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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Why are those appt book planner thingys so expensive? The one that I lost I had bought at Big Lots for 3.00. The one I found today at Target which is kinda similar to the other one was 10.00. Ugh. Whatever, I didn't pay for it. No I didn't steal it, Jesse had given me 20.00 dollars and told me to find one. I took the change from the planner and went to the Dollar Tree and bought some coloring books, crayons, and some flash cards for Jade to help in her speech. (this was suggested by one of her specialists). I needed something to keep them occupied.


Tomorrow they are here with my family while I work the morning shift. Jesse and I are babysitting them tomorrow and he's ordering pizza and bringing some movies for them. I will find a way to wear them out, watch me.


Thanks for the kind words ladies, I'm sorry that my journal has been such a debbie downer journal lately. I swear my life is like some kind of weird soap opera.

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^^^Just sayin'.


Crazy week! Is your tum better?


It's better in the sense that I am not in pain, however something is very wrong with my burping and I have no appetite. Other than that I am alright.


And yes I know, "metro needs some time to herself". I'm working on that.

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I swear today was the longest day. Jesse had bought Dodger tickets as a gift to my mom for her birthday, it was supposed to be him, myself, and my mother. He had decided earlier in the week that he didn't want to go, actually not that he didn't want to go but more like he wouldn't be able to walk from the car to the stadium so he gave the tix to my daughter and her boyfriend to take my mom. Jesse and I watched kids, 5 of them. In addition to babysitting I prepared two meals, cleaned the kitchen, did the laundry and swept my living room floor no less than 5 times. I gave all of them a bath, I probably went up and down the stairs 20 times today. I also had to watch my daughters new puppy, a tiny chihuahua named Dalilah.


I feel like I am ready to collapse, Jesse is still here on the sofa and I desperately want to go to sleep. Thankfully I don't have to be at work until 2pm tomorrow, at least I can get a little sleep but i doubt it will be much, the little ones are asleep upstairs and usually wake early for breakfast.

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Up early today, fed the little ones and cleaned outside where we park our car. It gets really nasty from apartment kids leaving their candy wrappers and spilled juice not to mention the amount of dust that is everywhere. I need to clean the inside of my house but the kids are everywhere and I can't move with the little on in his walker hot on my heels. LOL


Ugh....I still have to work this afternoon.

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I can't believe everything you do metro. I feel tired just reading about it. You are superwoman! I hope you can get some r&r soon, you deserve it.


Well I thought I would enjoy a hot bubble bath for a bit prior to getting ready for work, that didn't last though. The kids kep coming upstairs to tattle on the other.


I love my grandchildren, I really do but this is probably the first time since they moved out that I can't wait until they go home. I feel so incredibly stressed this weekend, plus I think I am feeling 'pre womanly'. Ugh

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I need to clean the inside of my house but the kids are everywhere and I can't move with the little one in his walker hot on my heels. LOL


Put him to work! Tie some feather dusters to that walker. LOL



I hope this week turns out to be a better week for you and that you get some time alone. I'm glad the stomach pain is getting better.

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Didn't get a lot of sleep last night or maybe I did and it didn't feel like it? Had to get up early anyway, Jesse had an appointment with the Peritoneal Dialysis nurse for the education class. That went well, he is even more sure now that he is making the right decision by going with PD. He has a consult with the general surgeon tomorrow and I suspect they will try and get his surgery done real soon because his kidneys are shutting down now and he won't have much time left before something has to be done.


I switched shifts with one of the girls here this week. She reaps the benefits of the overtime while I get to work day shift and not be bothered with graveyard shift. YAY me. I'm going to work one of my days off this week and then I think I will treat myself to pedi on Friday.


Oh!! He wants me to pick out a new laptop. Hooray...

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Yay, how about a little good news? Jesse is having surgery next Tuesday for his PD catheter placement. Well surgery is never good news but he will be starting dialysis once it heals (about two weeks healing time) and I know he is going to feel so much better once all that fluid and toxins start getting removed from his body.

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Guess who found her appointment book? Well technically I didn't find it, my son found it. Apparently when I had them cleaning up the counter and the living room I told my son to take my little rubbermaid drawers of makeup back upstairs to the the linen closet, my book was in one of the drawers. Since I haven't been wearing my makeup, I had no need to be in the drawers so I wouldn't have found it until who knows when. He by chance was looking for bobby pins and called me to tell me he located it.


Jigsup is probably saying, "I told that girl it's in her house", yes doll you did and thank you for setting me straight. LOL


There is a lot to do this weekend, I'm working today (day off) and then tomorrow Jesse has another appt with his primary care doctor. Saturday, my daughter and I are going to gut his house and re-organize everything, do a deep cleaning and make sure everything is good for the social worker when she comes on Monday for the home visit. She will be the one to approve his home dialysis. His surgery is Tuesday and then we go back to the hospital on Wednesday so they can flush his catheter, make sure there are no clots in it. Training for PD should come the following week, they said we are looking at about a week's training. We have to be trained in both manual exchanges and using the cycler (night machine). He will be dialyzing primarly at night when he sleeps but still may need an additional exchange during the day.


