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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I am pretty sure I caught it from someone here that I pm with a lot, she was sick first. Then I caught it and now she is sick again. LOL


Awwwww love germs, we all have them. LOL


Tomorrow will be day 4 of the Z-pack antibiotics. I'm feeling better, just having a hard time getting rid of the junk in my chest. I have this overwhelming urge to want to clean the house tomorrow and Friday (my off days so I must be feeling better. LOL

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I actually took both my days off and didn't do any overtime. I can't say I rested though, I spent today cleaning, cooking, and doing laundry. I moved furniture, swept and mopped.


I'm aiming for the gym tomorrow after work. I have everything ready to go, just need to get my butt there.

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Ok people, I did it, I made my first visit back to the gym this morning after a 2 month hiatus. I only went for 30 minutes though, so let's not get too excited. LOL I'm still feeling some lingering breathing issues from my latest respitory infection so I didn't want to overdo it. I'm glad I went, I had that feeling of nostalgia when I walked in. I'm aiming for a return trip tomorrow as well.


The boyfriend has 4 more appointments this month, so I'm not sure how that is going to affect my working out but I will still aim to get back to where I was.


Last night, I didn't sleep well. My granddaughter was vomiting all night so naturally she woke me up to let me know she was throwing up. I probably got up 4 or 5 times, 2 of those times to clean up her mess and change her pajamas. Sigh. I'm so sleepy now here at work.


Must keep going, must keep going.


*edit* oh I wanted to add that I weighed myself this morning and I am reluctantly going to post it only because I want to be held accountable and it was fun to see the numbers drop when I was really working hard so here's to doing it all again.


1-9-11 first visit back to the gym. Starting weight 184.8

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Yay for going back! I'm going back tomorrow too (if I even go to work since we are suppose to get a HUGE winter storm). I haven't been in a week (eck) but I have been sick. I even bought a new pair of shoes so, no excuess now. I'm going to work out moderatly before the wedding so my dress doesn't have to be altered again but after the wedding, yeah. Def. going to step it up.


MG. I wish I weighed what you do. I'll even post mine since I haven't been in a week... I know I'm still over 200.

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I was 202 when I started my journey back at the end of Feb, 2010. You can do it OG. You seem to have that willpower and drive and that is what will keep you going. I think for me, what really helped is that I had crazy energy as I started losing weight and I won't lie, I loved when people here at work would come up and say "wow, you are losing a lot of weight, you look great". That is a huge ego booster for me. I so want to feel that way again.

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So it's Monday and I wanted to make it my 2nd day back at the gym but that didn't happen. Last night at work I started feeling sick again, I was coughing a lot. This morning I woke up briefly, unable to breathe and had a horrible sore throat so I went right back to sleep and actually slept til almost 11:30am.


I'm calling my doctor in a little while, ask him if I should start another round of antibiotics. He gave me the strong ones, I should have been better by now, I was actually feeling better and now it seems I am back to square one again. This is so not cool.


My dentist had called me earlier and she said "wow I didn't even recognize you on the phone, you sound really different". Umm yeah, I sound like a man because I am so congested. Seriously, this is not good. I am trying to stay as healthy and free of illnesses as I can because my biggest fear is that the boyfriend will catch something and not be able to fight it off because of his ever mounting health issues.



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Well I don't even think I will be able to go tomorrow either. I called my doctor and he wants to see me tomorrow. He's kinda suprised that I started feeling this way so soon after the antibiotic treatment. My throat feels like it's been cut, it's so raw. It's weird the right side of my throat is where it hurts the most and my right nostril is clogged.


Wow if you walk to the gym, you will get a great cardio workout. LOL

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Well I don't even think I will be able to go tomorrow either. I called my doctor and he wants to see me tomorrow. He's kinda suprised that I started feeling this way so soon after the antibiotic treatment. My throat feels like it's been cut, it's so raw. It's weird the right side of my throat is where it hurts the most and my right nostril is clogged.


Wow if you walk to the gym, you will get a great cardio workout. LOL


I'm sorry you are still not feeling better. I think it may be a virus that is getting us because several people I know also took antibiotics and are not getting better. That is why I didn't bother going to the doc. I have the sore throat too. My left side of my throat kills- especially in the morning. It feels like it has been cut too. Finally my sinuses cleared out but now I am just dealing with a sore throat form all the damage my throat got from coughing attacks. I still have not been to the gym either. I can't imagine any labored breathing due to exercise being good for this.


