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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Today was the longest day, I swear. We got to the hospital at 9:00am, they checked him in and prepped him for surgery. I was allowed to sit with him until they took him. We are waiting, and waiting, and waiting and finally the surgeon comes in and talks to us about what is going to happen and says he will be in surgery at 11:30. Well 12:30 rolls around, we are still waiting, 1:15 the boyfriend hits the nurse's button. He asks how much longer before he is taken in. Keep in mind, he hasn't eaten anything since yesterday, he's hungry and tired and scared and when the nurse tells him that the surgery was pushed back due to an emergency he blew a gasket. I knew his blood pressure was skyrocketing, he was pretty heated. He told the nurse to unhook him and that he wanted to reschedule. He's a loud guy but when he is upset he's really intimidating and she didn't take it too well. Finally the anethesiologist came in and said they were gonna put him in a different operating room so they could get started on him. I left to grab a bite and when I came back he was gone.


His surgery went well but he is in a lot of pain. He hasn't experienced pain like this before so he's a little messed up. He keeps commenting on the incision saying it doesn't look right. Umm hello honey, they just cut your arm open, it's not going to look good for a little while.


So now that he is situated at home, I came back to my house to bathe my grandson and get him ready for bed and then I will head back to the boyfriends house and stay the night with him to make sure everything is okay. I'm tired, I need a hot bath and my back is hurting but I am trying not to dwell on my pain right now.


Thank you everyone for your well wishes. It really means a lot to me that I have such a nice support system all around the world.

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Does spending a lot of time in a hospital environment make people want to change careers? LOL I'm serious, hear me out. I have been in the transportation industry for 21 years. I love my job and actually want to move up the ladder once I have completed my 23 years. (it's a union contract thing). I have never imagined I would do anything else, but suddenly I'm wondering if I should just go into nursing. It's crossed my mind but I don't know if that is because I spend so much time around them now or if maybe I'm just in nurse mode right now with everything I have to do for the boyfriend. While we were in recovery, I was watching them and I kept thinking, I wonder if I could do this? I'm probably just talking out of my head right now, being exhausted has a way of making sane people not so sane.


Anyway, my hot bath was bliss. I found some epsom salt so I soaked for a good half hour. Back still feels sucky but whatever. I'm off to the boyfriends house to take care of him and hopefully we can both sleep soundly tonight. Here's to wishful thinking.

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Awwwwww you are so sweet to look after him so well. I know it is hard. My husband had 2 surgeries last year and one 2 years before that. I had to give him his heparin injections in the stomach. I was a medical assistant in the army. I really liked it but I hate working on family.....ewwww. I want them to be well but not cause them pain. I will keep offering up prayers he continues to do well.

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Just be warned that nursing training requires a strong back. If your back heals and you are up to it, I think you would make a wonderful nurse!


Hadn't thought about that. See that is why I come to the very smart people here of ENA when I have these wild crazy thoughts. I'm sure I will just stick with what I do best and that is working my magic in the transportation industry. I don't think I have admired nurses more than I do now. Such wonderful wonderful people.


Well I'm off, back to the boyfriends house, I made him some homemade chicken soup (low sodium) and we are gonna watch a basketball game on tv. I love him so much.

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Today has been a much better day!


Woke up, got the baby off to school. Came back home and decided to cook the boyfriend a nice breakfast, 1 pork chop and 2 eggs, no salt. Everything was seasoned with Mrs Dash. Did my morning shopping, bought one of the swiffer sweeper thingys and had a coupon for the refills, buy one get one free. Heck ya, I saved 8.00 dollars with that coupon. I've cleaned up a bit around the house, made lunch for the baby and will take Jade to get her hearing aids later. For some odd reason I am bursting with energy, I like that.

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Tired tired tired. Took the boyfriend to his kidney specialist appt this morning. Nothing much has changed, the doctor is trying to hold off on starting the dialysis. He had to do his lab work today, including the lab work requested by the transplant coordinator so they drew 17 vials of blood today. That wiped him out, he came back to my house and slept. He didn't even want to eat, poor thing.


So it's back to work for me tomorrow and I really could use a week off right now. LOL I think I will call it an early night.

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Can you take a vacation or something MG, or take some PTO?


No, I'm out of vacation time and personal days until June. I have some sick days which I could use if I really need it.


I think things will start slowing down a bit though. He has a post op appt next Wednesday, and then on the 14 and 15th he goes for another iron infusion. He can go to the infusions on his own, he doesn't need me there for those. He has an Echocardiogram scheduled for the 16th which shouldn't take too long. After that, there are no appointments until late April unless he is called to UCLA for more tests for the transplant. So hopefully, I will be able to spend a little more time at home and dare I say, maybe be able to get back into the gym before I completely blow out of my body. LOL

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Mg, hope things slow down soon for you. It's hell to be always on the go.


This is true. My mom was asking me yesterday, how do you do it? I didn't have a concrete answer, I just do it. Sometimes I get so wrapped up in everything that I forget about me but I am working on that. Yesterday I spent some time with my mother out and about which she enjoyed, as did I. It was nice to be able to hit the stores, no children in tow and the cell phone was relatively quiet.

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My dog is farting and it's horrible. Don't laugh, he's laying here on the floor and he's ripping them out, one after another and I take him out thinking he needs to potty but he doesn't. So we come back in and he farts some more and quite frankly, he's smells horrible. My living room smells like a barnyard.

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Sorry, I laughed. Does he have the guilty face?


No he doesn't, he's quite comfortable laying there smelling up my house. Even the grandbabies were like "omg what is that smell?" They were looking at each other like the other was guilty. I would put him outside but he peed on his bed and then proceeded to chew on it so he has no bed and I don't want to put him on the cold concrete with his bad hips sooooo, I guess he will just be inside farting away and I will resort to burning extra scented oil in the livingroom. LOL

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awww he's an old geezer hey?



MY 5 yo old cat farts pretty bad if he gets this different kind of treat. Stunk up the bedroom one night LOL. Never again.


Yeah he's 13. He's had bad hips since he was about 6 and naturally as age caught up to him, his hips are worse. He actually walks like a crab, kinda sideways if that makes sense.

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So I am here at work early today, they called me to cover part of 1st shift so I am here from 10am-10pm. I'm thankful for the little extra money, Lord knows I need it right now until I can get things straightened out with the budget and all my bills, I'm just a bit tired today. Kayleigh spent the night and since she doesn't have a bed at my house anymore, she slept in my bed and now I realize why I like sleeping by myself. She was all over the bed, all over me and I must have slept wrong because I woke up with a kink in my neck and that ugly dizzy feeling I had the othe day only not as bad today. I could put two king size beds together and she would still find a way to invade my sleeping space. I told her in the middle of the night, Kayleigh stop kicking and she replied "my feet are long Nana". LOL


So here's to having a decent Sunday. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, I'm gonna tackle some paperwork and then read my book.

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Jasper lets some farts rip that make even L go to shame.... I can't believe they come from him!


,lol, she sounds like me. L likes to sleep at the edge of the bed and I like to sleep next to him. Not cuddle but have my back to his back. So when he wakes up and rolls over there I am, right up his arse. He then complains about me being a bed hog but I reply with if he would sleep int he middle of the bed I wouldn't have to hog the bed to sleep next to him, lol

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