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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Yeah for the most part. But it doesn't even seem like we are close to any kind of winter. I love the cold blustery weather and all I see to get right now is ungodly humid days.


Right now, it's sprinkling outside which is great but later today it's probably going to be hotter than the devil's penis outside. Grrrr

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Come have dinner with me, BellaDonna. We have chocolate pudding tonight.



I'd be game for chocolate- no matter what. I don't care what is on th deck. I can turn a blind eye to it. lol

today it's probably going to be hotter than the devil's penis outside



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Yeah for the most part. But it doesn't even seem like we are close to any kind of winter. I love the cold blustery weather and all I see to get right now is ungodly humid days.


Right now, it's sprinkling outside which is great but later today it's probably going to be hotter than the devil's penis outside. Grrrr


I lol'd. You can come visit me Metro, it blustery, but sunny up here in WI

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Well I would have used another word for penis but that isn't allowed. It's sounds funnier when said in a profane way.


So I dragged my fanny to the gym yesterday. I didn't go on Wednesday because I went to the fair. I didn't go on Thursday because


1. I was still recovering from the fair


2. See previous statement about the hot weather. LOL


Yesterday's workout was quick, I hate being pressed for time when I go. I did 15 minutes on the eliptical and worked on chest and abs.


I'm going today after work for at least an hour. Hopefully I will have the energy to belt out at least 90 minutes.


Question for you guys............how do you get rid of arm fat? I swear these arms of mine are stressing me out. I'm getting muscle definition but I still have wings.

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My upper arm is a problem area as well. People say "oh you're fine" and I realize a lot of it is made worse in my own head- but I do hate having extra fat on my upper arm. I wish I could tell you how to get rid of it. Even after losing 30lbs it remains a problem area for me. -That and my lower stomach are my most stubborn spots.


Weight training helps your muscles but only cardio and burning off fat will get rid of "fat"...however I have found that my upper arm hangs on to it even when I drop pounds of fat. I'm more likely to shrink everywhere else and end up looking like a 10 year-old boy, yet and still have my wings.


I think a lot of it is genetic and when I did gain weight with my pregnancy I think my arm skin stretched a little bit so no matter what I do it is a problem area. I am actually careful about over-building the muscle there because it may have an unintended effect of making me look like a woman of the amazon- fat on top of the muscle.


Someday if I get vain enough and an have enough savings I may have it liposuctioned. They go right in through your underarm and just get rid of it. I'll see how I feel when I am 40. I can see myself getting that done.

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Great so if you wait til you are 40, that will make me 50 and I'm sorry but I can't stomach the idea of 10 more years with wings waiting to find out if it worked for you. Sheesh woman, can you like make an appointment oh I don't know like next week and then tell me how it goes? lmao

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I'm exhausted today. Sooo sleep deprived, I don't know if I am coming or going. I said to H E double hockey sticks with going to the gym today, all I really wanted to do is sleep and I can't even do that.


Now I am at work, thankfully it's a quiet day here so I may try and squeeze in a nap. Shhhhh

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Minimal sleep last night but I did drag my rear out of bed early this morning for a 40 minute workout at the gym. I was pressed for time because I didn't go as early as I would have liked and needed to get back by 7:30 so my daughter could drop the kids off at school. I guess it was better than nothing.


I'm here at work for 12 hours today. I was planning on doing some OT tomorrow but Sneaky McSneak here at work decided that she didn't want to work today after all and will be working tomorrow instead. The problem I have with that is I know she isn't going to work the entire 16 hours and she'll leave early and I will still get jipped out of working the OT because she won't tell me ahead of time that she's leaving. Grrrr


Then I find out that the girl that displaced me from my original shift now regrets her decision because


A. She can't do the work correctly and is feeling the heat from mgmt


B. She can't get her on time


C. She has no one to get her grandkids to school. (umm didn't that occur to her when she was displacing me)?


So she told me yesterday that she is considering displacing someone else. The sucky part is once her shift goes up for bid, I may not be able to get it back, not if someone with more senority wants it. She is another one that just steams my clams.


I guess since I won't be working any OT tomorrow and don't have to be at work until 10:00pm, that leaves plenty of time to get a mani/pedi and to hit the gym.

