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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Hello friends.


I have started my new work schedule today so I will be posting later than usual. Still no computer at home. I had to take my laptop to a shop because it wasn't starting up and the lady said I had malware and many viruses. She told me I would have my computer by Friday, here it is Sunday and I still don't have it. Grrr...


Feeling ok today. I worked 8 1/2 hours overtime on Friday, a lot of standing and moving file boxes. I ended up a bit sore by the end of the day, went home and took a bath and a muscle relaxer. Yesterday I was a bit sore but nothing major and today is better.


My son asked me if I am ready to get back to the gym and I told him not just yet. I don't think he wants to go without me and I don't want to risk going right now. I think if I can least one whole week without any pain or setbacks, then I will start back in the gym, but with extreme caution and very very slowly. I'm definitely ballooning up and that is no bueno.

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Do you think using the sauna at the gym would help relax your muscles? If your gym has a hot tub/jacuzzi you might want to go just to soak in that for a little while. It will also help you keep your routine as far as putting time aside to go to the gym is concerned.


It's cute that your son doesn't want to go without you.

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Do you think using the sauna at the gym would help relax your muscles? If your gym has a hot tub/jacuzzi you might want to go just to soak in that for a little while. It will also help you keep your routine as far as putting time aside to go to the gym is concerned.


It's cute that your son doesn't want to go without you.


Yeah they do have a jacuzzi, steam room, and a dry sauna. I keep telling myself I will go just for that but I know I will want to do more if I go so I don't go.


Feeling really good today, zero pain so I am hoping this continues so I can get back to my working out. Actually with this new schedule, I will be able to work out when the gym is not so crowded which is a good thing. Now, I just need to make sure I am strong enough and then it's back to kicking butt. I'm going to have to work 3 times as hard to lose what I gained back.


Hope everyone is doing well.

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Well I did it, I decided I wanted to try the gym today. I have been pain free for a few days and still really uncomfortable with not being able to work out so I just went for it.


I wanted to make sure that I didn't re-injure my back so I definitely took baby steps. I started with the treadmill at 2mph just to get a feel for walking. I up'd the speed after two minutes to 2.3mph and then after two minutes I up'd it 2.5mph. I didn't go any faster than that and I stayed on the treadmill for 10 minutes.


Wanted to see how I would do on a bike. I used the bike that has a back rest, set the bike to manual program on level 1 and just went for 5 minutes at a slow pace. That worked out okay, I wasn't feeling any pain.


Then I worked on my arms and shoulders. I stayed clear of anything where I would have to bend or torque my back which really sucks because I couldn't do any squats or any abs but I was pleased with today's workout. I finished up with another 10 minutes on the treadmill at 2.3 mph.


Little by little, I'll get back to where I was and then some! I'm sure the doctor will give me some exercises to do to help strengthen the back as well.



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Had a really good workout considering I'm not able to do my full workout. I started with 15 minutes on the treadmill, no faster than 2.6 mph and I actually inclined the ramp to 2.0 % so I could see how I felt walking uphill. All was good there.


Went to the elipitical, set it for 10 minutes on manual with the ramps lower than I prefer and did well on that too. Didn't add any resistance, just normal strides and had a good sweat forming.


From there I went downstairs and worked arms and shoulders again, focusing more on the biceps and triceps.


Not to shabby. I'm off tomorrow so I think I will venture back to the gym after I recover from tonite's graveyard shift. AYE


Again, thank you everyone.

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This new work schedule of mine really sucks. When I want to sleep, I'm not tired. My body is so confused. LOL


This morning was the first morning I didn't have any children in the house. I took advantage of the quiet house and slept. Aidan started his first year of headstart today and sadly he's not in the same class as Jade but they are merely seperated by a partition so they still get to see each other.


I was hoping to get to the gym today as I am taking on some OT tomorrow afternoon after my regular shift and I know I'm not going to have time and then I just got called to cover 2nd shift today. Waiting for the girl to call me back, she just has to make sure the higher senority person doesn't want the ot. Thankfully, I am only 2 miles away from work so I can get there super quick. I wasn't expecting to work today but I am hoping I get to. I love making money. I think some new gym clothes are in order. LOL


Talk to everyone soon.

