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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I live in a rough part of the city where the cops are stretched thin and don't really care about noise ordinances. If they can't even be bothered to run the prostitutes off the corners, they could really care less about someone complaining about noise. Sad but true


So I was feeling determined to get out of the house yesterday and do something. I really wanted to go hiking and didn't want to go alone but I would have. I talked my son into going with me and he only went at the promise of free food after. LOL There were ten million people heading up to the Observatory. You have to pass the Greek Theater and I thought maybe there was a concert or something because the sheer number of cars was mind boggling but as I was driving past, I saw the Greek was closed and these people were all headed the same way I was. I had to find parking halfway up the mountain which actually worked out better for me because I found a trail I hadn't explored before. So I followed the trail and it was fairly steep and it gave me a good workout and I found where it connects to another trail that will take me up to Mt Hollywood. At least I think it will, I will find out tomorrow because I'm doing the entire 5 mile hike!


My son bought his first vehicle! He was adamant, he wanted an older truck and it had to be a five speed. He searched for weeks on Craigslist but nothing ever really panned out and then he went to see one yesterday and he liked it and bought it. So starting next week, I get my car back. Yippee


2014 is really starting out to be a great year!

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They have this lady working here in my office covering a temporary vacancy and she is driving me nuts. I've known her for many years but I'm not close to her by any means. She's actually worked for the company longer than I have, her 28 years and me 24 years but now she is currently in my department. She's been in my department 1 year to my 14 years.


She comes in and she's already complaining about how much paperwork we do here and the other locations that she has worked at don't do nearly the amount of paperwork that we do. She's called the union, she's called manpower, and she's even told the boss that what we do here is unnecessary and it's overkill. It's true, we do more than any other location and it's tedious and sometimes a pain in the rear but the fact remains that we have been number one of all the locations on a consistent basis so we must be doing something right.


Well she tells another new girl that is also covering a vacancy here that she is going to ask for OT pay because she feels she has too much work. She complains all the time about something. She will ask me a question about procedure, I will give her the answer and then she proceeds to complain at full speed about it.


She's already trying to order a microwave for the office despite the fact there is no place to set it. She's ordered all new clipboards, ordered a vent brush and compressed air. She turns the lights off on my side of the office because she likes to work in the dark. She needs the AC on full blast and she sings to the radio off key and wants to talk about all of her lovers. Oh dear......lol


I honestly can't wait to get out of here in a few weeks. They can fill my spot with another new girl and they can all complain and drive each other nuts.

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Where do I start? I had to leave work Thursday to take Jesse to the emergency room because he was having some difficulty breathing. That particular day at the ER was just chaotic. So many people being brought in by ambulance, others that were already there. There were no available rooms and all incoming patients were being treated in the hallway.


His breathing issues turned out to be pneumonia (sp) and he was given some antibiotics through an IV and a couple of breathing treatments. Three people that were in rooms near us were being admitted for pneumonia but they did let Jesse go home since he wasn't too sick. While we were there though, my mom called me in a panic and said that she was handed a 60 day notice, the landlord was terminating my tenacy. Sigh....


I had a mini meltdown in the hallway in the ER because this is all just too much for me to handle. I have a sick boyfriend, a transplant looming in the distant future and now I'm supposed to try and find another place to live. Not to mention I would still have to pack up and how in the hell am I supposed to do anything after surgery? I thought about it for a bit and after talking with my very wise 20 year old son, the housing situation is probably a blessing in disguise. I've posted here many times over the years how I hated the environment there, the noise and the degenerate neighbors still I feel this sense of loss. At least I knew I had a roof over my head and now the uncertainty of the future has me so afraid.


I know a lot of the old timers here remember when I was uprooted from my home years ago, the family torn apart. The grandbabies were thrust into foster care, my daughter deemed unfit, me and my children were homeless. It was by far one of the most frightening times in my life, my world shattered and when my mom told me about the notice this time, I panicked. I didn't want to experience any of that pain again but my daughter said that I was worrying for nothing. She and the kids are fine, they have a roof and I will have one soon enough. So I guess I feel a little more at ease about the living situation. I plan on tossing most of my stuff anyway, put the rest of it in storage and just keep my essentials at the house until I find a place. Everyone has been so gracious with offers to help pack and move so I think I will be ok, at least I hope I will be.


