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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I had an appointment to donate blood this morning, as did two of my sons. I wasn't able to donate. They said donors need to have a minimum of 12.5 hemoglobin and I came in at a 12.4 but..... I am also on my monthly cycle so that is probably why I was just under the limit. I have very heavy periods, go figure. My boys did donate though, it was Jaime's first time donating and Nick's 2nd time. We all enjoyed the snacks and juice after. I will try again soon if there happens to be another blood drive in the area. In the meantime, I am going to speak with my manager here at work and see if I can organize a blood drive. We have a little more than a hundred employees on this side and probably close to 300 in the transportation side. I think we could have a successful drive if I can get people to donate.


My two eldest grandbabies stayed with me last night. We had a good time hanging out at the house and watching cartoons. I ended up with a nasty migraine but still tried to interact with them. We were watching Little Bill on tv and in that episode the babysitter is telling Little Bill how to play the nothing game. (baiscally the staring without blinking your eye game) and the kids wanted to play that with me. I didn't realize what a bad idea it is to play that game when you have a pounding migraine. I thought my head was going to explode. LOL

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I ended up with a nasty migraine but still tried to interact with them. We were watching Little Bill on tv and in that episode the babysitter is telling Little Bill how to play the nothing game. (baiscally the staring without blinking your eye game) and the kids wanted to play that with me. I didn't realize what a bad idea it is to play that game when you have a pounding migraine. I thought my head was going to explode. LOL


OMG! You poor thing. My head hurt just reading that. Migraines are the worst. Mine seem to start with tension in my eyes....and then progress into pounding HELL.... So I'm sure that game hurt. lol I'm glad you got to spend some time with the grandbabies.

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OMG! You poor thing. My head hurt just reading that. Migraines are the worst. Mine seem to start with tension in my eyes....and then progress into pounding HELL.... So I'm sure that game hurt. lol I'm glad you got to spend some time with the grandbabies.


I'm laughing now just thinking about it. What a dork I was, who does that?

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Oh God, I just found out that my son's best friend passed away. They met a couple of years ago through my daughter's friend. They shared a mutual love of wrestling and he was usually at my house when I hosted the wrestling pay per views. He was about 13 years older than my son but they related to each other because of their disabilities.

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Oh God, I just found out that my son's best friend passed away. They met a couple of years ago through my daughter's friend. They shared a mutual love of wrestling and he was usually at my house when I hosted the wrestling pay per views. He was about 13 years older than my son but they related to each other because of their disabilities.


They both had disabilities? That would be a very strong bond and a tremendous loss for your son, Metro. I am so sorry this happened. What disability or disabilities did they have in common?

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They both had disabilities? That would be a very strong bond and a tremendous loss for your son, Metro. I am so sorry this happened. What disability or disabilities did they have in common?


Thank you everyone for your condolences, it's very much appreciated. I've done my fair share of crying today, probably because I feel very badly for my son who still doesn't want to talk about it.


Miss Firecracker to answer your question, when he was 4 years old he was diagnosed with Central Auditory Processing Disorder. I had taken him to the doctor because I honestly thought he was deaf. I would talk to him and ask him questions, I would ask him to do things and he would just look at me. After a few times of repeating myself did he understand and do what I had asked. He didn't learn to talk until he was probably 5 years old. He went into the first grade in special ed and was in special ed classes until he graduated from high school. He was once diagnosed as having aphasia although I don't see that so much now, I think it just had to do when the CAPD. His speech clearly suffered, as did his though process. He was always many years behind in speech and thought process. He's 20 now but speaking to him it's like talking to a child. He thinks like a child somewhat. It's hard to explain in words.


So he met JJ through my daughters friend. JJ and my son shared a love of wrestling and that is how they bonded. JJ's disability was just like my son's. They both grew up feeling outcasted by their peers at school because they never really fit it with kids their own age. These two, related to each other on such an amazing level. If JJ wasn't at our house, my son was at his house usually watching numerous wrestling dvd's.


Last year JJ was found to have testicular cancer and spent his time in and out of the hospital. Then one day he was back in the hospital and the doctors found the cancer had spread and there was a tumor pressing against his aorta. They didn't think he would live through the weekend but he by the grace of God he pulled through and went on with chemo and my son continued to visit with him at his house.


One day not to long ago, my son packed up his backpack with the xbox and some wrestling games. He was headed to JJ's house, he asked me if he could spend the last of his money to surprise JJ with lunch from Subway.


This past christmas, I had bought JJ a John Cena (wrestler) wristwatch, which my son gave to him for Christmas. He said that JJ went on and on about how much he loved his watch and even changed his shirt that day so he was wearing his John Cena shirt and his new John Cena watch.


Wow that was really more than I had intended to write, but it was nice sharing these little memories with you guys.

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^very sad indeed.


He's struggling today, I can tell. He called me earlier in a panic, his tv wasn't working and he was going to miss wrestling. I told him to go downstairs and watch mine but he said my other son and his girlfriend were watching something. I told him to ask his grandmother if he could watch it on her tv, then he was flipping through the channels and couldn't find it and I could just sense the desperation in his voice.


I think under normal circumstances I could probably reason with him, but there was no reasoning with him today. It's going to take some time I think.


I want to go home.

