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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Didn't make it there yesterday as there was a slight change in plans. My two friends wanted to have a girls night, so we went to eat dinner at the Olive Garden and then it was off to Home Goods and Target for a night of shopping. I scored a really nice Ralph Lauren comforter on clearance for 22.00. I'm not fond of the color, I bought it because it is ridiculously thick and heavy. I tried it out last night, I got too hot under the covers. LOL


Target had some pretty good deals too. I picked up Season 5 of House for 12.99, normally it is 44.99. I'm giving that to my son but don't just want to give him a 13.00 dollar gift so I need to find something else to add to it. I was hoping to find Dexter but they only had season 2 and I think he has that one already. Heck I don't even know if there are more seasons, I should probably look into that.


After spending some time talking to my friends about the issues at hand, I find myself feeling a little better today emotionally. definitely feeling heavy though. I was getting dressed for work today and the weight gain is clearly showing. My friends commented on that as well. One of them was really suprised to hear that I haven't been to the gym in so long and then they both noticed that I cleaned my plate which I normally don't do when I am out with them. Now I just need to get my butt in gear and get back to the nitty gritty. Where o where do I find the mental and physical energy to do this? Sigh

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I had been contemplating what to get my 20 year old for Christmas. I was going back and forth for a few months now trying to find the right gift for him. I was pretty sure I wanted to get him a nice portable dvd player as he loves to watch his movies and his wrestling dvd's. Then I was on facebook and I saw a post from WWE talking about their early cyber monday special, 20% off any order and free shipping. So I get on their site and browse around and found the t shirts he has been wanting marked down to 9.99 each. I bought him 3 tshirts and 2 dvd box sets and everything cost me 44.00. SCORE! I know he is going to love it! Making my babies happy, makes me happy.

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My brother LOVES wrestling. I'll only watch RAW though.


My son watches both Smackdown and Raw and anything else that comes up. I was really impressed with the prices on the wrestling site. His best friend is also a die hard wrestling fan and I bought him a John Cena watch for Christmas. (I got the watch on ebay though).

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I hibernated most of the day yesterday. Slept off and on all day until it was time to get up and work this awful graveyard shift. I woke up to find my left eye swollen. I have had a problem with a bag under that eye for years now but today I have about 5 times the swelling and some redness. I think what might have happened was I didn't completely wash my face of all makeup before I fell asleep in the morning. I did use one of those oil of olay facial cleansing cloths and got most of the makeup off my eyes. This sucks because it really looks like someone slugged me minus any bruising. Grrrr


Going to go home at 6:00am and sleep for a few hours and then I have to take my daughter and mother Christmas shopping. Thankfully the only things I need to get are some pillow pets for my daughters boyfriend's kids. I guess you could call them my step grandkids, so I don't think I will be spending much money today.


Feeling annoyed at work, people here are really stressing me out. A bus driver had to get a replacement bus because his original bus had a cut in the tire. So my mechanic gives him another bus but he didn't want that replacement bus because it was white and not orange. Well the idiot ass hat driver finally got his orange bus and wouldn't you know it, that one had an issue too so he had to take out a white bus.


The guys that service the buses decided they were gonna stop for a few hours and the buses began piling up in the lanes outside my office. So I had to go outside repeatedly just to find available buses to get these assignments done. It's cold, I'm tired and I shouldn't have to go outside more than 3 times to get these buses. Thank God it's my Friday, if I had to do this one more night, I probably would have strangled someone.

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Shopping went well, my daughter bought almost everything she needed and my mother didn't get lost this time. YAY


I spent the weekend in pain, I think I have a sinus thing going on. My head and face hurt so any bending down or movement of my head, makes me feel like it's going to burst. My eyes were puffy and I just looked like a train wreck. I hid behind my sunglasses as much as I could when I did venture out.


Did some major cleaning in the house yesterday. My son called me a tweeker because he couldn't understand how I kept finding more and more things for them to do. LOL I finally called it a night and settled down to some television about 9:00pm. The house looks better though and I did manage to get the artificial tree up so the kids had fun putting the gifts under the tree.


Reconnected with someone from my childhood through facebook. I had recieved a friend request from this person and while the name sounded familiar I couldn't for the life of me figure out who it could be. So I just didn't respond to this request and then he waited a few days and sent me a private message. He reminded me that we were in the 5th grade together and then it hit me. He and I as children, were always together. Everywhere one went, so did the other. He was my best bud from 30 years ago. I felt bad that I didn't remember him right off the bat. Sadly due to some emotional trauma a majority of my childhood memories are gone. It's nice that I do remember some of the memories from our time together. He even remember my mother and said that she was always very nice to him. In his last message to my on facebook, he said that I am his oldest friend. How cool is that?


