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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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How many days will you be in the hospital?


I am excited and happy for the both of you. You have been working so hard for this to happen.



Just two days. The doctors are saying since I have a sedentary job, I could return to work in as little as two weeks but I was really hoping for at least four weeks so I can spend some time with him before I go back to work.

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It feels really surreal. We've waited so long for this, for a while I honestly thought it wasn't going to happen.


See how things works out? And everything will go just fine. You're doing something so amazing and unselfish for the person you love. It takes great strength, character and love to give a part of yourself to someone else, to help Jesse live! You're awesome! Wish I could be there to give you support anyway I could, but I'm sending you guys plenty of positive energy and love.

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Thank you so much ladies. You really have no idea how much your well wishes and kind words mean to me. Truly, from the bottom of my heart.....THANK YOU.


He finished his treatments on Friday. Our day at the hospital started at 8:00am and we finally left at 5:45pm. He was a bit testy in the morning so it didn't really start off on a good note. I just worked on coupon clipping while he was getting his treatments. I figured the silence would be good for both of us and by the time we left the hospital, he was fine.


They had discovered a little fluid in his lungs so they wanted to pull a little extra fluid out of him during hemodialysis. When he weighed in prior to dialyzing he was 249lbs and when they finished with him 4 hours later he was down to 242 lbs. He dialyzed again that night at home and woke up the next morning at 238 lbs! So essentially in the course of 24 hours, he lost 11 lbs. He was full of energy yesterday, he went out and did some errands and went for a haircut and shave. He kept commenting on how good he felt. I told him that 11 lbs makes a huge difference and when he gets the kidney and starts exercising once he's healed, he'll continue to feel better and better. He'll have to exercise now anyway to keep his blood pressure in check and to keep his weight down because the steroids he's going to be taking are going to make him huge. I showed him some pictures of patients that ballooned up while taking the steroids. He didn't like what he was looking at but I wanted to show him what can happen if he doesn't start taking better care of himself.


Now he wants to buy a bike so he can pedal around the city which is great. He said he will probably join the gym with me so I can monitor him while he's doing light cardio on the machines. Let's see if he keeps this mentality. Prayers folks, prayers.


Tomorrow is my last day of work. I still need to pack a little bag for my hospital stay. The nurse said I would likely feel more comfy in some loose fitting yoga pants and t-shirt instead of that akward hospital gown. I also want to get a pair of slippers since I will have to do a lot of walking while there. With that, we are 2 days from surgery. I can't believe we're finally here.


What day is it? What day is it? It's Superbowl Sunday!! Go Seahawks!!!!!!

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Deep breath.......in 24 hours, it's going to happen. I'm a mixed bag of emotions today. I'm so thrilled that my football team won the Superbowl, I cried last night. It was just so amazing. I'm a little overwhelmed with the support I'm getting from coworkers today. They've been hugging me and wishing me well for tomorrow. One of the guys I work with, whose wife I interact with on Facebook but have never officially met sent me a gift.


I'm trying really hard not to cry, the last thing I want is for everyone to see me cry.


I have some last minute things that need to be done today and my car is currently not working. My son can't fix it until tomorrow but I won't need it then. So I'm feeling overwhelmed that I need to rely on my daughter to take me for my errands or possibly picking up Jesse's car and running my errands. I feel anxious when things are out of my control.


I'm on my period which is probably making me even more emotional. Will the nurses clean me after surgery? I probably won't be able to get to the restroom until much later in the evening if at all.


I'm just glad that this will finally be over. We've waited so long for this, I'm just sort of stunned I guess.

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Aw, big hugs Mama!


You and Jesse both deserve this, and I was so happy to see the Seahawks destroy the Broncos for you! Seriously, you know how much I hate football and I was sat there refreshing the google page every 5-10 minutes to see who was winning last night. Even L was giving me updates on the score when I was doing my art test. I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow.

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Aw, big hugs Mama!


You and Jesse both deserve this, and I was so happy to see the Seahawks destroy the Broncos for you! Seriously, you know how much I hate football and I was sat there refreshing the google page every 5-10 minutes to see who was winning last night. Even L was giving me updates on the score when I was doing my art test. I will be thinking about you guys tomorrow.


Aww that is so awesome. A few people have told me the same thing, they don't follow football but they were rooting for my team none the less.

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Another update for those that aren't on Facebook.


She and Jesse are in recovery, Her daughter and friend have been great at updating everyone regularly.


MamaMet is awake, nauseous and in pain. She's had jello, broth and ice chips. Jesse was sleeping. This update was posted 3 hours ago.


She's an amazing woman, and will get through this. Personally Ii feel blessed to know someone so selfless and her act of generosity and kindness really show how much she loves Jesse.






Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

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