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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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It's interesting how things work out. We were debating how we wanted to approach the manager here at work to ask him about the possibility of accomodating the restrictions the doctor has given him. The manager came to my office earlier and sat down, (this kind of freaked me out because he never ever ever comes to my office) and he asks how the bf was doing. I told him that we were actually going to see him tomorrow after the doctor's appointments to update him on the situation, I never said anything to him about the need for accomodations. He handed me some papers and said "have your bf fill these out". He says one of the supervisors had told him that my bf was interested in applying for another position here at work. This position would actually be better suited for him in a few ways. First he wouldn't have to work the overnight shift which is killer on anyone's body, let alone someone who is sick. He would be working in a capacity where he wouldn't have to walk long distances or move around to much which would be perfect because that would eliminate the need to have the manager approve the accomodations and he would be working under his "uncle". Not his real uncle but the day supervisor was my bf's father's best friend for 40 years so he is like an uncle to my boyfriend. It all seems very perfect and I am hoping I can convince him to just go for it.


I really feel good about everything right now and I can see my positive attitude about this is helping him to feel more optomistic. Win Win.

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lol, you spelled optimistic like my screen name.


Glad to hear everything is working out! Keep positive thoughts!


I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to spell it and I am pretty sure I have no idea how to use spell check on this computer. As long as you guys understand me, it's all good. LMAO

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I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to spell it and I am pretty sure I have no idea how to use spell check on this computer. As long as you guys understand me, it's all good. LMAO


lol, the second o is actually an I but I misspelled it on purpose when I made my screen name - had to be unique and all that. I am glad to hear everything is looking up for you guys!

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lol, the second o is actually an I but I misspelled it on purpose when I made my screen name - had to be unique and all that. I am glad to hear everything is looking up for you guys!


Thanks....me too.


How much would I suck if I told you that I may have slipped the disk in my back again? I swear to God, if it's not one thing it's another. I was bending over to put on my pants and I felt that all too familir pop in my lower left back, the exact spot where I have the disk protrusion. HHmmmmph


It hurts, it's not excrutiating (sp) but I definitely feel it. Hoping and praying that it just goes away but that would be too much like right. LOL Not going to let it get me down. I am a strong woman, a fighter. I have been to hell and back one or twice, I can and will get through this. I may need a few drugs to kill the pain but dammit, I will pull through.


Group hug..............

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It hasn't even been a year since the last time. It was August 14 when it slipped again. Well at least for now, at this moment it's not too painful. I have to stay positive. Now if in a few days you read some crazy ramblings on here, then you know I am hopped up on vicodin and probably not doing too well. LOL

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Vicodin didn't really do much for me, I took it to take the edge off. Once the doctor just gave me a shot of something right into the lower back and another time I had to go to the ER and they shot me up with drugs. I think I will go invest in another heating pad. One of the babies took the cloth cover off mine and I have no idea what they did with it. The heating pad and I had a very close relationship last year. LOL

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I had a good one, it was a moist heat kinjd. It had the little spongey thing you wet and then put the cover back on. It was amazing. I'll get another one probably tomorrow. In the meantime, I am just using this crazy strong chinese oil and rubbing it into my lower back. My office smells like a chinese accupuncture office.

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Thank you Sane, I always appreciate your kind words. I hope you are doing well.


Today I am emotional, I know why I just don't know how to address it here yet. I guess when I feel the time is right, I will bring it to the table here so to speak.


The back is still hurting, I shouldn't be suprised though. When it rains it pours, at least for me it does. Spent a few hours at Kaiser today with the boyfriend and he has the all clear for surgery next tuesday. They explained to us how the procedure will go and what to expect. It doesn't seem like it's going to be that bad. He will be able to return to work a few days after which he is looking forward to. He decided he didn't want to apply for the other position, he is just going to wait until they bid for their new shifts in April and he will go to swing shift which will be much easier on his body. He did speak to the manager at work and the manager said he would accommodate him in any way possible which was nice. There are other employees here that he hasn't been that kind to but those employees were also his biggest troublemakers so I suppose that could have something to do with it. In any event, the boyfriend seems to be feeling better, a little stronger and certainly more optimistic.


Now if I can just get myself together, we would be in great shape.

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So so glad today is my Friday. I get off work at 6:00am and then I will have to be up pretty much all day but at least I don't have to worry about coming back to work until Saturday morning. As usual my days off will be filled with taking the boyfriend to his appointments.


I'm picking up my tickets tomorrow to see The Harlem Globe Trotters on Saturday night. I'm looking forward to going, taking my grandson, my 20 year old son and the boyfriend if he is feeling well enough which I think he will be (fingers crossed). It should be a fun night.


My daughter stopped by today to pick up some paperwork of hers and Aidan decided he wanted to hang out with his momma so she took him back to her place. I was actually relieved because I was so desperate for a nap this afternoon. It was nice to wake up to a very quiet house. I'll pick him up tomorrow morning and take him to school and he will probably go back to his mom's house on Friday night for the weekend. I know he loves staying with me but he also misses his brothers and sisters so it's good that we have this arrangement in place. It seems to be working so far.


