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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Hi Mama Met - so great to hear from you!


Yes I heard big booms until about 10 minutes ago and it is just after 1. It wasn't as bad here this year in Oregon though because we are in such a drought and people are acutely aware of the fire dangers. We are so used to the rain here that people have trees and bushes right up to the house.


Congrats on the new grandbaby!

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It's kinda sad when I look back to how frequent I was on here and then poof, everything just slowed way down.


I'm still around, checking in every now and then. Not even sure where I left off without going through my not so recent posts. LOL


Still engaged, still debating if I want to take that final leap. It's all me, he would do it tomorrow if I said Yes. I seem to be the one that has cold feet although I will admit the thought of doing it has been creeping up more and more frequently.


We had plans to go on vacation back to Seattle this year but I couldn't find decent tickets to a football game and so he said just to figure something out. So I suggested a cruise and a few days later he handed me his credit card and said "book our cruise". Going to Mexico in November. Woot woot. That is all I have for now. Oh and if I didn't already tell you guys, my youngest son and his girlfriend are pregnant. They are due in Decemeber. I am pretty sure I told you guys about my other son and his wife, with their first baby, Brody. He just turned 7 months. Aye, where does the time go?

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  • 3 weeks later...
Why cold feet? Wasn't he dragging for a while?


Yeah he was totally against marriage. Said he never wanted to do it, that no woman was going to take half of what he worked for. LOL Apparently explaining that I wasn't just some woman was a moot point.


I guess eventually he changed his mind because when we both reached our 23 years here on the job, he signed paperwork leaving his pension to me should he die. Then last year came the proposal which was done in poor taste. We were in Vegas, he had been drinking, I was engrossed in a football game. It was just all one big fiasco, not to mention that we were sort of on shaky ground which wasn't anything new as we seem to go through phases of good and bad. To me, it was just all really bad timing. He did it in front of mutual friends and my daughter and son in law and they all knew that we were having some issues so it was so very awkward and terrifyingly embarrassing at the same time.


So fast forward, I think I am warming up to the idea, at least some days I am anyway. lol Maybe staying engaged longer isn't a bad thing.

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So this past weekend I was in San Diego for an early birthday celebration for myself and my grandson since we are a day apart. He will be turning the big 13 on Sept 20.


I took him to his first ever Seahawks game and he was just in awe. Prior to the game, we visited the Whaley house museum in San Diego. It's supposedly haunted and he was taking as many pictures as he could hoping to capture something on film. The next day, we spent at SeaWorld. It was a perfect weekend, exhausting but I couldn't have asked for a better weekend or person to spend it with.


Guess what else I did? While in San Diego, I finally after many years of talking to her online met Renny. (renaissancewoman101).


She is so nice, but I wasn't surprised. She was always so nice here too.

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The past few days I had been dreaming of vacations and destinations and woke up each time feeling generally content. This morning I woke up from a horrible nightmare and my whole body was sore. Luckily for me, I have an appointment in a little over an hour for a massage and later this evening another appointment for a pedicure.


Tomorrow is opening day for the LA County fair and we have tickets to see Chaka Khan and Patti LaBelle. I'm happy about that, any day at the fair is a good day but I don't have anything really to wear so I am going to look for a summer dress and some comfy shoes tomorrow morning. Then we go back to the fair next Friday for another concert......Kool and the gang, Ohio Players, and Rose Royce and then the following morning we leave for Vegas for our annual NFL kickoff weekend. LOL Gotta love routine.

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Hey Metrogirl!


I've been around for a while too and I go in phases of posting more then fading away I always wonder if people see me pop back up and go..."Oh, I wondered where LSD went." lol


I'm not sure if you've had the same avatar forever or if it just occurred to me what it is. I just moved to Seattle in Dec and I swear...although I knew who the Seahawks were I never really put the 12 and Hawks together until I moved here. Anyway just had to say I finally get your avatar! Hehe.


You know a long engagement is often a really good thing. No need to rush it, if things feel good they way they are then go with it for now.

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Hey Metrogirl!


I've been around for a while too and I go in phases of posting more then fading away I always wonder if people see me pop back up and go..."Oh, I wondered where LSD went." lol


I'm not sure if you've had the same avatar forever or if it just occurred to me what it is. I just moved to Seattle in Dec and I swear...although I knew who the Seahawks were I never really put the 12 and Hawks together until I moved here. Anyway just had to say I finally get your avatar! Hehe.


