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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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If resting helped it, I would take off work. But you said it doesn't. I'd go into work. But I went into work with a broken ankle, a horrible flu, and a fractured back before. I HATE taking off of work with a passion. But you know what's best for you. Most people would take off. I'm just insane at times.

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Biopsy is scheduled for the 22nd. His numbers look good right now, so I am not really too worried. I just have an overall feeling that everything will be okay.


He talks a lot about our upcoming cruise so I think that is helping him to not focus on the other stuff.

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He is super achy and I couldn't figure out why. Then it occurred to me the doctors doubled his dosage for one of his anti rejection meds and the more I researched, the more I feel bad. His entire body hurts, he extremely tired. His ears are congested! (Yes a legitimate side effect of this medication). He thought he was going deaf. Talking on the phone with him has become increasingly difficult. I just spent 20 minutes of my lunch time rubbing his back in my office. My boss walked in and asked if I was giving him a tattoo. lol


I'm hoping the doctors will adjust his meds back to the dosage it was. At least it was tolerable and he did well.

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Biopsy was done yesterday. He did well, a little sore but he is good. Now we are just waiting for the kidney doctor to call us with some information. The full results of the biopsy will take a few weeks from what they told us yesterday.


Tomorrow is my son and his girlfriend's baby shower. Why I decided to work today on my day off is beyond me, I still need to make potato salad and if that isn't crazy enough, I am covering someone's shift tomorrow morning until noon. LOL I guess I will just get dressed here at work and leave from here to there. I feel really pressed for time as I have so much to do but that is what I get for taking all available overtime. Blah.

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Baby shower was a success. I made a gift basket with gift cards, wine and tequila for a diaper raffle. They ended up getting so many diapers, I was glad it turned out so well. There was a lot of food and the grandfather was making burgers to order for the guests.


So it was back to work again this morning and I am so tired, I can't keep my eyes open. My granddaughters are at my friend's church today modeling in a fashion show so I have to drive 60 miles from work to the church to watch them in their show and then drive home later tonite. I was looking at the work calendar and while it appears that I am taking both of my days off next week, I have one person that wants to take Friday off and maybe even another girl who is considering taking Saturday off so I may not get a day off until Nov 6. I don't have to work it but................lol

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His first infusion last night went well, they gave him steroids. Basically he is being blasted with a high dose of steroids to keep the antibodies from attacking the kidney. He gets another infusion today and then again tomorrow. Saturday his prednisone gets bumped up from 5mg to 60mg and then daily it will decrease until he is back at 5mg.


My only worry is how his temperament will fair with these high doses. It took a while for his body to acclimate to the 5mgs. He was so nasty in the beginning, oh my goodness just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I can't even imagine what he is going to be like with this increased dosage. We had planned to take Sunday off and go to Sea World to spend some time together since we have both been overwhelmed with endless hospital visits, doctors appointments and my endless OT. Well he decided we should cancel SeaWorld because I guess he too, is unsure of how he will be feeling mentally, physically.


I'm bummed but I understand. Who wants to be out of town with a loved one that is lashing out. At least he took my feelings into consideration. We are still going to be stuck on a cruise ship together in a few weeks so hopefully by then the medicine will have settled. Jokingly I told him that I was going to start looking for a new car. He said "why"? I said because if we are stuck on a cruise ship and you act crazy, I'm throwing you over and going car shopping with your money. Lmao


This too shall pass.

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I am working ever so hard to remain patient and kind during this trying time but Lord give me strength. Steroids are the devil and I thought he was a little crazy with his 5mgs daily. Well that was nothing compared to his heightened craziness now. He received 3 infusions, 750mgs each infusion and he is a total basket case. We could be having a seemingly normal conversation and it turns into something quite ugly and out of nowhere and then a few minutes later he is talking in a normal almost lovingly like tone. It's beyond anything I have ever experienced with him.


I find myself not calling him, just giving him space because I honestly don't know what will set him off. Initially we had plans for Sea World today but he cancelled that plan because he knew he was going to be pumped with steroids. So I came to work today and the plan as of right now is for me to grab us some lunch and watch football for a few hours at his place. Praying he is feeling somewhat normal later because if his attitude is anything like it was this morning while we were talking on the phone, then I am going to just drop off his food and head home.