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Absolutely Bella. I don't want anything making my toes a mess, Lord knows I'm still reeling from losing the big toe nail. I have a partial nail there now and don't want to get any kind of cute design until it grows back more.


Did I mention that I am loving this weather? What a difference a week makes. Last week this time it was 117 degrees out here, I was dying and my buses were dropping like flies. Today it is 55 degrees cooler and rainy. I am so relaxed and so completely happy. I wish it was like this everyday.

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This is really such great weather, I love the rain and the smell of freshness outside.


Today was a good day, I actually got to sleep in which was fabulous. I got up at 10:30 am. Took a bath and then went to the nail salon. Nails look great, toes are red and purty. There was no time for the gym today. By the time I got home from my appointment I needed to start packing lunch and getting my clothes ready for work tonight and after that it was nap time. I found if I take a nap for a couple hours, I'm not passing out when I do the overnight shift.


Tomorrow it's grocery shopping at two or three markets. I found some good deals, Ralph's has the roasts buy one get one free. I think I will surprise the family with a nice oven roast this weekend.

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I spent the day cleaning a two story house. I have done more laundry than the local dry cleaners, went to Big Lots and bought some stuff for the house, came home and decided to pack up 4 grandkids and take them to the park. I am tired and I smell like a billy goat. I still have work to do at the house but I am done for the night. I just want a hot bath and a clean bed to climb into.


Tomorrow it's back to work.

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Today, I am emotional. Nothing happened, it's just nearing that time of month and this is when my hormones just going nuts and I go from a weeping willow to a raging nut where everything bothers me.


I didn't work out for a week, don't know why to be honest I just didn't go. I was a complete vacuum eating anything and everything. Nothing was off limits and again I don't know why. I laugh as I write this but it's not funny. I actually feel tremendous guilt, almost as if I cheated on someone.


I didn't sleep well last night, something or someone set off my car alarm twice. I couldn't get back to sleep right away afterwards. The grandbabies got up super early this morning and Aidan had only been up for 10 minutes before he started in on his bad behavior. I was thinking to myself, dude it's only been 10 minutes, give it a rest already.


All of them were up, for some reason they all wanted to fight with one another. The manager is using a big electric saw at 7:00am, the neighbors had their stereo on early this morning, some other idiot has his car stereo on as loud as it could go and all of this was just too much for me to handle, I was going to the gym. Good right??


How about in my haste to get out of the house, I left my clothes on the dryer. The plan was for me to work out, then hit the jacuzzi and steamroom, I would shower there and come home. Well the first part went okay, I worked out and did only cardio. I was ready to change into my swimsuit only to see that I didn't have my clothes in the bag and didn't want to go home in sweaty workout clothes after taking a shower. UGH


I guess the only good thing that came out of that whole fiasco was I went home and took a hot bath which was relaxing. Now I am at work, it's nice a quiet here maybe a little too quiet because my mind is wandering and I feel like a weepy willow again.

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Well today turned out better, thank goodness. I made sure I had absolutely everything I needed in my gym bag and checked it twice just to be sure. Had a good workout, up'd the program on the elipitical to crosstrainer 3 which really gave my legs a good workout. Did that for 30 minutes and then I hopped on the treadmill for another 10 minutes. Worked on abs for a few minutes and then on inner legs.


Thoroughly enjoyed my time in the steam room and the jacuzzi, it was really needed. Tomorrow, I don't have to be at work until 10pm so I will have more time to spend in the gym tomorrow.


Overall, feeling rather good today.

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Killer cramps from hell can make a person seriously grumpy and tired. I wanted to sleep in but ended up taking my grandson to the doctor because he had a fever and was complaining about his ear hurting. Yep, an ear infection. Waiting in line at the pharmacy proved more than I could handle. The line was long, the woman in front of me was complaining that it was taking too long and wouldn't you know it when it's her turn, she holds up the line. We finally get home and all I want to do is sleep, thankfully so does my grandson. We cuddle up and sleep but the little turkey wakes me up an hour later. No more sleep for me and I still had to work graveyard shift.


Needless to say, there was no gym and if someone had even suggested it I probably would have punched them in the eye. Cramps and bloat = No gym. Sigh

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