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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Ha that was cute Miss F.


I am throughly enjoying my day so far. Had to get up early to take Aidan to school. Came back home and started watchng Law & Order SVU, it's been on since 8:00am! I love this show, and I want it on dvd. Let's see, my birthday is in September and Christmas in December, I'm not opposed to gift recieving on Easter, 4th of July, Arbor Day, Thanksgiving day, Labor Day, Groundhog Day. LMAO


I'm dropping off Aidan a little later and then I am off to sleep for my afternoon nap because I have to work tonite. I hate this shift. Grrr

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You can watch the whole series on netflix. It's the only law and order I have kept up with over the years.


You are the 2nd person to tell me that today. I think you guys might be on to something. I suppose it would be cheaper then buying them on dvd, there's a lot of seasons! I woke up from my nap at 8:00p and a new episode was starting and I was like oh shoot I have to take a shower. Then another one at 9:00pm but I had to leave home at 9:30 for work. Grrrrr


Why can't they have those marathons on my day off? I would have no problem sitting on the sofa all day doing nothing but watching that show.

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Yeah, it's like $10 a month to be able to have one DVD out but if you have an xbix, wii, playstation 3, or even a co outer you can watch certain things instantly and not have to et them through tbe mail - and that series is one of them.


Get out of here! I have a laptop and my son has an xbox. So your'e saying all I have to do is sign up and pay and I will be able to watch it whenever I want, from start to finish?

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Get out of here! I have a laptop and my son has an xbox. So your'e saying all I have to do is sign up and pay and I will be able to watch it whenever I want, from start to finish?


Yes ma'm, from the first season to the 12 is the last one I saw they had on there. They have tons of tv shows - not a lot of the ones I lime, lol- but yeah, that's all you have to do.

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I slept this morning from 8:30 to about almost noon. I had such a scary dream, so I research it at dream dictionary and it makes sense I guess.


I dreamt that I was at work and it was super windy, I was instructed to leave my trailer office because it was too dangerous. Sure enough just as I am exiting, a big rig has blown into the side of the building. I am in the managers office now, there are many disasters happening at once. Next was an earthquake and several minutes later, I look out the window and I see a tornado touch down off in the distance but instinctively I knew it was coming for us. I remember panicking because it looked like it was touching down in the neighborhood where my grandbabies were living. Somehow Jesse ended up in my dream and I remember I made him take cover with me while the tornado passed. Then several minutes after that, a rush of lava passed through the river bed that is actually in real life adjacent to the job site. I remember thinking, dang this is it. I am gonna die right here with Jesse and I will never be able to see my babies again. I woke up feeling emotional.


Taken from the dream dictionary



To dream that you are in a disaster, represents your personal anxieties and fears of change. You are afraid of not knowing what is in store for you in the future.


I have to say I agreee with this, I have been feeling really stressed out lately and the one thing that has been eating at me is I fear Jesse's death. I fear how I would be able to cope with everything, I fear the fallout that will likely come from his family because they despise me in the deepest sense of the word. I don't know why I have been having these thoughts lately.

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I'm sorry MG. that was one crazy dream though! Although very true by the definition, especiall6 since.it was Jesse in the dream with you.


You know I dont have dreams often that involve him. Sigh.


I feel better, a little anyway. I keep reminding myself that it is just a dream, just a dream.

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**hugs** a dream is just a symptom of how you're feeling. This type of dream makes perfect sense at this point in time.


What's the deal with his family?


According to them I am the classic homewrecker, took their dad away from their mom. His siblings he keeps at bay because one sister wanted to beat me up when she found out that he was with me, his other siblings have their own issues and I think he feels it's best if he keeps me separate from them.

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So glad it's my Friday, although I am not opposed to working some OT if some were to become available. I really don't have plans for my two days off other than taking Jesse to another appointment tomorrow. I want to try and get some stuff done around the house and I most definitely need to stock my fridge or else we'll probably starve. LOL I think I will get the grocery shopping done early after I drop off Aidan at school, I prefer to shop and take my time with coupons when there are less people in the stores.

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One of the guys that works here came into the office to do some paperwork and was chatting me up. He's a super nice guy recently married to the love of his life, it's sweet when he talks about how much he loves her and how he enjoys spending time with her. So the topic turned to Jesse and he asked me "so have you got a proposal yet". No I replied, no proposal. He said he was suprised that Jesse hasn't popped the question considering how much he knows Jesse loves me.


Thanks buddy, that made me feel tons better.