You know a long engagement is often a really good thing. No need to rush it, if things feel good they way they are then go with it for now.


Well I am completely jealous! Anyone that lives in Seattle is just so lucky. I went for the first time last year and I fell in love with it, with what little I got to see of it. We were going to go back this year but it didn't quite work out so perhaps next year, when it's not raining so much since Mr Grumpy pants doesn't care for the rain. lol

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Momma Met, what city do you live in? I would love to do lunch or something sometime. I live in Covina. You just sound so lovely and brave, it would be an honor to meet you.


Hey doll!! I didn't even know you were still around these parts. Wow I remember you used to crack me up something wild. LOL I'm actually in your neck of the woods now. I moved near Nogales High School last year. Anytime you want to get together, let me know. I would love to meet another ENA'r.

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So Jesse did routine lab work last Friday in preparation for his kidney dr. appt tomorrow. Labs showed that his creatinine is rising and kidney function is dropping. So the doctor asked him to retest yesterday which he did and it's even higher now.


This could simply mean that he is dehydrated even though he claims he drinks a lot which I know he does because he is always complaining that he wakes up so many times in the night to pee. It could also be a rejection episode which terrifies me. So tomorrow we see the doctor and then he will advise us what happens next. For those that pray, please pray for him.

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Jesse is in the hospital. He was diagnosed with hydronephrosis. The doctor said there is some sort of blockage likely scarring or scar tissue and that will have to be repaired. We didn't get to meet with the urologist today, he will make rounds in the morning. So tomorrow I should know more

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Well that was the weirdest thing. I told you guys Jesse was in the hospital and diagnosed with Hydronephrosis. The urologist never did show up. Grrrrr.


The Nephrologist continued to run tests and his numbers continued to trend downwards towards his baseline number. So they performed a nuclear scan of his bladder and kidney. They wanted to see how his bladder empties out when he pees. Everything came back perfect, they could find no blockage and all of his labs were spot on. The doctor called it a Red Herring, he had no explanation for what happened to Jesse, no explanation for any of it. Whatever it was, was no more and seemingly corrected itself. *shrugs


After a 3 day stay in the hospital, he was cut loose with a clean bill of health and needs to return to the transplant center in a couple of weeks for follow up labs just to be sure the kidney is still doing it's thing.

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm glad to hear whatever it was self-resolved. How often does he get his levels checked?


From his regular nephrologist, once every 4 months and from the transplant center once a year.


After my last post, he followed up at the transplant center and something else is going on now. He has developed HLA antibodies. The doctor explained to me, they typically see this in people that miss dosages of medication however Jesse has never missed a dose in the almost 2 years of being transplanted. I think the doctor already knows that because his levels are always spot on so he needs a biopsy on the kidney to see why he developed these antibodies. The doctor assured me it has nothing to do with our ABO incompatibility, that we would have encountered an issue very early on had that been the case.


So right now we are waiting for the hospital to call with a date for the biopsy and in the meantime they have increased one of his anti rejection meds to further suppress his immune system. He feels fine, no side effects or symptoms. The doctor doesn't seem to concerned, he said it's treatable so I am not going to stress out over this.


While all this was going on, I had another episode with my herniated disc. Probably the 2nd most painful episode yet. I swear, it is always the simplest things that set if off. I was standing at the foot of Jesse's bed, folding laundry. I leaned probably no more than a few inches to reach a sock and I felt that all too familiar jolt in my back and I knew. I was hoping it would not get inflamed but by the next morning, I was unable to walk and required a cortisone shot in my back and some groovy pills. (vicodin and soma). Typically my episodes will last about a week, however tomorrow will be 2 weeks and I am still hurting. Granted not nearly as much pain as I was in however, from being unable to put full weight on my left leg, I walk a little crooked so now my hip, leg, and back hurt. My doctor is currently vacationing in Tokyo so I have to wait another week before he returns so I can get my referral to the spine specialist. I'm considering having him take me off work until I find some sort of relief. Sitting at my desk all day isn't helping, total rest isn't helping it and walking certainly doesn't feel good. BLAH

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