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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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When will you be done with the move Mama?


This week hon. We have to be out of the apartment by Sunday so ideally, I'd like to get the truck on Friday since that is my day off and would probably have better luck getting a truck on a Friday. I've already arranged for the utilities to be turned off on the 7th in the apartment and everything is already on at the new place. I just need to call Direct TV for them to come out and set me up at the new place. I've done my change of address with the post office and today I will call some of the important ones like Toyota Financial for my car payment and my insurance company. I called the bank yesterday and changed my address. It's like all the little things that I have to make a list of so I don't forget. Blah.

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Hopefully after this week you can really sit and rest, I know you have been going since the surgery.


It's never easy to move. Once you think you've changed everything, you remember something else! I still need to change the address on my license now that I think about it...


I need to do that but out here, but not sure if I have to pay the fee to get a new one with my new address. Years ago before they used to just give you this sticker thing to put on the back of your license where you write in your new address but now that the licenses are more advanced and modern and even have a magnetic strip, there is really no way of doing that now. I hate the idea of having to spend another 27 dollars just to get a new one. Grrrr...


I changed the address everywhere else though, even paypal since I like to shop online a lot. lol Took care of all the major ones that I could think of but I'm sure there is still something that I have overlooked. Oh well.


Yes I will be glad when this is done because I am exhausted and I have been going non stop since the surgery. I need a break but I was also advised this morning that no one has bid on a vacancy here at work so I might be working some OT again real soon. I can't say I'm really thrilled, I love making money but the vacancy is on 3rd shift which means I would have to work doubles or split the shift with someone and start work at 2am. I'm not terribly fond of either idea and I'm not even sure I'm ready to work OT again. I mean I feel alright for the most part but there are some days that I am just physically exhausted and the doctors said I will have those days probably for several months. That reminds me, I need to start taking my vitamins again. I should also probably have my doctor check my kidney function just to make sure everything is running smoothly.


I had become friends with another lady that donated to her husband, she is an older lady. Probably about two months after donating she wasn't feeling well and the doctor checked her labs and it was determined that her remaining kidney was failing. I want to stay in the best health as I can. I really can't wait to get back into the gym and back to hiking. Now that I will have moved, I need to research some new hiking places closer to my house. That was a good way for me to stay active and spend time with the grandbabies because they love hiking with me.

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I was checking AT&T internet services for my new area because I want to make the switch back to Direct TV and the website was showing that it only services address on my block up to 18799 and I'm at 18818. So I called Direct TV and told the lady that I really wanted to switch back from Time Warner but only if I were able to get wifi in my house and I didn't see that it was available from AT&T. After a few minutes of searching, she said that my specific block is serviced by Verizon so I'll have no problem with internet. YAY


I ordered everything yesterday, they will be out at the new house on Saturday to install my dish and Verizon will activate my internet and home phone next Monday. I got a pretty decent deal too considering how much I was paying at Time Warner every month, I will be saving almost a hundred dollars each month.

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I found a gently used gown for my sons wedding. I'm so excited. Anyone that really knows me knows I don't dress up and the thought of having to wear a dress was sending me into a tizzy. I tried this gown on and I thought holy moly I actually look somewhat decent. Can't wait to see How I will look when I get my hair and makeup done. Oh and I need a fake tan because I'm pasty white.

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Did two trips with the U-Haul today. I had a mishap with a bottle of downey in the truck. It fell out of a bag and spilled all over the floor of the truck, mostly hitting the sofa. I now have a super sleeping sofa.


I'm super exhausted though. I've been at it all day. Tomorrow I'm going to a friends yard sale, She has a lot of stuff that I need for the new house. She has ssuper nice stuff, an amazing house so I'm sure I will find some Awesome things. Plus She's feeding us, She's a fantastic cook. So excited.


