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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I know you are frightened, but try not to be. I had the worst back experience ever. And I've had setbacks many times, but NOTHING like the initial injury. We just have to be more careful when we work out with back discs. I hope you will be ok soon, Metro. Aleve helps me the most.



Thank you...


Took 2 Aleve and it has aleved nothing, took 800 mg of ibuprofen and that isn't working. So I think i will have my daughter drive me to the hospital tonight if the pain is unbearable and have them shoot me up with demorol and toradol (sp). That is usually the drug coctail they'd give me in the hospital. I would pass out for a few hours and wake up with less pain.


This really sucks in a big big major way. I do not, DO NOT want to gain that weight back. Ugh, I'm really frustrated right now and on the verge of tears.

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So, so sorry. Maybe you should go. No need to hurt so much.



You are right....if it was anyone of my children, I would have them there in a heartbeat. I will have my daughter drive me to the hospital tonight when I get off work. She is probably the only one strong enough to get my drugged ass back in the car to go home.


I had to walk out of my office to the leadmans desk, my leg gave out and I almost fell. At the same time, the pain was so intense I let out this yell. I probably sounded like I was being attacked or something. Everyone is asking why am I still at work, why aren't I home resting. I would they could see what kind of commotion 5 grandbabies can make. I think I am getting more rest here at work than I would at the house.

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You are right....if it was anyone of my children, I would have them there in a heartbeat. I will have my daughter drive me to the hospital tonight when I get off work. She is probably the only one strong enough to get my drugged ass back in the car to go home.


I had to walk out of my office to the leadmans desk, my leg gave out and I almost fell. At the same time, the pain was so intense I let out this yell. I probably sounded like I was being attacked or something. Everyone is asking why am I still at work, why aren't I home resting. I would they could see what kind of commotion 5 grandbabies can make. I think I am getting more rest here at work than I would at the house.


I can imagine with FIVE!


You and your son may end up in the hospital together. That would be weird.

I hope he will be alright too. Things always come in waves like that for some reason.

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I hope your son is ok and I hope you feel better soon too,


I'm sorry to hear that your hurt your back. Hopefully you will bounce back quickly after this injury because you were in good shape before it happened. Your muscles are strong and you are active so it may not take as big of a toll as it did the first time and you may be able to keep the pressure off your back more- it's good that you have been workign on your core all this time because you will need those muscles to help support you as you heal.

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I'm so sorry to hear this metro. I just hope that drug cocktail worked some wonders. I really think you should take some time off from work: you have been working SO hard, and being on your feet all day can't be good when you're trying to recover from back pain. I almost think taking 2 days off now would save you from dealing with pain in the long run. I hope you're feeling better already though.

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I couldn't update from home as I have no laptop at the moment, well I don't have a charger for the laptop, waiting for one to be shipped to me. I took a couple days off from work to rest up but I am still hurting.


My duaghter did drive me to the hospital that night. I was in a lot of pain. The ER doctor came in and asked some questions, he seemed comfortable with my explaination about how I am positive that it was my disk that slipped, I've had it before. He had the nurse give me something for pain. This time they gave me a shot in the arm, previously I had recieved my pain meds through an IV so I was glad that I wasn't getting the IV, those tend to hurt. So the nurse injects me and tells me he will be back in 30 minutes to check on me. All is well so far, the pain wasn't as bad and I could move my legs a bit. The nurse said I could go home. They get me in the wheelchair and all of a sudden I start feeling super hot, riduculously hot. He says the AC in that part of the ER isn't too strong so perhaps I was just overheated. I get to the car, I'm sitting in the seat and I feel like I have been baking in an oven. Sweat is pouring down my face and dripping off my body. By this time we are getting home, I am nauseated and my legs feel like jello. As soon as my son helped me to my bed, I yelled for him to bring me the trash can. Now I was vomiting. First time I have thrown up in over 6 years. I settle down into the bed and my skin feels like it has bugs crawling on it so for the next few hours it is a mix between trying to scratch my skin off, wiping sweat from my face and head and throwing up 11 times. Apparently, whatever they gave me didn't sit well with me so I don't ever want that again.


The doctor sent me home with a prescription for Soma (muscle relaxer) and Vicodin for pain. My doctor couldn't see me yesterday so I have an appointment with him today at 4pm. In the meantime I am at work, thankfully my job doesn't require anything other than sitting at my desk doing paperwork and computer work.


As for my son, well he dislocated his knee from the initial fall. When he tried to stand up, the knee popped back in place but left him with a very badly sprained knee. He is on crutches at the moment and he goes back to the doctor on Thursday.


Needless to say, I am not in a good mood.

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Apparently, whatever they gave me didn't sit well with me so I don't ever want that again.


Make sure you doctor finds out exactly what they gave you because with that kind of severe reaction, you want ot make sure you have it listed in your medical record under the medications you are allergic to.


Your doc can probably get info from the ER doc more quickly.


Poor metro! ((Hugs))

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Had an appointment with my doctor yesterday. Was in terrible pain, so he gave me a shot in the back.


He said it may or may not help and it' didn't really help a lot. It took the edge off the pain a bit but I am still having bad episodes of spasm like pain. We went over the chart from the first time I had a slipped disk. It was actually a 3mm protrusion between L5 and S1. He said it's likely the protusion is more than 3mm now considering the pain I am in. I will be seeing a back specialist soon and will likely have to undergo therapy and or cortisone shots. He said the last resort would be surgery so I am going to do anything and everything I can to prevent that.


