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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I picked up an unexpected OT shift. I was told this morning that the girl covering 3rd shift couldn't cover it, would I please do it? Sure!! Who doesn't like making extra money? I typically don't like to work 3rd shift but since I am off tomorrow, it won't be a big deal. I can go home and sleep a little bit before heading out to do my errands. Jesse wants to take me bra shopping tomorrow. lol I said "babe, it can wait" because he still hasn't returned to work and I don't want him spending money that he doesn't need to spend right now. He said " JC Penny is having a sale, buy one get one free and I have coupons to use".


A man that coupons.

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Thank goodness I don't work this overnight shift often, I'm so sleepy.


I have now been awake for 24 hours. Two more hours and I can go home and climb into bed for a few hours. I have to pick up my dress later from the cleaners, I'm supposed to go with Jesse later but he annoyed me something terrible last night so I would actually prefer not hanging out with him just because I'm tired and would probably blow a gasket if he annoyed me again.


Last night I was on the phone with my youngest son. He is one of the grooms men and we were just chatting about his attire for the wedding. When we hang up, Jesse asked me what everyone was wearing. I told him the grooms men will be dressed similar to the groom and my other son that is not in the wedding is just wear a black striped shirt with black slacks. Jesse proceeded to tell me that nobody wears black to a wedding and why would I want my son to wear black. This topic turned into some kind of debate for him because he swears that it's not proper or politically correct to wear black to a wedding. Black pants fine but not with a dark shirt. I'm looking at him and the whole time he's going on and on I'm thinking to myself, "Jesus, I didn't know I was dating Tim Gunn".


So apparently he didn't realize that I said striped shirt, he only heard a black shirt. He asked what color the stripes are and I honestly couldn't remember at that moment and he asks "are they black"? I look at him and I have this look I give when I'm sort of confused yet at the same time I think the other person is an idiot and I do this crinkle lip thing and I said "ummmm I'm pretty sure if the stripes are black on a black shirt, we have an all black shirt and I clearly remember telling you the shirt is striped".


He can be so dramatic sometimes like a woman. Ugh.....I'm staying with a woman.

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My son is a married man.


What a day! I had so much running around to do before the wedding, I was up at 5am and out of the house before 6am. I had to drive from Jesse's to the new house and pick up the kids and take them to their dad's house in Los Angeles and then back to the new house to get ready and pick up my mom and son and then drive to the venue.


The venue...... It's a place called Nature Friends. link removed


Picture #1 is where we were dancing.


Picture #2 is the room where guests were asked to sign in. They had a canvas print of a tree and there were ink stampers shaped like a leaf. So you could either use the leave stamp or do a thumbprint and place it anywhere on the tree and then sign your name on the leaf. It was such a cute idea.


Picture #5 is the stage. The small stairs lead up to the stage and that is where they had their ceremony. Tables were set up in that area for the guests to eat, and others could eat inside the dining hall as well.


Picture #7 is the cabin where the groom and his groomsmen and the bride and her party stayed overnight.


The place is nestled against a mountain, it's just amazing up there. Everything is so green, so beautiful. It was a super hot day yesterday though and we were dying. LOL No one really wanted to dance because it was just a scorcher. I was soaked in my black satin dress, my slip kept sticking to my legs.


My son, never one to do anything traditionally dressed in this newsboy type of garb for the wedding, his groomsmen the same. The bride had a white dress on, very vintage looking and she was a beautiful bride. My son started to cry when he saw her, which made me cry and I could hear sniffles somewhere behind me.


The ceremony was short and sweet, the reception was very nice. Since it was a brunch hour wedding, brunch foods were served. I did a lot of mingling and for a brief moment here and there I became the focus of attention when people that I hadn't met previously were shocked to learn that I was the grooms mother. LOL She has a large family, my family is almost non existent so I was meeting people all day.