Today We got a new fridge and I'm selling my old washer and dryer and ac unit. I was going to toss them because they are old and kinda beat up but it appears one of just neighbors want them. Sounds good to me

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Tonite will be the first night in the new house for the family. I don't think I have ever been so exhausted in my life. Yesterday we headed out to my coworkers yard sale, she lives about 45 minutes from us. I was glad we went, I was able to get a lot of stuff needed for the house and it was really nice stuff too. My soon to be son in law is going to do some side work for her, part of that work is to reorganize her garage and then she wants us to come back to see what else we need. Her garage is literally stuffed with stuff plus she still has a storage unit she wants to empty out. I only spent 45 dollars for everything I picked out. Easily would have been three times as much had I bought it new in the stores.


My body is tired, my mind is tired. My mother is making this move so incredibly difficult for me. I know she needs some sort of help but she will never step foot in any kind of professionals office which is really just stressful. I recently found out she had been sneaking a stray cat in the house. Now I have told her countless times over the years, don't bring any animals into the house. I haven't been staying at my house since the surgery, I've been at Jesse's. So not only did I find out about this cat in my house, the cat had babies. I was just livid. First I had to find out about it from my son whom she called in a panic because she knew the crap was going to hit the fan. She asked my son if he could help her find someplace for the mama cat and her babies. I have known for a couple of days but didn't say anything, she finally fessed up the day before yesterday. I told her I already knew and I also told her that I was pretty clear and concise that I wanted no stray animals in my house. All she could say was, I made sure the cat left each day. Well that really does no good because the cat returned each day and she continued to bring it in the house and then I think it got to the point where the cat just didn't leave and then it pops out 6 kittens. So she had the nerve to tell me "they are coming with us until I can figure out what to do with them". Umm, no they aren't. Because while she is figuring out what to do with them, I will now have 10 cats at my new house. It's not happening.


I told her, this is why I make rules. I make rules not to be a witch and not to be mean but so situations like this are avoided because it's not fair to me that now I have to deal with the situation when I'm trying to move a house, traveling back and forth and still working a full time job. It's not fair to me and it's not fair to this animal. God, I swear she infuriates me. Lord knows I have prayed and prayed and prayed on it. I don't want to be mad at her, I don't want to constantly feel this resentment towards her but she just won't follow rules and does whatever she wants. I think I realized that part of my recent spike in anxiety is related to her and her shenanigans. She is my responsibility, there is no place for her to go and I often wonder what is going to happen to her should I die because she has already burned her bridge with my daughter. It's sad really.

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I'm debating if I want to paint my room. I've never really done any kind of decorating, I'm a simple gal with simple needs but I feel like maybe I should add a splash of color to the room, give it a comfy home feeling.


My daughter did a fantastic job on the girls bedrooms. One room is a turquois kind of color with purple accents and the other bedroom is a really pretty pink color with neon green accents. Not sure how she made it work together but the girls love their rooms and now I'm a little jealous and this is why I think I want some color too. lol


Knowing me though, that room will probably still be the same color for as long as I live there. I hate painting, I'm not very good at it. I wish I had a more creative artsy side but I'm so bland. I'll just enjoy my blessings that I even have my own room again.

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So the move is complete and everyone spent the night in the new house. I didn't stay there, I'm still hanging out at Jesse's and while it's been good, to be honest I need a break from him so I will probably venture to my house next week at least for a few days. I need to build my bed at home and hang the curtains, I need to put clothes away and do some other misc stuff. Still trying to help my mother adjust to the new place. She kept getting lost in the house yesterday. Her cats disappeared and she was walking around the property looking for them. I told her they were probably hiding in the garage but she swears she searched everywhere and couldn't locate them. They will come out when things settle down.


My daughter is taking the kids to a local amusement park today. It only dawned on me last night that my mom will be alone which isn't a problem per se but the Verizon technician is coming out today to hook up my wifi and my mom won't be able to contain my daughters dog in the back. He has a fenced area but if the tech has to get back there then it's going to be a problem. I need to call them and see if they can come out after I get off work so I can take care of it.


I'm going to need a day or two to myself soon, I'm just tired mentally and physically. I saw a Groupon for this day spa near my new house. For 12.00 dollars you can use the amenities like the mud baths, the salt baths, the steam room and saunas. For an addition fee you can get facials or massages. I think I'm going to treat myself. I usually don't do things like that but I deserve it after everything I have been through this year and I want to see how it feels to actually pamper myself. Sometimes I forget that I'm not a machine, I'm a girl and this girl needs a little fixing up.

