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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Cramps weren't as bad today and I'm actually in a better mood so the storm has passed and I should be okay to hit the gym tomorrow, thank goodness.


I'm really hungry right now though. I ate around 1:00pm and not again after. I'm at work, it's 10:00pm and probably wont get a chance to eat until 1:00am. I hope I don't start gnawing on my arm or something. LOL

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I don't like to go that long without eating. Today was even longer, I went home in the morning when I got off work at 6:00am, went straight to sleep and woke up at 11:30. Fiddled around the house a bit, went to the gym at 1:30pm. I had eaten only a slice of cheese, I was planning on getting something after I work out. Do my workout, spend extra time in the steam room and jacuzzi, I shower and leave. Now the plan was for my son to go eat something, while I spent extra time in the steam room and then just wait for me in the car. He had my car keys right.....


I walk to the car, no son. I sit and wait on a bench, no son. I walk around with my insanely heavy gym bag digging into my shoulder, no son. I wait and wait and wait, nothing. I go back to the gym and have him paged in case he decided to work out longer, no reponse. I walk around the corner to the pizza place, no son. I'm cold, tired and extremely hungry. I wanted to take a nap at 4:30 because I am doing an all nighter again at work and that little extra nap before work makes for an easier night. He finally shows up an hour later! "Mom, I thought you were gonna come in to Target and look for me". No, I said here are the keys, here is some money, go eat and WAIT FOR ME IN THE CAR. How would I even know to look for you in Target? Grrrrr


Went home, took my nap and got up at 8:30 so I could get ready for work. I just ate a 6 inch Subway sandwich at 10:00pm


I'm irritated today, goodnite.

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I skipped the gym today and went to see a movie. Apparently buttered popcorn and my stomach don't like each other. Lesson learned, next time hold the butter, I should have anyway but it looked so good. Hmmph


Tomorrow I work first shift so I will hit the gym after work and then I have to take my mom to Walmart for some Christmas shopping. I suppose I can do that.

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I think not eating well the last few days has caught up to me and I am suffering with a headache now. The fact that I didn't sleep well last night isn't helping matters any.


No reason why I didn't eat yesterday, I was going to grab a bite when I got home from the movie, but my stomach was sick after the buttered popcorn incident and then I started washing clothes and hanging out with the baby and I just didn't eat. I think the only thing I consumed besides the popcorn was a yogurt parfait. No wonder I feel like poo.


Someone brought me a tamale this morning so I have eaten and today for lunch I am having a salad with chicken. Hopefully, this headache will go away by the time I get off work so I can have a good workout.

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It sounds like you need a really healthy meal with lots of veggies, fish, and a little bit of carbs, like rice. My stomach tells me when I've wronged it. I had a samosa yesterday and within a couple of hours, I knew I had to eat something pure because I could just feel that fried bugger sitting around in my gut. I call it detox One thing that I find really works is a bowl of chicken broth. Tea with honey works too, of course. Hope you're feeling better soon!

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Well today was much much better. Woke up and had 1 packet of oatmeal (I was woke up starving) and then decided to head to the gym a short time after. Worked out for............................wait for it.......................................2 hours! Did 75 minutes of cardio and the rest was done working on the machines. I came home, took a hot bath and almost fell asleep on the bed watching football. Thank goodness I didn't, I was still trying to get ready for work.


My Seahawks beat the Bears and today has turned out to be a perfect day. Can't wait to hit the gym again tomorrow hopefully for another 2 hour grueling workout.


Carrots, celery, and 100 calorie cheese pack is my snack of choice today. Someone at work is bbqing today, so I will have some grilled chicken later.

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Didn't do the two hours again but I was able to belt out an hour. I needed to get back home so I could take my grandson to the doctor. He had a fever of almost 103 the previous night and I thought he probably had an ear infection as well but it turns out that he just has a nasty case of the flu. Poor baby, he's just stuck at the house with not a whole lot to do.


As I write this, I am dealing with a whopper of a migraine. I had to run errands today and one of them was taking the bf to the doctor. We ended up being there longer than we anticipated and I hadn't eaten and by the time we got out of there and to dinner my headache was already in full force. The medication I take, should be taken at the onset of a migraine but I didnt have it with me. By the time I was able to take the medicine I had already been in pain for a few hours. Not even my sleeping pill is working. Sigh


My emotions are all over the place, just tired from lack of sleep and still trying to maintain good gym habits. Now more than ever, I need to get him in the gym with me. His blood pressure is out of control even with the recent increase in medicine. Today he was started on a new medicine, they said to hopefully prevent a stroke. He's at a much higher risk now for stroke than ever before. It's a lot to take in at the moment.


I'm going to be okay, I have to be.

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I have migrains too, I feel you on that. I deal with mine with Excedrin Migraine due to the lack of being able to have insurance. I'm sorry to hear that about your bf. CS and I tested our blood presssures on one of those in store machines you can do. Not sure how accurate it was but if it was, we are both in stroke avenue and need to make some life changes--fast. I hope everything gets better.

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Thanks everyone. The migraine is gone this morning and I actually feel alright with the exception of just being tired. Right now I'm in the mids't of doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen. Aiming for the gym later today, I have to work the overnight shift tonite so I would like to be down and out for a nap around 5:00pm.