Jesse said he would understand if I wanted to postpone the transplant. Nooooo, that is the last thing I want to do. We have waited so long for this, I love him so much and I just want him to start to feel better but as luck would have it this recent bout with pneumonia may just push the transplant back a little bit anyway so we'll see what happens. Everything happens for a reason and maybe this is the universe telling us to just wait for one reason or another. Either way, we have support from our friends and my family so I will just take it day by day and hopefully everything will work out the way it is supposed to.

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BIG HUGS Metro!! Please let us know if there is something we can do. In the meantime, I will be sending you positive thoughts. I hope you find a new home that's going to be a better environment than your current one. You work so hard at taking care of all those around you. I feel for you. HUGS

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No I can't stay with him, he lives in a studio apartment. Some days I feel cramped just visiting him with all of his medical supplies stacked up along the walls, I would go crazy if I had to stay there.


I ended up going to the ER on Sunday night because of this horrible shoulder pain. They couldn't determine what is wrong, they just gave me a shot for pain, did an xray and sent me home with a prescription for a muscle relaxer.


Yesterday Jesse was supposed to see his primary care doctor for a follow up because of the pneumonia and we still had a lot of time before the appointment so we decided we would drive to the other medical facility and pick up his meds since he was going to need his shot and that is one of the thing we were picking up. Before we leave, I check his blood pressure and it's 188/89 so I give him his 1st dose of medication. Well he bottomed out and became hypotensive on me. We were already near the house so I gave him hot chicken broth and propped his legs up. It took a while for his blood pressure to stabilize and in the meantime we had now missed the follow up appointment.


I had nurse on the phone with me asking ten million questions and a transplant coordinator that I had to explain everything to because he was supposed to start taking anti-rejection meds yesterday but with the pneumonia diagnosis from last week, that has been halted and I had to have all the lab, xray, and doctors notes faxed to the transplant center.


In the meantime, my shoulder and arm are still killing me. I'm at work in a sling and maybe tomorrow I will get a chance to see my doctor but today we are going to try and make the follow up appointment for him.


This girl is a tired tired girl today.

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Rough start to the new year for you, mama. I am so sorry to hear all of that. To be honest I wasn't sure why you were quite that freaked out about having to move, but knowing the past circumstances, I understand now. You weren't afraid for yourself, you were afraid for all of your babies. I'm picturing a big beautiful (quiet) new place for you to rest and recuperate and enjoy future days in, so fear not. It's going to be a good change. I can feel it.


What kind of pain are you having in your shoulder/arm?

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Thank you Red...


While in my heart I know the move would be good for me, I'm still very frightened that I won't be able to find another place in time. With my previous eviction from 6 years ago ( when my daughter was messing with drugs and caused me to lose my house) evictions make it harder to secure a new place. Jesse said he would co-sign for me which there is no doubt that he would do anything for me, I just have these horrible fears, almost paralyzing.


I guess you could compare it having been through some kind of traumatic event and then other experiences in life trigger horrible anxiety about the past event. That is where I am now.


Yesterday I came home to yet another notice from the owner, a 3 day notice to pay rent or quit. It kills me how they want to terminate my tenancy but oh yeah, you still have to pay us rent and we really don't give a rats behind if you have money to find another place or not. I sort of expected that notice but it just made me feel even worse, like more pressured now.


So about two hours after I got home, there is a knock at my door. It's the manager and he has a stack of notices in his hand. Every tenant is getting the notice, the landlord wants balconies and patios cleared of trash and recyclables and plastic coverings. It stated that inspectors will be there next week and anyone in violation will have their lease terminated immediately. Well according to them my lease was already terminated so I'm not even sure what kind of operation they are running. I guess now out of curiosity, I want to know what prompted them to terminate my lease when I had done nothing wrong. Even the manager told the mgmt company that out of the 18 units I was the only tenant that never bothered anyone, never broke any rules and kept to myself. Apparently it's ok to cram 16-20 people on a 3 bedroom townhouse and have wild parties but if you follow rules and only have 4 people living in a 3 bedroom then you are targeted for eviction. It just boggles my mind. So I'll call later today, when I get home from work. I don't need to stress myself out while I'm working. I have too much going on here in the office, not trying to screw things up.


