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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Well I haven't updated in a few days and this is where we are...


I was aiming for the gym on Sunday. Threw my clothes in the wash and apparently my grandson had some paper in his shorts pockets and it was everywhere in the wash, all over my black workout clothes. So I throw them in the dryer thinking it would dry up and the paper would be sucked out witht he lint. Wrong....I had black workout clothes with dried white bits of paper all over them. So in frustration, I said forget it and I left the house for a little 'me' time. That didn't exactly go as planned as I was looking for a store in Pasadena and got lost. Finally found it, had to park two blocks away and walk in that ugly heat.


Long story short, after a few hours in Pasadena I went home to relax a bit before the gym and I had a nasty headache. Went to the gym anyway and had to call it quits after 30 mins because my head felt like it was going to explode....No good workout there.


Yesterday was a 12 hour work day. I left the office at 6:00, went straight home and changed into my gym clothes and had a decent workout. I focused on arms and rear end, in addition to the cardio.


Today's weight 175.8.


My kids noticed that my biceps are more noticeable now. Now if I could just continue shaving the fat from the back of my arms....Stupid wings.


Not sure how long I will stay in the office today, but I plan on hitting the gym again today. I have a lot of work to do to catch up to Bella.

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Hi Mama Metro!

I've been limited in my time on here, but I've been keeping up with your journal. First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about the problems in your relationship, and I hope that things get better and that you two can work things out.


AND ... way to keep on trucking with the exercise! No matter what you look like, your body thanks you for every single minute you spend in the gym, and you're making yourself healthier!


How tall are you?

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Hi Mama Metro!

I've been limited in my time on here, but I've been keeping up with your journal. First of all, I'm so sorry to hear about the problems in your relationship, and I hope that things get better and that you two can work things out.


AND ... way to keep on trucking with the exercise! No matter what you look like, your body thanks you for every single minute you spend in the gym, and you're making yourself healthier!


How tall are you?




Thank you for your kind words of support. I am certainly sticking with it as best I can considering everything. Being in the gym does take my mind off things even if only briefly.


Just decided that I am not going to work OT today. I am getting off work at my usual 2:00pm, will go home and change and leave for the gym. I think I will take my swimsuit and spend some time in the jacuzzi and or steam room as well. There will be no rushing today so I can spend some quality time at the gym and hopefully get a great workout in. It will also do wonders for me mentally.

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Have fun at the gym and hope you have a good workout.


Just got back from working out with my trainer today. We tried some new exercises with 20lb weights and my arms are tingling from that, but the workout woke me up and my sinuses seem to be better.


It's good to take some time, every now and then, to pamper yourself.

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Have fun at the gym and hope you have a good workout.


Just got back from working out with my trainer today. We tried some new exercises with 20lb weights and my arms are tingling from that, but the workout woke me up and my sinuses seem to be better.


It's good to take some time, every now and then, to pamper yourself.


Wow!! Your weights are getting heavier and heavier. Woo hoo... your arms are gonna rock.

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Just decided that I am not going to work OT today. I am getting off work at my usual 2:00pm, will go home and change and leave for the gym. I think I will take my swimsuit and spend some time in the jacuzzi and or steam room as well. There will be no rushing today so I can spend some quality time at the gym and hopefully get a great workout in. It will also do wonders for me mentally.


Sounds good. The best days at the gym are the days where you can just chill out and enjoy the amentities along with your workout.

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Thank you for your kind words of support. I am certainly sticking with it as best I can considering everything. Being in the gym does take my mind off things even if only briefly.


Just decided that I am not going to work OT today. I am getting off work at my usual 2:00pm, will go home and change and leave for the gym. I think I will take my swimsuit and spend some time in the jacuzzi and or steam room as well. There will be no rushing today so I can spend some quality time at the gym and hopefully get a great workout in. It will also do wonders for me mentally.


There's nothing wrong with 5'3"! And you know, you're not so far off from a healthy weight. Honestly you and Bella are both really impressive to me in that you both love working out so much and think of it as like a special treat/pampering rather than a chore ... wish I could have that mindset! With that kind of attitude you'll never get tired of the gym and you'll definitely reach your goal, whatever that is!


Hope you have a great day at the gym today.

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My workout was great!!!! To be honest, I wasn't craving the cardio that I normally do. I did 18 minutes of cardio and all I really wanted to do was tackle those weight machines. I worked my arms, legs and abs today! I think my abs are gonna hurt in the morning. I was feeling the burn.


My daughter wants to join the gym now and work out with me. She put on a lot of weight from the pregnancy. I think she will be signing up at the beginning of August. I'm happy for her, I think if she can stick with it she will do really well.

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I was wrong, the abs don't hurt but the arms do! The tricep in the left arm hurts the most. That's alright, I gave them a good workout yesterday.


I'm going to work late today but still try and get to the gym afterwards. I'll rest the arms today and hopefully get some good cardio in.


Today's weight 176.3 that is up a few ounces. I suppose it could be any number of things and I'm not going to stress out over the numbers right now.