I am so really bummed out. I can hardly walk, I was at home with no computer or books or anything to keep me occupied. I'm currently at the library, using the computer here to update this journal and checking out some books so I have something to do at the house.


Be back when I get my laptop charger in the mail. I miss everyone.

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Good morning everyone.


I'm back at work today, still in pain but thankfully not as much as I was this time last week. I am able to walk better, but I have to walk slowly and precisely as one wrong step could cause serious pain.


I recieved the authorization letter from my HMO to see the back specialist so I will be calling them today to make an appointment. Hopefully, I will be able to get back to my routine soon.


My computer is currently in the shop, apparently my McAfee wasn't working properly and my laptop has been infected with several viruses. The lady said she is confident that she can clean it out and said it would be ready by today. Now I just need to figure out what I have to buy exactly so this type of thing doesn't happen again.


I also found out over the weekend that I have been displaced from my position here. I knew it was coming but I was really hoping that the lady would have picked someone else to displace.


So I have to wait til the manager gets here so I can see what my options are. If I want to stay at this location, I will have to take the relief postition which I really don't want. I would like to continue to work day shift and the only shift I could get, I would have to travel 25 miles each way. Sigh. Currently, I am less than 2 miles from work. My daughter said that I should think about how being stuck in traffic day after day and driving the distance is going to affect my back. She also pointed out that if I transfer to the location that is 25 miles away, I will still have to stop in downtown Los Angeles for my back therapy and then fight even more traffic going home. So I'm really unsure what I want to do. My manager doesn't want me to leave and I don't want to leave but I am unsure if I can handle the relief shift. I don't sleep well now, I really think the relief shift will do me in.

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Awww metrogirl, you siure do have a lot on your plate right now. Hang in there.


How have you been doing nutritionally? Are you still eating well? Even if you can't get to the gym right now eating healthy will help ensure that you won't suffer a setback.

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I'm sorry to hear about your job Metro. I have a bad back too, if it helps, there's a link removed (picked it up for $1 a piece at Dollar Tree) that I always use when I drive, really helps for long distance driving. I bought few and use them at home too to keep my posture correct. Works really well.


Regarding the computer McAfee alone probably won't protect the PC 100% but you don't need to spend extra for any software. There are tons of good software out there that you'll be able to run without taking up a lot of resources of memory.

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Awww metrogirl, you siure do have a lot on your plate right now. Hang in there.


How have you been doing nutritionally? Are you still eating well? Even if you can't get to the gym right now eating healthy will help ensure that you won't suffer a setback.



Emotional eater here, have been for years. I was doing much better since I had been working out and eating healty, I was disciplined however now that all this is going on, it's causing me some serious depression and I am eating more because of it.


I eat because I am depressed and I am getting more depressed because I am eating and I know I am going to just blow up again.


I woke up this morning to get ready for work and found some brownies in the fridge. Normally, I wouldn't touch them but today, I had one. Don't get me wrong, I'm not sitting on my tuff eating bon bons or anything like that, but I certainly have this I don't care what I eat mentality. I don't know how to break that train of thought right now. I think it's more comfort than anything else and I know it's going to be the demise of me yet I don't know anything else.

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I eat when I am depressed too, which is why I asked how you were holding up. When my son was an infant I ate brownies (plural) from the fridge at 3am in order to be able to cope with the night wakings- so I totally understand what it is like to eat a brownie when it is the only thing that makes you feel good in a crisis. I'm not even sure if I chewed them - I practically inhaled them.


If you must have something sweet, chocolatey, and delicious, try substituting one of these instead of that brownie link removed


Try reaching for a lesser evil. Keep the house well stocked with lesser evils.... (For insatiable salt cravings, lowfat microwave popcorn is a lifesaver for me)

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Yogurt parfait's are excellent choice too, I've been making that with blueberries, fat free yogurt and some granola. Way healthier than any of the stuff not to mention it's cheap to make. We all have our cravings. Hang in there!

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Hello fellow friends,


Nothing much to update, still in a lot of pain and still very much depressed about all this going on.


I have an appointment with the back specialist on Sept 13th, unless there is a cancellation, hopefully I can be seen sooner. In the meantime, I try to avoid the pain meds and muscle relaxers as much as possible. I spend a lot of time laying on a heating pad. I do like using the muscle rubs (creams), probably because of warmth of the cream. The doctor prescribed a cream to me, my insurance doesn't cover it and I was leary of spending 37.00. I was googling the cream and I see that I can get it online cheaper, so I just need to look up some reviews. It would be helpful to know how effective it is.


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Someone asked me why I wasn't wearing a back brace and I figured it would be something that the specialist would give me. I actually found a brace online that looks ideal for my situation. I was talking to another coworker that has had the same problem for 20 years and he wants to get a brace that has an air pump in it, but the one that I found looks even better.


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Less pain today! Hooray. I'm walking with a little more speed, I don't look like a little old lady today.


I'm hoping and praying this is the first of many better days for me. I can still feel some pressure back there but I would only rate the pain at about a 2 or 3 today.


I soooo want to be back in the gym. I have a lot of catching up to do and I'm hoping that I can get back there real soon. I'm not going to push myself or rush to make it happen.

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Less pain today! Hooray. I'm walking with a little more speed, I don't look like a little old lady today.


I'm hoping and praying this is the first of many better days for me. I can still feel some pressure back there but I would only rate the pain at about a 2 or 3 today.


I soooo want to be back in the gym. I have a lot of catching up to do and I'm hoping that I can get back there real soon. I'm not going to push myself or rush to make it happen.


I had hopes you would be better on your own. That was a bad spell and I know how scary it was. Good that you are on your way back.

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