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Today was taxing to say the least. Actually it started last night when I couldn't sleep, I had bad indigestion and no medicine, my body was super itchy and then I had an anxiety attack! I haven't had problems with anxiety for the last few years so that kinda messed me up. I finally fell asleep after 3am and had to wake up at 7:00 to get Aidan. He was actually at his moms house so I needed to pick him up and get him to school. On the way over there, I ran over something in the road and my tire blew out. Thankfully I was right around the corner from my daughters house. She sent her boyfriend over to change my tire (I'm sure he was thrilled considering we clearly don't like each other). I thanked him for his time and went on my way. Slept a few more hours before I had to wake up and get the baby from school and then it was off to Kaiser for yet another appointment. Today was the stress test, should have been simple but for some reason his blood pressure shot through the roof, it was registering at over 200 so they had to stop and start an iv line with some meds to lower his pressure. Whatever they gave him, he ended up with a bad headache.


I noticed that his body is really filling up with the fluids again. I have to email his doctor and see what adjustments he wants me to make to his medication. The recent increase hasn't changed the numbers, they are still running anywhere from 150-190. He said I could add a bit more Lasix to his medicine to see if we can get rid of some of that fluid. He is at his highest risk ever for a stroke.

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Thank goodness this is my Friday, I need a couple days off to just get some stuff done. I'm going to check out a couple places tomorrow for sofa sleepers. I went down to this one place today that I found on Craigslist, I liked how the pieces looked online but they were so uncomfortable when I sat on them. I asked the lady that worked there, if they were supposed to feel that way, you could feel the wood inside. She said they pretty much all felt that way, ummmm thanks but no thanks. If I wanted to sleep on wood, I would just curl up on my floor.


So tomorrow I am going to check out Ikea and Jennifer Convertibles. I know I said I was leary about Jennifer's but there isn't any harm in looking is there? I did go to another furniture place near my house today and they custom make sleeper sofa's, you choose the fabric and style, how firm or soft you want the sofa cushions and it's 450.00 dollars for a full size sleeper. The ones they had on display were too firm for my liking but the guy said I could choose the foam that best suits me. They would even deliver for free since I am less than a mile away.


My daughter brought my grandbabies over for a quick visit today as well. My little Jade is too cute, she saw a container of mixed nuts and asks "have some"?. So I gave her the container and she and her sister munched on the nuts while watching cartoons. When it was time for them to leave, she had the container cradled in her arms, I asked her "are you taking my nuts"? with a big smile she says 'yeaaaaaaah".


So all in all it was a good day, got some stuff done and no more banging water heater and I actually took a nap this afternoon. Now I just have to get through this cold night at work. I forgot how much it sucks to have to work outside when it is freezing out there. YIKES.....

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I commented yesterday but I guess ENA ate it. Basically I was giving you support.


That's a great deal for a sleeper sofa! When I was shopping around at La-Z-Boy, most couches were upwards of $600, plus custom fabric fees...and they weren't recliners or sleepers or anything.

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metrogirl, my son is slightly autistic and has similar problems with processing what others say, though he has improved tremendously over the years. He had an IEP until he was in 8th grade and then he was completely mainstreamed. He is a a HUGE wrestlin fan, also. I see you live in SoCal. If your son would like someone to talk to, I'm sure my son would love to chat with another wrestling fan! Take care and I hope everything goes well for all of you! I'm praying real hard for that, anyway.

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I have thoroughly enjoyed my two days off. We spent almost the whole day out and about shopping for groceries, hitting the goodwill where I found a small tv that my son wanted for his room and two pairs of jeans for me! Holy moly thank you big girls for donating your clothes to the goodwill because they fit me perfectly! YAY me, I needed some more jeans for work and didn't really want to spend a bunch of money on them especially since I seem to be going up and down with my weight.


Early this morning my grandson woke me up at 4:15am screaming. He said his ear was hurting so I gave him some children's motrin and he went back to sleep. Took him to the doctor first thing this morning and he has a double ear infection and a throat infection. So I got him settled and then went to check on the boyfriend, he on the other hand isn't doing all that well. He wanted me to cancel his appointments today because he said he wasn't feeling well and he was pretty swollen. Sure enough, his entire right leg was swollen, all the way up! Every Monday and Friday I have to inject him with Procrit but before I do so I have to check his blood pressure. It cant' be higher than 180/100 when I inject him and today his readings were coming in at 197/94 so I had to wait for about 30 minutes before his pressure went down enough to give him his shot. I emailed the doctor and he got right back to me, he is increasing his medicine yet again. I swear he is taking a handful of pills everyday now.


I'm finishing up some housework and laundry and then I am going to take a hot bath with some chamomille scented epsom salts I found at the 99 cent store. Woohoo.

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Poor little guy! I had tonsilitis and strep once at the same time. I tried not to be sick because I was away for the weekend with an old boyfriend and his family, but it just completely knocked me down. In a little kid, that's awful. I hope he gets better really quickly.


I'm sorry to hear that (Jesse?) is feeling so poorly. He is in my thoughts.


By the way, congrats on your great finds! I love bargain shopping but good finds can be so few and far between. I'm between sizes yet again so I'm not finding much of anything that I like. I got a hoodie today, and a t-shirt for the gym. I didn't even want to bother with pants

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