I have been using BreatheRight throat stips and NyQuil at night and they really help take the tickle out of my throat so I don't cough and I can sleep. I've also been using cough drops and Chloraseptic throat-numbing spray. I am trying to prevent coughing as much as possible so my throat can heal. I don't have tonsils but when I looked back there with a small flashlight there was nothing there- just very red.

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Whew I'm glad to hear I am not the only one with this virus from hell. I was beginning to wonder if it was all in my head and that maybe I was a hypochondriac (sp). LOL


I have another appt with my doctor today at 3:00pm. I feel like crap today, absolute crap. My throat still hurts, my ears hurt. I have plegm everywhere. I have been using the nyquil at night as well, sucking on Hall's throat drops during the day. I just really want this to be over already.


I'm supposed to be at Kaiser today with the boyfriend as he is getting a procedure done, but I have to be 30 miles away on the opposite side of town for my own appt. Too much going on at once.

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This really has just been such a long drawn out week. I'm so tired, I really don't know how I have managed to keep going. You guys know that I was battling that resp infection from hell and after speaking with the doctor he wanted to see me again. This was supposed to happen on Tuesday of last week. That same day the bf was at Kaiser, he was scheduled to get an iron infusion due to his anemia. They were running way behind schedule and I could tell that he was a bit uneasy going in by himself so I cancelled my appointment so I could stay with him. I figured I would just re-schedule the appointment for the next day.


After his infusion that day, I finally got home about 6:30pm. A few people in my house had already or were currently sick with some nasty stomach virus. I figured I was fine, I felt fine. I was just tired from being at the hospital all day. I get to work at 10:00pm and at about midnight I started feeling oh so sick. I was nauseated and had bad cramps. I was frequenting the restroom. You could look at my face and see that I wasn't well. Called out sick the following night and was in bed all day. I couldn't keep anything down. I couldn't go with him for his second infusion on Wednesday, he had to go alone. Next day I felt fine, like nothing had ever happened, but I am still dealing with this resp infection.


Then yesterday, the bf needed to make a same day appt with the doctor because he has been having problems with his breathing. We have now added asthma to his list of medical ailments. He was given a couple new medicines and told to up his bp medicine as his blood pressure has been sky rocketing. He's currently on 3 different bp meds and they aren't even making a dent in his bp. This is all so very stressful, so scary. I'm tired. We won't even talk about the gym. I went that one day and that was it. Too much going on right at this moment, not to mention I couldn't last more than a minute on one of those machines with this infection of mine. I'm just going to make it a point to rest up and get well and then when I am feeling close to 100%, I will venture back in the gym.

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I'm tired and sad and dealing with emotions that I only dealt with when my father was quite ill. 2010 proved to be a rollercoaster year for me and here we are in 2011, not even one full month in and it seems that it's going to be another rough year for us.


The boyfriend hasn't been feeling well, he has his good days and he's had plenty of bad ones. Christmas Eve he was rushed to the hospital by paramedics because the people at work thought he was having a heart attack, he actually had an asthma attack. He's been undergoing treatment for Diabetes, Hypertension, Chronic Kidney Disease (stage 4) and most recently the Asthma. Two weeks ago he had to undergo an iron infusion for two days. His kidney doctor had hoped/is still hoping that the iron will bring up his blood volume as he is severly anemic.


Most recently, his body began to swell and his legs and face are huge, he gained 10 lbs in 4 days from the water retention. I convinced him to see the doctor today and after a chest xray and an EKG, the doctor suspects he has congestive heart failure. He needs to have an ultrasound done on his heart to confirm that diagnoses but his recent symptoms lead him to believe that to be the cause. He also said his heart is enlarged. To say that I am stressed is an understatement. I put on my poker face when the doctor was talking to us but inside I was dying. We went to dinner and only when I came back to my house did I feel comfortable just crying and letting it out.


I know he's tired of the constant doctor visits, the needles and the endless pills. He hadn't seen a doctor in many many years because he never wanted to be told that he was sick. I only recently found out that he knew a very long time ago that he had diabetes and high blood pressure and did nothing about it. He continued to eat and drink himself into oblivion and now here I am, so very much in love with him trying my hardest to help him get well.


While I have to deal with all of this, my house has become a warzone for my children who have seem to have taken a liking to fighting with each other. Everyone is fighting with everyone else, the stress is so overwhelming right now. I just want to keep my little family together and at the same time be strong for him because I don't even know what our future holds for us right now.


I haven't told my family, I don't want to cry in front of them. I feel so much more at ease spilling my guts here to you guys.

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