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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I think the uncertainty of it all is affecting his personality. He is getting more snippy with me, I have noticed. I really try to just look past it because I'm sure he is in a scary place right now but then I also had a wicked period this month (2 weeks late and beyond heavy) and yes my hormones were everywhere so I could be feeling something more than what it is but to make darned sure, I have just opted to stay away for a few days.


Yesterday I stopped by his house, my daughter was there wrapping gifts for him. He was weird, you would have thought I was someone he had just met coming by to say hi. Didn't say much and I recall him making some weird comment to my daughter so I was already annoyed. I left literally 5 minutes after she did. This morning he called, we chatted briefly. I told him I have to take a look at my car because the temperature gauge was getting higher than normal yesterday. It did this a few weeks ago and I discovered I didn't have any coolant which was weird because my mechanic said my levels were all topped off. So he says to me "don't wait until the last minute like you always do" and since that rubbed me with wrong way I responded with "if the engine blows, it blows. I don't care at this point and I will just take the bus". At that point, he says "okay talk to you later" and hung up.


Probably better that way. I feel moody and tired, he is moody and tired and we could probably both end up saying things we don't mean to say.


I've noticed that I have been feeling more fatigued than usual. The past 3 days, when I get home from work I instantly fall asleep. Yesterday I took a 2 1/2 hour nap which is so unlike me. I rarely nap, heck I hardly sleep so all this napping has me wondering if something is going on internally.

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Yep. It's called Menopause. 5 of the weirdest years of my life.


What's crazy is the doctors have already confirmed something is wrong with me hormonally but of course there would be a battery of tests to figure out what. They know my family's history, well my mother's history of menopause at 39. I'm 45 and have been dealing with erratic at best periods for years now. Doctor says to me " I can put you on birth control and that will stop your periods but you will get fat". Okay...... maybe I don't want to be fat so how about you just cut out what I don't need? It's not like I am going to have anymore children so just cut or snip or burn or do whatever it is you guys do to make all this nonsense just stop. I don't like unexpected periods, I don't like bleeding so much it resembles something out of a crime scene and I don't like crying because I hear a Christmas carol on the radio or because I think my grandchildren are beautiful. Really it's ridiculous.

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Went home yesterday and took an immediate 2 hour nap. I couldn't get out of my clothes fast enough, I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I am sort of feeling that way today, maybe not as tired as the previous days but I think a small nap would be good.


Someone is in better spirits today. Maybe him being at home by himself makes him grumpier, I don't know. He has mentioned a few times that he would really prefer that we live together but I honestly am not ready for that. First he lives in such a small apartment, like really small. It's really only meant for one person, two if you really like each other. LOL


He said he wanted to look for a bigger place early next year. Perhaps if he had a bigger place, I would consider it but then there are things that just irritate me when we are together. For example, if I am making dinner, he has to stand in the super tiny kitchen and watch what I am doing. He isn't in there to learn anything, he is in there to question why am I doing this, shouldn't I be doing that....don't use this part of the counter because it gets wet and that is where I write out my checks etc. Ugh.... annoying. Something else that caught me off guard, I had showered there not too long ago and he had showered after me. He starts hollering from the bathroom that the floor mat is wet. Okay? He asks me why is it wet. Perhaps because I just took a shower. He went on to tell me that he always dries off in the shower before stepping out. Congratulations..... I don't. LOL


How do people learn to deal with each other quirks when you want to live with each other?

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I think we are going to have to lower his evening insulin. His numbers have been slowly coming down which is good but now we are experiencing some hypoglycemia episodes which leaves him miserable. We caught yesterday's early, he came into the office and promptly announced he wasn't feeling well and checked his sugar. It was 70 post meal. He didn't have any carbs for lunch even though I offered him a tiny bit of rice with his pork chop. So I gave him a soda and boosted him right up. Apparently he had another dip in sugar sometime in the middle of the night and didn't feel well enough to come to work today.


What a nightmare that diabetes is. Jesus Christ, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.

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Went home yesterday and took an immediate 2 hour nap. I couldn't get out of my clothes fast enough, I just wanted to lay down and sleep. I am sort of feeling that way today, maybe not as tired as the previous days but I think a small nap would be good.