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You're live only 2 miles from work? I can only wish I lived that close! OT is good Especially in this economy!



That is one of the reasons I took this screwed up shift, so I wouldn't have to leave and travel further.


If I didn't live in such a nasty area, I would totally walk to and from work. Oh well.


Yes, I will gladly work overtime any chance I can get it. I'm waiting for a call from another location about covering second shift tomorrow. If I do get the call, it will be one long day. 6:00 am to 10:30pm

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that's a long shift...don't overwork yourself! Most I've done was 14 hrs years ago and that was a bit much.



I haven't done 16 hours in a few years. Normally the most I will work is 12 hours.


The other location still hasn't called me so if I don't here from them by 10pm, I will just work my regular shift tomorrow 6am-2pm.


Darn it, I was hoping to get to my favorite sushi place tomorrow, it's only a few blocks from the other work site. On the other hand, if I don't work overtime tomorrow, I can hit the gym. Ok, it's a win-win no matter what happens.

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Just found out that I am not covering swing shift at the other location so, I get to go to the gym today.


It's probably better that way anyway, my son wanted me to take him to hand out fliers. He recently started working for this local hamburger place passing out fliers with coupons. Currently he is getting paid 25.00 dollars a day to do this and this really means a lot to him.


He will be 20 in November and has never had a job. He faces certain challenges as he suffered a head injury when he was a baby. He has Central Auditory Processing Disorder, so basically while he is a smart boy, he can't multi-task. If he is given a set of instructions like, do a, b, c and then d he gets lost beyond a. He struggles to fill out job applications, so I think he's kinda given up. What he is doing now has given him a chance to earn a little money and he is hoping for a cook position there. The boss seems to like him and said that he was going to be "cleaning house" in the next few weeks so my son thinks that a job might be on the horizon for him. In the meantime, I usually take him to places that have large parking areas so he can leave the fliers on the car windows.


I just realized, I talk so much about my workouts or lack there of, I really haven't talked much about my children.

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I'm glad you will be able to get to the gym.


I really hope that job works out for your son. Has he ever seen the Job accommodation Network (JAN) website? link removed there is a lot of good info on there regarding all types of disabilities and medical conditions and how to have successful supported employment. There is also a toll free number he can call to talk to a live rep/job coach.


Based on what you described I'm pretty sure he could qualify for free job coach servies and maybe even job training funding through the state too. They would help him with resume development and filling out application and finding a job that works with his strengths.

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I'm glad you will be able to get to the gym.


I really hope that job works out for your son. Has he ever seen the Job accommodation Network (JAN) website? link removed there is a lot of good info on there regarding all types of disabilities and medical conditions and how to have successful supported employment. There is also a toll free number he can call to talk to a live rep/job coach.


Based on what you described I'm pretty sure he could qualify for free job coach servies and maybe even job training funding through the state too. They would help him with resume development and filling out application and finding a job that works with his strengths.



Never heard of it. I will have to look into this for him. I was telling him about a job fair that is being held at the local community center today but he didn't want to go if I couldn't go with him.


Thank you for the link.

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I decided that I am going back to school. I know it's not a bad thing, I am just really terrified about it all. My two best friends are giving me a lot of support, one just got his AA or his AS in Health Care Management and my other friend has gone back to school and is doing very well, even making the dean's list.


There were several times that I wanted to go back to school but chickened out, always saying to myself that I would eventually get to it. Part of my fear is a little secret that only a select few know about but I think I want to share here because I have always recieved wonderful support from everyone. I didn't graduate high school and never pursued getting my GED. Wow, I'm not even sure how I feel admitting that.


So first things first, tomorrow I'm contacting an adult school that is actually one block from my job that has the GED classes. My daughter and I are gonna do this together, at least we will have each other for support while we are there learning and studying away.


Once I get that out of the way, I will start taking classes at my local community college and work towards my degree.


Is it wrong that I feel like a loser for not completing school and wanting to go back at the age of 40?

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