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I'm going to need a day or two to myself soon, I'm just tired mentally and physically. I saw a Groupon for this day spa near my new house. For 12.00 dollars you can use the amenities like the mud baths, the salt baths, the steam room and saunas. For an addition fee you can get facials or massages. I think I'm going to treat myself. I usually don't do things like that but I deserve it after everything I have been through this year and I want to see how it feels to actually pamper myself. Sometimes I forget that I'm not a machine, I'm a girl and this girl needs a little fixing up.


I am so happy you will be getting some well-deserved pampering!!!!! You definitely can't neglect your girl side!

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I guess it's going to take a while before things and attitudes cool at the new house. I went yesterday and of course I had to hear stuff from my son and my mom and it seems like my mom is just an angry bitter little pill. It doesn't matter that my daughter has gone out of her way to make things easier for her, she's still just mad at the world.


My son and my daughters boyfriend tend to clash at times. It doesn't help that my son has a processing disorder so it's harder for him to grasp what is being said to him and in what context and it's even harder for him to express himself. I guess there was some drama last night, I don't know exactly what happened, I was already asleep when my son called me. I vaguely remember talking to my daughter about it last night so I'm not even sure what happened.


On a positive note, the house is coming along and the kids seem to be happy. They haven't figured out boundries yet, Samantha wanted to be in the boys room but I explained to her that she has her own room that she can be in. The kids still tend to wander to their mom's room when they have the whole house to be in. The owner came by yesterday to replace a toilet and he complimented us on how nice the house is looking. We've made some minor improvements (with his permission) and he's liking it all so far. There is still a lot we want to do to make it more comfy for us and of course to make it prettier inside but we'll just do what we can, when we can.


Leaving work early today, picking up meds for Jesse. Not sure what happened at his appointment yesterday but they are starting him back on an anti-fungal medicine he was taking post transplant. He only took it for a month and then they stopped it. Now they want him to restart the medicine with double the dosage. His creatinine went up just a bit from 1.3 to 1.4 and the doctor was okay with that but he wants to see Jesse back in clinic on Friday. So something is going on, just not sure what and he never asks questions. Ugh

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It's Spring time here but we are clearly having summer weather. It was 100 degrees outside and I was sitting in the car while my son was walking around looking for our male cat. He's always been more of an outdoor cat. He'd come inside to eat and drink and maybe nap but more so just to eat and then he would head out again. So when we moved, we were able to move the two female cats but I couldn't locate the male. I went back yesterday with my son and sat in the car with the engine running and the AC on full blast while he was looking for the cat. The neighbors said they had seen him the previous night so I will go back today after work to look for him some more. The only thing that gives me comfort is the lady in the back likes to leave food and water out for the neighborhood cats so hopefully he is eating and drinking.


The female cats are still hiding under the sofa, only coming out to use the litter box and grab a bite to eat before they go into hiding again. I spent a little time at the new house yesterday, Jesse and I went over there after lunch to check on things. The house is coming along, my daughters boyfriend has really put a lot of work into the house to make it more comfy. Yesterday he removed a piece of drywall from the garage leading to an interior bathroom so my mom could have access to a restroom without having to go out of the garage and around to the front of the house. Essentially what we did was convert the garage into an apartment for my mom. She has all the amenities she needs, a fridge and a microwave, she has her Direct tv and all of her crafting supplies in there. There is a ceiling fan in there and two windows so it's not stuffy in there. I bought her a sofa and a nice floor rug. It's actually a pretty sweet set up and she seems a little more at ease now that she has direct access to a restroom. It gives her the privacy she likes and needs and since the big dog in the back is fenced in her cats can roam the side of the house or even out to the front without being chased. (That's if they ever come out from under the sofa).


