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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I was most productive today. I got up at 7:20 to get the baby ready for school. Initially I had thought about going back to sleep after I dropped him off but I decided to get some stuff done and I am glad I did. I hit the market early this morning and picked up a few things, came home and ate breakfast. Started my laundry and cleaned the living room. Made some steamed veggies and baked fish for him for lunch. Picked up the baby from school and went to Jesse's house. He ate his lunch and I cleaned his apartment. I even washed his clothes when I got back to my place, prepared my lunch for work and did a little more cleaning before I decided to lay down for a nap. Couldn't sleep though, wouldn't you know it? Sigh


So here I am at work, I do the overnight tonight and I am sleepy. At least I will be going home to a clean house in the morning.

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I know what I forgot to mention in my earlier post, when I was at Jesse's cleaning, he was going through the contents of his old car. The car had been at the mechanic for a couple of years and the mechanic junked the car but was kind enough remove the contents of the trunk and my daughter dropped all that stuff off at his house a few weeks ago. It was just in a huge pile in his living room. So he's going through the stuff, throwing away stuff that he didn't want and setting aside the stuff he wanted to keep. He had three or four jackets in that pile. They were too small for him to wear at the moment but he said he was going to take them to the cleaners so he could have them for later. Then he came upon a really old jacket from the company that we work for. Actually it was from the early days when the company was RTD (Rapid Transit District). That's pretty significant to those of us who started with that company, if you started when it was RTD then you are considered an oldtimer. He and I are quite proud that we have both been with the company for 21 years. I had been looking around for RTD items but couldn't find any and then he asked me if I wanted his jacket. (gasps). It's so awesome, it even has his name stitched on the front. When I tried it on, I felt like a high school girl in love with the jock wearing his jacket.


I know this is probably the lamest entries. I don't care. LOL I'm smiling and that is all that counts.

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I'm on day two of almost no sleep, certainly not for my lack of trying. The sleep Gods are just not cooperating with me for some reason. Took Jesse for his post op appt today and he got the all clear to come back to work so he returns tomorrow night. He's thrilled, I'm thrilled. I think he needs to be around people and not locked up in his house thinking about all this heavy medical stuff.


And speaking of medical stuff, I am throughly annoyed with Kaiser right now. Twice now, I have tried to make some appointments for him and twice I have been told that I can't make these appointments because I am not authorized to. So I bring this up to one of the workers that handles the authorization forms etc and he says, Jesse's advanced medical directive is on file, he sees it and it clearly shows my name. Well for some reason, these other yahoo's working there can't seem to figure it out or understand what the directive is for so I am being told to have Jesse call for these appointments. I guess tomorrow, he is calling Kaiser to get this straightened out. He prefers that I schedule these appointments since there are so many, I put everything in my planner and I make sure that it's not going to interfer with other appointments or be impossible for him to do the appointments because of his work schedule.


The appointments that we scheduled today while we were there:


Appt with surgeon to check the Fistula in 3 weeks.


Appt to get an ultrasound done on Fistula in 7 weeks

Appt with surgeon immediately following ultrasound


Appt with Nuclear Medicine for a stress test


I still need to make appointments to get his colonoscopy, he needs a pyschcological (sp) assessment, dental clearance, and a tb test. These are just the first round of tests that the transplant coordinator needs. There is another set of tests coming. Whew, I'm tired already. LOL


Ok, I'm done complaining. I'm just super tired, probably hormonal, and don't want to work tonight. BLAH

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Try to take some time for yourself MG - even if that's bubble bath for 30 mins!


I did tonight since I couldn't sleep, I actually had a hot bubble bath with epsom salts since everything seems to be hurting today. I stayed in there for 40 minutes and it was bliss.

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When I was cleaning Jesse's house the other day, I realized just how deep his tub is, I was like "OMG". I told him not to be suprised if I show up one day with a bottle of bubbles and my own towel one day. My tub is lame compared to his. LOL

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I just heard something so disturbing here at work. There is a new girl (relatively new) that is working graveyard shift. The service leader, on a nightly basis makes her life miserable. He is constantly harrasing her to the point that she had to go to management. I guess they couldn't/wouldn't do anything about him so she had to go to EEO. They are now investigating the harassment but what really steamed my clams is when one of the other workers on the shift just told me that management knows that the leader hates women, he has been very vocal about that from the get go, how he hates women in general but moreso when they want to work in a male dominated field. Umm, why is he still in a leader's position? He also admitted in a mgmt meeting that he was asked by one of the supervisors to lie about this girl and continue forward with the harassment. This supervisor is known for this kind of dirty play yet he continues to be employed here as well. I don't understand it. I can almost guarantee that they two yahoo's will get away with what they are doing to that girl.

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Is she stuck working alone with this guy? She should keep in close contact with HR and make sure her voice is heard!



What really steamed my clams


Sorry, but I lol'd. I may catch myself using that phrase today


No she works with 4 or 5 other guys including my boyfriend who was looking after her before he fell ill and had to leave work for a month. There are just some sick people there.


And permission granted to use 'steam my clams'. lol

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It's funny how when you want and need to sleep you can't and then BAM, you just crash and sleep for what feels like an eternity. That is what happened to me Thursday night, I was on day 3 with virtually no sleep and I was exhausted and in pain. I had to take a muscle relaxer to ease the spasms in my back. A little while later I took my Ambien and I finally slept. I got about 10 1/2 hours, woke up and got the baby ready for school, came back home and went back to sleep for another 2 1/2 hours.


I feel pretty good today, another quiet Saturday morning at the office. Hopefully it stays this way, I sure would love to catch up on a book I have.

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All these big earthquakes around the world are making me a nervous mess. There is a frwy right behind my office, my office is actually one of those little trailer offices. Everytime a big truck rumbles by on the frwy, my little office shakes and my heart literally stops and I sit there waiting to see if the shaking is going to stop. This is so nerve wracking and it doesn't help that I live in Southern California home to many quakes.

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So many people are going on about it being the end of the world... I wish people would stop being scared of the end of the world and enjoy life. What's a life worth if you sit and worry the entire time about when the end of the world is comign around?


Oh I know. That isn't me, I don't think it's the end, it will however be the end of my heart if I keep getting these shots of adrenaline charging through me everytime my little office shakes. LOL Why couldn't I have a normal office in a normal building that doesn't move around everytime a fly sits on the roof. HAHAHA

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Oh I know. That isn't me, I don't think it's the end, it will however be the end of my heart if I keep getting these shots of adrenaline charging through me everytime my little office shakes. LOL Why couldn't I have a normal office in a normal building that doesn't move around everytime a fly sits on the roof. HAHAHA


lol, I can imagine.

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Ok now I just want to vent. I just opened my paycheck stub and I see that I got paid for 79 hours and 59 minutes. I can tell you exactly what happened. There is a bell that rings when the shift changes, so that night I was getting off at 10pm, the bell rings, I tap my work badge to the time clock thingy and when I look at the screen, it's really 9:59 and 54 seconds. The bell had rung several seconds early. So I just got docked a minute of pay (it's truly not the money it's definitely the principle) because the company's stupid bell isn't in tune with the time clock. Grrrr..


Funny how when I clock in early, they don't seem to mind.

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They know..... They will just come up with some typical mgmt nonsense, "well it's your responsiblity to ensure you aren't clocking out early blah blah blah". I already know that, I'm just accustomed to clocking out when the bell rings. Interestingly enough, it never was off kilter until a few months ago. It was dead on accurate......whatever.. I just think it's bogus to dock someone for one minute when it shows that I only clocked out 6 seconds before 10:00pm.

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