A position recently opened at another location with the shift and days off I want. I am pretty sure I am going to put in my bid to see if I can get out of here. I love working here and I enjoy the people here (with the exception of 2 office people) but my current shift is really hard on me. I don't sleep well in general, since I have had this shift my sleeping patterns are worse. I think being back on a normal shift will benefit me emotionally and although I will miss more of his appointments, he and I both agree that it's probably better in the long run so I don't completely burn out. Besides, once he starts dialysis the need for the frequent doctors visits will probably decline anyway because he should be feeling better once his body starts getting cleaned out. Another + for changing shifts, I would be able to start working out at the gym again. The gym thing has been on my mind a lot, I want to go but of course timing right now is just bad bad bad. It would work out better though if I was able to get that other shift.

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Guess who found her appointment book? Well technically I didn't find it, my son found it.




Good luck with switching locations/shifts at work. The gym is calling you..... Don't forget about being able to soak in the hot tub there as well....

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Good luck with switching locations/shifts at work. The gym is calling you..... Don't forget about being able to soak in the hot tub there as well....


You have no idea how good that sounds to me right now. I have been longing for a hot tub dip for a while now. Actually we're going to Vegas on July 9th for my best friends birthday and we already have a date with the jacuzzi. LOL I actually need to buy a bathing suit but dread the thought of it. My daughter said I should just do it 'old school', shorts and a tank top. LOL

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Go find yourself a nice bathing suit. There is a suit for every figure. I feel your pain though- almost every woman on earth hates dealing with finding a swim suit. I tried one on the other day and hated humanity for about 48 hours after. Some are just way more flattering than others. The one I tried on was NOT meant for my shape. ...'twas painful! LOL

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I knew you would find it! Maybe my mother's spirit helped find it. Now, if only she could help me when I lose my glasses!


Well if your mother is a doll like you then there is no doubt that she helped me find it.


Today was a good day. I suprised Jesse with a recipe for renal friendly tuna ceviche. I altered the recipe a bit but not so much that it would change the nutritional value. It was my first time making it and he loved it. Actually my son and my mother loved it too. I'm finding that cooking special meals for him is not as daunting as I thought it would be. I have enjoyed going through all the renal safe recipes and making tasty meals for him. Tomorrow I am going to make Southwestern Pozole and following the recipe will give him a meal that is low in sodium, potassium, and phosphorus.


Jesse bought my computer today! He asked me why I didn't order the switchable lids (this is for the dell laptops), shoot I didn't know I could! He should have told me that when I was ordering. That's ok though, it was a pretty good chunk of money that I spent so I will just buy my own switchable lide. LOL


It's late and I am going to get ready for bed. Tomorrow is another busy day for me, appt for Jesse at the doctor and then my manager wanted me to try and come into the office for a few hours to prepare some bus records for a major bus transfer we are doing this weekend.

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Metro, thank you for your kind words. My mother was such a kind, giving, soul; with an iron spine on top of it! She could be wise and foolish, hard and soft, and gentle and firm. All in the same day! I am somewhat like her, but not quite. She gives me something to work towards, I'll tell you that. I am praying all the time that Jesse gets much better and you guys start to have some fun together. The love you share comes through so clearly in your posts!

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He had bloodwork done today, his kidneys are done. He will be starting hemo dialysis next week after his surgery. The nephrologist is trying to get him placed in the center where he does rounds so he can continue to monitor Jesse's health. Once his catheter site heals, he will be switched to PD. He should only be on hemo for about a month which is do-able I guess. He's not thrilled about it but the doctor assured him things would be alright. He's also keeping Jesse out of work indefinately, that is making him nuts because he wants to be back at work but unfortunately due to complications from the kidney failure he just can't right now.


I have been his voice of reason and certainly been his rock and now for some reason I am feeling really emotional now.

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It's totally normal to feel emotional. This is a big thing. You've been fighting it all the way and now you're being told that his kidneys have shut down despite all of your efforts. It's going to be okay though.


Thank you.


Earlier when he and I were talking, I told him that his restrictions would probably increase because of the hemo and he just gave me this look and smacked his lips like someone does when they hear something that annoys them. I wish I knew how to express it here but anyway I got the impression that he is frustrated or mad at me and I asked him if he was and he said no but I can't help but feel like I annoy him somehow when I tell him that he has to be extra cautious about not eating too much protein or drink more than a liter of fluids a day. I don't want to police him but if I don't I know he will just be willy nilly about everything.


Don't get me wrong, he is doing an amazing job taking all his medicine, following through on all the appointments, but the eating and refraining from a lot of fluids has proven harder. I just want him to understand that I am not restricting him to be a witch, I'm just trying to save his life. Sometimes his reactions hurt my feelings. I'm sorry, I just overly emotional at the moment.

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I woke up this morning still really emotional. Must be something in the air because he called me right now and sounded kinda down. I asked him what was wrong and he said he was feeling something just not sure what. After further discussion, it appears he is just scared of everything and how fast this is all happening. I'm scared too but I can't let him know that. I don't just want him to give up, he has so much to live for and I really believe if he just gets through these hurdles with the surgery and the dialysis he will start to feel better.


I'm pretty sure part of his feeling down is because we can't really do anything or go anywhere. All that really doesn't matter to me, I wish he would understand those things just aren't important right now. We have all the time in the world once he starts feeling better to do those things.


I need a nap.

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