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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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My son's boss referred us to a person that handles unlawful detainers. I explained everything to him, faxed him all the documents I had and he said that he would prepare everything I needed to fight this. Ultimately I will have to move but right now I'm buying myself some time. I told him that I was literally freaking out because I didn't want to be homeless while I was recovering from surgery. So today I have to go to the court to file everything. I wish I could say that I'm less stressed but I can't. It seems like everything just piles up.


Yesterday the transplant center called us and said that he needs to have his cartroid artery scanned again before transplant. They want it done today by his regular medical facility but those are specialized appointments and they aren't available on a same day basis. They essentially threatened to postpone the transplant unless it's done today. Then the lady on my team called me and wanted to know if I was at my goal weight which I'm not. I'm not far but I'm not there. In all honestly with all the extreme stress that I have been under these past few weeks, my weight is all over the place and she threw the whole guilt trip on me telling me that unless I figure out a way to lose 5lbs by next Tuesday, the surgeon will likely postpone the transplant. Jesse is doing all these treatments, every other day to remove antibodies from his blood and if the treatments stop then the antibodies come back. I'm just so over all of this crap already.


Hopefully one day I can actually write something positive on my journal. I can't imagine my life being this screwed up forever.

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I've done the best I can. I can't stress about it anymore, it's in God's hands and if it's meant to be it will happen. Interestingly enough, the transplant hospital was insisting he get an ultrasound of his carotid artery this past Friday. A couple of years ago the doctor had dectected a small blockage. His surgeon was unwilling to proceed with the transplant unless he had his neck re-checked. The ultrasound determined that he has 50% blockage on both left and right side. So that could very well stall the process as well.


We have our pre-op appointment on Tuesday so we will know then if things are going to proceed on schedule or not.


Went on a 5.5 mile hike yesterday with the grandbabies. I really wanted to get out there and burn off some of my frustration and it felt really good. We got off to a late start so by the time we reached the top, the sun was already setting and Jade was a little freaked out because it was dark but we had a flashlight with us. She said she was never going hiking with me again. LOL


Been doing a lot of praying, trying to keep the positive energy flowing. Just trying to handle things is a different light and see if that brings a better outcome for me. Being the negative Nancy, I was making myself sick both mentally and physically. Everything happens for a reason, I just have to trust that everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

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I sending so many positive thoughts your way Mama!!! I'm sure you have said before but why does it matter that you be at x weight? I can understand them not wanting you to be obese but off by a few pounds?


I guess according to them, I am pre-dispositioned to heart disease and renal failure because I'm a heavier girl. Sure if you hear 179 lbs at 5'3 you think 'holy cow' but I have always been a thick girl. Always...... I can't rememeber a time in my adult years that I wasn't a thick girl. According to these doctors and all their medical facts I should be pre-diabetic and have elevated blood pressure readings or having something wrong with me somewhere and there isn't. Even my own doctor told me that I'm healthy like a teenager. No elevated cholesterol, normal blood pressure, sugars are perfect always. No anemia, nothing. NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING.. So whatever happens tomorrow happens. I'm not going to stress about it anymore. I have done everything I can, short of making myself puke I don't know what else I could have done.


I'm working a half day today, Jesse has another plasmapheresis appointment today at 1:00pm. It's funny, everything I have read about plasmapheresis and talking to some people that have had it, everyone had bad things to say about it. That it was painful and they were extremely cold. One person described it as being in the snow. I was like "whoa" and I was worried about how he was going to tolerate it. He's been great! No nasty side effects, no craziness coldness. He lays there, we watch tv or he chats with the nurses and before you know it, the two hour treatment is over and we are on our way home. Every procedure he's ever had done to him, he's tolerated very well. All of his surgeries, all of the setbacks he's come through will flying colors. There is no doubt that he will have a successful transplant, not a doubt in my mind. He's stronger than I ever could have imagined.

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I know what you mean. I am medically over weight for my age and height but everything is perfect - blood pressure, cholestrol, sugar... L gets so mad when we go to my doctor appointments and my blood pressure is perfect (he's pretty much prehypertensive).


If for someone they deny the transplant on the 4th will they revaluate it in a few weeks/months to give you time to get down to the weight?

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I know what you mean. I am medically over weight for my age and height but everything is perfect - blood pressure, cholestrol, sugar... L gets so mad when we go to my doctor appointments and my blood pressure is perfect (he's pretty much prehypertensive).


