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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Jasper lets some farts rip that make even L go to shame.... I can't believe they come from him!


,lol, she sounds like me. L likes to sleep at the edge of the bed and I like to sleep next to him. Not cuddle but have my back to his back. So when he wakes up and rolls over there I am, right up his arse. He then complains about me being a bed hog but I reply with if he would sleep int he middle of the bed I wouldn't have to hog the bed to sleep next to him, lol


Ok your post reminded me of Jesse. He always has to sleep on the edge of the bed which is fine except when we are sleeping together it's my edge he has to sleep on so I am given literally a small strip of bed to sleep in. LOL Same thing with him, I could put two king beds together and he would still gravitate towards my side and I would be hanging on for dear life so as not to fall off. MEN! LOL

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Ok your post reminded me of Jesse. He always has to sleep on the edge of the bed which is fine except when we are sleeping together it's my edge he has to sleep on so I am given literally a small strip of bed to sleep in. LOL Same thing with him, I could put two king beds together and he would still gravitate towards my side and I would be hanging on for dear life so as not to fall off. MEN! LOL


LOL. See that's me, even in a king size bed I'll still scoot over to L's side and there will be this HUGE section of bed with no one there.

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See and he always wants me to 'hold' him. "hold me babe". Ummmm okay, I can't sleep if I do that. I can't sleep on my side and that is how I would have to hold him, I am a total stomach sleeper. We aren't compatible in the sleeping department. LOL

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L sleeps on his side. He hates cuddling while he's asleep because he gets too hot - and I do too as well - and I can't lay on my back because I snore when I sleep on my back. L makes this weird noise when he's on his back - he says it sounds like a Simpson character but I don't know which one. The ONLY time he doesn't make that noise on his back is when I'm sleepign on his chest.

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Jesse says I snore too. I don't believe him, he is the one that snores. I remember one time I actually recorded it on my phone, and played it back for him. He was in total denial, said that wasn't him and didn't know what I was talking about. LOL


Until someone records my snorning, I don't believe it! LOL

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We got the paperwork in the mail from the transplant coordinator. There was a list of all these tests that he has to get done, many of them were blood related which he did the other day. So I am going over the list and I see Colonoscopy, Stress Test, and dental clearance.


So he was kind of annoyed that he has to go to the dentist, then he asked what the Colonoscopy is. I hesitated and said "well you probably won't be too pleased but they have to put a camera in your bottom (naturally I didn't use that word) and he let out this really aggravating "sigh". Poor thing....


I told him if he could handle a kidney biopsy and surgery he can handle a tiny camera peeking around back there.

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Colonoscopies are not fun (had a friend go through a few) and the effects last a few days if there is any inflammation, but basically, he just has to lay down and keep calm so he can get it over and done with.


Yeah I didn't think it would be a walk in the park but compared to the other stuff he has had done recently, I think he will be okay, at least I hope he will.

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Ok this is really weird and it's driving me mad. I'm sitting here at work in my office and I will get what feels like a quick whiff of a certain food and then I want it. A few minutes ago, I was just sitting here and for a split second I smelled eggs and then I got this crazy craving for them. I'm in a little trailer type office, no microwaves or anyone eating anywhere near me. In fact my office is located right in the middle of a huge bus yard.


Then after the whole egg thing, I'm sitting here and the same thing happens again only now it's enchiladas, (the smell was like how enchilada sauce smells). What on earth do they call all of this? All I know is I am now officially hungry.

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I have had colonoscopies because my mother died of colon cancer and my uncle has it as well. The worst part for me was the day before when I had to "purge" my system to clean it out. The actual procedure isn't bad at all. They give you a heavy sedative, so you go to sleep during the procedure and then wake up in the recovery room. I didn't feel any discomfort afterwards.

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I have had colonoscopies because my mother died of colon cancer and my uncle has it as well. The worst part for me was the day before when I had to "purge" my system to clean it out. The actual procedure isn't bad at all. They give you a heavy sedative, so you go to sleep during the procedure and then wake up in the recovery room. I didn't feel any discomfort afterwards.


Oh yay, that is so good to hear. I don't think he will care much about the purging of his system, he is already on another medicine to make him poo out his potassium. He's used to being in the bathroom.

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Today is going to be another 12 hour day at work. 10am-10pm. Not so bad I guess, at least on Monday's there is more to do, yesterday just dragged and dragged.


Feeling pretty good today, slept somewhat decently. I brought food from home and my griddle so I am making chicken quesidillas for me and my coworker for lunch. YUM


The boyfriend finally mustered up the energy to leave the house. Well he might not have had much of a choice he was out of toilet paper and other household items so he had to hit Walmart. It's good that he is getting out, I hate seeing him cooped up in the house and then he wonders why he feels anxious. It's such a beautiful day out too, perfect day to be out and about.


Hope everyone is having a great day.

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It's cloudy but sunny out if that makes sense. We had some heavy drizzle last night but today it's just nice cool air outside. Oh god, I love this weather. I would kill to be anywhere outside and not stuck in my office for the next 10 1/2 hours.


I did open the windows to my office though just so I can get some of that cool air in here.

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My goodness, someone is not a happy camper. Kaiser called Jesse and told him he needs to pick up another medicine at the pharmacy, that they found something in one of his blood tests. So I start researching his tests and I find the culprit, his phosphorus is too high! More googling gives me information about this and what he can and can't eat. They had told him on the phone that he needs to cut out dairy products and in addition, I see he has to cut out anything chocolate, no colas, (he can still have diet clear soda) no this, no that. He doesn't know the extent of it yet, he's still out picking up his medicine but see this is how it starts, they tell him something bad, he stresses and his blood pressure shoots through the roof. In the meantime I am left to calm him down and give him the old pep talk that everything will be okay. No wonder he wants to just throw in the towel and give up.


I have to call the doctor and get him to refer us to a renal dietician because I honestly don't know how I am supposed to prepare his meals when now he is on a low phosphorus, low sodium, low potassium diet. What the hell do I feed him? Ugh, so frustrating.

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Maybe I am over thinking this but I'm going to put it out there anyway. On Sunday's and Monday's I work swing shift. I have a different yard mechanic both days. Every Monday it's the same thing, the mechanic always makes several radio calls to me, sometimes with questions that really aren't that important. This has gone on for weeks now. I haven't quite figured out if he really is monitoring the bus yard or just attempting to her me talk.


Today my radio died so he's been calling on the office phone from the yard on his cell. I swear he has probably called 20 times, looking for a buses that need maintenance clearance. Now I wouldn't think too much of it, but I gave him all the information regarding these buses earlier in the day and yet he calls and calls and calls.


He's a nice enough guy, my boyfriend and him actually get along and even exchange gifts during Xmas so I don't know what to make of it all. I don't think he likes me like that, at least he's never given off that vibe. It is just so weird and today, somewhat annoying because I actually had a lot of work to do.

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