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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I had posted, well I thought I posted but I guess ENA ate it (like Sherry said). That is so frustrating.


The baby is feeling better already. His mom brought some children's motrin for him and once he had that his pain diminished and his fever broke and he was up and running around. Kids bounce back so quickly, if it had been me I would have been in bed whimpering for 3 days. LOL


I love bargain shopping, I adore thrift shops in general. In my missing post I was telling you guys about a thrift shop that I went to one time, located adjacent to the Coroner's office. I had scored a brand new MAC eyeshadow still in the box for 75 cents. LOL I haven't bought any clothes from that one though, somehow I get the image that the clothes were taken off the corpse's. YIKES I'll just stick with regular thrift shops, thank you.


I'm debating what I want to do today. I need to check out a few more places for my sleeper sofa, I would like to check out a thrift shop or two just for fun and there is a chance that I may be able to meet up with the best friends later for dinner but that is not a for sure thing yet. I think I should just stick with what is a for sure thing and that is getting my sleeper sofa.

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I love when thrift shop workers don't understand the value of something, so it's priced super cheaply!


Speaking of which, did I tell you guys about the purse I got?


A couple of months ago I was at the same Goodwill, I was hoping to find a heater. Score, I found one and it was perfect. So my mom and I are looking around and I go over to the purse racks. Now this particular Goodwill keeps the designer bags behind glass at the counter. So I am looking at the goofy purses on the racks, the cheap ones and I see a Kate Spade bag. I was like holy moly how did they miss this? So I scored a legit Kade Spade bag for 7.99. It's a cute bag too

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Is it sad I have no idea what a Kate Spade bag is?


I never had an interest in her bags. But for 8.00 dollars, I can now say I own one. It actually cleaned up really nice and I could sell it and make a few bucks, it's really it a cute bag.

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I never had an interest in her bags. But for 8.00 dollars, I can now say I own one. It actually cleaned up really nice and I could sell it and make a few bucks, it's really it a cute bag.


I wouldn't even know a designer bag if I saw one. Well, maybe Coach but those are kind of obvious....

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Didn't get much sleep last night, went to bed late (thank you insomnia) and then woke up at 5'sh to use the potty, back to sleep and up again at 8:30. Had Matthew and Aidan last night so I decided to make them breakfast, eggs bacon and toast.


Cleaned up a little bit and did a load of laundry and showered so I could be at work at 2:00pm. It's going to be another one of those long lazy Sunday's here at work. I brought the paper to keep me busy, I have coupons I can cut and I have a book but I suspect I will spend a majority of my time here on ENA.


Jesse is coming in to work his day off so I'll get to see him too. He's bringing me a turkey burger from Carl's Jr. I guess they just launched it and I can't wait to try it.


Oh and I'm wearing supports on both of my wrists. Not only has my carpal tunnel kicked back up in the right side where I have had it for years, I now have pain in the left side as well. Has anyone here ever had the surgery for that? I wonder if it really helps?

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Outrageous! The supervisor comes into my office and says that the 2nd shift guy wrote an email to him and the manager saying that I don't file my work so he is left to file it. Ummmm NO.... I file whatever work is in the box but the supervisor has a habit of bringing the rest of the stuff in at 9:45pm and I get off at 10:00pm so no I am not going to file the stuff last minute unless they want to pay me overtime for staying past my clock off time to file the stuff and for the record if the supervisor wasn't so busy on the phone all day with his wife arguing he might be able to get the work to me in a timely manner. Just sayin'.


What steams my clams is this guy knows the work is often brought in late because they do it to him as well and he has the nerve to tell mgmt that I am not doing my job????? Maybe next time he should put on his big boy pants and tell me face to face.

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Oh it looks gorgous!!! And comfy, lol.


I hate when people do that. It's like mind your own business, let me do my job and worry about the people who don't do theirs.


Wanna hear something funny? He is supposed to be purging files from last year and they are still in there, making it a little bit harder for me to file the recent stuff. Sooo who's not doing their job?

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He should be sooo lucky that I love him to pieces and that knocking off your significant other is illegal because today I just wanted to choke him. He worked swing shift last night so that he would get enough sleep to make it to his doctors appointment today. He was supposed to go for the 2nd part of the stress test. This appointment was already cancelled once and rescheduled for today. He called me at 8:00am to say good morning. I asked if he took his meds, he says "not yet, I'll take them right now". Ok I say, because you know I have to give you your shot before you go to your appointment. We hang up, I go back to sleep.


I call him at 11:15, "babe I'm on my way over". him~ "give me the number to the doctor, I am going to cancel my appointment, I'm really tired". I'm annoyed but I don't say anything yet, I get to his house and only then does he tell me, I haven't taken my medicine. "why not"? Because I fell asleep. What the hell, does he have narcolepsy now? I'm like you could have just told me that on the phone and saved me the trip. He's frustrated and says "I don't need this right now".


If he doesn't take his medicine, his blood pressure stays at about 180-190, I can't inject him if his pressure is 180/100 or higher. He's telling me "just inject me anyway". Sigh, at that very moment, I wanted to strangle him.


He did manage to make it to the lab to get his blood drawn, since he has to do that on a certain schedule. His kidney function is still declining, he is at 16% now. At 15% he will officially be at end stage renal failure and dialysis will have to be started. However if he would not reschedule these appointments, he could get everything approved faster and get on the transplant list and maybe would be lucky enough to avoid dialysis. Grrrrr


Other than that, I am having an okay day I guess.

