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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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My disk is slipping again in my back. I'm sitting here at home, no pain medicine whatsoever. All I have is some bengay type cream and a heating pad. I don't feel like spending hours in the ER. Maybe I can get an early same day appointment tomorrow with the doctor, at least get some pain meds to take the edge off. God this sucks so bad, I didn't even do anything to strain my back.


Did you get relief? That's the weirdest thing, when you do nothing at all and just hit the floor. I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!!!! Been there many times.

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Did you get relief? That's the weirdest thing, when you do nothing at all and just hit the floor. I've fallen and I can't get up!!!!!!!! Been there many times.


No relief.....I woke up with pain, been in pain all day. Took Jesse to the doctor and we both looked like we were beat up walking into the hospital building. He couldn't walk well because of his extremely swollen feet and legs and I was walking slower than usual because of my back.

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No relief.....I woke up with pain, been in pain all day. Took Jesse to the doctor and we both looked like we were beat up walking into the hospital building. He couldn't walk well because of his extremely swollen feet and legs and I was walking slower than usual because of my back.


Oh, I can imagine. I went around like that for a long time when I was 44. I think it embarrassed my husband. I mean, that sort of thing happens to old coots.


Poor Jesse. That is scary for him I KNOW.


My sister just found a mass in her breast this week, and that is on my mind because I've been there and it was one of the worst two weeks ever.


Getting older isn't always fun, is it? I had to steam my office carpet today and vacuum the rest of the house. It took me almost all day to do that, taking breaks often. In my 30's I could whip that out in a couple hours, get a shower and do the town.

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Oh, I can imagine. I went around like that for a long time when I was 44. I think it embarrassed my husband. I mean, that sort of thing happens to old coots.


Poor Jesse. That is scary for him I KNOW.


My sister just found a mass in her breast this week, and that is on my mind because I've been there and it was one of the worst two weeks ever.


Getting older isn't always fun, is it? I had to steam my office carpet today and vacuum the rest of the house. It took me almost all day to do that, taking breaks often. In my 30's I could whip that out in a couple hours, get a shower and do the town.


Ohhh I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I hope everything turns out ok for her and for you because I know that has to be super stressful on you as well.


Yeah getting older is no walk in the park. I'm thankful though, so far I have been in relatively good health with the exception of my back problem and my recent carpal tunnel pain. Jesse on the other hand has a lot going on right now. I had to email his kidney doctor to let him know that the primary increased one of the meds. He emailed me back and said it looks like he is getting closer to starting dialysis. The doctor was really trying to hold off on that as long as he could but Jesse is retaining an awful amount of fluid, making mobility difficult for him. We had to stop every minute on his walk to the hospital building because his feet were hurting him. I honestly don't even know how he is able to put his work boots on, I think he squeezes into them.

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Your sister is in my thoughts miss firecracker!

Jesse is in my thoughts as well. It sounds like dialysis is his best bet at this point.


Yes I think so too. I just need to vent here for one second as I am really steamed with him at the moment.


His health is bad, that is no secret. He has to protect himself as much as possible because everyday types of illnesses can wreak havoc on him due to his health issues. One of the things that we supposedly agreed on was he would wear a face mask when blowing out the buses. (He services buses and has to use an air line that blows the debris out of the bus. There is some nasty nasty stuff on those buses sometimes; feces, urine, and a host of other germs and bacteria that are in the buses). I pass by a bus that he is servicing, he's inside the bus blowing it out and he isn't wearing a mask, doesn't even have one with him. I was instantly heated, I just shook my head and walked back to my office.


I'm thinking, what is the point of my selflessly helping him if he won't help himself? I spend so much time with him at his doctors appointments and so much time researching everything so I can stay on top of things and it sucks that while I am doing this for him, he's being stupid by not wearing a mask that could protect him from getting deathly ill. UGH

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You're right to feel angry. I would be too. He either gets it, or he doesn't.


He tried to justify it saying he forgot and that was the only bus he had serviced. I know that is a lie and he probably felt he needed to lie to pacify me but lying infuriates me further.

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Well he didn't come into work tonite, his legs are hurting too much. At least I won't have to sit here and do a slow burn watching him service buses without protection.


Today went by so fast, I can't believe it. I got home a little after 6am and was asleep by 7:00am. Woke up at 11:00am to my son coming in the door for a visit. Then one of my son's friends (he's kinda adopted me as his mom) stopped by. Before I realized it, it was after 2:00pm and I still needed to get to Walmart for some shopping. Saved about 18 dollars using coupons.