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  • 2 weeks later...

All of his treatments are now complete. Three IV infusions of steroids and one IVIG infusion. The steroids raised his blood sugar really high so they started him on insulin. He always said he never wanted to be on insulin but now it is a reality and he is doing okay with it. He is someone that is extremely dependent on me so it was important for me to get him to inject himself and learn how to manage this when I am not around.


He picked it up quick. His biggest struggle is trying to fill the syringe because he has hand tremors from the anti rejection meds but other than that, he looks like a pro. He did pick up a bad cold which he is currently fighting and hopefully he is better by Sunday because that is when we leave on our cruise.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never ever have I been so sick as I was on the first day of our cruise. Good God, I was so seasick. I didn't throw up but I may as well have. Imagine the worst possible vertigo imaginable, that was me. I couldn't enjoy my football game on the cruise because everything was spinning. I bought some medicine on the ship but it was too late, I was done. I took two of those pills the next day and took a 3 hour nap. LOL The rest of day 2 was okay although the cruise had to cancel our stop in Catalina because the waters were very choppy and they said it was unsafe.


So we sailed day 2 and day 3 we arrived in Ensenada. We had a wonderful time in Mexico, spent a lot of money and ate some delicious fresh fish tacos. The cruise was just amazing, had so much fun and met some great people. We enjoyed it so much so that we have already planned our cruise for next year. We are going to do a 7 day Mexican Riviera in August. I'm so excited, I will be a super work horse because I want to take as much money as I can to do excursions, shop, and just enjoy myself to the fullest without having to worry about cost. I also see on the website that I can book and pre pay any spa treatments I may want on the ship at a discount for doing it early. Winning! lol


We should know soon if Jesse's treatments worked to stop the rejection. He has to do labs next Monday and then we should have an idea of how everything went. In the meantime there is a doctor working with us trying to find the right the dosage and type of insulin for him. It doesn't appear he will be getting off the insulin until he can manage his numbers without it. He is doing much better with his eating but we also know that his anti rejection meds also raise his blood glucose so he may have to just stay on insulin for now. Overall he is doing okay with it though. He has no problem injecting himself. Super proud of him, that is something I didn't think he could handle on his own. I know it may not seem like a big deal but needles are a huge deal for him. The only thing I don't like is the bruising on his stomach. It looks like he has been in a fight. We try not to inject in the same area, we move around the stomach and flank but he is still bruised. I wonder if that ever goes away.

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My late ex was diabetic. Tell Jesse to shoot up between his toes, it really doesn't bruise so easily there. As long as he isn't suffering neuropathy in his feet, this is a great place to inject insulin. T would inject there to give his stomach a break. You really have to move your injection points around. Buttocks work good, also, or on the side of the hips.

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My late ex was diabetic. Tell Jesse to shoot up between his toes, it really doesn't bruise so easily there. As long as he isn't suffering neuropathy in his feet, this is a great place to inject insulin. T would inject there to give his stomach a break. You really have to move your injection points around. Buttocks work good, also, or on the side of the hips.


I knew of the back of the arms and hips, even thighs but never knew about the in between toes, that is definitely a new one for me.


I think he likes shooting in the stomach because he has so much tummy fat, he doesn't feel it. I wonder if it would hurt elsewhere. Well I know his arms wouldn't hurt but he can't do himself in the arms. I will ask him if he is open to the idea of moving his injection sites.


Dealing with a splitting migraine today. Not sure what triggered it but it's a good one. Already took an Imitrix but that didn't really touch it. I have 3 1/2 hours to go before I get off work. My daughter wants to go to Target and get some Christmas stuff done. Blah...

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I'm working a double today, on my day off. Feeling a little headache'ish but I suppose that is normal considering I am sleep deprived.


Thanksgiving was uneventful. I worked in the morning and made it home by 3. We didn't have a traditional holiday meal, I wasn't in the mood to prepare all that food. So I ordered a big pot of posole and my son in law grilled some meat outside. I made a few sides to accompany the meat and that was pretty much it. I totally forgot about any kind of dessert so there were none. Total failure on my part. *shrugs


My son and his pregnant girlfriend stopped by. My other son was home sick with his baby, so it was a small affair.