My son's best friend arrived from San Diego and it was great seeing him. As soon as he saw me, he yelled out "Mammmmmmma". He's called me mom since he was just a little boy. I almost cried when I saw him, all my children were together again if only for the day. The military owns him now so we are making plans for a final dinner before he heads out for 3 years.


I was disappointed that Jesse didn't make the wedding. I kind of suspected he wouldn't be able to go but I was hoping for the best. He has picked up his first illness since the transplant. Probably just a cold, he's got a lot of sneezing and nasal drip going on but no fever which is good. He didn't feel well enough to be around so many people and I'm actually glad he didn't go because everything was done outside, he can't be in the sun with the medications he is taking and he doesn't do well in the heat anyway so he likely would have been worse off had he gone.


I'm hoping to share pictures soon. There were actually two photographers working the wedding, one that was paid for and the other a family friend that offered to help out. Between the two of them more than a thousand pictures were taken. Naturally some of them are just random shots but they both worked really hard to get the essential pictures taken, the bride and groom. The bride with her family and the groom with his. The parents pictures, etc etc.


I was worried that I was going to be overdressed. The more I had heard about the wedding and how casual it was going to be the more I thought my long black gown was going to be over the top but it wasn't and I have zero regrets wearing it. I felt like a beautiful princess, for the one special day I truly felt beautiful. I think it was all the love in the air. hahaha.


Today it's back to work. I'm super tired and my body is sore, probably because I danced so much but whatever. Enjoying some music on Pandora and getting ready to look up all the coupon deals for the week. Hope everyone is having a great day.

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Jesse needed to pick up some medications from the pharmacy so I had him get me a bottle of vitamins. I haven't taken a single vitamin nor an iron pill since the surgery. I feel alright I guess, just a little more tired lately. What I have noticed is my hair coming out. It's not in clumps or anything just strands of hair falling but a lot of them. They are everywhere and it's driving me nuts. I don't know that this hair issue is a result of the surgery, I don't recall losing this much hair before but I figured at least if I were taking my vitamins again regularly maybe this wouldn't happen.


Jesse had clinic yesterday and his creatinine is creeping up. Doctor still isn't too concerned but did make some minor changes to his meds. He goes back for labs next Tuesday but doesn't have to see the transplant team for one month.

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I'm in awe of all the beautiful wedding pictures that I've seen thus far. My daughter wants to print out some of the nicer ones and make an album for them. The happy couple are currently in San Francisco enjoy on leg of their honeymoon. They started in Carmel, went to San Francisco and then they are making their way to Trinidad, CA and after that they are heading to Portland, OR for three days and then on to Seattle Washington for four days. They've texted me pictures along the way and it appears they are having a grand time.


I'm a little annoyed with one of my coworkers here. I was going to cover two OT shifts because she said she wasn't going to do them after all because her sister broke her foot and she was going to take time off to care for her. She called into work and took off Monday and Tuesday and left us scrambling trying to find coverage for those days. She told the supervisor she wasn't coming back until Saturday so I signed my name to work 3rd shift tonight and tomorrow night. Well yesterday the supervisor asked me to call her because her time off wasn't going to be approved and she was going to be in trouble as they were going to charge her with an AWOL. So I call her and her phone is disconnected so I thought I was doing the right thing by messaging her on facebook and letting her know that they were trying to reach her. I guess sometime later she called the supervisor and he explained to her that the manager was not going to approve her time off, she cussed him out and hung up. I started getting calls from various people in the downtown office wanting to talk to the manager. They were annoyed they were somehow dragged into this whole situation and they weren't even sure why. She messaged me later on facebook and said that she was informed her time off wasn't approved and she would be coming back to work and oh by the way I'm taking back the days you signed up for. She also said that her phone was not working but shortly after she texted me from her non working phone.


It was really tacky the way she handled everything. She was trying to use this labor code law to take time off but it's to be used only if you are caring for a parent, child, or spouse and not a sibling. When she got caught up on her shenangins and realized that she was going to probably ended up with a suspension, she suddenly decided to come back to work. Ok that's great, I wouldn't want to be suspended either but to come and take the days that I had just signed up for. You suck lady!


