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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Poor Jesse. This might be incredibly stupid, but would a sauna help him to sweat out some of the fluid at all?


Once a body becomes off-kilter, it definitely takes awhile to get back on track. My sister is still fighting major fatigue and issues from radiation treatments, as well as going on new meds in Jan/Feb. As long as you guys keep fighting this thing, he will be okay.

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Poor Jesse. This might be incredibly stupid, but would a sauna help him to sweat out some of the fluid at all?


Once a body becomes off-kilter, it definitely takes awhile to get back on track. My sister is still fighting major fatigue and issues from radiation treatments, as well as going on new meds in Jan/Feb. As long as you guys keep fighting this thing, he will be okay.


You are actually the 2nd person to ask that question and it is something I will ask the doctor on Friday. I'm sorry to hear about your sister, hopefully she will be feeling better soon. I guess I just never really knew anyone with a chronic illness let alone several chronic illnesses at once and I was sort of expecting that after the hospital stay and new meds that things would just start working again and he would feel better. I feel kinda nieve now. I don't know, today isn't the good day I thought it would be.

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I miss him, I know that sounds dumb I see him everyday but we don't really get to spend time together. He's at home recuperating (sp) (that so doesn't look right to me) and when I stop by it's to check his sugar, blood pressure and to give him his shot.


He called me at work a little while ago, told me he misses being with me here. I told him I miss him a lot too and he assured me that he will be better by summer so we can take our usual weekend trips.


Friday we have an appointment with the Nephrologist early in the morning so we will get to spend some time together then. The plan is to have lunch after the appointment but I would prefer to just cook lunch, I don't know where we can eat that can prepare his meals with all the restrictions he has.

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He wanted me to go to his house when I got off work so I could sleep there. I was hesitant at first probably just because it would break my normal routine but I am really glad I did. He greeted me at the door with a big hug and was clearly joyed that I was there. We chatted for a bit, checked his sugar and his blood pressure and then we fell asleep with me holding him. I slept for about 4 hours then we had to get up and get to Kaiser for some bloodwork.


Overall it was a really nice day, after Kaiser we went to the mall so he could make a payment on my ring, he bought me a pair of shoes I was eyeing and we had lunch. We came back to the house and hung out for a bit, he was watching tv and I was on the computer. I decided to check and see if his blood results had been posted, his potassium is good and his phosphorus and calcium are good but his kidneys took a hit and he is now at 14%, he officially entered stage 5 End Stage Renal Failure.


I'm hoping that we can just keep his numbers where they are with medication and diet. If we can keep it at a steady 14% and not have it drop further we could probably still prolong the dialysis. He looked a little worried but I told him we will just work harder to keep the kidneys from complete failure. I'm glad our appointment with the nephrologist is on Friday, I have a few things written down that I want to discuss with him.

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A ring payment? What's all that about?


Ughh I'm really sorry he's in stage 5


Don't get too excited Sherry, it's for the ring he bought me for my birthday last year. It's an engagement ring but with no engagement. LOL He said at the time it was a promise ring. So I wear a diamond engagement ring on my left hand but I am not engaged.

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These are the shoes he bought me today.


link removed


Sometimes when we are out, I almost want to have tunnel vision because if I see something that interests me, he immediately wants to buy it. I didn't put up too much of a fight today because the shoes were really inexpensive but still, he doesn't have to buy me everything. I tell him that but he doesn't listen. Can't wait to wear them this weekend with my capris.

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Don't get too excited Sherry, it's for the ring he bought me for my birthday last year. It's an engagement ring but with no engagement. LOL He said at the time it was a promise ring. So I wear a diamond engagement ring on my left hand but I am not engaged.


Men are peculiar creatures... maybe he's just getting prepared and will reuse it for something.

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Men are peculiar creatures... maybe he's just getting prepared and will reuse it for something.


