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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I am on my way to Walgreen's, thanks to you. I also cut those coupons yesterday. Just hadn't figured out where to use them.


YAY!! I figured you and Bella would appreciate that kind of savings. If you happen to luck out at Walgreens you can get the same body was at CVS for 88 cents I believe.

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Sidehop, thank you.


Jonas, that's awesome that you like the Nivea body wash. Truth be told, I love men's bodywash and men's deodorant. I prefer it over the women's stuff but I will get whatever is on sale. I picked up 3 bottles of body wash today at CVS, 1 men's and 2 women's.

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I was going to post an update on Jesse but my laptop is acting like a donkey at the moment. So I will just post tonite from work. I hope everyone is having a splendid day. I'm off to take my nap since I have to work the overnight shift tonite. See you guys later.

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I was going to post an update on Jesse but my laptop is acting like a donkey at the moment. So I will just post tonite from work. I hope everyone is having a splendid day. I'm off to take my nap since I have to work the overnight shift tonite. See you guys later.


I got 2 Touch of Happiness and 2 For Men. Excellent! The cashier was even excited about that sale.


LIKE the photo. Sweet.


Hope you have only good news.

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I found the coupons! Woohoo. 99cents is most excellent. =) I also like the men's more as it's less perfumey but that tough of happiness is so nice. Oh, also found an after shave balm coupon! Woot! Nivea makes an excellent shaving balm.


I echo MissF, I hope you have only good news.

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Glad everyone has purchased thier Nivea. I went back to CVS and bought two more bottles when I dropped off my grandson at his mom's house. I think I have more coupons, must be sure to get the rest before the sale ends this week. I'm saving Target for this weekend when I have dinner with my best friend. He and I usually do dinner and then shopping at Target, however I have major coupons I want to use so it's safe to say we will be there for a while.


As for Jesse, the news neither was good nor bad. His blood pressure seems to be coming down, today he was at 134/54 which is major improvement since his numbers routinely ran between 180-190. His sugar is right on target. His kidneys are holding steady, there hasn't been any more decline in function which is good because he is currenty at 17%, when he reaches 15% he is medically considered in end stage renal failure. His labs showed his hemoglobin is slowly coming up thanks to the procrit shots I give him twice a week. His potassium is where it should be but only because they have him on this really fierce laxative (he hates it with a passion lol). The main concern was the swelling in his body, he has packed on almost 40 lbs of fluid so the doctor has increased his Lasix to 160mg a day for the next 3 weeks to see if that will pull the fluid from his body. He has been experiencing severe pain in the right leg with increased swelling in that leg and redness so the doctor sent him for an ultrasound to rule out the possibility of a blood clot. If they find anything, they will contact us and let us know. In the meantime, the doctor took him off work for one week so he can rest his legs and hopefully find some relief. I also asked the doctor is dialysis would be happening soon and he said as long as Jesse can control his blood pressure and potassium, he thinks we can hold off a while longer.


We still have several appointments within the next couple of weeks.


Renal Dietician

Lab (bloodwork)

Vascular Surgeon & Ultrasound (to make sure his Fistula is working well)


Lab Again

Nephrologist (the dr. said this is the big appointment where we go over everything for the pending transplant)

Cardiology (he does have a mitral valve leak that needs to be monitored)


Whew, I'm tired just looking at all that. LOL

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oh that sucks Is dialysis a really awful thing? I'm just confused as to why the doctors still want to "hold off" Obviously he's approaching end stage renal failure, so why not get a leg up on the dialysis now? Not understanding the logic there. Fingers crossed that there is no blood clot and that some of that fluid lessens. That sounds so awful.

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oh that sucks Is dialysis a really awful thing? I'm just confused as to why the doctors still want to "hold off" Obviously he's approaching end stage renal failure, so why not get a leg up on the dialysis now? Not understanding the logic there. Fingers crossed that there is no blood clot and that some of that fluid lessens. That sounds so awful.


Some say it is awful, others say no. The doctor said he doesn't like putting people on dialysis unless the kidneys have stopped working completely. In Jesse's case, there is still some function although just a little.


