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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Thanks everyone, I hope you know all of your support really helps me get through these long days.


I haven't even seen the boyfriend today. He asked if I was coming over before work but I couldn't even muster the energy to get up earlier. I was stuck in bed, just exhausted. Last night, I had some kind of allergic reaction and my eye swelled shut. I know I had posted about the same thing happening a few months ago. Thankfully it's just one eye this time and it's no longer shut but it is very swollen. I look like I got popped in the eye.


Another quiet day here at work. Although I despise this shift, I am at least thankful that I get some quiet time on Sundays' in the office. I wish I would have brought a book or something, the only thing I have to read is all the stuff they gave us about the transplant and I really don't want to read about that right now.

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My son spent a few days in San Francisco and brought back some goodies for everyone. Naturally I got the most stuff because I'm his mother and he loves me. LOL He brought me some Ghiradelli hot cocoa mix, a Ghiradelli mug with chocolates in it and the most random thing of all, he brought me a roll from Boudin Bakery, it's actually a turtle shaped bread. It was kinda hard by the time he got it to me but the thought was there. LOL

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You can do it OG. You were doing really well before and I know if you put your heart back into it, you can do it.


I need to do it myself. I completely let myself go and I see all the weight I am putting back on. Hopefully once we get a handle on all of his appts, I will have more time to go to the gym. Plus if I am lucky enough to be considered a match for a kidney donation, I have to be at a certain BMI so I really need to get my ass in gear.

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He has to get his workup done first and then everything has to be approved by a team. When all that is done, his name goes on the list. Once he is officially on the list then the rest of us can get tested. If he finds a living donor, he can get his transplant in about 3-6 months, if no living donor is found then he waits until a match is found from a deceased donor.

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Because more tests would have to be done on me (or whoever the living donor is). They test for E V E R Y T H I N G.... The initial tests are the blood and tissue, everything else is after that. The living donor even has to have a pysch evaluation to make sure they are sure about making such a big decision.

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The wait on the list is 7-9 years although it's not guaranteed he would have to wait that long.


When we took the transplant class last week, a woman came to speak at the class. She was an older hispanic woman that had a kidney transplant in 2004. She had only been on the list for 5 weeks when she got the call that they had a perfect match. Her perfect match came from a 9 year old caucasian boy that had passed away in a drowning trying to save his sister from drowning. I cried like a baby when she brought out the frame with his pictures in it.

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There are thousands of people on the waiting list for organs. I have always known since I was a little girl that I wanted to donate when I pass. My family knows my wishes, donate everything that is usable.


Did you know that they can transplant intestines? I never knew that. I am amazed at how much I have learned in just a short time.

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I am about to go to sleep but I had to share this with you guys. I got off work at 10:00p and went to the boyfriends house to check on him. I go through the ritual of taking his sugar and blood pressure and he has Richard Pryor on the tv. We are sitting there chatting a bit and we talked about the upcoming stuff. He says to me "I don't know if I want to go through will all of this" and I ask "all of what"? He said "everything" and I told him the alternative was death but that was out of the question because I'm not ready to let go. He asks me "how long do you think I have to live if I don't do any treatments"? and at that very moment the heater fell back. He's using a portable heater that I gave him to keep him warm because of his anemia. This thing didn't just fall back on it's own. There is no way for it to fall back, plus it went back with such force. I know that was a sign from someone above that he isn't supposed to give up. I left his house feeling so comforted like he/we have people watching out for him. It's really a peaceful feeling to me and I needed that, he did too.

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