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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Today was our dialysis class. We learned about the different types of dialysis, the pros and cons of each. Everyone was impressed with my level of knowledge which really made the class that much easier. There was an elderly man in there and he was pretty sharp and he asked some really good questions. He seemed okay with the idea of dialysis, then there was another couple there (the husband was the renal patient) and he seemed absolutely terrified at the prospect. They had what they call a dummy tummy in the class to show what a peritoneal catheter looks like when it is sticking out of your belly. Jesse was actually relieved that it wasn't really grotesque looking. He wasn't too pleased when they told him that after the surgery he would not be able to bathe or shower for 1 month, only sponge baths. He's still not keen on that idea but in the grand scheme of things, that is only a temporary minor little thing.


So the next step is to meet with the PD nurse for some training. In the meantime, we continue to wait for his name to go on the transplant list. I'm hoping that will happen in a few month's time.


Now I just need him to go home so I can get some sleep, but guess who just fell asleep on my couch? Sigh

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You guys should just move in together. At least you could get to bed in time if he fell asleep on the couch!


Do you know if you can give a kidney?


Well you know he did say he wanted to look for a bigger place for us but that leaves me with what to do with my mom and boys. I can't just dump them off, I take care of them. I had thought about a house big enough for us but I am not sure that would be a good idea right now in the game.


Can't get tested for donation until he is on the list.


I took my sleeping pill and I am going to bed, see you guys tomorrow morning.

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HAHA....what a way to start the morning. Last night I realized my cell phone charger was at work and my battery was pretty much near kaput so I called my son from my house phone and asked him if he could please leave his cell phone downstairs next to my bed and set the alarm for 4:30 because I could not be late for work this morning. "Sure mom no problem". I wake up at 2:00am to go to the potty, I see his cell phone, perfect now I can stop worrying.


Now let me add, he listens to some kind of hard core music, where the singers sound evil and deranged and one of those songs is his alarm. The alarm goes off, I spring out of bed because I thought the devil was screaming in my ear, I grab his phone and the thing falls to the floor and breaks in pieces! Oh pooo....


I go up to his room and wake him and hand him all the pieces and I apologize and all I hear is "sigh".

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Hope that phone was a cheapie like mine.


He had traded his ipod touch for this phone with a friend. Yikes....


If I have to I will get him another phone. I have credit with Tmobile and I can get a phone and pay it in monthly installments or I can just buy one of those cheapy pre-paid phones that support the tmobile sim card.

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Direct TV infuriates me!!!!


I cancelled my service with them 2 months ago and they billed me and charged my card for the final bill. Everything was paid so imagine my surprise today when I get another statement from them saying thank you for my 9.98 for two movies that I ordered, one if Jan and one in Feb. These movies were already on an earlier bill which was paid in full and I certainly didn't authorize any payment considering my account with them is now closed and has been for 2 months!


I call them, a very nice man answers the phone and asks me if he could reconnect my service? Ummm noooo but you can find out why they charged my card again. So then he starts asking why do I like Time Warner and if I have a football fan in my home he can give me NFL sunday ticket for free. How about you find out why my card was charged. Then he wants to know if I am liking the weather in California. Ummmmmmm ok, I see I am not going to get anywhere with this guy so I hung up. I will call back when I am not so emotionally charged.

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Is it written somewhere that when you are PMS'ing, everyone comes out of the woodwork to piss you off?


I just got another message from his deranged sister. I can't even repeat it because it was that vulgar. So I found out how to block her from sending me anything else and I did just that. I told him about it, he said he wants nothing else to do with her. Then it dawned on me, she really screwed herself over because he was the only person in the family that she could turn to when she needed to borrow money and he will never help her again. Haha.....chew on that you evil cow.

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Is it written somewhere that when you are PMS'ing, everyone comes out of the woodwork to piss you off?


I just got another message from his deranged sister. I can't even repeat it because it was that vulgar. So I found out how to block her from sending me anything else and I did just that. I told him about it, he said he wants nothing else to do with her. Then it dawned on me, she really screwed herself over because he was the only person in the family that she could turn to when she needed to borrow money and he will never help her again. Haha.....chew on that you evil cow.


She wants to break you two up. Sounds like a vulture, Metro. I'm glad you aren't falling for her trick.

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I brought my makeup to work, my hairbrush and my curling iron. I have a date when I get off work and I want to at least look presentable and not like I just rolled out of bed. We are going for a sushi lunch and then off to the movie theater to see

The Hangover II. We've waited weeks for this day, looking forward to spending some time with my honey.

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When he first decided that he wanted to go through with the transplant he had selected Cedars Sinai Hospital for no particular reason other than we knew it to be a renowned transplant facility. Later I found out that UCLA uses a technique to help make transplants happen when the donors blood doesn't match the recepients so we decided that we would try UCLA because of this reason.


Yesterday he got a call from Cedars Sinai and they want to meet with us. I told him we could still meet with them as we were not under any obligations to use their facility so I decided to do some more research today and I found out that Cedars uses the same techniques and more to ensure successful transplantations. I am even more optimistic now than I was before and Cedars really is a great hospital with a lower rejection and mortality rate when it comes to the transplants. I am actually very excited at the moment.

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That's great MG. What else doe he have to do before he gets put on the transplant list?


The biggest thing he needs done is his colonoscopy which is scheduled for June 9th. The minor things are getting a dental clearance to make sure there are no active infections and he needs clearance from the Infectious Diseases doctor because of his Valley Fever. He has that appt on the 16th of June. So we are almost there, everything else has been completed already.

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Date night was so much fun. We grabbed some chinese before heading to the theater. The Hangover II was hilarious and he wants to take me to another movie tomorrow after work so we have a second date. I love spending time with him, we should have been doing this long ago. Life is too short for nonsense, he and I are going to enjoy our time together while we still can.


I love you Jesse!

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We didn't go on our second date today. I got to his house and he was sitting outside, taking in the sun. I could tell he wasn't feeling all that well so I told him we could stay in if he'd like. He looked relieved, I know he would have gone away because he seems to want to please me all the time these days.


We hung out at his house and watched some baseball. He told me he would like for me to take the next weekend off because he wants to go to Cabazon. (outlet shopping). I don't him I didn't want to go because I won't have money for shopping that weekend and he said he wants to take me shopping. Ohhhhhhhhh He even offered to drive his car instead of me taking my car. I'll see what that weekend looks like, if there is a chance for me to make some extra money that weekend, I may not want to go to Cabazon. LOL


I'm home now getting ready for bed. I have another migraine. Sigh.. Goodnite everyone.

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I could not wake up this morning to save my life. I kept hitting the snooze button and I swear the 5 minute snooze only felt like 20 seconds. LOL I finally crawled out of bed, took a bath and got ready for work.


No plans for me today, Jesse is going to his son's house for a poker game and I am baby sitting 4 of my grandbabies today. Jade (my hearing impaired baby) has an appt today with a speech and language specialist. I would have preferred to just come home and nap but that probably wouldn't have happened anyway because the neighbors are having a party today, they will be setting up their tables in my two parking spots outside my door and their parties usually consist of a dj so I doubt it will be quiet. Meh.. At least I will get some good mexican food, they always bring me the biggest plates. LOL

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