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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Yay......finally I get to post something here from a laptop and not my phone. Jesse bought me a laptop last week but since he doesn't have wifi here at his house, I was still stuck using my phone. My daughter came over and showed me how to tether the wifi from my phone to my laptop.


We are 20 days post transplant. I'm doing fine, a little sore and some days tired but otherwise I'm good. Jesse is still doing well, the kidney is still doing it's thing. The only concern right now are his sugars. His numbers have been high, doesn't matter the time of day or what he eats, those numbers are still high. The doctor said that this is common in diabetics post transplant because of the high levels of steroids that they have to take. There is a possibility of him having to start insulin. I'm hoping not but we will just wait and see what the team says.


His blood pressure has been good. Rarely does he get those really high numbers that he used to. Before it was anywhere from 180-200 over 80-100. Now he stays around 130-140. He went from 6 different blood pressure meds to just 2. The majority of his meds are the anti rejection meds.


We still have to go to clinic twice a week and they can be long days but we make the best of it. Tomorrow we have clinic in the morning and the he has a 1pm appointment to get to get a stent taken out.


He's enjoyed having me stay with him. I was telling him that eventually I will need to go home and he pretty much said that he doesn't want to live alone anymore. I guess he's going to move in with me. LOL

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I had a wonderful time with my son tonite. Since I haven't been staying at my house, I don't see him much. Our usual routine would be to watch wrestling together so today I picked him up and brought him to Jesse's house. We stuffed our faces with fried chicken and watched Monday Night Raw. We had so much fun! Even Jesse had a good time watching wrestling with us.


Getting ready for bed now. We have a long day tomorrow with a clinic appointment and a minor procedure appointment. Blaah.

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Super long day at the transplant center. He was supposed to get a stent taken out today but it was determined that he has a urinary tract infection and has to start antibiotics. They will recheck him next week. They Did ultrasound the kidney and the doctor said it looks perfect. Uti's are extremely common in transplant patients, so I'm sure there will be plenty more Where that came from.

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I had some kind of emotional meltdown very early this morning. I didn't sleep last night, he snored literally all night long. Had he slept in the recliner, a lot of that snoring could have been prevented but he wanted to sleep in the bed even though he says it's still somewhat painful to sleep laying down. Sigh....


I really think it's time for me to go back home. I'm not cut out to cohabitate with someone else, honestly I feel like I have cabin fever being here with him. He doesn't want me to go and I really don't want to stay. I'm not trying to be mean, he's capable of taking care of himself now. He's mobile, he has food in the fridge. I just need a break.

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Just checking in. I'm still here, still in limbo. I'm still not sure what it is that is making me feel so depressed. It could be situational or it could be that my depression has come back. I'm going to give it a little more time before I decide what steps to take.


I have been dealing with a lot of itching and some pain in my bikini incision.

My daughter stopped by today and took a look at it. She said there is an area that looks infected so I will have to be seen in the clinic on Tuesday when Jesse goes for his visit. Blah

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  • 3 weeks later...

So it's my first day back at work, exactly 6 weeks since the transplant. It feels ok I guess, kind of sad because I miss spending time with Jesse but life goes on.


The kidney is still working well, he's doing fine. Once a week he goes to the transplant center for labs and a doctor's visit. He will probably go once a week for another two or three weeks and then he will graduate to going every two weeks.


I had court yesterday in regards to my housing situation, I have three weeks to vacate my house. There is a house that my daughter and I saw a couple of months ago. At that time, we weren't ready financially to rent it and as luck would have it, it's still for rent in part because the landlord wanted a ridiculous amount to move in. Well I guess this lady is getting desperate because people in that area can't afford that kind of money, she's willing to work with us on the move in costs. I know she's losing a lot of money each month that she doesn't have it rented so we are going to go see her today and see if we can make the arrangements to rent the house and give her the money.


I'm sure once I know for sure that I'm not going to be homeless, I will feel 1000 times better. The anxiety has been overwhelming, I don't eat much because of the stress but I have found comfort in prayer which is something that I wasn't really big on before. So fingers crossed and if you'd like to say a prayer for us, that we are successful in getting this house, I would greatly appreciate all the positive energy.

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So yesterday my daughter and I went to see a house about 12 miles from where I currently live. This was an ad on craigslist that had just got listed, somehow she reached the handyman and he invited us to come see the house. Now the problem was that Jesse didn't want me to go see this house as he had already accepted an offer for a house. I only wanted Jesse to ask the guy if he could give him an answer the following day since my daughter and I were going to see the place. This created a huge rift with Jesse. We just fought and fought which is just so stupid. First, we haven't argued or fought in a heck of a long time and secondly it was dumb because it caused elevated blood pressure for him I'm sure and just an overall uneasy feeling with me.


Anyway my daughter and I go see the house. The house is huge, it has potential. A little love and care and it will be awesome. The whole time I'm looking around the house I'm thinking the only way this would work out is if the landlord by some miracle offered me the house on the spot. Who does that?


The handyman called the landlady. She showed up and viewed our paystubs, talked with us a bit and asked some questions. I guess she liked us because she offered us the house and a deposit has already been put down with the remainder going to her today later in the afternoon! Woooo praise God. While she was writing out a receipt for the deposit, her phone rang and she said "excuse me, it's someone calling about the house". She answered the phone and promptly told the man on the other end, "I'm sorry, I just rented the house". I literally had tears running down my cheeks.


Jesse isn't happy about the move. He has some issues he needs to work out with himself because I think he really believes that this is the end of us. I told him that I am moving 12 miles away and accross the states and I also told him that just because I'm moving the only thing that is changing is my address, not my love or devotion for him. I can still spend time with him, heck I can still spend the night with him as much as I want. I can only hope that in time he comes to terms with this. I reminded him that I never wanted to be evicted, I hated being uprooted from my house. It caused such tremendous anxiety and stress that I don't know I will be able to overcome that anytime soon. I wanted none of this but at the same time, I feel blessed that I found a place that will keep all of us together in one huge house. I can spend all the time I want with my little loves.


So thank you friends for your words of encouragement and all the prayers. I'm so truly honored to have such wonderful e-friends.

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He didn't want to move in and then I guess something started changing after the transplant and he was considering it if I took the house down the street from him. Then shortly after that talk, he said "well maybe I will just stay here" which was fine with me either way. For as much as he hates being alone, he's not quite ready to make that leap to moving in and that is okay, it really is.


Yes Victoria, change is hard for him. I thought it was hard for me but I never would have guessed that it was far harder for him. I have to do what feels right for me and my family. Had we not found this place, my daughter was going to move north a hundred miles where houses are bigger and cheaper. I probably wouldn't have been able to see my babies that much and god forbid in the event of an emergency I couldn't get to them quickly. I'm more comfortable having them nearby plus my daughter has been dabbling with the idea of going to school and she could do that now because I would be at the house with the babies.

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