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Thanks girls, I don't know why I am on a marriage kick, I guess it probably has to do with him being sick and my natural instincts to want to take care of him, but I want to be the wife and not girlfriend. Oh well, I will take what I can get right now and if I can have him in my life as my boyfriend, I rather it be that than not have him at all.


So we had an appointment today with Infectious Diseases. I wasn't really sure what the purpose of the appointment was other than the kidney doctor said that a lot of different appointments in different departments would take place prior to his being put on the transplant list. Today's appointment was certainly an eye opener, they found him positive for Valley Fever. It's a fungal infection that starts in the lungs. He has never lived in the areas where this stuff is normally found and he doesn't participate in the hobbies associated with this either. The doctor said he caught it airborne and this is exactly why I have been telling him to wear his freakin' mask at work. The doctor seemed suprised that I had already been on Jesse's case about the mask thing. He asked me if I was in charge and Jesse said "yes". LOL


So I am providing the link because I don't have the energy to explain everything. The doctor can't clear him for a transplant until he is able to rid this stuff from his body. He explained that once Jesse gets a new kidney he will be taking anti-rejection drugs which will kill his immune system and if the infection is in his system at that time, the infection will kill him.


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So he had to get a chest xray today and we see that doctor again in two months, in the meantime he was started on a special antibiotic, but now I have to watch him closely because he is taking a medicine for his cholestrol which can negatively interact with this new medicine. I swear it's always something.


I got home and I have 4 grandchildren here. My daughter said she was dropping of Matthew and Kayleigh but she brought Jade as well and Jade is a handful. She has destroyed my living room and she hasn't been here an hour. Calgon, take me away. LOL

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His lungs sound good, the infection was caught very early on. The doctor sees no reason why he won't be able to shake this it is just a matter of when and how well he responds to antibiotics. Remember when he spent Valentine's Day in the ER? That is when it showed itself. I thought he had a bad cold or the flu. The doctor said many people can go years and years without any symptoms and it's not something that is routinely checked for, they only checked him because he had to have a full blood workup to get approved for the transplant. So were hoping this doesn't delay his getting on the list, everyday that he is not on that list his potential kidney could be lost.


I remember you telling me about the names.

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Oh it is always something! Here's hoping it clears up quickly and easily so you can move on to the next step. I say you because I know you're in this as much as he is. How is his swelling? Has it gone down at all? Can you tell I have two nurses in my family? lol. I'm sorry that his family hasn't welcomed you. That's got to be hard, but screw em if they don't see you for the awesome nurturing strong person that you are!


I'm so grateful that Alex has been more like himself in the last week or so. He is finally going to be able to see our family doctor tomorrow and get the paperwork sent off to a private clinic. The dolts here in town managed to fax the paperwork to the completely wrong clinic. Dealing with the medical system is fun, hey MG?

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Oh it is always something! Here's hoping it clears up quickly and easily so you can move on to the next step. I say you because I know you're in this as much as he is. How is his swelling? Has it gone down at all? Can you tell I have two nurses in my family? lol. I'm sorry that his family hasn't welcomed you. That's got to be hard, but screw em if they don't see you for the awesome nurturing strong person that you are!


I'm so grateful that Alex has been more like himself in the last week or so. He is finally going to be able to see our family doctor tomorrow and get the paperwork sent off to a private clinic. The dolts here in town managed to fax the paperwork to the completely wrong clinic. Dealing with the medical system is fun, hey MG?


We haven't had much trouble with his insurance or the hospital for that matter, thank goodness. He did get a random bill the other day and he is unsure what the charges are for so he will have to call Kaiser on Monday and check into that.


His swelling hasn't gone down, he actually gained even more weight from the fluid retention. He's 241 now. He sees the nephrologist on Tuesday so we should get some more answers then and hopefully some relief for him too.


He has a renal pharmacist that checks his blood once a month to monitor his anemia and they called me today, they want me to increase his procrit injections to 9000 units on Mondays and Friday's. They are trying to help him build up his blood count, his hemoglobin is coming up but it's taking a long time and his iron is still really low even though he has had 4 iron infusions and takes iron pills daily. So I need to google some more stuff about that. My work is never done.


On a more positive note, I had my hair cut today and had my eyebrows waxed. My daughter is stopping by to color my hair. Jesse and I are going to a baby shower tomorrow and I am going to doll myself up. Hopefully we can get some pictures done, I sure would like to post a more updated pic of us. Awwwwww lol

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