Someone is in better spirits today. Maybe him being at home by himself makes him grumpier, I don't know. He has mentioned a few times that he would really prefer that we live together but I honestly am not ready for that. First he lives in such a small apartment, like really small. It's really only meant for one person, two if you really like each other. LOL


He said he wanted to look for a bigger place early next year. Perhaps if he had a bigger place, I would consider it but then there are things that just irritate me when we are together. For example, if I am making dinner, he has to stand in the super tiny kitchen and watch what I am doing. He isn't in there to learn anything, he is in there to question why am I doing this, shouldn't I be doing that....don't use this part of the counter because it gets wet and that is where I write out my checks etc. Ugh.... annoying. Something else that caught me off guard, I had showered there not too long ago and he had showered after me. He starts hollering from the bathroom that the floor mat is wet. Okay? He asks me why is it wet. Perhaps because I just took a shower. He went on to tell me that he always dries off in the shower before stepping out. Congratulations..... I don't. LOL


How do people learn to deal with each other quirks when you want to live with each other?


Compromise and negotiation....


My bf has a morning bathroom routine that runs 15-20 min. I jump in before hand.

If we come home and I really have to use the bathroom --- I "call it" and jump in ahead of him.

He does the cooking. I ask if he wants help. If he says no, I take him at his word and leave the kitchen.


If he asks me to help, and then proceeds to tell me how to do it (make mashed potatoes, or a sauce), I ask him nicely if he wants to do it, or if he wants me to do it.


It's a bit rocky at first, but it settles out nicely.

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Let's talk about Gout, shall we? Anyone have it? Anything ever think they have it but weren't sure?


A couple of weeks ago I had what I thought was an infection in my big toe, specifically in the nail bed because my toe was throbbing, it was in an extreme amount of pain and it was red. I chalked it up to a nail fungus that I have had in that toe for 100 years. In fact I know somewhere on this website, I posted a thread about it years ago. So after a couple of days it clears up and I am good to go. No visits to the doctor or anything, it just went away.


Fast forward about 2 weeks, now it is my left toe and it hurts 10 times worse than the other toe did. Extreme pain and throbbing. Elevating it does nothing, in fact it made it worse because the actual movement of the foot made it throb so bad. I couldn't even cover my foot with my blanket, I had to sleep with my foot uncovered, it was cold etc. lol


So that was a couple of days ago. Still sore but I can walk on it now albeit gingerly. From everything I googled, it really does seem like I have Gout but why? I read that people with kidney issues can develop it and I do have only one kidney but I think it's working ok. I won't really know until next month when I do labs. Is there a blood test to check for Gout? It would really suck if I have it. I see people here at work that hobble all day, some can barely move. I don't want to be like them.

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I always thought gout was the old man's disease. When we were 21, my friend got it. It slipped through the cracks forever because they thought he's 21, he doesn't have "the gout". Lol. My father had it as well in his 20s. I know it hits men earlier, and women tend to not get it until post-menopause.


They can test for it by drawing fluid from the affected joint and testing that.


Try eating some cherries. I remember everyone ate cherries when they had 'the gout'. Something about lower uric acid levels.

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I always thought gout was the old man's disease. When we were 21, my friend got it. It slipped through the cracks forever because they thought he's 21, he doesn't have "the gout". Lol. My father had it as well in his 20s. I know it hits men earlier, and women tend to not get it until post-menopause.


They can test for it by drawing fluid from the affected joint and testing that.


Try eating some cherries. I remember everyone ate cherries when they had 'the gout'. Something about lower uric acid levels.


Yeah see....someone said the same thing. Problem is I hate cherries. Do maraschino cherries count? I can eat those all day? LOL

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Try it. The extract. A tart cherry is very different in texture to a slippery, juicy(ridiculously sweet) maraschino. Then this way, you don't have to gnaw on a handful of cherries and can just get it over with.


Where do I find this liquid cherry Yack at? lol

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Drug stores, GNC...places like that.


Enjoy! Lol


You're the best. Thanks doll. I will give it a try. I'm not even sure that is what it is, I can only surmise based on what I have read on Google but then of course Google will make anyone believe they are near death. bahahahah

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Well, make sure you still get it checked out. At first they thought my friend had a hairline fracture(which he did, but that wasn't the source of the pain). Then an aggravation of an old injury..It took a couple months. Have them do some testing. In the meantime, no harm in drinking cherry yack! And pop some NSAIDs(no aspirin) for the pain and inflammation.

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Well, make sure you still get it checked out. At first they thought my friend had a hairline fracture(which he did, but that wasn't the source of the pain). Then an aggravation of an old injury..It took a couple months. Have them do some testing. In the meantime, no harm in drinking cherry yack! And pop some NSAIDs(no aspirin) for the pain and inflammation.


No Nsaids for me because of the one kidney thing. Boooo However I do have a supply of Norco's.

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If it is gout, avoid any form of seafood. This will aggravate gout and bring it on every time. I had a friend once, whose husband had gout. Poor guy had to give up fish, lobster, crab, etc...for life.


