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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I think talking to the transplant counselor is a good idea. They will hopefully be able to help you.


Seriously, I think he's not acting at all appreciative of you, even if you hadn't given him your kidney, he shouldn't be treating you like the staff.

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No he isn't seeing anyone. He probably should because I know that the medicine is doing a number on him and most recently he saw a urologist and it was all bad news so I know he wasn't happy about that but it doesn't excuse acting like a jerk.


I didn't call the social worker today. I came home from work and I took a short nap, just mentally and physically exhausted. I will call her on Monday. It's not like a day is going to make a difference anyway.

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Yeah, I def. think he should be seeing someone, especially if the drugs are doing this sort of number on his emotions/personality. I'm shocked they don't require him to see one really! But I agree - it is no excuse for how he is treating you. He should be worshipping the ground you walk on.

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Im not really even looking for any special recognition. I just want to feel loved, admired, desired, and yes wanted even if he can't perform he can still find other ways to be intimate with me. I just felt like I was a burden. We had a somewhat productive conversation but we do need help, well more like he needs help. I will call the social worker first thing in the morning and see what we can work out. Im still willing to try but I won't rush back into things. Not this time, he will have to work harder than he has ever worked to get me back. Im extremey guarded now which really sucks, I should be at my happiest right now. We both should.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Wow, it's been a while since I have posted anything here. lol


Still alive, still kicking. Let's see.......


I have a grand baby on the way! My son and his new bride are expecting their first baby in Feb. I'm very thrilled and so very thankful that all is well with the little guy. We were worried there for a bit since there is a genetic disease that runs in the family. It was feared that my son could pass it on to his children however the baby has checked out as healthy and at the right size for his gestational age. The baby will still need to undergo some blood work once he is here to determine if he has a mild form of that disease but so far everything is great.


Jesse and his new kidney are doing very well. It will be 10 months tomorrow that I donated the kidney to him. He hasn't had any issues, none of the typical issues that present in a newly transplanted patient. His labs are spot on, no viruses and no concerns anywhere by any of his doctors. Definitely feeling blessed.


We took our trip to Seattle in early November. He had asked me what I wanted in exchange for the kidney. LOL I told him besides a long life with him, I just wanted to go to Seattle to see a football and do some touristy stuff. We spent 4 days out there and it was just so amazing. I saw my first ever live football game in the rain at the second loudest stadium. I have pictures but still need to figure out how to upload here.


Ohh..... and he proposed to me in September in front of family and friends. Kind of put me on the spot because I felt at the time that we had some issues that needed to be worked on. I wasn't expecting a proposal, in fact I think I mentioned here somewhere that I knew going into the relationship with him that he was totally against marriage so I figured we would just be boyfriend and girlfriend forever. So with that, I have updated my few fans here.

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Well I know it's really premature but I have already picked out my dress. One night I was just farting around on the internet and decided to look at dresses. After about an hour of this, I came accross such a gorgeous dress, I immediately thought to myself, that is my dress and I'm not looking at any more. Other than that, I haven't thought much about a wedding. People ask us regularly when are we going to do it and he just tells them to ask me and I tell them , "I don't know". I think I just want to wait a little while. There really is no rush. We've been together almost ten years so it's not like I feel compelled to be in a mad dash for the altar.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mama Met has not been feeling well. Back issues are the devil. I went to the doctor yesterday to get a shot in the lower back because the sciatica is just going crazy. He wasn't exactly pleased that I came from work, doesn't understand why I don't take time off. I explained to him that I have such a sedentary job but he was unimpressed. LOL He think I need to be off work, in bed and getting ready for physical therapy. I told him that I have already committed myself to cover shifts during the holidays for others, that it would be unfair for me to just back out. He still didn't appear impressed.


I do see his point of view though. I'm in the office today and I'm suffering. My back hurts, my left leg hurts so much. I told him that if I wasn't feeling better by the end of the week, I would agree to going on the sick list. I really hope the pain goes away by then.

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  • 1 month later...

So we officially reached the one year Kidneyversary. I am pleased to say that the kidney is still working beautifully, he looks good and feels great. He has a lot of energy now, rarely misses work where as before the transplant he could hardly make it a day or two for the entire week.


I did my labs for the one year check up and I was given a clean bill of health. My remaining kidney is functioning at 68% which is pretty good. My blood pressure is still spot on, creatinine is 1.1 Doctor is very pleased with everything.


The greatest give one could give is the gift of life. I feel so completely blessed that I was able to participate in something so amazing, so beautiful. My only regret....... that I can only do it once in life and then again in death. I would do it over and over again if I could.

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  • 4 months later...

I haven't forgotten my friends here. I used to practically live on this site but I don't get to get on too much anymore. A little more restricted at work which is fine and of course home life, I have all the grandbabies all over me so I rarely get much time for anything let alone Enotalone.


Everything is well. Jesse is still doing great with the kidney, no issues to report. We are in the process of planning a couple of vacations this year. Still working out the kinks.


I became a grandma again in January to little Brody, my son's first baby and on Mother's Day, my youngest son informed me that he too was going to be a father! Baby is due in December. Grandbabies everywhere. lol


No wedding plans as of yet. I was dealing with a nasty episode of depression that I am only recently bouncing back from. One day at a time I guess.


I will check in from time to time to say hi.

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I hope everyone had a safe 4th of July. I worked the evening before on graveyard (covered someone's shift) so I slept a few hours this morning before getting things ready for a BBQ. It turned out nice. Family and friends showed up and even my grandchildren's father came down from Vegas this weekend to spend time with them. He was also invited to the BBQ and everyone seemed to have a nice time. My time there was cut short because I am covering graveyard shift tonight again. YIKES


It's 12:30 in the morning here in California and people are still shooting off fireworks. Someone has the heavy duty stuff because I swear it sounds like I am in the middle of a war zone. Then I started thinking about the veterans that must be having a really hard time with all the noise. It is beyond crazy where I am right now.

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