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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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You rub it on your skin, I rub it on my flabby areas, (probably why I go through a jar so quickly cuz I have lots of flab) lMAO, and it makes those areas sweat more. Really, all you are losing is water weight, but I feel if I am sweating bullets, I feel more productive, so if a little cream on my flabs is gonna keep my big butt in the gym then so be it.


But girl, I put that stuff on before I go into the steam room and OMG, I felt like the wicked witch in THe Wizard of Oz, "I'm melting".. LOL

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Today was a really great day. I got up early and started cleaning my kitchen and doing laundry. I wanted to try out this recipe I found online so I went to the store and bought some of the stuff I needed and I made a fantastic meal, I couldn't be more proud.


It was supposed to be a garden vegatable turkey meatloaf, consisting of shredded carrots and spinach but I decided to play with the recipe a bit and instead of the shredded carrots and spinach, I used broccoli slaw. It was a bag of finely shredded broccoli, carrots and red cabbage. I left out the salt and used Mrs Dash, black pepper, and italian seasoning. OMG it was soo good. I served it with no salt corn and a slice of Harvest loaf that I got from Fresh and Easy market. It was a very low sodium meal that the bf enjoyed, actually my whole family enjoyed it.


I have some really nice looking breasts (chicken breasts, LOL I wanted to see who was paying attention to my lame journal) and I am looking up a a low sodium recipe for those right now. I'm thinking something along the lines of a ricotta cheese, spinach, and mushroom stuffed breast. I wonder if there are low sodium ricotta cheese blends out there. Hmmmm


So what made the day even better, I had someone cover the first part of my shift so I could watch my Seahawks at the bf's house. Goooooo Seahawks! Woooo we won and I am feeling great!

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You rub it on your skin, I rub it on my flabby areas, (probably why I go through a jar so quickly cuz I have lots of flab) lMAO, and it makes those areas sweat more. Really, all you are losing is water weight, but I feel if I am sweating bullets, I feel more productive, so if a little cream on my flabs is gonna keep my big butt in the gym then so be it.


But girl, I put that stuff on before I go into the steam room and OMG, I felt like the wicked witch in THe Wizard of Oz, "I'm melting".. LOL


Huh. Where can you get it at? Just like a local store?

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I ordered it online. I used this one before and this is actually my favorite...


link removed


The one that I recently used, I bought from Ebay but since I can't access ebay from work, I can't get the info at this time.


Lol, sorry but I can't help but think that the name of the cream sounds rather kinky. If it works, that's some good stuff!!!

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After giving myself a break from working out yesterday, I was back at the gym again this morning. Had a fairly productive workout and spent some time in the steam room 'melting'. LOL


I made a big batch of tuna salad for the family. Tuna, onion, carrots, celery, tomotoe, egg, Mrs Dash, a little bit of italian seasoning, mustard and light mayo. Absolutely no salt. Put mine and the boyfriends on whole wheat bread and he ate some fruit to go with his sandwich.


I was telling him that with him having this outrageously high bp and my having to prepare special meals for him, it has helped me to eat better as well. I don't feel like preparing separate meals for the both of us so I just eat what he eats, not that I was eating too terribly wrong, but now it's certainly better eating.


I'm still trying to figure out how we will make it work when we go to Vegas this weekend. I know he wants to have some beer and when he's drinking, he loves to eat, and eat and eat. Seriously, we can finish a meal and then he wants to eat again an hour later. He has already promised me that he will curtail the drinking and with that I am hoping that I can get him to at least eat healty and not throw caution to the wind. Sigh


A mother's (girlfriends) work is never done. LOL

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I won a laptop!! I was given some info for a sweepstakes from someone here and I entered and just found out today that I won a laptop valued at $800.00. I have already thanked her but I wanted to thank her again. She reads this and I don't want to name names unless she chimes in and says it's okay. It wouldn't have happened without her.


Today actually shaped up to be a very good day. I didn't go to the gym because I was asked to come in early for work. Those of you that know me know I will come to work in a heartbeat to make that OT money.


I did take the boyfriend to the doctor for his bp check. I am so very happy to share with you guys that not only was his bp right on the money, he also lost 9 lbs. To me it seems like way too much weight to lose in just one week and I promise I am not starving him, I just don't let him eat out, I have been preparing his meals with no salt. I started crying when we left Kaiser and he thanked me for loving him and helping him get started on a healthier lifestyle.


Now tomorrow if I am not asked to come back for more OT, I will kick some ass in the gym because I am feeling more motivated than I have in a while.

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That's awesome metro, I'm jealous of your new laptop


It's great to hear your b/f is getting healthier. I'm sure the body is flushing out the toxins, retained water and the excess fat. I wouldn't worry about him losing too much as long as he's not starving himself which isn't what it sounds like.

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Last night after I posted in my journal I checked my emails and recieved the results of his blood work that he had done that same day. His blood tests show the kidney disease progressing much quicker. This could be from his blood pressure that was out of control or his diabetes and I also read that it could be a result of his blood pressure medication which we also believe is causing his persistent cough.


While this is certainly not good news he's taking it all very well and continues to work towards a healthier lifestyle. Of course the one thing that concerns me is his desire to drink when we are out of town. He binge drinks when we are in Vegas and while he doesn't drink everyday or even every week you can be assured when we do go to Vegas he's pounding back the beer as quick as he can get a new glass. I'm hoping these recent relevations will make him slow down a bit, I have discussed it with him but I don't want to sound like the nagging girlfriend either.