I read that! Interesting thing is that morning I went on a 4 mile walk. After, I ate a tuna sandwich. So naturally after reading everything , tuna apparently is a big trigger and well that just bites. I love tuna. I also love shrimp but that is it as far as seafood. Also read that turkey is a trigger and that sucks even more because I don't eat beef and turkey is what I use as substitute in all my recipes. Jesus Christ........

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I thought I was going to get to go straight home after work but apparently Jesse needs gifts wrapped. He said my daughter was supposed to go but I guess she got sidelined. Why can't he just learn to do things the way everyone else does?


Today is a better day I guess. I overslept and almost didn't make it to work on time. My phone said I dismissed my alarm but I didn't even hear it. LOL I guess working back to back overtime will do that to a person.


So today is my son's girlfriends birthday and still no baby. She is actually due on Christmas day. I thought for sure he would be here by now but I guess he really is going to wait until he is good and ready to come out. He had called me earlier, he was taking a physical for a new job. Initially he got hired here at my company but then they put a freeze on the new hires until they open the new facility in Feb. He was getting tired of waiting around for Metro to call him and he is completely fed up with his current employer so his friend was telling him about a position at Penske. So he officially got hired today and with a significant pay raise. He is currently making 21.00 dollars and hour and Penske is starting him at 29.60 an hour. So he is happy, he will be able to provide a better life for him and his girlfriend and their baby. So I guess we need to celebrate soon.

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This will probably be a rather long winded entry. Years ago, when I was in grade school and early in junior high I was best friends with a boy named M. He was my side kick, we were always together. If he wasn't at my house, I was at his house. I was your typical tomboy and he was the brother I never had. In fact some kids thought we were actually brother and sister. HA!


So as time went on, he moved and I had moved. I had my daughter at the age of 15 and I think I may have seen him once when she was just a baby, we were riding the public bus. That was my last contact with him for many years. I had never forgot about my friend but as life goes, I never really looked for him either.


A few years ago he found me on facebook. I was beyond excited, my best friend from so many years ago found me and we finally had a chance to reconnect. We would email each other every few days. He would ask about my family, he obviously didn't know my father had passed, I didn't know his mother had passed. The emails were completely innocent, two old friends catching up after being apart for close to 30 years. So one day I get an email from him but it was his wife and she simply said "please stop talking to my husband". I never responded back and I never told him anything. I did exactly as she asked because I wasn't the type of person to disrespect his marriage. I never unfriended him on facebook and I wouldn't 'like' anything he posted. He would still 'like' pictures but never commented.


One day about a year and half later, he sent me an email with a huge apology. He said he had no idea what she had done and couldn't understand why I stopped talking to him. He found the message she sent and was very upset. He went on to tell me that they had since separated, she had been cheating on him with multiple men and took off with their daughter. He had voluntarily committed himself to a pysch facility at the VA due to the trauma from their unstable relationship and PTSD he suffered while fighting the war in Iraq. He was suicidal and an absolute mess. We spent a lot of time messaging each other and he later thanked me for being by his side at his darkest hour like I had always been when we were kids.


He eventually got the help he needed, obtained custody of his daughter and is doing really well for himself. I'm so proud of him and he seems so happy. He loves his little girl to the moon. Part of his nature, he has a crude sense of humor. It never bothered me but I guess someone was offended by something he posted and we went off on a tirade on facebook deleting many people. After all was said and done I commented and asked him if he was that crude when we were kids because I couldn't recall. He said something about when he reached puberty and realized how beautiful I was, he had a dirty mind. LOL


I thanked him for making me blush, it was such a cute comment and he went on to tell me that he wishes things would have been different when we were kids. He referenced the Katy Perry song "the one that got away". Said that he knew he blew it and regretted it for years after. I never knew he felt this way about me.


I guess why I'm thinking about this a lot is because from my childhood, he is the only person I remember. I can recall conversations and things we did together but because of some traumatic abuse pretty much all of my childhood memories are gone except in regards to him. I even have 2 other friends from that era that found me on facebook, we were all friends but I don't remember them like I do with him. One of the girls even sent me a picture of a party we attended and I have zero recollection of it. It made for an awkward conversation. It's hard to explain to people that I have no memory of my childhood memories because they are buried deep inside a severely traumatized person. The doctor told me years ago that it is probably best I not remember anything but M and our friendship I can recall. I guess he was very important to me. He lives on the East coast so it is doubtful that we would ever see each other unless he came out here to visit his teen children or if I ever travelled to the East to see him.


We were kids, I clearly had no idea. Had I known, maybe my life would have been much different. I wouldn't have married a man who physically abused me but then I wouldn't have the family that I have now. Interesting how life works out huh?


Since we are somewhat on the topic of repressed memories, anyone ever have their memories come flooding back years later? Is it painful or therapeutic, did it mess you up as a person more?

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