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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Twice I attempted to update my journal only to have my entire post erased. Grrrr.


Haven't been to the gym in a few days. Yesterday he called and asked if we could talk so I obliged him. Went to his house and we talked for a couple of hours. He apoligized at length and repeatedly for hurting me. He admitted that he didn't know why he said what he said about the loss of attraction towards me. He said something along the lines of "of course you are even more beautiful when you do your hair and makeup but I love you regardless". He said that his attraction towards me is deeper than the physical thing because he loves who I am as a person. He said that I am so giving of everyone that needs me, not just him and he admires that.


He said he would be more than willing to participate in counseling with me if it would help him to communicate with me more effectively. So he's willing to do all this for me but is it because he truly wants to or because he thinks it's the only way to save grace?

I don't know....I'm left confused and unsure about so many things. I love him, there has never been any doubt about that. I would like to think that we can make it work, but there is another side of me that is terrified of trying and failing and getting hurt all over again.


But for now, I want to talk about happy stuff so here is a little bit of that......Jade turned 4 today! Yay, Happy Birthday Jade... Coincendentally, she has an appointment today at Sonus to get fitted for her hearing aids. After endless appointments and tests we are finally where we wanted to be so long ago. I feel blessed though, that she will finally be able to hear sounds that she has never heard before. The audiologist said the greatest joy is watching their faces as they experience these new things for the first time.


Jade gets to design her own ear pieces as well. (the plastic part that goes from the aid to the inner ear). I can't wait to see what she does with them.


So for Jade's birthday, I am ordering her this......link removed


She loves fruit so this will be perfect and she loves Dora.

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I'm so irritated and tired today, yesterday left me drained and wiped out. Took Jade to her appointment and they did the molding of her ears. She is always such a good girl when she has her appointments. I take her back on the 10th of Aug and she will officially have her hearing aids.


After her appointment, I took her to edible arrangements and they had one on display, any others would have had to be ordered. She saw that one display and her eyes were as big as dollars, she wanted it so I bought it for her. A nice arrangement of oranges, strawberries, honeydew, cantaloupe, and grapes. $60.00 My daughter was freaking out, "why are you gonna spend 60.00 dollars on fruit"? The same reason I would normally spend 30 on a cake, I just thought the fruit would be a fun healthy alternative.


So we get home and there is drama at the house. There are some neighbor kids that are the worst behaved most fouled mouth children I have ever had the displeasure of encountering. Well one of the boys (8 or 9 yrs) told my grandaughter to Suck.. M........ you get the idea. So my son takes someone to translate in spanish and tries to tell the parents to keep their bad kid in the back where they live and away from the front where we live because he's saying obscene things to my grandchildren. Well the bad kids mother flew off the handle as she normally does and called the Sheriff on us. Whoopie do.... The sheriff came out and yelled at them for not properly supervising their kids and asked us to just not interact with them. That is fine with me, I wouldn't have my grandchildren interacting with those bad ass kids anyway. They would probably come back with mouths of a sailor.


Then we are going to make dinner and the chicken I had bought the night before was clearly bad so I had to take it back to the store, get home from the store and noticed that someone keyed my car. Sigh.....


Yeah, it was'n't a good day.

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I'm sorry Metro...*hugs*


When it rains, it pours. LOL I can't win for trying, that's for sure.


I had a talk with the powers that be and I told them that I wish for a better day today and hopefully my wish will be their command.


Although other commitments are going to keep me away from the gym for the rest of this week, I hope to be back in the swing of things next week. I'm not going to let all this bring me down, nope. I want to have a good weekend and thinking positive thoughts is going to help me achieve this.

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When it rains, it pours. LOL I can't win for trying, that's for sure.


I had a talk with the powers that be and I told them that I wish for a better day today and hopefully my wish will be their command.


Although other commitments are going to keep me away from the gym for the rest of this week, I hope to be back in the swing of things next week. I'm not going to let all this bring me down, nope. I want to have a good weekend and thinking positive thoughts is going to help me achieve this.