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Men are the biggiest babies when it comes to their health. I have to practically beat L to the doctor when he isn't feeling well.


I know, I know.... This is hard for him, I get that. He went from not going to the doctor for many years to suddenly being at the hospital several times a month. Sometimes I feel guilty for nagging him to go to the doctor in the first place and really the only reason why I nagged him to death was because of his erectile issues and because he was becoming more and more frustrated with not being able to make love. I don't think neither of us suspected or were ready to find out that he was so very sick. Yeah I feel guilty somedays but I know had I not badgered him into going, he probably would have died already so I feel good that he is still alive and kicking but I need him to work independently and get these crucial tests out of the way so he can be approved and get on the transplant list.


We just got off the phone and I told him, "you could very well miss out on the chance of a perfectly matched or good matched kidney by lolligagging around". I know he's tired from the shift work, working graveyard is killer on the healthiest person, can you imagine how much harder it is for someone that is sick? He needs to get off that horrible shift and work normal hours like a normal person.


Rant much Metro?? Yes I do! LOL Thanks for listening, I needed to get that out of my system.

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The day is young, I am getting a lot done already. Made breakfast for me, then made breakfast for him. Doing some laundry as we speak and I just got off the phone with Kaiser, I already scheduled two appointments for him next week. Nothing major, he just needs to get a PPD skin test done. His colonoscopy has already been scheduled for next month. All that is left is a psychological assessment and dental clearance from his dentist which I know he is trying to avoid like the plague.


Now I am off to pick up Aidan from school and then I have to exchange a pair of shoes I bought for Matthew. Why were there two right shoes in the box? Grrrrr

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I will admit, having this screwed up work schedule does make the week go by fast. It seems like just yesterday I was here working the overnight. I still don't like this shift though and really want my old shift back. Rumor has it the girl that took my shift away from me, is thinking about leaving this location for 6 months and then coming back to take out another girl. That would open my old spot up but I don't know if my senority will be enough to get it again. There are some people with higher senority that have come back from the sick list and would probably want that shift. Grrrr. I guess the only good thing is I make a little more money working these crazy hours. I get 2nd shift differential for 2 days and 3rd shift differential for 2 days each week so it's a few more buck on my paycheck.


I was hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep today but wouldn't you know it, there must have been 100 kids outside playing and they were loud. Why is it they only seem to play on the afternoons that I need a nap before working this shift?

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I was hoping to catch up on some much needed sleep today but wouldn't you know it, there must have been 100 kids outside playing and they were loud. Why is it they only seem to play on the afternoons that I need a nap before working this shift?


Children have the uncanny ability and unlimited potential to destroy sleep forever. I'm convinced they are secretly trained in sleep-deprivation-torture-methods as part of a conspiracy to take over the adult world. I've yet to feel rested in 3.5 years since a kid entered my life. lol It's a damn good thing they are so cute.


100 of them is like a military attack.

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Today's nap was perfect, I was just drained anyway so I was able to sleep for 3 hours. So glad it's my Friday but I only get one day off this week, I am working Friday morning (day off). Woohoo for the overtime. I wish I could have picked up two extra days instead of one but I won't complain, I need the money.


Tonight was one of those nights when I remembered why sometimes I'm glad I understand spanish and speak the language fluently unbeknownst to most people. I was walking the dog tonight before I left for work. I live in a predominately hispanic neighborhood where some people are just ghetto. There were a group of 5 men accross the street talking to one another, I head towards the front of my apartment when one of them yell out in spanish "look at her ass, god I want that". It took every ounce of sheer willpower not to turn around and launch a vicious verbal assault on the idiot. I was proud of myself, I held back and kept walking. Why oh why does my dog have to be 13 years old and senile? Why at that moment, didn't I own a big german shepard that follows commands? LOL I would have loved to see him pee his pants. Jerk!

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"look at her ass, god I want that".


That sounds like a phase from a universal caveman-pervert-moron language. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Why oh why does my dog have to be 13 years old and senile?


lol awwww


Well, I'm glad you and your killer ass at least had a great nap. A girl needs her beauty rest image removed

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I can't stand the people who just like stare at you. I have been known to turn to them and tell them they can take a picture or get the F away. I actually had one guy come toward me one time as I was exiting WalMart when I said that and I held up my pepper spray and was like 'try it'.

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LOL @ OG and Bella.....


Bella my killer ass only looked that way to him because he had drinking googles on. LOL


So all this talk about working out and losing weight made me feel like I was missing out. I want all of us to talk about this stuff like we used to. OG and I had a pretty good discussion in private not to long ago and I have to thank her for that. It was the chin up I needed. Anywho, my gym membership expired the end of February and I wasn't sure if I wanted the added cost of another membership. Well Bally's billed me for another month and I thought, well maybe that is a sign that I need to just keep going with it. So, for right now the plan is to try and get there later today. I was going to go right after work this afternoon but I have to pick up my sleeper sofa that Jesse bought me. Perhaps if that doesn't take too long, I will still go. I can also go after work tomorrow and before work on Sunday. Now if I can just find the time and energy to make it all happen, I will be good. I need this so bad, I am feeling really grossed out with my weight gain. BLAH

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