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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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You can do it!



I didn't graduate high school and never pursued getting my GED. Wow, I'm not even sure how I feel admitting that.


You did what worked for you at the time. There are more people in your situation than you realize.


My own grandmother dropped out of school in 7th grade...got married as a teenager and had 4 children. She went back to school when she was in her 50's and got her GED and a BA degree. My ohter grandmother worked all of her life in a trade and did not finish 6th grade. Both are extremely intelligent and were able to make it in the world without the official scores or diploma.


There are a lot of nontraditional college programs out there that cater to working adults, and continuing education. I'm sure you will find one that works for you. Don't be intimidated. You will do great. Getting started is the hardest part. Once you take that first step it will all fall into place.

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Don't feel like a loser Mama, this is a great thing! You can go back to school and thrive at any age. Once again, you are an inspiration to me. Now maybe I'll get off my duff and go back too. I want to become a therapist, and my obstacle is my fear.


Don't let yours get you!

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Don't feel that way Metro, I didn't finish mine (was sick for a month), had to go to the community college for couple months to take an extra class to get my high school diploma. I'm still looking to go back to school this fall too, I just see education as a lifetime thing.


Good luck, you can do it

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I contacted the adult school near my house. I have to go in and take a pre-test to see where I stand, in terms of any additional classes I may need to complete the GED. It's a 3 hour test and I didnt' want to do that today since I have to work tonight so I will be there on Thursday or Friday. I feel like I made some progress already, at least I called the school to get the info.


I still need to do some more researching, I want to see where I should take my general ed classes once I get through with the GED thing. There are several community colleges in my area, trying to determine which has the classes that will work with my crazy schedule.


I'm feeling a little more optimistic.

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Wondering if these schools offer online classes for getting the GED. That way you won't have to physically attend classes most of the time and can do the work from your computer at home or work.


I was hoping to take at least some of the classes online. I won't know until I get to the adult school and talk with a counselor.

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My baby is a senior in high school. He has already taken 2 1/2 years of Auto Tech classes and is ready to take on more. I work in the mass transit industry as most of you know and one of the maintenance instructors here will be his teacher in the spring when he goes to community college for Diesel Technology. Another one of the instructors at the college where he will be going used to work with me and we actually had a really good work relationship. He is currently my future son - in- law's instructor in the same Diesel Tech class, so I think it's safe to assume that my baby will be taught by the very best and his goal to become a bus mechanic will happen.


My daughter also wants to go back to school to take business management. I'm hoping that all of us as a family will be in school at the same time. I think that would be most awesome.

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Can someone answer a question for me? My job will pay for part of my tuition. This is how it is phrased;


175.00 for undergrad course


325.00 for graduate course


4 courses only for FY


What the heck does that mean to me?


I know I have to start off with my general eduation classes, like english and math blah blah. I will be doing these through a local community college, does that mean that 175.00 will be covered for each class I take?


Sigh, I should have done this when I was 20. Ok, not going to let the frustration get to me. Breathe Tiffany, Breathe

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I would double check with your company to see how much they are covering annually. For example my company covers up to $7,500 per year. I'm not sure if that $175 is per course or per credit; again I would double check on that as well. I'm assuming FY is full year or fiscal year?


When I went to tech college there were number of students in their 40's and one guy was in his late 50's. Never late to learn

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I made it to the gym yesterday. It was nice, I was able to do some crunches. Of course I wanted to be sure I wasn't putting too much pressure on my back so I did a few and waited to see if I was going to feel anything and I felt fine and I still feel fine.


No gym today though. I'm leaving work at 6:00am after working graveyard and I have to be back here at 2:00pm for some overtime. That gives me a few hours to go home and sleep before coming back here.


This new shift is killer. I don't know how anyone can really adjust to these hours. I guess it's easier if the person doesn't have sleeping issues like I do.


Now I just need to break the news to the other gal that I don't want to work for her tomorrow. I would be leaving out of here at 10:00pm tonight and then I would have to be back at 6:00am tomorrow. I haven't slept well the last few days and I think I would be pushing it so I'm telling her no.

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I think I would be pushing it so I'm telling her no.


Good. You really do need to catch up on your rest if you are still not physcially feeling back to yourself yet. My husband worked night shift for years and I saw the toll it can take when he didn't get enough sleep. So I am glad you are looking out for yourself and not being a "yes" person too often.

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I feel like I have been away forever. I was in Vegas over the weekend, had a blast watching and betting on football. Didn't completely lose my ass out there, was down about 100. Not to bad considering......


On my way home, I was driving and I started to feel that all too familair feeling in my back. I switched places so I wouldn't have to drive all the way home and the pain was just getting worse and worse. We hit a bump in the road and the pain shot down my leg so here we are again with the back pain. Sigh...


Thankfully it's not as severe as a few weeks ago, I can still walk but I am uncomfortable.

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Feeling better physically today. Not too much pain, at least it's tolerable.


Yesterday I found out that someone I used to be close too some years back has gone missing. His car keys were found in the door of the car and he was nowhere to be found. He has officially been missing for 4 days. Today a body was found in the bathroom of LAX but the identity hasn't been revealed until notification of kin.


I kept checking the internet for updates and the only thing I could find was a story written by another news agency and they stated that the person that was found was born in 1975 and had a history of mental illness so that would exclude my friend but I can't help but think that the new agencies always make these statements only to find out later that the information was way off.


I pray, that he just walked away from whatever was going on in his life. Some people do that, at least I have read that before.


I ask that you say a prayer for him, that he returns home to his family safe and sound.

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I have finally returned to work from an extended weekend of fun celebrating my 40th birthday.


I had the best time with family and friends and truly feel special and loved. I'm not sure how many women dread turning 40 but I couldn't be more excited. My friend called me forty and fabulous. I love it! LOL


Finally made it back to the gym today. It's going to take me forever to undo the damage I did from missing several weeks of working out. Let's hope that my back stays in good shape and I can continue to work out and trim down. I did have a good workout today. My ass muscles hurt, I was doing some squats and did 35 minutes of cardio. Hopefully I will make it back to the gym tomorrow for a little bit longer workout.


Still no news on my missing friend. A rumor had circulated that he had been found but that proved to be a hoax, he is still very much missing.

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Recieved a text from my best friend, our missing friend has been found alive, no other information was given. So that is definitely a blessing. I hope he's okay.


I made it for day 2 at the gym today. Great workout! My ass muscles hurt more today than they did yesterday. Good, maybe that is a sign that my saggy rear will soon be gone and replaced with a tighter one??? LOL


I'm also on day 2 of wearing my makeup which is unheard of. I don't know, I feel prettier for some reason and my self confidence is definitely up so I am hoping this continues. It's a good feeling.


Will try to hit the gym tomorrow before my appointment with the back specialist. Work it Metro, work it!

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