Not much to report really, here at work and I am walking around like an old lady. My back is still hurting and tomorrow I won't have time to see a doctor. I am watching the grandbabies in the morning for a few hours and then it's off to Kaiser for 2 more appointments with Jesse. I hoping Friday will be the day to see my doctor. Keeping fingers crossed.

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He tried to justify it saying he forgot and that was the only bus he had serviced. I know that is a lie and he probably felt he needed to lie to pacify me but lying infuriates me further.


I know you get tired, and that makes it hard to keep your cool when you see that stuff. I have to admit I've been just as stupid. When I was cleaning cat boxes I HATED my mask so badly I'd 'forget' to wear it sometimes too. None of those other volunteers EVER wore one. I really don't miss that much, lol.

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I know you get tired, and that makes it hard to keep your cool when you see that stuff. I have to admit I've been just as stupid. When I was cleaning cat boxes I HATED my mask so badly I'd 'forget' to wear it sometimes too. None of those other volunteers EVER wore one. I really don't miss that much, lol.


HAHA....this made me laugh, thank you friend.


I know he doesn't like the mask, but it's for his own good. Just like he doesn't like taking handfuls of pills and getting shots twice a week, it's for his own good.

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I really enjoyed my two days off. Spent some time with the babies, I forget how quickly they can tear apart a house. When they left, there were toys everywhere, I found someone's happymeal bag in the corner and a chocolate milk container on the stairs. LOL


It was payday so I hit my usual stores Target, Fresh and Easy, Goodwill, and Walmart. Didn't really spend a lot thank goodness, I had a lot of coupons to use again. YAY


The doctor took Jesse off work for the rest of the week due to the swelling in his legs. He actually went back to the doctor yesterday (by himself!) and the doctor had him get an xray of his right knee and wants him to see orthopedics next week. He said he thinks there might be something going on in the knee joint causing the excess swelling in that leg. That doesn't take away the fact that his legs are balloons right now anyway due to the fluid retention so I thought that the knee pain would have been from the excess fluid but I guess we will find out one way or another next week what is really goin on with his leg.


Today I am finally meeting up with the best friend for dinner and maybe a movie or Target. I really need to have a good laugh and there are always plenty when we hang out.

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Just looked at Target's sales ad for tomorrow. They have some kids toys on sale that I just happen to have some coupons for! My daughter already put their Easter bags together (she doesn't do baskets LOL) and said I should just get one thing for them, something simple. I can definitely do that and with coupons, oh happy days happy days. LOL

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LOL I love reading about your coupons because I am a couponer too. I'm not "extremely extreme" lol but I do stock up and plan and keep a watchful eye on prices and sale ads and I do have a coupon binder. Target can be a gold mine. CVS too- I'm not sure if you have CVS in your area. I walked out of CVS with $30 of merchandise for .80cents the other day. I love saving money and getting good stuff (venus razors, pantene hair products, makeup) for almost free.

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LOL I love reading about your coupons because I am a couponer too. I'm not "extremely extreme" lol but I do stock up and plan and keep a watchful eye on prices and sale ads and I do have a coupon binder. Target can be a gold mine. CVS too- I'm not sure if you have CVS in your area. I walked out of CVS with $30 of merchandise for .80cents the other day. I love saving money and getting good stuff (venus razors, pantene hair products, makeup) for almost free.


I spend way too much time at CVS. LOL I'm not extreme either but I will stock up on a few extra papers if I see good coupons. I went out with my best friend tonight and our usual night out is dinner and shopping at Target. I had already picked up everything I thought I needed on Thursday but I found a few things with coupons and saved like another 10 dollars.


I got a package of Bic Advantage razors that were marked down to 5.04 and I had a 3.00 dollar coupon so that was alright I guess. I would have preferred to get them cheaper but I won't complain. I did really good on Thursday at Target. They had their feminine products on sale and if you bought two they gave you a 5.00 dollar gift card. Well naturally I had a 2.00 coupon for the pads and a 2.00 dollar coupon for the tampons, so all in all it cost me like 4 dollars and change for two big boxes of pads and tampons. Can't go wrong there.

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I picked up the grandbabies easter things today, one little gift each for their easter bags their mom made them. I used four coupons and saved 11.00. I like toy coupons, they come in handy!


So it dawned on me that I joined this site sometime in April so I checked my profile and sure enough I had joined on 4/8/2007. I have been here 4 years! Gosh where has the time gone?

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