept on it and my back feels like I have been viciously assaulted by a kicking donkey. Uggghh.. So today I am going to go mattress shopping for that bed or else I won't sleep, ever! Needless to say, I won't get to the gym today either.

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I'm sure missing a day or two won't hurt you; although I can relate to beds that don't match your body! That sucks!!! You're still an inspiration to many including myself


I'm very glad to hear about the picture and he's happy!

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