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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Congrats on the sleeper sofa and good luck with the gym. I can't wait till I can swim again.


Thank you Renny. I love the sleeper sofa, it's so comfy. When we went to the store yesterday to look at it, he sat on it and was instantly in love with it. Somehow I think he's gonna be spending a lot of time sitting on that thing watching sports. LOL

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MG- gyms sneakily keep your membership even after the contract has ended, so you still get billed monthly. My old gym did this, so I made SURE that when my contract ends, it ends. I was so mad about being charged for 3 mos where I didn't even go because I thought I was done. So you're thinking about going back to Ballys? Good for you

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MG- gyms sneakily keep your membership even after the contract has ended, so you still get billed monthly. My old gym did this, so I made SURE that when my contract ends, it ends. I was so mad about being charged for 3 mos where I didn't even go because I thought I was done. So you're thinking about going back to Ballys? Good for you


Well I figured since they have at least another month of dues from me, I might as well right? I think I will ask them if I qualify for a cheaper rate since I fulfilled one contract with them already. My friends are trying to get me to join 24 hour fitness but then I would have to drive back and forth and the way gas prices are, I am not so sure that is the best thing to do right now.

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I'm glad you are going to go the the gym again. You seemed so much happier when you were going. I know as mama-bears and lovers women tend to want to take care of everyone else, but never forget to take care of yourself, so you can be the best person you can be. The more love you give to yourself, the more love and energy you will have for all the others that you love and care for in your life.


I am finally getting back on track myself with both eating and exercise. April is the month of positive change. Let's not forget that swimsuit season is around the corner.

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I'm glad you are going to go the the gym again. You seemed so much happier when you were going. I know as mama-bears and lovers women tend to want to take care of everyone else, but never forget to take care of yourself, so you can be the best person you can be. The more love you give to yourself, the more love and energy you will have for all the others that you love and care for in your life.


I am finally getting back on track myself with both eating and exercise. April is the month of positive change. Let's not forget that swimsuit season is around the corner.


I think I just finally reached that point where I need to do something. I look like a barrel, I feel gross. I don't mind being a thick curvy girl but that is not what I am right now. If I got back to at least where I was when I fell off the wagon, I would be content. Don't get me wrong, I would like to lose even more than before but I won't be heartbroken if I don't.


Yeah I know swimsuit season is around the corner, not that I am looking forward to wearing one but I would love to be able to wear some sleeves shirts for the summer and not have flabby wings. LOL

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I always like to go with the closest gym too. My old one was walking distance. Gas prices are NUTS! What is it there? It's been stuck at 129.99 here for a couple of weeks. It should not cost over $40 to fill up a Civic hatchback :S


HA! Last payday I had a 1/4 tank of gas and put in 40 dollars and that put me at 3/4 mark. Seriously???? The cheapest gas in my area is 4.03 a gallon.

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Well my sofa is in my house but it wasn't an easy task. It wouldn't fit through the front door and it took 4 men to carry it through the back walkway and into the back door. Naturally it was a narrow walkway and there are a lot of trees on my neighbors property that had hanging branches with dried up needle things. I had to vacuum out the sofa before I even got a chance to sit on it. Sigh


So I should be happy right, but I'm not and this is where I need to know if I am being over sensitive or what. I made him dinner, healthy food of course and I texted him and told him to stop by the house before work to have dinner. It was just some chicken and spinach salad that I made. He calls me back and tells me that one of his coworkers called him and said he was bringing in some chicken and another coworker was bringing something, I guess they were all gonna eat together. So I'm hurt that he would rather eat his coworkers food than mine. He tells me to bring it in the morning. Well if I wanted to bring him something in the morning i would have made him breakfast. He doesn't understand why I am irritated. Am I overreacting?

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Did you text him before you started cooking?


No I didn't but usually I don't anyway. I just tell him that I have dinner for him and he'll come to get it or I will drop it off either at his house or at the job since both places are about a mile from my house. This time though he said that his friend was bringing rotissierie chicken and someone else was bringing a side dish. I thought to myself, I work so hard to make him healthy food that he will like and he was quick to decline it so he could eat what his coworkers were bringing. I seriously doubt that they even brought healthy food, he has so many diet restrictions. Whatever....he says I am acting out of line and there is nothing wrong with him wanting to eat the food I made last night, this morning when he gets up. He could have done just the same with his friends food, eaten that this morning when he gets up.


That's fine, I'm just gonna drop it. I was overly tired last night and not feeling so great and I woke up with a headache so I don't want to dwell on this and have my head hurt more. He knows how I feel and I'll just let it be. I hope he's not suprised if I am not eager to make him another meal for awhile.