The pain in my arm is at the shoulder joint. I'm still having problems with it today. Just in a lot of pain and it was really hard to sleep last night. I couldn't find the right position to keep my arm stable and still sleep comfortably. I did manage to flip on my stomach since that is my preferred method of sleeping but quickly found out that I couldn't sleep like that because I can't extend my arm so I flipped over to my back again.


Jesse's doctors appointment was uneventful although the doctor did relay a little good news to us. While the ER doctor thought the xray showed some pneumonia the radiologist said that he didn't think so and it appeared to be a little inflammation likely from bronchitis which is good. So I'm waiting to hear from the transplant nurse to see what happens from here.


My grandsons went home yesterday. I get so sad when they leave, they do too I can tell. Sometimes I wish I could find like an 8 bedroom house and all of us could just live together. I miss my little lovies when they aren't around.

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If you've been there a while, mama - you might be paying lower rent than some others. Also sounds like he's looking to refi the whole complex if he's requiring sudden clearing for an "inspection."


We had one quit notice when a complex owner wanted to turn the complex into condos - since the leases had been put on month to month instead of renewing the annual - he only had to give us a month. Incredible.


And they don't have to give a reason for a 60 day notice - it sounds like your landlord is a greedy SOB.


Will you be able to file taxes early enough to use the refund to assist with moving? Some places have a lot of incentives Jan-Mar hoping to get people to move while they have some available cash - maybe if you find somewhere they'd take a small deposit to hold until your money comes in? And getting rid of stuff... have a yard sale Seriously, they're huge around here at least, and people will buy anything and everything - or donate anything useable.


Best of luck, the timing really bites for you guys, but I know you'll persevere.

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I've read about frozen shoulder. I wall googling everything trying to figure out what could be wrong and I did come accross the frozen shoulder thing. Sounds a lot like it, I still can't move my arm in any direction. I can bend at the elbow but that is it, I can't even lift my arm to clip my hair back with bobby pins.


By the time I got home from work, I was just so tired I feel asleep on the sofa. I never really nap so on the rare occasion that I do, I have these very vivid dreams/nightmares. Yesterday was no different, my babies were in peril and I was unable to help them. In my dream they came to my house so that I could help them but I was so sleepy I couldn't get out of bed so they left. I texted my daughter when I woke up and asked her if her and the kids had been there because it felt that real, I needed to know if the kids were fine. She said everything was well and she hadn't been to the house and that it was only a very bad dream. Then true to form, she called me a weirdo and told me to relax because she's worried that I'm going to come completely unglued.


My best friend called me last night. He and I haven't really talked in a while and somehow he didn't know about everything. We talked, he listened and I cried. He's trying his best to assure me that everything will be fine and that I need to calm down. That seems to be the general idea....."Metro, just calm down everything will work out, you'll see" yet I'm finding it so incredibly hard to calm down.


I did call the landlord yesterday because I really just want to know what prompted this and of course the person that I needed to talk to wasn't in the office but some other guy said he would try to find out what's going on and call me back but of course I've already figured out no one is going to call me.


So my plan of action today is to rent a small storage unit and start packing up the house and putting it in storage. I will call around and see if there are any places that are suitable location wise and price wise. I'm also going to try very hard to keep it together today and just practice a little faith. Try is the operative word, I really would like to have a day where I am not crying my eyes out.


Keep it together Metro........keep it together......think positive, things will be ok.

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I would get accessed and into physio RIGHT away if that is it. I let mine oh too long and I had go to physio for 9 MONTHS to get full use of my arm back. And I STILL have some muscle atrophy a year after physio. Frozen shoulder can resolve on its own but it can take more than 2 years but it is so painful you want to knaw your own arm off.

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I would get accessed and into physio RIGHT away if that is it. I let mine oh too long and I had go to physio for 9 MONTHS to get full use of my arm back. And I STILL have some muscle atrophy a year after physio. Frozen shoulder can resolve on its own but it can take more than 2 years but it is so painful you want to knaw your own arm off.


Really Vic? I figured it would just be like a couple of weeks or something. I hardly have time to do anything else right now, I just don't know how I could squeeze in physical therapy.

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This morning I was going to get some eggs and beans from the lunch truck and I was eagerly awaiting 8:00am so I could eat. About ten minutes to eight, my office phone rings and it's a former supervisor of mine and Jesse's. We exchange hello's and how are you's and I'm expecting him to tell me that he needs to speak with someone in mgmt but no he's calling to talk to me.