Someone said "Metro, you tried calling her and her phone was disconnected, you should have left it at that and not messaged her on facebook" Maybe...... but I did what I felt was right because I didn't want her to get in trouble but since I now see that she doesn't care who she runs over, rest assured I will never look out for her again. NEVER.


I plan to enjoy my day, going to knock out the early inspections I have to do and then it's coupon sorting time. I'm tired of going to the stores and seeing these unadvertised deals or these clearance sections and I don't have coupons with me. UGH, that steams my clams and I keep telling myself I will get them all organized and I can't just bring myself to get them done. I fiddle with them haven't done what I need to do with the. blah.......Metro problems. lol

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My other coworker didn't like what happened with the overtime so she gave me tonight's shift to cover. I didn't want to take it at first, she likes making money as much as I do but she insisted I work tonight and who am I to turn down money?


It's been a long day though. I woke up at 6:30am and went paper hunting for coupons. Had breakfast with Jesse, assembled a stand fan and made a quick trip to Target. We were invited to a mutual friend's party, actually it was for her daughter who turned 3. They have a pool so all the kids were swimming and it was getting cold so they changed into their clothes and some were eating while others were playing in the jumper. Well my 3 year old grandson went running towards the jumper and ran right into the corner of a taco stand. He split his forehead open and we left the party so my daughter could take him to the ER to get it glued or stitched. I tell you, I forgot how much energy 3 year olds have. My goodness, I don't know how you ladies do it, I don't even know how I did it. It's all blur. lol


So I'm here at work, just an hour into the shift and I have already had a large starbucks and I can hardly keep my eyes open. It's going to be a super long night. Hoping to get a little sleep tomorrow morning before heading to the house to hang out with my daughter and my mom. No special plans, I think we are making taquitos and just hanging out.

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I'm so jealous, my son is honeymooning in Seattle right now and he's sending me these pictures and I'm dying. Everything look so awesome, I really can't wait to go this year. Jesse and I are going up there for a football game on November 9th. We are actually going with our good friends and spending probably 4 or 5 days up there so yeah, I'm super excited. I have a lot of OT coming up in the next few months so this will allow me to save some money for my trip. Go Hawks!!


It looks like the doctor has finally figured out what was going on with my eye. I've had issues with the vision in my right eye for some time now. I have such a weird prescription because the left eye is great but the right one has blurriness and obvious vision issues. I went for my exam earlier this week and the exam was pretty much like last year, no major changes but still dealing with issues in that eye. I wanted contacts and she said that was a no go because I have chronic dry eye, like really bad. I've known that I've had it but didn't really do much for it. Sure there are drops I could use but like everything else I just put off using them.


She wanted to dilate my eyes that day but I had another appointment to go to so I went back a couple of days later. She dilates my eye and tells me she sees some white specks that are concerning and wants me to have a photo taken of the inside of my eye. I really didn't want to pay for that photo (my insurance doesn't cover it) but a little nagging voice told me to just do it. The picture is taken and she said she was glad I went ahead with it because while she only saw one white speck, the picture showed a cluster of them. I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration. Typically the diagnosis is ARMD.......age related macular degeneration but in my case it is not age related, probably hereditary. So from now on I have to use Systane Balance eye drops to keep my eyes moist and I had to start taking Ocuvite for persons over the age of 50 for the higher amount of eye vitamins. She said I will take the OTC dosage for one year and then likely advance to a prescription strength. I must have my eyes checked yearly and that picture taken yearly as well to document the progression.


Jesse has turned into a mini me now, constantly asking me if I have watered my eyes as he likes to call it and if I've taken my vitamins. He's one to talk, he has prescription glasses that he won't even wear. Ugh...men!


