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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Aw, you sound happy!!!


I didn't realize presents were supposed to be given at Easter? We always just got chocolates, lol.


Well since I didn't want to go through the hassle of making Easter baskets I like to give them a toy of sort. Plus I would rather the kids not have so much candy. However if someone wants to give me their chocolates, I will not object. lol For some reason, I have had this wild sweet tooth. I don't typically crave sweets but lately I want them more and more frequently. So weird.

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Good on you for not wanting to give then too much candy!


It's so tempting to eat it all though, lol. I opened one my easier chocolate gifts couple days ago and we polished it off the next day. Bad lol.


Wish I could send you some cake we have in the fridge. It's chocolate heaven and I've banned myself from eating the slice that is leftover because it just won't do me any favors lol.


Well until tomorrow that's is lol



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I've been killing it with couponing lately. I really need to get my son to build some shelves in the outside shed so I can start putting stuff away.


It's my Friday today. I'm picking up my mother after work and taking her shopping for a dress for my son's wedding. It's a very casual wedding but he was adamant, he wants his grandmother in a dress and since she doesn't own any, well I guess we will have to find her one today. I may or may not do more couponing today, it depends on how quickly we get the dress shopping done.


I have the opportunity to work an overnight shift OT tomorrow, so I'm debating if I want to do it. The pros......extra money, no supervisor and easy work load, I could probably even nap if I needed to. The cons.......I'm already tired. lol

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Where I live we just don't have coupons. I mean the biggest coupon I got was from a beauty store for $11 because I spent a ton on skincare.

I want coupons lol.I don't want to be crazy coupon obsessed like the women on that extreme couponing, show, but damn I want coupons for things tooo!


Will you be deciding on the dress you're wearing or will the bride choose what you're going to wear?

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Where I live we just don't have coupons. I mean the biggest coupon I got was from a beauty store for $11 because I spent a ton on skincare.

I want coupons lol.I don't want to be crazy coupon obsessed like the women on that extreme couponing, show, but damn I want coupons for things tooo!


Will you be deciding on the dress you're wearing or will the bride choose what you're going to wear?


There is no basic theme so to speak except for the groom and the groom's men, they have this 50's newsboy theme going on. I have a long black gown I'm wearing which I heard might be too fancy considering how casual the wedding is but I don't care at this point. I have a gown and I'm wearing it! lol

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I don't the living situation is really working out and I may have to rethink this whole thing.


I haven't physically stayed at the new house yet, since Jesse is still off from work I have been staying with him and when he returns to work in June, then I will start staying at the new place.


It seems my mother just won't follow any rules and my daughter is forever texting me, she's angry or she's crying because she feels stressed out. My son seems to not be doing his part either. He's always needed constant reminders even since he was a little kid. (part of his CAPD) so I'm not stressing too much on him but my mother's refusal to clean up is just making things really difficult.


I've told her a few times already, no smoking inside. We have converted the garage into an apartment setup for her. She has full access to a bathroom, she has a fridge and microwave and a coffeemaker at her disposal. She has free access to the house. She has a back door that she can go out of to the front of the house so she can smoke but now she has resorted to standing in the doorway to smoke even when I have asked her to go all the way to the front of the house. When she stands at the doorway, smoke still enters the garage so you can smell it in the bathroom and it also travels to the back bedroom where my daughter and baby are. I don't understand why she doesn't listen. What am I supposed to do? How do you make a 71 year old person do something that they don't want to do?


I can't just put her in a home, there are no financial resources for that. I can't kick her out, she literally has no where to go. It's like she knows there is essentially nothing I can do so she does what she wants. It's affecting me because I hate getting text messages from my daughter, it's affecting my daughter obviously. I'm really thinking about just not renewing the lease in 11 months and moving my mom and son into a small apartment and I just stay with Jesse. It would suck for my daughter because I know she can't afford a nice house on her own with all the kids and that leaves her at a disadvantage. Jesse had toyed with the idea of moving in with me but he isn't going to tolerate her behavior nor should he have to. I completely realize at this very moment that I will never have the life I should have with a man because of my mother. It's disheartening and I'm angry. I'm supposed to go over there today to take care of a few things and now I almost don't want to because I know I'm going to lose my cool and probably say some things that are not appropriate. Sigh......


No wonder I'm depressed.

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Yesterday, Jesse had a clinic appointment. The doctor was going over his labs and earlier in the morning I had asked Jesse to ask the doctor what his GFR is currently. GFR basically is the percentage of kidney function a person has. When he was in kidney failure his GFR was at 5%. So the doctor tells him "your GFR is 63%, your girlfriend gave you a really good kidney". lol The doctor went on to say that a number like that is really good for a recently transplanted patient.