If for someone they deny the transplant on the 4th will they revaluate it in a few weeks/months to give you time to get down to the weight?


Well if it gets postponed it's either going to be because of my weight or his carotid artery blockage so either or both issues will need to be addressed and then the surgery would be postponed temporarily.

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Well if it gets postponed it's either going to be because of my weight or his carotid artery blockage so either or both issues will need to be addressed and then the surgery would be postponed temporarily.


I know it isn't much but there is positive if it is postponed - it's not FOREVER postponed, just until one (or both) things are changed.


I will be thinking of you tomorrow!

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I know it isn't much but there is positive if it is postponed - it's not FOREVER postponed, just until one (or both) things are changed.


I will be thinking of you tomorrow!


Thank you hon.


I'm okay with whatever happens. Obviously I would prefer we have a transplant next week but if it's not the right time then who am I to question it? *shrugs

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I will be thinking of you tomorrow!


I know you are going to just leave it, but I do have a solution for you. It sounds crazy, but it works. The Ultrasimple Diet. I lost 4 lbs in a week and a co-worker lost 14 (she was a heavier lady) and we weren’t ever hungry, weren’t deprived, and there were some other great side effects other than weight loss. I really think it could get you over that line!

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^^ Haha....I had a spammer? Awesome!


Ok so we had the pre-op appointment yesterday. I had already came to the decision that I would be ok with whatever happens. We got there at 6:30am, the appointment was for 7am. They called up back and put us in separate rooms. The nurse asked me to get on the scale. Now let me stop right here for a bit and just explain that those of you that know me, know that I am a nut. I will make the best out of a situation so when the nurse came in and said she wanted to weigh me I said "ok, do you mind"? She looked at me and said "mind what"? I started pulling off my clothes and said "since my weight is a source of contention around here we are weighing in with just the panties and bra". She started laughing! My weight was 177.5.


From there we went to the education class part of the pre-op appointment. I was waiting to see if the weight issue was going to be brought up but nope. Went to pre-procedure evaluation and labs. Now this is where they made me mad, they said I needed blood work and Jesse needed a chest xray, EKG, and blood. Well.........


I get there and they say I need a chest xray, ok whatever. Then they tell me I also need an EKG, and blood. Wait a second......Time out.....You guys just told me I only needed blood but whatever just get it together and let's get the show on the road. I do the xray, I get ready for blood and then she pulls out a cup. She says we need urine. You need what? I just got done peeing after my xray, if someone would have said that I was going to need urine then I wouldn't have peed. Grrr.


But all in all, the pre op went fine. There was never any mention of my weight, the vascular surgeon wasn't really concerned with the blockage in Jesse's carotid arteries and everything is a go.


In 6 days, I will finally get to donate the gift of life to a man that I love very much. Thank you everyone, for your continued support and all the words of encouragement. It feels so good to be able to come here and share such important life events with you and I know that I haven't met any of you personally yet we've spent years getting to know each other and you all feel like family to me.

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Hahahaha you crack me up! I’m so happy to hear that it’s a go!! How are you feeling about going under the knife? Are you mentally ready?


Yeah, I think so. I have been doing a lot of soul searching and ton of praying. Generally I have handled surgeries very well. I've had 3 c-sections and an appendectomy and recovered quickly from all of them. I think I'm stronger and healthier now than what I was when I had those surgeries so that is a good thing. I was a lot younger then so age might have played a role in my quick recovery.


I think I'm more worried about Jesse and how much different our lives are going to be at least temporarily. I feel super guilty that I need the help of my kids for the first few weeks but that's just me not wanting to bother others.

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I am thrilled beyond words that this is a go ahead for you guys.


What time is the surgery?


The nurse said I should be going in around 7:30am assuming no traumas come into the hospital. My surgery is expected to last 3-4 hours. My kidney will be removed, inspected, and cleaned and once the go ahead has been given, Jesse will be opened up and prepared to receive my kidney. His surgery should be 4-5 hours assuming there are no complications. We will both head to recovery for 2-3 hours and then we will be sent to our rooms (in different towers )


They want me to start walking around that night to speed up recovery so I will do my best to move around and hopefully I will find a nurse that will wheel me over to Jesse's room so I can see him.


Yikes......it's going down in 5 days!

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