I'm going back Saturday to put my room together. I have a bedroom set that needs some assembling, I have clothes that need to be put away and a tv to set up. There is still so much to do, hopefully a lot of it can get done this weekend. I would have done some work on Friday but a few of my friends and I are going to see Joel Osteen in person. I'm sooooo looking forward to seeing him. I have been watching his sermons on Youtube, it's so exciting that I will actually get to see him and hear the service in person. Feeling blessed.

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I've never really been fond of yellow. In my mind, I'm seeing a very pale green. Almost zen like.


Ha me too, I don't like yellow. I see people that have rooms with yellow walls or yellow and blue and it just looks awful to me. I like soft greys, whites, soft light greens, even very light lavenders and so on. I really am not a fan of super right colored rooms.

We had red feature walls and I got tired of that very quickly.



hope you get some time to relax and just do something for yourself!

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I had a really great weekend. Friday, myself and 8 others went to go see Joel Osteen here locally. What a treat, it was more than I could have wanted or imagined and I left feeling uplifted.


Yesterday, I cooked breakfast for Jesse and did laundry, did some couponing which felt soooo good. I went over to the new house, took my mom shopping, did a little more couponing, and then I worked on my bedroom at the new house. When we were moving in, I just had everyone put the bags of clothes in my room since it is the first room when you come in the house. So we had to go through the bags and separate clothes. I hung my curtains and picked up a bit. There is still much to do but I will just tackle it little by little. I'm not even staying there at the moment, I'm still at Jesse's house so my new house is now jokingly referred to as the vacation home. LOL When Jesse goes back to work in June, I will finally make the move to the vacation house.


It's back to work today and so far it's quiet. Hoping for my usual calm Sunday, we'll see how that progresses. I have my sales papers with me so I will be checking out the deals at the various stores. I see there are some good deals at Toys R Us and I have toy coupons. Jesse wanted to buy everything last week and I told him to wait, that the stores will have better sales today because Easter is next week. He didn't think I knew what I was talking about until he saw the Toys R Us ad this morning before I left for work.


Oh speaking of Jesse, he's doing very well. The kidney is still perfect (doctor's words). His numbers are all good, his sugars are stabilized and his blood pressure is holding steady at really low numbers. Prior to transplant his blood pressure would hover between 180-200 and that was with 5 different blood pressure medications and now his pressure is usually at 110-130 with only 2 blood pressure medications. He no longer needs Epogen to produce red cells since the kidney does that now for him. His hemoglobin is at a really good level so he no longer requires any kind of iron pills. The majority of what he takes now are anti rejection meds and steroids with a few other things mixed in. He's very good about taking his meds on time, hasn't missed a dose yet. The only issue I have is I need him to walk more and he doesn't. I told him this morning when I was doing his vital signs that today after work, we are going to walk in the park and he needs to be ready. I know he is going to protest and try to wiggle his way out of it but he's only doing himself a disservice. The steroids have caused him to gain a lot of weight back since the transplant. The doctors said it would happen and it's happening and if he doesn't do something now to slow the weight gain down, he's going to put my kidney at risk. So I told him to have his sneakers on when I get home. I don't need to get ready, I came to work in yoga pants and Nike's......I'm ready! lol

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Hit the sales at Toy R Us yesterday with Jesse. They have so much stuff on clearance, I was able to get all the kids Easter gifts out of the way and it only set me back 70 dollars!


I think I am going to go back this weekend and start some Christmas shopping. The deals I saw were too good to pass up so I should just take advantage now while they are there. Plus I can start stocking up on Christmas donation gifts. At work we donate to the boys and girls club of El Monte and I also like to drop toys off at the local California Highway Patrol. There are so many under privileged children out here, many will go without a gift so I like to get started early in the year that way I know at least some children will have a toy for the holiday.


Now that I have the bigger house with the space to stockpile, I'm hoping to feed a few families this year too for Thanksgiving. It's so easy to get free Turkeys and the fixings are nearly free when you know how to coupon properly so this will allow me to help some people have a nice dinner without breaking my bank.


I'm feeling really good about 2014. This is going to be my year to shine and prosper. I may not prosper financially, well I suppose I could but I won't hold my breath but I will prosper spiritually.

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