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Thanks Bella....


I totally forgot to mention in last night's post, I spent 2 hours at the gym. Sigh.....(that's a good sigh)


After my workout, I spent some time in the steam room and then it was off to the jacuzzi. So relaxing, I felt better than I have felt in a while.

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Wow!! Your weights are getting heavier and heavier. Woo hoo... your arms are gonna rock.


Yeah, my arms rock and they are very sore today. Yesterday was the first time I tried an exercise where I laid down on a mat and held 20 lb weights in each had and lifted them for 12 sets a piece.


Glad to see that you worked on your arms and that you got to hang out at the jacuzzi for a bit. That is one thing my gym is missing, a jacuzzi.


I do admire u that you can do 2 hours of a workout. To me, working out with a trainer for a 1/2hr wipes me out completely.

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Yesterday was the first time I tried an exercise where I laid down on a mat and held 20 lb weights in each had and lifted them for 12 sets a piece.


That's pretty impressive! I am only up to using 15lb weights at this point (12lbs on my weak days)- but I suppose it is better than the wimpy 8lbs I started with.

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That's pretty impressive! I am only up to using 15lb weights at this point (12lbs on my weak days)- but I suppose it is better than the wimpy 8lbs I started with.


Thanks! My trainer is pushing my limits because he thinks I can handle it. I know I can and he watches me carefully as I lift the weights or do the exercises. If he senses that I am tiring, or losing balance, he cuts down the number of repetitions.


That is one reason why I like having a trainer, he pushes me to the limit, but makes sure I am still safe, and he "lights the fire under my butt" to do it.


Metro, since you haven't been working those sets of arm muscles as much as before, it will hurt the first few times u work them that hard, but your body will adjust. When I first started working out, I felt like my body was gonna fall apart. Now I am not usually sore after a workout. Although when my trainer has me workout a set of muscles that I haven't worked out as much in the past, they will be sore for a few days.


Good luck and glad to see your progress

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Thank you! I plan on pushing myself until I am that sexy beast I know I can be.


Today's meals


Breakfast ~ Oatmeal and coffee (and to think I used to hate oatmeal, now I love it!


Lunch ~ Big salad with chicken breast, carrots, tomatos, onions, baked croutons, egg, and low fat honey mustard dressing.


Dinner ~ Will likely be a smaller chicken breast and a veggie.

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No gym yesterday. I did an 11 hour day and I was really super tired, I think more sleepy than anything. Honestly, I wasn't feeling the gym so I knew there was no point in trying to convince myself otherwise. I went home and started cleaning, (thank you lazy children).


Today will be a long day at work as well, but I am still aiming for the gym when I get off work.


The other day I was in Target buying some groceries and I wanted to check the prices of dumbells. I'm thinking of getting some 5lb ones to just play with her at work while I am at my desk. I'm searching the aisles looking at fitness stuff and guess what I see??


Billy Blanks Boot Camp on Dvd.. I know a few of you had suggested Billy Blanks in a previous thread. I don't think I have ever seen his TaeBo videos on DVD so I was kinda suprised to see the boot camp. I 'm going to check around on youtube and see if I can view some clips from it. I don't want it to be like another Jillian "let me slash your body" Michaels. I need something more low key for right now.


Today's weight 175.8....okay, no loss but nothing gained. I feel good about it. I'm actually looking forward to getting out of the 70's and into the 60's. Since that likely won't happen this month, I am making that my goal for the month of August.

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I love Billy Blanks!! Have you not done the Jillian thing again?


Did the Jillian thing, she's a sadist. Remember when I could'nt walk for 4 days and I was crying when I did walk?


Jillian is too hard core for me right now....Maybe once I am more fit.

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Had a night out with the girls last night. I was apprehensive about talking with them regarding my relationship because there was another girl that joined us, I know her but don't know her. She's closer to one of my friends but I hadn't really spent time with her until last night. Being that she is related to one of the guys I work with, I didn't want to say anything that might get around the job site.


After we dropped her off last night, the three of us went for coffee and to finally talk. It did feel good to get it all out but at the same time I was flooded with lots of emotions.


As usual, they gave me good insight and ultimately told me that I need to decide what I can and can't live with and to not make any decisions in haste. Makes sense.


So this morning I was doing some reading online, I wanted to see what people in general think about attraction in long term relationships and if couples have overcome finding out that their partner isn't physically attracted to them. I think I still have some more reading to do and some serious soul searching. I might even suggest counseling for the both of us to see if there is anyway to salvage this. Sigh



On to better things, I had a fabulous heart pounding and sweaty workout today, followed by some time in the steam room, jacuzzi, and sauna.


Looking forward to bumping up my routine and making it harder. I am determined to get into the 160's in August. This is a MUST!

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I am glad that your friends were able to help you out. I agree that there is no rush to make a decision. Counseling might be a good idea if you both are willing to put forth the effort it requires.


As for your health goals, I know you can do it!!!

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