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All those nasty steroid IV treatments didn't stop the rejection. His creatinine is still elevated. Waiting to hear from the doctor to see what they want to do next. It's hard to pretend to be strong all the time. Sometimes I don't want to be a responsible caring adult. I thought he was going to take the news badly but surprisingly and probably because I kept an upbeat attitude about it (enter responsible caring adult pretending to be super strong here) and he was calm about it as well. I explained that it is still early in the game and there are many other options for the doctors to try so not all is lost here. I will post more about that as we progress through this journey.


My son's gf is meeting with the delivery doctor next Tuesday and may have a C section scheduled by the next weekend! Yikes, baby Ian will be here soon. I think she was nesting last night. She was cleaning her house from top to bottom. I remember those days, that sudden urge to clean the entire house and within a day you are in labor. I told her she may not even last until next weekend the way she was cleaning. LOL


Today is my Friday. Looking forward to the next 3 days off. I have gifts to wrap, things to do and I need to rest somewhere in between.

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I am still clueless as to what to buy this man for Christmas. He is so difficult to shop for, I swear. I usually try to think outside of the box. A few years ago I bought him a remote control heater because at the time he was doing dialysis and always freezing and usually had a hard time getting out of bed. The following year I bought him a recliner in preparation for his transplant so he would have something comfy to rest on while recuperating.


He has all the shoes and clothes a single man could possibly have. I have bought him everything sports related. I have bought him expensive pillows in hopes that it would help his neck and shoulder pain. He has zero hobbies and is not tech savvy. Doesn't even know how to operate a computer. I just don't know what to do this year. Sure I could get him gift cards but how boring is that?


Anyone else have issues like that?

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How about getting a gift of a weekend getaway with you at a nice, romantic place?


Does he have an iPhone and does he listen to music (iTunes)? A gift card for that might be good.


To simplify shopping, I usually get gift cards for people (family). With my mom, I usually take her out to eat for a nice meal and spend time with her.

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How about getting a gift of a weekend getaway with you at a nice, romantic place?


Does he have an iPhone and does he listen to music (iTunes)? A gift card for that might be good.


To simplify shopping, I usually get gift cards for people (family). With my mom, I usually take her out to eat for a nice meal and spend time with her.


No Iphone......he has an Android but was thinking about upgrading to the one I have. I could just buy the phone but he will likely complain about it saying something like he could have got it when it was time to upgrade. God I know him so well. lol


Remember when I said he wasn't tech savvy? Well I once offered to get him an Ipod so he could listen to music because music is everything to him. He prefers to find youtube videos on his phone and listen to music that way. That is just how tech unsavvy he is. Sigh


The going away part is probably something we will do in Feb to celebrate our 11 years together (if he doesn't forget this year) and our 2 year kidney anniversary. Sadly I probably will just go with gift cards. I don't really know what else to do. Some friends had given some suggestions (see my facebook post) but those are things he really isn't in to. He is such a simple Simon. Boooo

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Here's an idea: Give him handmade coupons for things you can do for him. For instance: This coupon can be redeemed for x number of back rubs. Or, this coupon entitles you to x number of house cleanings or home cooked meals by your beloved. You can substitute anything in those coupons, I got naughty one year, but they were usually good for chores someone may hate doing and I would do for them once in awhile out of love. They are always appreciated.

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Men can be hard to shop for in general. I have 3 men to shop for every year!


I find that often they like things that have a function or a purpose so the heater and the chair sound like perfect gifts.


This year I got my dad a magazine subscription (sports related) he liked reading it but let it lapse because it was so expensive. My brother is getting a nice belt (I also considered a nice wallet). He never buys nice things for himself...always shops at Walmart and discount stores....so I know he'll like it and won't ever buy one himself. Also he asked for a comforter from Walmart...I might take one step up and go to BBB instead. My other brother is getting a shoe rack and either knives or a blender - he's gotten more into cooking lately. lol So there you go, maybe that will give you a few ideas or something to build from.

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I feel like you gave him the biggest gift ever. I don't think you need to worry about buying him presents for the next 50 years, haha.


That is what a friend said. It's really not that big of a deal besides, it's not even working right. Too bad I can't return it and give him a new one.

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