I was just grinning from ear to ear when he told me that. I take great pride in knowing that even though I am a chubbier girl, I took decent care of myself over the years. I work out, I don't drink and it's paid off. He received a kidney that was extremely healthy as opposed to waiting for a cadaver kidney and who knows how good of a kidney it would have been. Today I feel blessed.

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Working a few extra overtime hours today. No choice really, the boss wanted me to start a project for him yesterday but there was no time and today was the annual surprise inspection from the CHP so I was busy with the inspector all day going over bus maintenance records. By the way, I have the most well kept records district wide and I'm the most knowledgeable (their words). HAHA....not that it will get me a raise or anything (union job) but it does say a lot in terms of why I'm repeatedly used as a trainer for new employees.


I'm eager to get out of here though. I really need to work on my coupons. I say this everyday and everyday those coupons just sit in the tote bag untouched. I could be stockpiling right now but noooooooo. Jesse isn't even home, he left to go to the new house to help my daughter out with something. I was going to cook dinner but since we had the inspection today, the boss treated everyone to this really yummy sandwich place so I saved half for Jesse and now I don't have to cook. Hooray.

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Just saw your q after the earthquake post. We get tiny little ones (knock on wood) the only real earthquake I’ve felt here was about 16 years ago. I was home sick and the whole house just shook and vibrated. It was so freaky. We will get hit by the big one, the question is “when”


I confess, I have not been following your journal. Did your mom always live with you or is this a new thing for the new house?

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Just saw your q after the earthquake post. We get tiny little ones (knock on wood) the only real earthquake I’ve felt here was about 16 years ago. I was home sick and the whole house just shook and vibrated. It was so freaky. We will get hit by the big one, the question is “when”


I confess, I have not been following your journal. Did your mom always live with you or is this a new thing for the new house?


Your confession made me giggle, I don't expect everyone to follow my journal. It's certainly not on the New York's Times best sellers list. lol


No seriously, my mom has lived with me since my dad passed in 2006. When he was alive they lived together but his health had declined to a serious level, she was in no condition to take care of him so I took him in and he lived with me and she stayed in her their apartment. I should note that they were never married and dysfunctional so there was no life insurance, nothing when he passed. He kept telling me prior to his death that he was worried about her and didn't want anything to happen to her should he die and would I please take her. Of course I would, I wasn't going to let her be homeless. She had no money, no job nothing. She was completely dependent on my father. So he passed away and I moved her out of her tiny apartment into my house and that is where she has been ever since.

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I'm a little annoyed with my son, the one that is getting married in less than two weeks.


He is having a brunch style reception and he and his bride to be had decided that mimosas and coffee would be served. Jesse and I offered to purchase the beverages and we have asked him several times over the past few months to please give us an idea of how much he needed so we could order and I was hesitant to order the champagne since I didn't know if he was looking for a specific type. Our repeated requests were always met with "I have to get with Samantha and I will get back to you".


Finally last week he texted Jesse and said that he would have the final total for us on Thursday. Well Thursday came and went and my son didn't call us. He finally called last night and said he had his alcohol list ready. Jesse asked "what alcohol"? My son said "well you said you and mom were going to provide the liquor". No we said we were providing stuff to make mimosas, there was never any mention of any liquor. Jesse still isn't back to work and I'm not exactly rolling in dough right now because of not working from the transplant and moving.


The phone call ended abruptly when my son said "nevermind, I'll figure it out". I tried to talk to my son last night but he wouldn't talk to me. He said he was going to bed. So I call my daughter today, she's a bridesmaid and I asked her to please talk to Samantha because the last thing I wanted was for her to think that I was going back on my word. My daughter said that she was a little bother by her brothers behavior a couple of weeks ago at the rehearsal because he had at that moment decided he wanted liquor to spike the mimosas and said he was going to give the list to us and we had no choice but to get it because we said we would. Then I guess his soon to be BIL who is preparing the food asked my son if he could get the bacon ( my son works at Whole Foods) and my son said "no, I was never told I needed to buy bacon so I'm not getting it". Apparently the brides mom had a look of shock on her face as did my daughter. My son, it appears doesn't want to spend any money and he's coming off as quite rude in his demands.


This left me with a terrible feeling last night. I was mad at the way he suddenly decided he wanted something quite more pricey, not telling us ahead of time and procrastinating for so long when we needed the info so we could get started on our ends. Buying the liquor wouldn't have necessarily been an issue if he would have told us from the very beginning that is what they wanted. I could have bought a whole bunch of it around Christmas time with all the deals that were going on and using coupons. He just made everything so difficult now. I swear I want to choke him.

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That's a tough spot to be in. If it's a casual wedding, they don't need alcohol though. I'd just tell him that if you had more advanced warning, you would have been happy to take care of that, but with all that's been going on, you just can't foot the bill for alcohol. I think he is just panicking a bit, looking at all the costs and money spent on this wedding. At the end of the day, it will have been a lovely wedding and they will be married, alcohol or no.