He said he had heard a rumor that Jesse was getting ready to have a transplant and that I was his donor. He wanted to pick my brain a little bit. He just started PD last August and is currently in the process of getting tested to get on the transplant list. Wow, what a small world. He just wanted some information about live kidney donation vs. cadaver kidney donation and is more interested in talking with us after the transplant so he will know what to expect surgery and recovery wise.


It feels good to know that even though I am dealing with some heavy stuff, I'm still in the right frame of mind to help others. Maybe everything will be ok afterall?

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If you can get assessed faster and into Physio faster the recovery should be easier. Don't wait like I did. Because you get to the point where you do literally want to knaw your own arm off. They say it's one of the five or 10 most top painful things in the world to have.

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Pleased to report that the shoulder is much better today. I'm probably at about 90% which is good for me right about now.


I stayed the night at Jesse's on Thursday because he said I needed to get some decent sleep and he was right, I was just exhausted. He has a big bathtub and the hottest water so I took a hot bubble bath, took my sleeping pill and slept the entire night. He was up before me and proudly announced that I snored all night. LOL

It felt good to actually sleep soundly.


We did have a small mishap in the morning though. As we were talking, he was standing up and I was still in bed and I heard what sounded like water leaking and I got up to just get a better listen and he's leaking all over the place. The catheter came apart and the solution in his tummy was flowing right out of the line onto the floor. I panicked and reconnected it but it should have been clamped off instead. I called the clinic and told them I was bringing him in. They took care of everything very quickly for us. They had to change his transfer case and get some samples of his PD fluid. Everything looked good though and the tests came back there wasn't any damage but as a precaution they gave him some antibiotics straight into the peritoneum. Just another day in the life of Jesse and Metro.


I focused on trying to have a better day. I ran some errands and I washed my car and then I went to a couple of stores to snag some good coupon deals. On my way home I saw a house with a for rent sign so I stopped to check it out. Really nice area, super nice house but the lady wanted 2000.00 a month. Just no way I can swing that on my own. She was honest with me and said that I wasn't likely to find a 3 bedroom in that area for 1500.00 but I won't give up hope. Of course that is just one house of many I'm sure. My son and I are going to drive the streets of the neighboring cities tomorrow to see what we can find. If worse comes to worse, I will squeeze us into a 2 bedroom temporarily, maybe like a year and then look for something bigger next year. I just need to get a place quick so I can focus on the transplant.


Overall feeling somewhat better emotionally today. I've been doing a lot of praying, A LOT OF PRAYING and just asking for his guidance.

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I'll tell you what I hate about looking for apartments/homes on craigslist, there are so many scammers. UGH. I can already tell by looking at 95% of the ads, the way they are written in both English and Spanish that they come from the same company. These people sell you a list and usually the lists are of just random houses, some that don't exist and others that were never for rent to begin with. Sadly some people don't realize this but I'm an old bird and I've been around for a minute so I know all about these crooks.


So anyway, I did find some 2 bedrooms that look decent enough and even a 3 bedroom townhouse (pretty much like what I have now) although I don't currently have an attached garage and the one I found does and it's cheaper! So I'll contact these places today and see if I have any luck. Feeling a little more determined now.

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great! this could really wind up being a good thing. i hope you find something good for you and your family!


Me too Annie. I have always wanted a garage and not to park my car but to have shelves for my coupon stockpile and of course to keep my junk so it's not taking over the house.

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I think I worked myself into a frenzy yesterday because nothing I ate would stay put and I actually lost a couple of lbs. This morning my stomach still feels unstable although I don't feel as panicked as I did yesterday. The day is still young though so we'll see.


Today is the 8 year anniversary of my dad's passing. I was looking at his picture the other day, those baby blue eyes of his and his little grin. I miss him but I also take comfort in knowing that he's no longer suffering. I talked to him, asked him to help guide me through these trials that I'm facing. Sometimes I wonder if he's around because I really don't dream of him like I thought I would.


Hoping for a better less stressed more relaxed day. I did some work yesterday at my house, that was weighing heavy on my mind yesterday so now that I've taken care of that maybe today I can talk myself into just enjoying this day. Fingers crossed.

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