The bf has sort of taken on a healthier lifestyle, he eats better and that helped him to lose 14 lbs. The doctors have been telling him that he MUST exercise and I have been trying to get him to the gym with me. I don't know if I am any closer to get him going or not. I don't know if he just doesn't think it's as serious as the doctors say or if he's just too scared to do anything about it. I honestly don't know.


Several months ago we had briefly seperated and during that time he admitted that he didn't take his meds nor was he viligant about what he ate. I told him this is it, he has to get his act together, eat right and work out. Maybe if he's lucky he wouldn't have to take so much medication. I'm still working on him. I very much like to come back here and report that I have him working out in the gym. In the meantime, I am more determined now than ever to continue with my healthier lifestyle. I want to live and I want to be healthy. Life is just too short.

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The seriousness might be setting in with him a little more. I went to his house before I came to work to check his sugar and his blood pressure. Sugar was alright, he seems to have that under control. The blood pressure was insanely high 233/104. I told him calmly "you are going to die if this doesn't change". At first he tried to say that maybe the bp meter wasn't working so I checked mine and mine was fine. I want him to, need him to understand that as time progresses and his pressure stays high, damage is being done little by little until one day it's going to be too late.


I'm gonna sit down with him again tomorrow and I'm not going unprepared, he likes when I print information off the net so that is what I am going to do. I am going to print up information regarding uncontrolled hypertension and how it affects his health. I am going to be like a rock in his shoe until I get him to agree to go to the gym with me. The nurse said they don't even want him working out strenously, just light to moderate exercise right now, just to get the heart working a bit more.

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WOW- that is very high blood pressure. Is he taking his meds and watching his diet? Is he a smoker?


Some docs would actually hospitalize a patient with 233/104. My friend recently got rushed to the ER in the middle of her doctor appointment because her blood pressure was high- hers was less than 233 and the doc called an ambulance.

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WOW- that is very high blood pressure. Is he taking his meds and watching his diet? Is he a smoker?


Some docs would actually hospitalize a patient with 233/104. My friend recently got rushed to the ER in the middle of her doctor appointment because her blood pressure was high- hers was less than 233 and the doc called an ambulance.


He's not a smoker and he is taking medicine. Actually the doctor just had him increase one of his meds and then started him on another one just the other day. He goes back next week for another bp check by the nurse and then depending on how his numbers look, she may or may not have to consult with the doctor. He has his appointment with the primary doctor next month.


I had a long talk with him yesterday and I told him that things are not like they were, that his numbers are progressively getting higher so something is very wrong here and he needs to work harder to get these numbers down or risk death. I took his pressure while I was there and it was 212/114. I said "you see, the numbers are not moving around much". So he agreed to walk with me on our lunch break tonight at 2:30am. I'm only here on graveyard shift 2 nights a week so I have to have faith that he will walk on the nights that I am not here or I will have to drag his ass out of the house and make him walk through the neighborhood. I'm more inclined to think he will do this if I am there with him, not so much alone. Sigh


I wanted to go to the gym, even put my gym clothes on but I had started feeling a little pain in my back since last night and thought it was probably best not to go. Not sure if I had been working too hard at the gym or maybe just all the dampness in the air. It feels ok right now, not in any pain although I do feel something there, it's hard to explain.


On a happy note, my rear end is not so saggy anymore I was checking myself out in the mirror and noticed that my rear has taken on a nice new shape, a lot of the flab I had back there has diminished. The boyfriend even noticed and said "wow your rear looks great". Hhmph, imagine that. LOL So I feel good in the sense that my hard work is paying off. I wish I could get these arms and abs to look as good but I just have to be patient, I know it's not happening overnight.

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LOL@ Bella. Thank you girl. I have to say, I tend to look at it more now. HAHAH


I am gonna have to stop posting in my journal from home because I swear my laptop is gay gay gay. I had written out this nice entry, was still typing some more stuff and bam, the whole thing erased! If that wasn't my prized possession, I probably would have sent it flying accross the room. Grrrr, it makes me so angry when it does that and wouldn't you know it, it happens a lot when I am trying to post on my journal.


I didn't get much sleep on Thursday night, Lord knows I was exhausted but couldn't stay asleep. I finally pulled my rear out of bed and went to the gym at 6:00am, worked out for an hour and came back home. The kids were getting ready for school so as soon as they left, the house was P E A C E F U L and I climbed into bed and took a nap. Naturally it was too good to be true because the neighbor starting with the stereo blaring and that woke me up.


I'm working the early shift today so I will be off at 2:00pm. Gym bag is packed and ready to go, looking forward to spending a few hours there. (working out, steam room, jacuzzi). I worked out 6 days this week! Go me

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So guess who is posting from home? LOL If you guys don't see this then it got erased and none of it will matter right? So I did make it to the gym, I wasn't feeling it as much as I thought I would but I did work out and then spent some much needed time in the steam room and jacuzzi.


Last week I ordered this sweat cream (sweat as in make you perspire (sp)) and I didn't get that sweaty feeling like I did from other products. I should mention that you put it on prior to working out. So I was a tad disappointed but then I slathered some more on and hit the steam room. Good Lord, I was sweating so much I thought I was melting. LMAO So all is not lost, I can still use it.


I came home and made dinner for the boyfriend, my daughter had already cooked for the babies. I made him some breaded porkchops with Mrs Dash and steamed broccoli. He loved it and was satisfied and now I don't have to worry about him sneaking off to grab something that will raise his bp. I'm such a good girlfriend. LOL

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