I hace since been trying to think of other kids from that era that I might remember but nothing is surfacing. I'm not suprised, I didn't think I would remember much of anything or anyone.

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A coworker friend of mine sent this to me today. She knows of my recent struggles with the boyfriend and thought it would help me.



Burned Biscuits-unknown author


When I was a kid, my Mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every

now and then. And I remember one night in particular when she had made

breakfast after a long, hard day at work. On that evening so long ago,

my Mom placed a plate of eggs, sausage and extremely burned biscuits in

front of my dad. I remember waiting to see if anyone noticed! Yet all

my dad did was reach for his biscuit, smile at my Mom and ask me how my

day was at school. I don't remember what I told him that night, but I

do remember watching him smear butter and jelly on that biscuit and eat

every bite!


When I got up from the table that evening, I remember hearing my Mom

apologize to my dad for burning the biscuits. And I'll never forget

what he said: "Honey, I love burned biscuits."


Later that night, I went to kiss Daddy good night and I asked him if he

really liked his biscuits burned. He wrapped me in his arms and said,

"Your Momma put in a hard day at work today and she's real tired. And

besides, a little burned biscuit never hurt anyone!"


Life is full of imperfect things and imperfect people. I'm not the

best at hardly anything, and I forget birthdays and anniversaries just

like everyone else. But what I've learned over the years is that

learning to accept each others faults - and choosing to celebrate each

others differences - is one of the most important keys to creating a

healthy, growing, and lasting relationship.


And that's my prayer for you today. That you will learn to take the

good, the bad, and the ugly parts of your life and lay them at the feet

of God. Because in the end, He's the only One who will be able to give

you a relationship where a burnt biscuit isn't a deal-breaker!


We could extend this to any relationship. In fact, understanding is the

base of any relationship, be it a husband-wife or parent-child or



"Don't put the key to your happiness in someone else's pocket - keep

it in your own."


Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some

kind of battle.

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I think I am starting to come out of my funk. I have been feeling somewhat better, trying to work everything out in my head and while I still have days that drain me, they aren't as often.


I have a feeling that it won't be long before I am back in the gym again. I have been taking care of my skin and playing around with different makeup techniques. I have been watching a lot of tutorials on youtube. It's not like I couldn't do nice makeup before, I am just looking for new looks, new ideas and some of them have been awesome. Now I am left with this overwhelming urge to do something drastic to my hair. I have always had somewhat thin wispy hair that is wavy. I either have to take a curling iron to it to give it some body or I straighten it. I really want a new style, a new cut, some new color. I want something that say's I'm 40. I can appreciate that I look younger but I just want everything to go together. I don't want 20 something hair if that makes sense. LOL

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So I went out last night and had sushi with my best friend and they he sprung it on me that we needed to go to Nordstroms because he wants me to pick out my gift for Xmas, I tell him "you pick it out or give me a gift card". Well apparently that was unacceptable to him because he said he knows nothing of this certain thing he wanted to get me. Ah-hah, I knew what he wanted me to get. He made me choose something from MAC for Xmas. I chose one thing, he says "uh-uh get more". LOL So I ended up with some very nice stuff, can't wait to officially get it on Xmas. HAHAHA


It appears our hanging out last night has created an issue with our other friend. We always hung out together but lately it seems that she only has time for another friend of hers. It's always J this and J that and we going out of state for this and were going out of state for that. I swear we could be discussing the war and she would somehow insert J into the conversation. So yesterday she posted on facebook that her and J were going shopping for the day so he and I decided to get dinner and finish up his christmas shopping. He still hadn't bought a gift for her yet so that was on our agenda. Well she's mad/hurt that we didn't invite her. We tried explaining to her that she was already out with J, now it's turning into this heated argument where everyone is left feeling like what the heck just happened?

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I hate friends like that. Drop you on the dime for a new one but the second they know you are having fun with a new one God forbid! That's an awesome Xmas present though!


She doesn't understand that she is the one that distanced herself from us. We would call her, text her and she would never respond but it was clear as day that she was in constant communication with her new best friend. That is fine, she can be friends with whoever she likes but it bugs me that the rest of us are supposed to stop living until she finds time to do something with us and even then, all we hear is her friend this and her friend that... It gets old.


So he and I just decided to do our own thing. We would still extend the invitation to her but like I said, if she did respond it was always that she was busy with whatever or whoever else.


We honestly didn't think we were doing anything wrong last night. We ate sushi, something she would never want to eat anyway and then we shopped, more like he shopped and he was excited about getting her a really nice gift and now everything just seems so wrong.

