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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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In searching for a therapist I am finding there are masters level clinicians, pychologists, and shrinks. I wasn't sure what the difference between masters level clinicians and pychologists are. I know what a shrink is and I don't want to see one of those. I don't want meds, I would rather just talk everything out.



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In searching for a therapist I am finding there are masters level clinicians, pychologists, and shrinks. I wasn't sure what the difference between masters level clinicians and pychologists are. I know what a shrink is and I don't want to see one of those. I don't want meds, I would rather just talk everything out.




Psychologists have a PhD or a PsyD, usually in clinical psychology. Master's level clinicians have graduate degrees, are usually licensed as mental health counselors or in social work. They all are qualified to provide therapy and collect from insurance companies. If you had to choose master's level person, I think someone with a license in metnal health counseling is a better choice than someone with a social work license. Personally, I would choose a PhD person because they have more education and some knowledge of research. That's just me.


Whichever you choose, I personally think that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the best and most effective approaches out there. Usually therapists will list which approaches they use for treatment.

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I have seen posts here where people talk about CBT. I will google that a little more so I can better understand what that is. Thank you Bella for the information.


On a much more positive note, (I know my posts lately have been Debby Downer posts), I went to the gym. I was determined to go but didn't want to say anything here in case I failed miserably. I did 45 minutes of cardio, didn't touch anything else. I was going to stay a bit longer but I noticed my son was just sitting on one of the machines not working out like he normally would. He confessed to me that he was sick and didn't have the energy to work out anymore. I guess he caught what the others in my house had (respitory thing). I asked him why didn't he tell me and he said he knew I wanted to get back to the gym so he didn't want to let me down. Awwww.


Now since I have to be at Kaiser tomorrow at 1:30 pm I might try to hit the gym when I get off work tomorrow morning at 6:00am. I figured I could work out for an hour and then head home, sleep for a little bit and then make it to Kaiser for our appointment. I will be getting trained by a nurse on how to give him weekly injections so I don't want to miss this appointment. I'll take my gym stuff with me and if I am not to tired in the morning I will do it and if not then I will just work out again on Thursday.


At least it's a start.

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My hopes of going in the morning after work were quickly crushed when my daughter reminded me that I need to pick up the kids from school at 11:30. Oh well, I guess I will go Thursday morning sometime since I will have more time to work out and not be rushed so I guess it's okay.

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You're such a patient and warm hearted person with so much energy. I don't know how you do it MG with so much going on. You must be everyone's favorite among your family and friends


HAHA, I think my daughter would beg to differ with you. She doesn't think too highly of me right now but that's alright, I'm just being a good mother and looking after her even if she doesn't see it that way.


Thank you though for the kind words.


Things are going to get better, they have to.

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What a long day. I guess the combination of working out yesterday and working outside in the cold weather last night did a number on my knees. They were hurting all last night and this morning. When I got home I took my Ambien hoping I would sleep at least 4 hours before I had to go pick up the babies. Well I woke up shortly after in tears because my knees were just killing me. So less than two hours of sleep for me this morning. Had lunch with the boyfriend and then we were off for his appointment. I learned how to give the Epo injection. He had concerns about his swelling so they called the doctor from his rounds in the hospital and he came up to see the bf. I really love this doctor, he is just really so great and seems genuinely concerned with the bf's health issues.


Straight up, it's time for dialysis. The boyfriend is opting for hemo-dialysis so he can be monitored at a center 3 days a week. The doctor sent a referal for the surgeon because he needs the fistula implanted. He is also being scheduled for a kidney biopsy and that should happen sometime in March. We still have the transplant class to take this month and that is when we find out when we can start looking for donors and to get them tested.


In the meantime, he decreased some of his bp medicine and increased the Lasix to help push some of the fluid out. He gained 9lbs in one week from fluid retention. He's huge!

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Sleep never felt so good. I came home from work this morning and slept for about 3 hours before I had to get up and get the babies from school. I thought I would do a good deed and take Daisy out for a walk but she seemed overly excited about her walk with me and she took me for a walk through the neighborhood. I definitely got my 20 mins of cardio in trying to keep up with her.


Now it's time to clean house and do laundry, probably make some dinner later.