Should be getting my federal tax refund this Friday, I really need to take care of a few pressing things and the money would definitely come in handy for that. My grandson's tv/dvd combo stopped working, well the dvd part of it went kaput so I want to try and pick up a used tv and dvd player from the goodwill so the kids can still watch their movies.. She also hasn't been able to get a microwave yet and the kids love their microwave popcorn so I'm hoping I can find one at the goodwill as well. I was looking on Craigslist but now I am leary because there was a recent story in my area of a guy that went to buy an iphone from a seller on Craigslist and the seller robbed the buyer at gunpoint for 500 dollars and since getting robbed isn't on my list of things to do I might just stick with Goodwill.

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Back to work today, Grrrr. I wished I could have stayed home one more day.


The boyfriend had his kidney biopsy done on Thursday. He hadn't taken his medicine that morning because the doctor hadn't told us whether he could or not. He finally took it when they were getting him ready for his procedure. His blood pressure was really high, it started out at 197/89. I know it was a combination of not having his medicine earlier and being scared. He looked terrified to be there and even more so after the doctor explained the procedure in greater detail. Naturally I needed to put on my best poker face but inside I was feeling frantic. I left the hospital and just tried to maintain a positive attitude and thankfully everything went well. The nurse called me and said he was doing great, so great in fact they didn't need to keep him as long as they had thought. He hasn't even experienced a lot of pain, just some mild aching on the side. Needless to say, I'm very proud of him. These things that he is doing now are things that he never would have done previously. I know he's scared but he seems to have a much more positive outlook which I think is making him feel better. He has more energy and is eager to spend time out of the house more now.


Oh and he suprised me with flowers yesterday. Awwww

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Another peaceful Sunday at work, I do enjoy this. Dinner with the boyfriend was nice, we kept it short and came straight home. I was all for cuddling up and watching tv but he wanted to visit the grandbabies at my daughters house so off we went for a little while.


I made it to Target this morning to get some things I wanted before my coupons expire tomorrow and got an amazing deal on laundry soap, God I love a good bargain. Saved a little over 20 dollars with my coupons today. Hooray!~

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Ahh, not so quiet Monday, I'm working OT this morning and it's busy here at work. Hopefully once the bus assignments are out on the road, it will quiet down again.


Been up since 6:00am, I think the dog clicking his nails on the floor woke me up. (I'm pretty sure that means, 'mom get out of bed and let me outside to pee). LOL Took a hot bath, got the baby off to school and headed to the boyfriends house. Today is the big day, he signed the advanced medical directive giving me the authority to make all decisions for him should he not be able to. It's kinda scary to think about it, but I have the utmost faith that everything will be fine and we won't be needing that silly directive for a very very long time.


Now I just need a little quiet time here at work to crunch some numbers and figure out what changes I need to make so I can still pay all my bills and not scrape by. I pay entirely too much for direct tv so I will be minimizing the package to the bare minimum. Thinking about getting rid of my house phone since we have cell phones. Nothing much I can do about the electric and gas other than make sure people turn off the lights when they leave the room. My mother has a bad habit of turning on the light over the stairs to come down to the kitchen and leaving that light on. Oh man if she wasn't elderly and needed that light, I would remove the bulb, I swear.


I'm a frugal shopper, coupon lover so my costs there aren't that much. I'm pretty sure I can make it work.


My son just got his driving permit and takes the driving test on the 14th. His goal is to get his license and apply for a job where I work. He is actually a good candidate because he has experience working on cars so he could realisticly get a job here servicing buses until he can finish his mechanic training and then move up as a bus mechanic. Since he has no big desire to leave home right now, him helping with bills and rent would be a plus.


Overall feeling pretty good. Oh and tomorrow is the boyfriends surgery for the AV Fistula. Everything seems to be moving at a good speed and he is doing well through all of it. He has days where he questions all of this and I can sense he is fearful but I think he's doing much better than I had expected of him.

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Best of luck to your b/f!


Ya we cut off our cable too, it's ridiculous how much they charge for the amount we actually watch. So unnecessary not to mention 95% of the channels are quite useless lol. I do miss Discovery, Science Channel and few others.

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I don't know about where you live Sidehop but out here in Cali, if we don't have cable or satellite we can't watch tv unless we have a converter box just for local channels. Tv programming is just crap these days anyway.


Ideally I would like to find a package deal somewhere, maybe get the internet and cable bundled or something like that. I pay 30 dollars a month for internet, is that too much? It's not even fast, when my son is playing Xbox live and I want to get on the laptop, it lags lags lags. Ugh.

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Ya we need a box here now also and really most of what's on can be found on the internet. $30/month isn't bad at all, after tax our internet is around $55 but the speed is decent. No FiOS from Verizon where you live? I know they're super fast.

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I don't bother with cable anymore. We have it free for 6 months, but it's the most random lineup. All we watch is the Nat'l Geographic channel on cable and everything else on Netflix.


I'm thinking of you and your bf today. Everything will be fine.


And that is really exciting about your son going for his driver's test. Good luck to him.

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