Peculiar indeed! LOL


He did tell me when he gave me the ring that it was a promise ring and when he felt he was ready to pop the question he wanted to do it with a bigger ring. I don't know what the difference is, he could have popped the question with this ring and saved himself a lot of money. LOL

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Some encouraging news today, his labs look good and his kidneys are holding steady. They are going to try and get him placed with a dialysis center just in case the doctor decides that it is needed. He increased the diuretic to see if that helps rid the fluid in his body. It's all just a waiting game it seems. If the increase in meds doesn't work then he will place him on dialysis and that could only be temporary because we found out that I may be able to donate a kidney. He is A+ and I am AB+. The doctor said that while we are not a complete match it can be done. I am providing a link that explains it because I don't want to sound like an idiot trying to explain it. LOL link removed


We both left the appointment today feeling pretty good. It's nice to finally have some good news to take home.

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I am so sleepy this morning. I had my youngest grandbaby at the house last night while my daughter took her boyfriend out for his birthday. The baby had fallen asleep and she said that once he goes to sleep, he is out for the night. Well not last night, he cried every few minutes. Sometimes he would be soothed by my patting his butt or stroking his forehead but then he just got super cranky and wouldn't stop crying. My son came down and took him off my hands so I could try and get a little sleep. I woke up at 4:30 this morning and my eyes feel like they have 10lb weights on them.


I think I will try and nap for a bit when I get off work, Jesse is coming by later tonite for dinner and to watch the Celtics/Heat game.

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Watching a basketball game with my love and making him a healthy dinner. Mrs Dash seasoned porkchop (it was a tiny one), with steamed white rice, a dinner salad and sugar free jello for dessert. I'm thinking about sending my son up to Starbucks, today they are selling their fraps for 1/2 price!

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I am pretty excited! I visit another forum for Kidney patients (I would never cheat on ENA ) and someone there had suggested a site called kidney school so I checked it out, working on my second module now, passed the first two quizzes with flying colors (apparently I know a lot about CKD and ESRF (chronic kidney disease and end stage renal failure) and now I am on the part where it talks about the different types of dialysis. Jesse was really against the Peritoneal dialysis but after reading and researching, I'm thinking he might just go for it because it will make things so much easier for him but it's easier on the heart. I know you are probably reading this and wondering why is Metro excited? Wellllll because I want him to be as healthy and happy as he can and I feel like I have learned so much and I have to tell you, I have never been interested in anything medical but I am really enjoying learning this stuff.

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Every time you talk kidney failure for like a flash of a second I think, "We need a doctor like House on Jesse's butt." lol - no idea why... I am glad though that I am a organ donor. Except my eyes, that's the only thing I don't want donated.


That is what my daughter says.... that if I should go before her she will let them have everything but my eyes. I don't know why she wants to keep my eyes. LOL

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That is what my daughter says.... that if I should go before her she will let them have everything but my eyes. I don't know why she wants to keep my eyes. LOL


I know for me I view them as the windows to the soul. I think for L it comes down to the eyes are the only organ you can SEE when you donate it. For someone to get my heart he's okay with, he can't physically look at them and see MY heart but if I were to give my eyes he could see that and that's another reason for me as well not to want my eyes out in the world.

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Every time you talk kidney failure for like a flash of a second I think, "We need a doctor like House on Jesse's butt." lol - no idea why... I am glad though that I am a organ donor. Except my eyes, that's the only thing I don't want donated.


I am House minus the degree! LOL

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But he would never see them, so he wouldn't have to worry about that. You NEVER meet each the recipients unless you both want to. I think the gift of sight is soooo precious. If you want to give a great gift to someone, donate your eyes! If it isn't for you, I understand. Mine aren't that great, very nearsighted, but I am still thinking of doing it. I am just a plain old organ donor on my driver's license. They can take anything they want that's still in good working order.

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Yeah, but it's the fact they are out there in the world. I mean, at the end of the day a hearts a heart - your eyes are very distinctive. I"m an organ donor on my DL though, and other than my eyes they can take whatever they need - I'm being cremated anyway. I think it's a wonderful thing for a person to be able to help other people after they are gone, the circle of life and all that.

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