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Where have I been? LOL It's been like a week since I posted anything here. Gee, where do I start? Ok for starters my baby is officially an adult now. He just celebrated his 18th birthday this past Saturday. So I have no minor children anymore, they are all grown. My daughter and I haven't been on speaking terms for over a week now and I knew something was coming because she had been texting my best friend while we were in Vegas for Superbowl and she told him that she needed to talk to me and didn't want to fight with me anymore. So, Monday night when I got home she told me that she and the boyfriend got an apartment and are moving out. Everything has been paid for and they are ready to go. I'm thinking by this weekend they will begin moving their stuff out. It's bittersweet moment for me, she's obviously and adult and needs to have her own life and I really wish her well. On the other hand I am going to worry about the babies because of her past history. My worst fear is that she will somehow relapse and lose the kids again. Thankfully she is less than a mile from my house so I will be making unannounced visits just to make sure everything is okay and I will still get to have my babies near me.


Vegas was okay, the boyfriend wasn't feeling well at all. I honestly didn't want to go on this trip but I know how it important it was for him. He (we) stayed in the room to watch the game. He didn't even go down to the casino that day. He had been down there the day we arrived, we gambled a bit and had a nice seafood dinner. He slept all the way home, slept all day today and probably won't come to work tonight. He has zero energy, won't even eat. Tomorrow he goes for more blood work to see where we are with the anemia and the kidney function.

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I know you will worry about your granbabies, maybe this time around things won't be so bad. And perhaps you guys won't argue so much with her having her own place.


I hope that a little distance will make us closer. I wonder if she truly realizes how expensive it is to be on your own? She had many luxuries at home that she is not going to be able to afford now.

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Thankfully I am not as tired tonite as I was last night, I was able to get a little sleep here and there. I had to get up early to go with the boyfriend to Kaiser. His bloodworks shows that he is even more anemic now than he was last month. Hopefully the injections I give him once a week will start building his red blood cells soon.


He now has his appointment with the vascular surgeon on Valentine's Day. He isn't thrilled about the idea and even said something like "I don't think I want to do it afterall". I said "you do realize that without the dialysis you will die and you need to have the surgeon do the AV Fistula or you can have them implant a catheter in your stomach and do the home dialysis". Suddenly the concept didn't seem like a bad one to him. Now he just needs to make the appointment for the kidney biopsy. Sigh


We had ordered some superbowl shirts that we were planning on wearing to Vegas for Superbowl right? Well the shirts didn't arrive on time. So I told him that I would ship them back to NFL shop and get a refund on the credit card. I opened the boxes and the shirts had just been stuffed in. They weren't folded, not in any kind of plastic bag, nothing. I was heated, even if we did get the shirts early enough to wear I would have had to iron them, they were that badly wrinkled. So I am sending a complaint letter as well. This is the first time this has ever happened to us.


Come to think of it, the shirts looked like one of the girls wedding dresses that she had posted about in the Wedding thread. Makes me so mad to even think about spending that much money to have them arrive looking like a donkey had been gnawing on them.


I am off for the next two days and I am looking forward to shopping with my mom and son later today. I have my coupons ready to go and we are hitting Target and Walmart for sure. Not sure where else we are going but as long as I am out and about it's all good.

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Shopping was great! I didn't buy anything special, just stuff for the house but I had tons of coupons and saved a lot of money! At Target I saved 52 dollars in coupons, Fresh and Easy 11 dollars in coupons, Walmart 32 dollars in coupons, and Ralphs grocery store 20 dollars in coupons. I took my mom to eat at Denny's and used a buy an entree get an entree free coupon so that was another 9.00 dollars saved! Pantry is stocked, fridge and freezer full of food.



I decided to be brave today and took the 4 grandbabies to the movies. We saw Yogi Bear, they liked it and it was a cute movie but god help me I was so bored. LOL


Now I am babysitting them and I think I am going to give them a super warm bath and put the little monsters umm little angels down for bed. I have to be up at 4:30am for work.


Kaiser called today, they want the boyfriend to schedule an appointment for another iron infusion and they want me to increase the Procrit injections for him from 7000 units to 10,000 units because of his anemia. I think I will just ask Kaiser if I can book a room there since I spend more time there with him than I do at my own house. LOL

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