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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Yay, so he went to the ER without putting up a fight and fortunately for us it was an incredibly slow night at the hospital. The doctor examined him and did his blood work, nothing has changed in terms of the blood. No further decline with the kidney function, they gave him some extra Lasix thru and IV and sent him home. So now I have to email the Nephrologist and find out how he wants to proceed. He wanted us to go to the ER, we did that nothing new is going on so I guess we'll see what is next.


I stopped at Del Taco to grab a chicken taco and man o man, that thing killed my stomach. I had bubble guts the entire time I was at the hospital. I still feel queasy and I have been to the potty a few times. Bleh.....

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One would think that only having 4 hours of sleep, I would be tired and ready to go back to sleep but not me! I got up at 7am, got the baby ready for school, came back home and started cooking and doing laundry. I really want to go to the store but I am too lazy to put on my bra. LOL Yes, I have issues. hahaha


I still have a few errands to run later (I guess I will have to put that bra on eventually) and then I am heading to bed early today. I have to be at work at 10 tonite. As long as I can get a 3 hour nap later today, I should be okay for work tonite. I will definitely need a little more sleep tomorrow though, I am working a double. YIKES. Tomorrow night I go in at 10pm, and will work until 2pm on Thursday afternoon. I'm brining extra coffee because it's gonna be a long one.

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Yay for more lasix! Hopefully it actually does its job this time.


I like bubble guts. I'm going to use that as well. Thanks for the new lingo

Bubble guts really steams my clams!


LMAO.....yes bubble guts would steam someone's clams.

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I run errands in pjs sometimes. L has banned me from doing such when I move over.


I take the baby to school with my pj pants on. Seriously, I have no desire to change clothes that early in the morning if all I am doing is dropping off the baby at school. Apparently a lot of the other parents feel the same way as they are in pj' bottoms too. LOL

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I take the baby to school with my pj pants on. Seriously, I have no desire to change clothes that early in the morning if all I am doing is dropping off the baby at school. Apparently a lot of the other parents feel the same way as they are in pj' bottoms too. LOL


My mom wears her when she drops my brother of, lol. I'll walk into walmart with them. Not like flannel or anything but usuallyba tank and pj bottoms.

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My mom wears her when she drops my brother of, lol. I'll walk into walmart with them. Not like flannel or anything but usuallyba tank and pj bottoms.


That is what's comfortable for me. I just don't see the point of putting on jeans, taking off jeans, putting on jeans. Mine are not flannels either. Usually I wear my joe boxer pj bottoms and a tshirt. Classy! LOL

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That is what's comfortable for me. I just don't see the point of putting on jeans, taking off jeans, putting on jeans. Mine are not flannels either. Usually I wear my joe boxer pj bottoms and a tshirt. Classy! LOL


Lol. L said I couldn't do it when I moved there. I'm thinking I'll just do it while he is at work.

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Lol. L said I couldn't do it when I moved there. I'm thinking I'll just do it while he is at work.


Ummm probably not something you should admit on a journal that he could read. lmao........He's gonna take all your pj's with him to work in his briefcase. roflmao

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Ummm probably not something you should admit on a journal that he could read. lmao........He's gonna take all your pj's with him to work in his briefcase. roflmao


This is true. But then I would just steal his pjs and go out.


I actually did that to my ex. He would never help out around the house, just play on his xbox. So I would take the cord to every single electronic device in the house - power cord to the computer, tv, xbox.

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This is true. But then I would just steal his pjs and go out.


I actually did that to my ex. He would never help out around the house, just play on his xbox. So I would take the cord to every single electronic device in the house - power cord to the computer, tv, xbox.


lmao...... maybe I should try that with my son's xbox and see how that goes. Muuhuaa

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Worked well for me a few times but did lead to arguments.


Well I don't think my son would be dumb enough to argue with me, that xbox and his headset would be launched onto the neighbors roof, three houses over! HAHA


I will say that when I go somewhere with Jesse, I do put the jeans on, I'm not all pajamas all day.

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DOES IT WORK???????? I'd be game too!


I've read that it can work but yesterday was my first session for wrinkles. Apparently it takes about 2 treatments (12 weeks - each treatment is 6 weeks - one session a week).

Another thing that I thought was interesting is that he told me I might notice some weightloss because he inserts the needles in the stomach too ( something with those central points). He said some people experience weightloss and told me to weigh myself once I get home.


I'll let you know how it goes, but at this point even if it reduces it by 50% its kind of worth it. It's $35 a session and I've read some people pay up to $120 depending on the area they go to.

Apparently Sandra Bullock gets acupuncture treatments for wrinkles - not that it matters but if that's true and if she has not had any plastic surgery on the face I wouldn't mind having those results at her age. Lol

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He's in the hospital, he was admitted today. He started getting short of breath and called me at work, I left at 4:45am and rushed him to the ER. They found fluid in his lungs, they couldn't determine if it is pneumonia or if it's fluid from his kidney failure. Currently he is on a Lasix drip to see if they can rid the fluid that way, if that doesn't work they want to start dialysis. They checked his AV Fistula but it's not quite mature so they may have to insert a temporary catheter in his neck.


I spent 11 hours at the hospital, I came home long enough to eat and shower and I am going to go back for a little while. My boss gave me tonight off so I can rest. I feel like I am running on fumes.

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Hi friends!


Just got back from the hospital, I spent about 2 hours with him this morning and had to leave to take care of some errands and then I went back and spent another 5 1/2 hours there.


So they confirmed that he does have pneumonia so they started him on more antibiotics and they had increased his Lasix drip to make him pee more (to rid the fluid in his body). They gave him a breathing treatment since his breath sounds were diminished. They took him off the Lasix drip later in the day and now they are injecting Lasix 80mg 3 times a day right into the IV to see if that will produce more urine. In addition they are giving him another kind of water pill. The nephrologist says he might be able to go home tomorrow, but if not then by Saturday for sure assuming everything continues on course. They are still holding off on dialysis which is good I suppose.


I did get him to walk the hallway a bit. He can't walk too long, he tires easily. I'm gonna clean up my house a bit and try to get to bed a little earlier so I can go back in the morning. I think I will take my laptop just in case he stays another day. We were supposed to have a date night tomorrow until this happened so if he's stuck in the hospital I am going to bring the date night to him. We'll just watch a movie on my laptop, minus the popcorn because he can't have any.

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