Ps. the same day I mentioned earthquakes we had a good-sized one lol. Well, not here, but up island. Odd.

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My son finally called to apologize and said it was his mistake not telling me about the liquor sooner. I'm still getting the champagne and orange juice for mimosas. I get that he is stressed but he's stressing for nothing. Part of his problem is he is a tight wad when it comes to money. Actually two of my children are that way and the other two would give you their last dollar if you needed it.


I'm in a couple of coupon groups on Facebook and much like how we are how, we interact online and you get to know these people on a more personal level when you are talking to them everyday. Well yesterday was the California Couponer's potluck and a lot of us met up and met each other face to face for the first time. I had such a good time. What made it even better was years ago there was a member here on ENA and she and I became facebook friends over the years and she's also in the coupon group so I met my first ENA member/ex member face to face. We are now planning more of these coupon potlucks in different areas so others will get a chance to participate.


It meant a lot to me to meet the girls that so graciously donated money and sent it to me when I was recovering from the transplant. It was completely unexpected and to know that total strangers did this for me, made me feel even more connected to them when I finally met them face to face.


There is someone here on the forum that sent me flowers when I was in the hospital. She completely caught me off guard and I hope she knows how much I appreciate her awesome gesture. For now she will remain anonymous unless of course she wants announce herself. LOL I really hope that one day, I get a chance to meet her too. It's a beautiful thing when you bond with people you've never met but look forward to talking to everyday. You think about them and wonder how they are and they are just as interested in your life as well.


Happy Sunday everyone.

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Awww glad you had fun sweetie! It's always fun meeting people you've been communicating online. You're a darling, sweet, strong lady of course people care about you. And, I'm certain your flowers giver knows exactly how much you appreciated the gesture glad you liked them sending you some hugs!


also, I'm so glad your son apologized!

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I accomplished a lot at work yesterday and even had time to work on coupons. I decided after work I would pick up my mother and my son and take them to this relatively new thrift shop near Jesse's house. The building is a former supermarket so this place is huge for a thrift shop. Spent about an hour and half there and then we headed back home.


I don't really have anything planned for today. I guess I will just play it by ear.

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I had a dream about your coupon party (because you posted about it). There was confetti, wild music, and people jumping into the pool. Haha. Is that how it went?


Haha....not quite. There certainly was no pool. We all sat around talking about coupons and deals and who we have traded with and then we started talking about two of the girls in the group that like to create drama. One girl was kicked out of one group because she just can't get along with anyone and likes to start feuds amongst other members. The second girl allegedly has some mental issues and misses her meds and then creates these wild scenarios her head where she thinks everyone is against her. YIKES


Everyone brought a dish of some sort, there was so much food. The potluck was held on this huge property where chickens run free so the kids were busy chasing chickens and when they weren't doing that, they were in the jumper. Overall it was a nice get together and I had the privilege of meeting some super amazing ladies. There is one lady Amy, we hit if off early on when we started trading coupons last year. We would banter online in the group and we have similar outgoing personalities so when we finally met in person, we naturally hit it off. Three of us were around the same age and the rest of the group was younger, some as young as 24-25. These ladies are super coupon savvy, I admire them and can learn so much more from them.



Oh and no confetti and no music. lol

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Well I was super productive yesterday. I went home and took a 30 minute nap, got up and made dinner for Jesse and then I worked on coupons. YAY


My Jade finally started school yesterday. The kids had started a week after they moved into the new house but there were no special services for her so the district needed to find a place for her at another school. She takes the school bus from the house to her new school, about 7 miles away. They are doing a 30 day trial with her in an all oral class to see how she adapts. Previously her class was an all deaf class and the class was taught in sign, here at the new school the class will be done orally with assistive devices. There are 4 other students with deafness that is equal to or less than Jade's. They appear to be doing well and it is going to be a huge adjustment for her so we are hoping for the best. She will meet with a speech pathologist once or twice a week as well as a sign language instructor so she doesn't lose what she has already learned. That was my daughter's primary concern, that Jade going into an all oral class she would lose her signing abilities. There is still a chance that Jade's hearing can diminish further and it would put her at a big disadvantage to not know how to sign.


So in a month or so I will update this journal with her progress.

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Was Jade ever a candidate for the coachella implant?


I ask because my friend's baby girl had it placed a few weeks ago and seems to be going well, but she is still a baby not sue if that makes any difference.


My daughter and I were just talking about this. Initially they said no, that the cochlear implant would be of no benefit to her but recently someone at her previous school inquired why she didn't have it. I want to say that my daughter said the doctor was going to re-examine her to see if this is something that could be done.


From what I understand if it was going to happen, it should have been done when she was younger. She is about to turn 8 in July and we don't want to subject her to unnecessary pain.


I'm not sure when her next appointment is, I need to ask my daughter.

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