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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I'll look around. I will not be making any rash decisions because I don't want to be unhappy with my purchase. I did that when I moved into my townhouse, I needed furniture because I was about to get custody of the babies and I just went to some discount place and bought a living room set and it was junk. Less than a year later, it was sagging big time in the middle. The springs had broke so when you sat in that spot your butt was deep in the hole. LOL

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lol! L and I were looking at houses to rent today online over there - not that we are getting one any time soon! but just to look. I can't wait to be there. There was one we were looking at that was so quant, I loved it. But yeah, we are trying to do the shared house thing at first to save up for stuff - such as hopefully a good living room set perhaps. He lives in a shared house no but they don't accept pets. I'm not leaving here without Jasper.

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L has one now - I want to throttle her. L works first shift and is in bed by 10 because he's up at 6 the next morning. During the week she will go out, come back in at 3 am, drunk, and make all kinds of noise. And once L is woken up he can't go back to sleep. I'm tired of this witch waking my man up and making him tired, lol. I told him last time we were on the phone 'put her on the online. She won't do it again'.


I hope we can. We can't find anything in the immigration laws that say we can't. All it states is that the couple must have one bedroom for the sole purpose of their residency - so we are thinking we will be able to until I find a job and help out.

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I"m not sure how L's works - to my knowledge he pays the same no matter how many roomates he has. There have been a lot of people moving in and out since we have been together and at one point I think L was the only one there.. it's the equivalent to about $500 a month, but that also includes all the utilites. Living on your own there IS higher. A 2 bedroom house to rent there is about $900.

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I"m not sure how L's works - to my knowledge he pays the same no matter how many roomates he has. There have been a lot of people moving in and out since we have been together and at one point I think L was the only one there.. it's the equivalent to about $500 a month, but that also includes all the utilites. Living on your own there IS higher. A 2 bedroom house to rent there is about $900.


I wish I could find something for 900 dollars a month. I could probably find an out house or a shack for that amount. Living in So Cal is expensive. I'm always so envious when I look in other states and the rents are 5 and 6 hundred.

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You can find cheap places here in So Cal! I have a HUGE one bedroom apartment in an upper middle class neighborhood in a large complex. We have three pools and two laundry rooms, landscaped grounds and it's walking distance to EVERYTHING! It's 10 minutes from the Metro station, 20 minutes from wonderful Pasadena, and about 25 miles from L.A. It's at the foot of the gorgeous San Gabriel Mountains and I only pay $830 per month! It CAN be done out here.

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Today was a most productive day and it started at 8:00am. I was bursting with energy, I made a pot of coffee, swept and mopped the living room, kitchen, and laundry room. Did laundry and actually put laundry away ( that was a new one for me) LOL. Changed the linens on my bed, cooked food and went to the grocery store. Now I am tired and achy and ready for my nap before I have to go to work tonight. Maybe I will get lucky and be able to sleep unlike last week when I spent the better part of 3 days awake.


Good night folks, see you tonite when I go to work.

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Does anyone have a bed of rocks I can sleep on? Surely it would be better than that ridiculous thing I call a bed. I wake up with everything hurting including my thighs. Seriously, my thighs??? I can't wait, until I can find something better. Jesse gave me a few places to check out online because he is just as eager to buy my new sleeper sofa as I am to get it.


I dropped off his laundry and some fish before I came to work tonight. We chatted for a few minutes and he asks me "do you want some starbucks"? He hands me a 25 dollar giftcard that he got for me and mentioned that he got the green card because St Patty's Day is around the corner and he knows I'm irish. So sweet.

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So today is his appointment for the Echocardiogram. A few of the doctors that we have dealt with have all said the same thing, that there is some congestive heart failure going on, to what extent they don't know. The Echo should be able to tell us more. It's weird, while the CHF has sat in the back of my mind for some time now, I don't really dwell on that so much as I do the looming kidney failure. I haven't had the dark feeling that something bad was going to happen because of the CHF, I guess I just believe deep down that whatever they find, it will be something that we can deal with. I have googled it to death and I see that medicine, exercise, and a good diet can help with CHF.


I'm hoping I will at least be able to sleep a little bit in the morning and then a couple more hours when I return from the doctor with him. I don't want a repeat of last week when I only slept a total of 5 hours in 3 days. That was horrible and my body finally quit on Thursday night, when I passed out and slept 10 1/2 hours straight. I don't think I even got up to pee which is really really unsual.

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Good luck with the appointment Metro!


I haven't read this book but I know Dr. Esselstyn has reversed numerous heart related diseases. He's very well known in the industry. I encourage you to check out what he has to say; and you're right, a lot of it can be reversed with exercise and good nutrition.





Thank you for the links. I will most certainly check that out.

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Wouldn't you know it, it's the perfect weather outside and I am stuck in the office. We had rain overnight and currently it's cloudly and very cool and breezy outside, absolutely my favorite weather besides rain. Sigh... Fortunately I get off at 2:00 so I suppose I can still enjoy it. We are supposed to be hitting the local swapmeet after work to browse around.


Weather calls for rain all weekend, YES!!.

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It isn't raining yet, and I really doubt it will. I heard the reports, but this time of year the weather can change in an hour. I like rain, but I doubt it really will rain tonight or tomorrow. It doesn't FEEL like rain!


*sticks tongue at you*... LOL It's raining, It's raining! I love it.......*doing a little dance*.

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How are you and the bf doing? Appointments going okay?


Hi Sherry! He's doing better, feeling a bit stronger and he's back to work. I noticed that his legs are back to swelling a lot now that he is on his feet more here at work. The doctor said there isn't anything they can really do about it, the failing kidneys will cause him to retain a lot of fluid so he's heavier now. Other than that, he's hanging in there. We have one appointment this week for a stress test.


I was trying to make his other appointments but Kaiser was giving me the run around. He has an advanced medical directive on file with them that lists me as the person that will make all the decisions for him should he not be able to, but I can't make an appointment for him. I told the representative on the phone, I have the authority to end his life but I can't make an appointment to save his life??? How does that work? LOL So that is finally all straightened out and I will be on the phone making the rest of his appointments this week. Hopefully we can get them scheduled quickly because once he is done with the nessecary tests and everything is approved then he gets on the list for a kidney transplant! That is what we are trying to accomplish.

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