We're cooking down here in So California. It's been insanely hot, so miserable. If Spring is this hot, Summer is going to be hell. Yesterday it was 110 at my house. My daughter didn't want to run the air conditioners because she thought I might get mad if the bill ended up high. I told her that I would rather pay a high bill then let my babies suffer in that heat. We have 7 air conditioners in the house, so she just ran two of them.


I'm working OT today and tomorrow, thank you Lord for the opportunity to make that extra money.

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Did I ever tell you guys that Jesse recently got a smart phone? I know that's not really news because people get new phones everyday but it is because he was so old school and so technologically challenged that his decision to finally get a smart phone really had us surprised. So little by little, I'm teaching him out to use it. He definitely wasn't used to texting with a qwerty type keyboard and all the other features were like a foreign language to him. He's better at using it now but still needs some help every now and then usually with something minor.


So I noticed the past few weeks, when I would call him it would go straight to voicemail. Now usually I don't call him, he calls me all the time and if I do call him from work, I'm on the office phone. So this morning I tried calling his phone from mine and a little message pops up and says 'call rejected', phone doesn't even ring. Hmmmm. I quickly google how to find a call reject list on the phone, I go to settings and find the list and my number is on the list, as is my daughters number, as is our old work location's phone number. So I unblock everything and explain to him that he wasn't getting my calls for the past few weeks because somehow my name was on his blocked list. He thought maybe he might have done it unintentionally but I showed him the series of steps that he would have to take to block the numbers, so it wasn't accidental. I immediately knew how it happened. A few weeks ago, he went out to eat with his kids and I'm sure they were just as shocked to see his new smart phone because remember he was a flip phone kind of guy for many many years and undoubtedly they started playing with it and locked up those numbers. It was ironic the numbers they blocked. They knew to block my number and my daughters number and presumably the office number that they would think I could call from. I should add that this is not the first time either. Years ago I had problems getting through to him and my number and my daughters number were on his block call list and even more coincidently it happens after he has been out with them.


I was just so ticked off this morning. I didn't even bother saying anything to him because he doesn't think he kids can do any wrong. They are picking him up in an hour to take him out to dinner for his birthday. I actually can't wait to see if they fiddle with his phone again because then I will have compelling evidence that his children really are the devil.


I was talking to some friends about it and one of them said, "well I would think after the transplant they would be nice to you". HA! I had to laugh. I haven't even heard a thank you, go to hell and die, nothing. Not one kind word, hell not even a word of any kind good or bad since the transplant. I struggle daily with thoughts of do I really want to stay in a relationship with a man whose family hates me with a fiery passion. Some days I think 'screw them' then other days I think it sucks to be excluded from everything. He has new grandchildren that I will never have the pleasure of knowing. He's been an amazing father and grandfather to my children and grandchildren and in a perfect world I would have loved to be the same towards his.


Someone close to us mentioned that he will eventually want to marry me. How does that work? My tiny little family and a few friends from my side and not a single person on his side? It really doesn't seem worth it in the end.

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I rarely see my youngest son anymore. He did stop by Jesse's on Mother's Day and brought me a bouquet of flowers and a gift card to a restaurant. He lives at the new house and I'm still at Jesse's. He works 6 days a week and his free day is usually spent with his girlfriend. So yesterday I called to chat and he said he wanted to talk to me in person. Usually when my children want to talk to me in person, something deep is going on. I told him since we hardly see each other he should just tell me on the phone so I'm not left wondering.


The first thing I asked him was if he and his girlfriend were pregnant and he replied "ppphht not even"! lol Thank goodness for that. No, he wanted me to know that he has bought an engagement ring and is planning on proposing to his girlfriend. He hasn't told anyone yet and is going to ask her dad for his blessing this weekend.


I figured it would happen eventually. I just wonder what kind of rift it's going to cause in the family. My daughter and her brother already have issues and my daughter doesn't like his girlfriend one bit. This means she will likely be excluded from the wedding which is sad. They used to be really close but he's changed since he started dating this girl. She clearly runs the show, that is evident to everyone. So there it is, I can't share the information with anyone in the family so I'm telling my friends here.