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Thanks for the nice words Diamond and Bella. I have always liked the darker color on me but for some reason from time to time I get this itch to go blonde. Hopefully I am over that now. LOL


I woke up this morning from a bad nightmare completely emotional. I hate waking up like that, I couldn't really get a grip this morning. I had somewhere I had to be super early in the morning and then I wanted to eat a quick bite. The place where I went to eat was out of what I wanted and I started to cry, probably because I was tired and already emotional from the nightmare so I went home and went back to sleep.


Of course more bad news would follow later in the day and I am stuck here at work with all these thoughts and emotions, almost afraid to deal with coworkers because I fear I am either going to cry or just snap at someone.


I need a break, I need a day where I can not think about the heavy stuff and just enjoy a moment of happiness, if only for that day.

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The place where I went to eat was out of what I wanted and I started to cry, probably because I was tired and already emotional from the nightmare so I went home and went back to sleep.



Awwww- I am not one to cry much but I can definitely relate to that sort of situation. It's happened to me before when I've been completely overwhelmed -something small will happen- the straw that breaks the camel's back.....and I lose control. You were not really crying about your choice of a meal not being available, it was just your "I've had enough" moment, and all of your emotions caught up with you.


It really sounds like you need a good day at the spa or to pamper yourself in some other way. You need a vacation day from work and from everything, and to enter another realm. You need to do something good for the soul.

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Well I'm done with my emotional funk for now. LOL You are right Bella, it was just everything combined that made me feel some overwhelmed.


I have actually been feeling pretty good the last few days. There is still a lot that I have to deal with, some pretty heavy stuff has surfaced and that is probably going to take it's own toll on me eventually but the best I can really do right now is just take things day by day. I need to focus on staying strong mentally so that when January rolls around I will be better prepared to get healthier and stronger phyiscally.


I will be going out of town this weekend so hopefully I can de-stress and unwind a bit and then I just have to get past Christmas and woohoo, we will be in January already. I'm looking forward to a new year and new beginnings.

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Just a brief update.. The trip was nice but there were some bumps in the road that made it a difficult trip. I would explain further but I have neither the thought nor the energy to do so. The trip was great for my best friend though, he won 1,250 dollars playing video poker. Let's call it beginners luck because he had never played video poker before. He was seated at a machine next to me, I was playing video keno. He puts in a 20 dollar bill and says "help me do this". LOL So he decides on Dueces wild poker. He's playing and getting the hang of it. He gets 2 deueces and a 5,3,7. I say well you want to hold your two deuces and maybe one of the other cards for at least a three of a kind. He says "no what if I only hold the deuces and see what else comes up"? Ok go for it..... He gets two more deuces and the machine pays him 250.00 dollars. He's crying and sweating and gets up and cashes out his ticket. He's a happy little camper. He comes back and puts another 20 dollar bill in the machine. He's doing his thing and he gets an Ace, King, Jack, and Ten of spades along with a 9 of hearts. I tell him to hold everything but the 9. He was one card away from the royal flush. I say to him, all you need is the Queen of spades, he says "oh I'm not gonna get that", he hits the button and up comes the queen of spades. The machine goes crazy, there are bells and whistles and he didn't realize that he just won 1000 dollars. I have never seen a big guy cry so much. LOL It was so awesome to see him so happy.


No on to my little story. We have left Vegas and were now in Primm where the outlets were. I didn't win any money in Vegas so I wasn't going to do any shopping. I did pick up a lipstick that I fell in love with at the Cosmetics outlet, a 10 dollar mac lipstick. Score!


I'm playing some keno in the casino and I started hitting my numbers and I thought to myself, wouldn't it be cool if I won enough money to buy this Coach purse that I had my eye on and YAY, I did it! Took my ticket and cashed out and ran to the Coach store. That was probably the most exercise I have had in months. LMAO Got my bag and only had to come out of my pocket 74 cents. My winnings took care of the bag.


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I'm glad you had fun on your trip!


My dad use to be a truck driver and my mom went out on the road with him before I was born and they went to Vegas. She said they won $100 off a $5 start. I suck at card games though, lol.


And the purse is gorgeous! My best friend would love it, she loves purses. No lie she can't go into any store without buying one. And I have the worst taste in them because I refuse to spend more than $20 for one.

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I'm glad you had fun on your trip!


My dad use to be a truck driver and my mom went out on the road with him before I was born and they went to Vegas. She said they won $100 off a $5 start. I suck at card games though, lol.


And the purse is gorgeous! My best friend would love it, she loves purses. No lie she can't go into any store without buying one. And I have the worst taste in them because I refuse to spend more than $20 for one.


My daughter said that my purse is pretty but it is obvious that I am going for the old lady look and she will not be using that purse anytime soon. LOL

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