Absolutely. Things have to start looking up for you

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Took two of my sons and grandson to Citadel Outlets today for a little shopping. Nothing exciting, just uniforms for my two school age grandbabies. My daughter was pleasantly suprised when I came home with the stuff, she was trying to figure out how she was going to buy everything and still pay her bills. Since I worked insane overtime, it wasn't a big deal to spend a little extra for my babies.


Now, I will do some more shopping on Monday, in Vegas! Maybe, I'll get lucky this trip and come back with a little money.

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What is it about having your monthly cycle that makes you have a ravenous appetite? I ate a footlong sandwich today, normally I do well with just the 6 inch sub but today I felt like I would starve to death if I didn't eat the whole thing.


I was already bloated and now I feel and probably look like I am going to burst. Grrrr stupid period.

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At least it wasn't 1 ft. of chocolate because that is what I could easily consume during that time.


What kind of sandwich was it? Don't sweat it too much.


oven roasted chicken from subway....


lots of veggies on it, swiss cheese and a little bit of low fat honey mustard. I guess the only good thing was after the 2nd bite of the 2nd half, I just ate the chicken and left the bread. I still feel like a cow.


I don't do chocolate so I guess that is a good thing. I get grossed out by sweet stuff. Once in a while I will get a mean craving for something sweet and then I won't have the urge to eat any sweet stuff for a long time.

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oven roasted chicken from subway....


lots of veggies on it, swiss cheese and a little bit of low fat honey mustard. I guess the only good thing was after the 2nd bite of the 2nd half, I just ate the chicken and left the bread. I still feel like a cow.


Oh then you shouldn't worry. It's not like it was a huge Italian grinder with 5 cheeses, 12 meats, and a ton of oily dressing.

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I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I'm back just to leave a quick update. Was out of town for a 3 day weekend and guess who is sick again?


Doctor said I have tonsillitus (sp). Since I haven't been to the gym in over a week, I'm hoping this recent illness doesn't hold me back. I kinda wanted to go back tomorrow but not sure if it is a good idea.


Good grief.

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I didn't fall off the face of the earth. I'm back just to leave a quick update. Was out of town for a 3 day weekend and guess who is sick again?


Doctor said I have tonsillitus (sp). Since I haven't been to the gym in over a week, I'm hoping this recent illness doesn't hold me back. I kinda wanted to go back tomorrow but not sure if it is a good idea.


Good grief.


Oh no Get well soon!

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Hey, Metro. I'm sorry you are sick. I'm not trying to discourage you, but lots of people that work out in the gyms complain of getting more bugs. I have some information about it here, maybe some tips that could help.


link removed


Thanks Miss F. I know my first week of working out after I had signed up, I was sick, remember? Then I was good for a few months until that last nasty bout of infection I had. I think I got sick out of town though. Truth be told, I was in Vegas again, (shakes head) and I think I probably grabbed a germ from one of the machines. I am usally pretty careful and always have hand sanitizer but nothing is fool proof. I can't tell you how many women I see leaving the restroom without washing their hands and of course you know where their hands end up. Sigh


But I am feeling better today. I will just wait a few days before I venture back to the gym. I would hate to pick up another bug while I am still fighting this one.

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Thanks Miss F. I know my first week of working out after I had signed up, I was sick, remember? Then I was good for a few months until that last nasty bout of infection I had. I think I got sick out of town though. Truth be told, I was in Vegas again, (shakes head) and I think I probably grabbed a germ from one of the machines. I am usally pretty careful and always have hand sanitizer but nothing is fool proof. I can't tell you how many women I see leaving the restroom without washing their hands and of course you know where their hands end up. Sigh


But I am feeling better today. I will just wait a few days before I venture back to the gym. I would hate to pick up another bug while I am still fighting this one.


Wow! That is creepy. The only trip I ever made to Vegas, I came down sicker than a dog the second day and had to go to a walk-in Vegas doctor. I don't think I'd ever want to go back after hearing you say this either.

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