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I feel for you mama. My brother married a home rifting biatch. Everything was all about her and her family we could've dropped off the face of the earth and she wouldn't care. She was jealous of my mom ,jealous of me ,jealous of anybody who spent time with him other than her. At the beginning of the relationship she even wrote a letter to my brother saying she hated me and she'd only met me once. Only after 20 years has he caught on to how psychiatric she actually is.


All I can say in the way of advice and I know you will do ,is just love your son for who he is. Love your son despite her and pray for the day he actually figures it out.

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I'm working my day off today, feeling thankful and blessed for the opportunity to make the extra money. My goal is to get this car paid off early and then I want to start stashing money aside for my upcoming trips. I'm heading to San Diego this September for a football game. That shouldn't cost too much but the bigger trip is in November. We are going to Seattle for 5 days. It's a road trip and we are seeing a football game up there and spending the rest of the time sight seeing. That is going to cost much more so I will gladly take as much OT as I can get. Plus you gals know how I love to spoil the babies and Christmas shop early so working the extra hours allows me to do all of that.


It's been rather cool down here the past couple of days. We had some wild weather yesterday is different counties and I think my area is one of the few that didn't really get anything crazy other than some wind and a lot of cold air. Friends about 100 miles north of me had over an inch of rain in less than an hour and west of them about 5 miles there reports of a funnel cloud. It's supposed to warm up next week. Personally I rather have this cold gloomy weather than the antagonizing heat we typically have here.

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Getting off work in 10 minutes. Jesse and I are going to pick out my prescription sunglasses and then he is taking me out to dinner. I told him I don't mind cooking, I've been cooking all week and it's actually been nice but he wants to go to Claim Jumper.


It's a beautiful day out, looking forward to spending a little time outside.

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It was the granddaughters turn to spend the day with Nana yesterday. The previous weekend, I took the boys but I didn't take the little guy because he is just a handful plus we went to a movie and he doesn't sit still long enough for the movie. So yesterday I took the girls to a petting zoo and I was brave and took him too. There I was with 5 of the grandbabies wondering how I was going to pull it off but it was fine.


I purchased this package deal on Amazon local for a petting zoo excursion for 4. They got to feed the animals and ride a pony, ride a carousel, and a train ride around the little zoo. It was so hot out though, I thought I was going to die. Clearly I'm not used to being out in the sun for that period of time and certainly not used to being on my feet all day. I learned two things yesterday,.............I need to start working out again and I need a hat. Bahahah

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I seriously don't know how people live in extreme heat. I could never do it. I just don't do well with heat. OMG. But I had heat exhaustion 4 times in my life. I just can't take it. It gets so humid here in the summers now. It makes want to move further north where it is not as humid.

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I seriously don't know how people live in extreme heat. I could never do it. I just don't do well with heat. OMG. But I had heat exhaustion 4 times in my life. I just can't take it. It gets so humid here in the summers now. It makes want to move further north where it is not as humid.


Yesterday wasn't even a 'hot' day. It was high 80's probably. Our summers get ridiculous down here, often in the 100's. I think I was suffering from heat exhaustion though because by the end of the day, I was so tired and my body hurt so much I thought I had ran a marathon.

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Yesterday wasn't even a 'hot' day. It was high 80's probably. Our summers get ridiculous down here, often in the 100's. I think I was suffering from heat exhaustion though because by the end of the day, I was so tired and my body hurt so much I thought I had ran a marathon.


Yeah, I could never live there..............lol.

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I don't speak the language you ladies do. I love hot summers I don't like humidity because well it makes exercising suck, but man my ideal day is when the temperature is between 35-40 °C (95-104 °F). If I could have that all day every day, with rain maybe once every fortnight I'd the very happy


I hate winter and the only thing I like about is the option of snowboarding and skiing, but 2 in a year weeks in Revelstoke or Whistler and I'm a happy camper ready for sunset and summer days.

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