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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Saw the back specialist yesterday. He officially gave me the all clear to work out, not that I thought there would be a problem but better to be safe than sorry I suppose. He is sending a referral to the insurance company for me to undergo one month of physical therapy. He said that the therapy will help to strenghten my core and what I learn from physical therapy, I can continue to do later on to prevent any re-injuries.


Today I made it back to the gym, third day in a row. Had another great workout. I'll update a bit more later, right now I am in the beginning of a migraine. Grrr

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I can't believe that I still have this freakin' migraine. I couldn't sleep last night to save my life. For some reason, when I lie down, I can feel the throbbing in my head even more. It's extremely difficult to try and sleep and feel this pounding sensation in your head. I think I fell asleep for a couple of hours and woke up with the same headache.


Renny is right, the heat didn't make things any better. The kids were cranky because it was hot, they were whiny and fussy even after spending half the day in the pool. So they were being little turds which made my head hurt even more.


I'm hoping it's gone before I leave work at 2:00pm. I would really like to hit the gym again today. Yesterday I wore this tank top I bought on clearance at Kmart for 3.00 dollars. It is super lightweight, very thin and has a little pocket for my mp3 player. I think I am going to go back to Kmart and see if they have any more in different colors. I really enjoyed working out with that top. Funny how little things like that bring me pleasure. LOL

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It is so ridiculously hot in Southern California. Summer is officially over yet the blazing sun says otherwise. My house feels like an oven, I'm sitting in the livingroom with boxers on and 2 fans going. I don't need the gym today, I'm sweating buckets already.


I agree. It's hot up here and supposed to be even hotter tomorrow and Monday.


Summer is supposed to be over, HA!!!


I hope you are well though.

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Yeah I'm well for the most part. Migraine is gone, enjoyed some college football on tv. My friends son plays offensive right tackle for Arizona so it's cool watching him on tv.


It's finally cooling down and I think I will be able to sleep now. Hopefully I have the energy and mindset to hit the gym before work tomorrow. Have a good night everyone.

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THAT is what I am talking about! Wooooo............... I had an A M A Z I N G workout this morning. I did 65 minutes on the eliptical while watching the Giants game. The muscles in my legs and rear end were twitching. Apparently I have muscles I didn't even know about because there was a whole lot of twitching going on. LOL Afterwards, I went downstairs and worked on my arms for about 20 minutes. Came home and showered and had to get ready for work. I'm donning my Seahawks gear today at work, looking cute and feeling great. Sad that I am missing my game and even more frustrated that I can't find an internet station to at least hear the game. Sigh


Hope you all have a fabulous Sunday, I know I am!

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It sounds like you are right back into the swing of things now. Yay!


It feels like it Bella, I certainly hope that I can continue on this path and not have anymore setbacks.


I have a 12 hour work day tomorrow, I'm hoping I can go home tonite and go right to bed and get up early enough to make it to the gym before work, if not I will have to wait til' Tuesday to work out again.

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I couldn't sleep last night. It was insanely hot in my house, I fell asleep with a wet sheet to keep me cool. I was tossing and turning, the dog's nails kept clicking on the floor which irrated me more. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get comfortable, only to turn around and find both of my granddaughters in my bed, with Jade practically sleeping under me. The motor from the fan was loud and that was bothering me, cats fighting outside, the dog with his nails click click click ARGGHH...


I couldn't take it anymore, I got out of bed got dressed and went to the gym at 5:45 this morning. Considering I hadn't really slept, I did really well in the gym. I did my usual 30 minutes on the elipitical and then I wanted to change it up a bit so after that, I worked on the stairmaster for 10 minutes. That stairmaster is killer, it's not the one I like it's the one where the stairs come tumbling down towards you. I hate that machine but I wanted to give my body a little jolt.


After, I went back downstairs and worked on back, abs, and arms. I feel pretty good at the moment but I know I am gonna be dead tired later. I don't get off work til 10:00pm tonite, it's hotter than the 7th level of hell in California again and I am busy busy at work.


I am already noticing some little changes in my body. Gotta keep going with it.

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Well I am impressed! You accomplished that workout at 5:45am. The fact that you even considered trying to give yourself at "jolt" at that ungodly hour means you are superwoman! lol I'm about as active as a dead duck at 5:45am.


Sorry you didn't sleep well but your description of it gave me a chuckle. It sounds like your room was the place to be last night for one big slumber party!

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Wow, I seem to be hitting the gym more this week than ever. LOL I went to the gym again today and did my thing. Eliptical for 30 minutes, treadmill for 10 minutes. Worked on abs probably a little too much today because my back started hurting from all the crunches.


There will be no working out tomorrow though. I'm off to the county fair with 3 of my kids, four grandkids, my daughters boyfriend, my son's girlfriend, my son's friend and my mom. We are going the cheaper route and taking food. I think we will have two coolers in the cars with sandwich makings and fresh fruit. I have a backpack that we are taking in with trail mix and lots of bottles of water. I'm using a McDonald's coupon which is going to save major money. For 20.00 dollars you get admission to the fair and an unlimited ride wristband. Normally the wristband by it'self cost 35.00.


I went out today and bought sunblock and hats for the little ones. I hope to get some good pictures to post for you guys.

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I am really tired today. Going to the fair with a large group of people is something I will never do again and I doubt I will ever take my mother again, she got lost twice. I asked her a few times, do you want to do your own thing and browse the shopping are while I take the kids on the rides? That way she gets to look around, shop while I do what I have to.


No, because I won't know how to find you.


SO she tags along and then gets seperated from the group. I realize 30 minutes later she isn't with us. Now I have to stop and go look for her because she doesn't have a cell phone.


It wasn't too hot but and we had a mini down pour that lasted about 2 minutes. weird


By the time the night was done, my legs were killing me. I'm going to try and make it to the gym today, but honestly it's not looking good. I just want to sleep.

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The weather today is insanely humid. I have'nt been able to do anything but lay here like a blob. I know if I could find the energy to get up, I could go to the gym and hit the pool, I could probaby call my best friend and go somewhere that is air conditioned, but do I???? NOOOOO


I sit here and suffer. I wish there was an energy fairy that could sprinkle some dust on me and presto I would just get out of this baking house of mine.

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Has it rained up by you?


Weather down here has been WEIRD to say the least. Had a few nasty thunderstorms go by. The sky is a weird yellowish grey color and it is humid as hell.


I went to work out by myself today for a 1/2 hr since trainer canceled (he's sick). Did a bunch of lifts and squats with weights and medicine ball.

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