From what I have researched, dialysis is really draining for the person. You are hooked up to a machine that drains all of your blood during a 4-5 hour session, blood is filtered and then pumped back into the body. He would have to do these sessions 3 times a week. Honestly, Jesse would much rather get a transplant than endure the dialysis. Of course the benefit of dialysis for him right now would be getting rid of that excess fluid in his body (almost 40 lbs) but we will see if the increased meds help to get rid of some of that extra water.

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Well I learned something! No wonder he wants to avoid it. That's not appealing...at...all. I really hope that the higher dosage of meds has an affect for Jesse. He must be so uncomfortable How are you holding up? That's a lot on your plate too!


I'm okay, just dead tired. As you have all probably guessed, I still haven't made it back to the gym. I think I am just going to suspend my membership for right now until things slow down with him. I kinda knew it would be like this though, the transplant coordinator said there would be many appointments for tests and procedures that he would need to get through in order to get on the transplant list. We are almost done with everything and I'm hoping that once all of that stuff is done, he will just have his routine appointments with the kidney doctor and his monthly blood work. Supposedly things will not be as hectic but I also heard that UCLA will want to conduct more tests on him prior to transplantation so who knows. This work schedule of mine makes it harder for me to find gym time for myself plus with my grandson staying with me, it makes it even more complicated.


The baby will finish out the year at his current preschool (which is why I have him with me for right now) and then he will go back to his mom's as the school near her should have an opening for him in September when school resumes. So hopefully, I will be able to get back into the swing of things real soon.

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Please do not kick yourself mentally for not going to the gym. Some things are FAR more important. As long as you are healthy that is all that matters.


That is one thing I have always been proud of, I am pretty healthy for an overweight 40 year old woman. My doctor said there is nothing wrong with me other than the occasional low blood count which I actually brought up on my own with good eating habit (of course when I was doing all the right things like eating good and working out). My cholestrol is great, no indication of any diabetes, heart is strong, kidneys are good (maybe if I am lucky, I can give one to Jesse So for now I will just bide my time and hopefully things will work out.

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Today was the one day that I didn't have to take Aidan to school so I got to come home and go straight to sleep which should have been a good thing, but I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning and I woke up a couple hours later with pain in my legs. Jesse decided to stop by a little before noon and sent my son to a local vietnamese restaurant to get us all some lunch. My babies came by for a visit so the house was bustling here for a minute. LOL Now Jesse is on the sofa covered up to his neck in a blanket, snoring. I guess he's comfortable. He seemed to cheer up when the babies were here.


I am ready for a nap only because I am tired but I will wait until about 5pm and then sleep for a couple hours so I can work my night shift tonite. It's my Friday and he wants to take me to the casino tomorrow for some 'us' time. YAY! I think it will be good for us to spend some quality time together outside of the hospital. and maybe one of us will get lucky and win some money. Win Win....

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I'm back from the casino and I am exhausted. As of right now I have been awake for almost 26 hours. Jesse is here at my house bundled up on the sofa under two blankets with the heater on him watching a basketball game. I still need to drive him home and all I want to do is take a shower and go to sleep.


The casino was okay, the buffet was really good though. That casino just doesn't have enough Keno machines so I spent part of the day wondering around trying to find machines that I am used to. Didn't win anything, but I didn't lose anything as he gave me 100 dollars when we got there. So I gambled his money and kept mine. LOL


On our way out he decided he wanted to play some blackjack and he lost about 75.00 dollars there. He was doing good for a little while then they changed dealers and that is when it all fell apart. Some other guy lost 400 dollars in literally 10 minutes.


Tomorrow we have an appointment with a renal dietician. I have been waiting for this appointment, I will finally learn what I can and can't feed him. He was doing a little better but his whole body is bloated now, not sure what caused that. I will have to keep an eye on him for a couple days, if it continues he will have to go to the hospital for evaluation.


Yay, he wants to go home.. I will talk to you guys tomorrow.

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When they switch dealers, switch tables.


Hope you get some rest Metro, you are really burning the candle at both ends.


Now you tell me???? LOL


The first dealer was killing them all and then she started busting and everyone was making some decent money and I guess the pit boss decided to switch dealers and she robbed all of the players....One two three....bam she was taking everyone's chips. LOL

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