The sleeper sofa was okay, I slept pretty good. I do need to get a mattress topper though, one of those memory foam ones. The mattress is kinda thin and I am a heavy girl so when I lay down the springs in the mattress go all the way down. It's not uncomfortable but over time it could get that way.


All I need to do now is wake up.

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Well in my attempt to start eating healthy again, I made a relatively decent lunch. Turkey sandwich on whole wheat, little mayo and a slice of mozzarella cheese. I also made some more of that super yummy spinach salad that I posted in OG's journal. I'm addicted to spinach! LOL



sliced almonds

dried cranberries

Fresh and Easy's fat free raspberry vinaigrette dressing (only 35 calories per 2 tbsp serving)


This salad really is so filling.


No soda today but I did have 2 cups of coffee and I am working on my 2nd bottle of water. Not too bad for my first day of trying I guess.

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My headache didn't go away, in fact I still have a migraine. I wanted to at least walk around the lake since I didn't think I would be able to make it to the gym but I came home and laid down and fell asleep for a little bit.


My house is a wreck and I don't even have the energy to clean, I just want to sleep.

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Yeah, OG rub it in! LOL I think I am the only one here that has to keep two houses clean, his and mine.


So I didn't do any walking the way I had hoped for but I did walk around a swapmeet today. I was on a mad mission to find Jesse's deodorant. Since he is a sissy la-la and claims he can't wear anything but Shaklee deodorant or else he will break out, I am usually able to find it at the swapmeet. We tried to order it online but Shaklee doesn't ship the deodorant to California anymore. A few of the vendors that I have dealt with in the past, no longer carry it but I did find someone at the swapmeet that still has some jars left. I picked up one for him and I will get more next weekend. That stuff is 12 dollars a jar!


I also didn't do well with eating today. I hosted a Wrestlemania viewing party at my house for my son and his friends and I was nibbling throughout. Sigh....

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Yeahhh, that would get on my nerves, I'll be honest. I am looking forward to having my own place again though. I'm ready to be on my own again! Well, I'll have L but our place, ya know? Were I can decorate how I want it, clean how/when I want to... I'm ready to make us a home.


Did Triple H lose?

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Yeahhh, that would get on my nerves, I'll be honest. I am looking forward to having my own place again though. I'm ready to be on my own again! Well, I'll have L but our place, ya know? Were I can decorate how I want it, clean how/when I want to... I'm ready to make us a home.


Did Triple H lose?


Triple H did lose. It was a great match and you could tell that he really respects the Undertaker. Sorry people, I still enjoy the very fake wrestling. My son was happy and when he's happy, I am happy.


Took Jesse to the doctor today. The doctor said the increased swelling is due to the kidney failure which I already knew, nothing much they can do except increase his Lasix and see if that helps draw the fluid out. Since the beginning of the year he has gained 38lbs of fluid. We did get the results of his Echocardiogram. They did find some enlargement of the heart, nothing too major there. They also detected a mitral valve leak, a tiny leak as the doctor quoted so nothing that involves anything invasive but he has referred Jesse to a cardiologist.


No workout for me and no walking around the lake today. It is soo freakin' hot out here. Here we were driving, he has his window rolled up and my sweater covering his chest and arms. I on the other hand, felt like I was in a suana. I was not about to walk anywhere in this weather. I would probably come home with a sunburn if I did. LOL

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My disk is slipping again in my back. I'm sitting here at home, no pain medicine whatsoever. All I have is some bengay type cream and a heating pad. I don't feel like spending hours in the ER. Maybe I can get an early same day appointment tomorrow with the doctor, at least get some pain meds to take the edge off. God this sucks so bad, I didn't even do anything to strain my back.

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Oh that sucks! Take it easy


Worrying about the men is so tiring hey? It was freaking me out how out of breath Alex got today, and he stayed out of breath for a few minutes. Hopefully it just turns out to be him being out of shape. I'll drag him on walks if I have to.

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Oh that sucks! Take it easy


Worrying about the men is so tiring hey? It was freaking me out how out of breath Alex got today, and he stayed out of breath for a few minutes. Hopefully it just turns out to be him being out of shape. I'll drag him on walks if I have to.


Is that something that has been happening with him? Watch that carefully. Hopefully he isn't asthmatic.

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With the cats molting I wouldn't doubt if we are both semi-allergic to them. He doesn't have good cardio, he has very strong muscles from work, but cardio is nonexistent. He wasn't wheezing or anything, just struggling a bit to catch his breath. He's going to try to get in to see the doctor tomorrow morning. I hope they make him do a fitness test or something. He encourages me to go to the gym, but he should be going himself.

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