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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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You know, I am really looking forward to getting back to the gym next month. I can't believe I truly let this happen to me, to lose all that weight only to gain some of it back and I'm not talking 3 or 4 lbs, I'm talking more, much more. Grrrr


Since I have been working overtime and I am working Christmas morning (hello double time and a half) I think I am going to treat myself to some new gym clothes and a gym bag instead of the reusable shopping bag that I was toting around. LOL


It sucks when I sit here at work and I can see my reflection in the window and all I can think is "what a tubby".


Someone shake me back to reality already!

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Good for you OG. I know when I was going regularly, the days that I would skip the gym I just didn't feel right. I craved going everyday that is how much I loved it.


Stupid boyfriend issues and stupid weird crazy Metro thoughts took over and that is why I stopped going. I'm ready to get back to where I was. I felt alive and vibrant. Looking back on my posts, I can even see the difference in my posts. I went from upbeat and lively to a sad mess.


I definitely can't wait for the old me to come back and hopefully I will be stronger this time around to deal with whatever life throws at me.

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I'm not a gym person myself, but always try to take my dog for a run or go hiking on my time off. Anything to get me moving helps and gives the boost of endorphins from 'working out'. I don't think I'm motivated enough to go to the gym regularly. Hope you can get back into it and back to yourself.

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I'm not a gym person myself, but always try to take my dog for a run or go hiking on my time off. Anything to get me moving helps and gives the boost of endorphins from 'working out'. I don't think I'm motivated enough to go to the gym regularly. Hope you can get back into it and back to yourself.


How I wish I could take my dog on a walk like that. Sadly he is older than probably you and I in dog years and walks like a crab (side to side) so no hikes or brisk walks for us. LOL


I'll get my mojo back, you'll see.

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Merry Christmas to all my friends old and new here. I hope you are having a wonderful holiday with loved ones.


I am currently at work, making insane money that is the only reason why I do it. LOL My babies will be anxiously awaiting my arrival home at 2:00p so they can open thier gifts. I have to admit, I am kinda stoked about opening mine as well. My children have pumped me up telling me how I am gonna love so and so's gift. My mom seems particularly giddy about one of the gifts she got me. It's only obvious what she got me, she bought me a bottle of liquor. I don't drink. HAHAHAH We were at a CVS and she was buying my son a Jack Daniel's gift set and I commented on a bottle of Hazelnut flavored Kalua. I used to love Kalua and milk. Well I guess she went back and bought the bottle. So now I either have to have a drink with her later or let her have the bottle. LMAO


She will have a fresh pot of coffee brewed so perhaps some Kalua and coffee is in order.


I'm just looking forward to seeing the kids faces as they open their gifts. I know a certain 8 and 5 year old that are going to be shocked as they open their Nintendo DS Lite's and a 4 & 3 year old that are going to love their bikes.

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My daughter ever the funny girl extended an offering to a homeless man today while driving. She wanted to give him some money but had none and let me know that I had no change in my little change container thingy. Anyway, she remembered there was a new bottle of powerade in the back seat and a winning scratch ticket for 1.00 dollar or another ticket. So she handed the man the sports drink and the ticket. He looked it over casually and she said you can either turn it in for 1.00 or get another ticket. The man said the dollar sounded good but he was gonna try his hand at a ticket to see if he could win more money. LOL He also thanked her for the drink, he said it's not everyday people offer him a beverage.


I was dying when she reminded me to fill ip my change container in the car. Ummm if she didn't always dig in it for coffee, it would still have money in it! lol

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Awww, that's so sweet!


I admit, I'm always leary about giving things to lose standing on the street. I have no problem going and getting you a hote meal and handing it to you but I won't give them money. I did that once when I was a cashier at a gas station. The man caught me as I was pulling in for work. I handed him ten dollars. An hour later what was he doing with the ten dollars he said he needed for a hot meal? Buying beer... inside MY store. I was so angry. I have even told some I'll bring them a hot meal and they were like, 'no, no, I'll take money." Yeahhhhhhhh.


This time of year I keep my change thing filled for those charities that stand like otuside Wal-Mart and ring the bell... Salvation ARmy I think.

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Christmas was really nice, the babies had a blast with all their stuff. We must have thrown out 4 or 5 trash bags of wrapping paper and discarded toy wrap. I got some neat stuff from the family...





a gift basket filled with incense, incense burner and fragranced hand lotion (from my son's girlfriend)

a gift card to Lush

a bottle of hazelnut flavored kalua

a mac eyeshadow (from my other son's girlfriend)


and from my best friends


A lot of MAC stuff from W.


A Seahawks blanket from C.


All in all it was a nice Christmas.

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I think I am getting sick and I am not happy about it. My throat is starting to hurt, it was scratchy yesterday but is hurting today and I noticed what appears to be a fever blister on my lip.


I really don't have time to see my doctor this week, so if this gets worse I may just call out sick. I think I spend so much time taking care of everyone else that I forget to take care of myself.

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