He has come a long way and I just want to see him around for a long time. Another thing we discussed last night was what should happen in the event that he is not able to make his own medical decisions. He isn't close to his family and his children have shown virtually no interest in him since finding out he's sick. His family can't stand me and I have been worried about what would happened in the event of a big emergency. He said he would want only me to make any peritant decisions so he will be signing a medical directive that indicates I am the person responsible for him. I feel a little more at ease now. My goal is to keep him healthy so that I don't ever have to use that directive.


He sees his primary doctor next month and I will be asking about a referral to a nephrologist (sp). I'm starting to feel some pressure, I remember this feeling all too well when I was my fathers primary caretaker. Such hard work, but I am in it for the long haul.

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Hello friends, I'm finally back. Vegas was great, didn't win much money but had a fabulous time with the boyfriend and my friends. My best friend joined us on our trip and then we met up with mutual friends that live in Vegas.


I was really pleased with how the boyfriend handled his drinking. He didn't get smashed as he usually does. He ordered a beer, waited a little while before he ordered another one and drank water in between beers. He was calm and very relaxed this time around.


We left on Monday and stopped in Primm for some long awaited shopping. He hung out at the sportsbook watching football while my friend and I shopped.


Now I just need to get back into the swing of things. The gym took a back seat to everything else I was doing. I wanted to work out on Tuesday but woke up feeling absolutely drained. I didn't even go to work that night, I wanted to just stay home and rest. I start winding down and I go to take my Ambien so I can sleep and no Ambien bottle anywhere. I look in my suitcase which I still haven't unpacked, nothing there. I look in the usual medicine basket, not there either. So guess who was wide awake all night? I finally was able to fall asleep at 8:00am after the babies left for school and took a two hour nap somehow and that is all the sleep I have had since. I'm actually suprised that I'm not dragging my rear end here at work, I feel alright, just a little sleepy.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok well I am here, actually I have been lurking around but not posting in my journal, not because I didn't want to but because I really didn't know how to phrase it all to where others would understand.


I haven't been to the gym since before my Vegas trip. I had good intentions to resume when I returned from my trip but then I started feeling just really tired and just overall blah. Then some issues popped up and to be very honest, I just didn't want to go anymore. This is where it gets difficult for me because it's hard to open up completely, but I don't know how to change my way of thinking so maybe other's insight will help with that. Naturally I was doing this for me, for my health but I also enjoyed knowing that my boyfriend would reap the benefits of having an attractive girlfriend. He would tell me from time to time that he notices that I lost weight but would then add "you still need to lose more". I would tell him "yeah I already know that". I don't think he was being stupid when he said it, he's clearly not one to communicate effectively. Fine....


I need to back up just a bit so there is some understanding of why I feel the way I feel right now. He has some friends that are a married couple, he has known them for years. I only recently met the wife in Sept, ironically she works here at the same location we do but in a different department. Apparently earlier this year, she introduced her female friend to my boyfriend and numbers were exchanged. They would call and text each other, he made it seem like it was all platonic and maybe it is but I don't understand how a married woman (the friend) feels it's okay to just call and text my boyfriend randomly. What really upset me, last week one night he didn't come to work, said he wasn't feeling well and would I bring the food I brought to his house after I got off work. No problem. My intentions that night were to stay at his place for a while so we can just spend some time together so I parked on the street. (usually I park in the driveway if I am only going to be a few minutes because I don't want to block the other tenants). So he doesn't hear my car and clearly doesn't hear me walking up to his door. He is talking on his cell phone and by the context of the conversation I knew he was talking to her. I guess she was telling him her schedule and he repeated it back to her and I knew then it was her without a doubt because I had just printed up the daily assignments and she was the only one coming in at that specific time. I knocked, he ended the call with "ok, maybe I will see you tomorrow" (at work). I dropped his food off and he wanted to hug and talk, I wanted no part of either and told him I was going home. He knew I was mad but didn't know at the moment why. The following morning, he insisted I tell him what was wrong so I explained to him that I felt disrespected that he would sit there and talk to her knowing that I was going to be there any minute with his food. He started to deny it was her until I mentioned the schedule thing and then he admitted that she had called him. I asked why and he said that she just wanted to talk to someone because her husband was in the hospital. WHAT???? That just made me even more angry, if the story is true she is calling someone else's boyfriend while her husband is lying in a hospital somewhere, am I the only one that finds something wrong with this picture? That leads me to believe that they are closer than just the occcasional work talk. He swears on his dead mother that nothing is going on, he doesn't have any ill intentions, she is just a work friend blah blah.


So it was at this point that I said to myself, what the hell am I doing? Why even continue with the gym, it's not like he even validates what I do. He's probably too wrapped up in his conversations with her to even notice me. So now I am stuck in this stupid mindset and I have no idea how to get out of it.


And do I sound like a looney girlfriend? Aren't there some boundries that seem to have been crossed?

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^ I agree. Whether or not he is in your life your health is something you will always need.


If you truly think something is going on between them then it will likely surface again....especially if you do some research into the situation. If he is indeed acting inappropriate then you should dump him. You are far too awesome of a person and you don't need to put up with that nonsense. BTW who is he to tell you to lose weight when he practically lets himself approach near death with his own health? You need to evaluate this situation and ask yourself what the benefits of being with him are in light of what he does to your self-esteem.


You look great in your new avatar pic by the way. If he can't be good/respectful to you someone else won't have a problem taking his place in a hurry I'm sure!

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