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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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In the office by myself again today. Apparently two people backed out of working the other desk so I get to work 2 desks today. Awesome. Then they complain when there is no overtime. Hello, there is plenty of overtime, you just need to bring your rear down here to work. Ugh. Ok rant over.


So it's cyber Monday and I love to shop, but I love to shop more when everyone is offering free shipping. What's a girl to do? lol

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It's true, stress does horrible things to your stomach. I was fine the entire day, not a care in the world and then shortly after getting the news and processing everything mentally I get the bubble guts. Yikes.


I'm going home in a few minutes, I worked 5 hours OT today. I need to go home and shower and get ready to be back here at 6am. Talk to you guys tomorrow.

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I'm still so excited for you guys!!!!


Me too hon.


I'm still just trying to go through the motions. I have literally so much to do, I think my mind is constantly going even at night so I'm not sleeping well. Not that I ever did but it's worse the past couple of nights.


I'm waiting for the shop steward to come in and talk to me so we can go over Jesse's benefits. I need to double and triple check that should he decide to retire after the surgery all of his benefits will remain the same regarding those expensive anti rejection drugs he'll have to take and because we are doing an ABO incompatible transplant, there are extra drugs he will have to take. From what I understand, the typical anti rejection drugs can cost up to 4000.00 dollars a month if you aren't insured or properly insured. Of course there are other programs available for those that can't pay and right now that isn't an issue with him but for my own peace of mind, I need to check into absolutely everything.


I still need to find a bed because sleeping on a sleeper sofa isn't going to cut it after having major surgery. I want to clean out Jesse's apartment before the surgery so when he comes home it's super clean. The carpet needs to be shampooed and I want to find a way to organize everything in there so it's more comfortable for him. Sometimes when I think I have some things figured out, more random things pop into my head.


I've been eating super good lately and working out of course. I think tomorrow I will take the bus from my job directly to the gym. I'm kinda leery because that bus only goes once an hour but I really want to be working out in a better gym than the one I have here at work. I'll get more results that way and results are what I need right now.


Thank you for thinking of us though.

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I have a migraine and I'm irritable. I really think it's because I'm not shoveling food in my mouth like I normally do nor have I had a lot of caffeine today. I was planning on working out today but honestly the only thing I want to do is go home and lay down. I don't think missing one day of exercise will set me back much. Oh well, not much I can do about it.

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Feeling great today, no headache. It was a good quiet day at work (OT day at that ) and I will be out of here at 2:00pm. Going to take the bus to Jesse's house to pick up his car so I can go to the gym. I didn't want to work out at the gym here at work, I want to use the gym I pay for. I feel a good workout coming on.


Team Jesse.........I got this!

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Sixty one days and counting........holy moly.


I went hiking yesterday. I picked up my grandson and my step grandson and we drove up to the observatory and parked the car and hiked the back mountain. It was cold and it was raining but we did it. I really felt it in my legs later that day, they were killing me.


They loved it and want to do it again next week.

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Since you got your transplant date it's really inspired me to get into shape for when we start trying for a baby. I've been to the gym the last two days and today I got L to go with me.


61 Days!!


Yeah I saw your post on fb about the gym and I was like, yay her! I remember when you were killing it at the gym, you were my inspiration. I guess we will just go back and forth inspiring one another. LOL


I'm really trying to not look at the scale. It doesn't seem to move but clothes fit me somewhat better so I just need to chill out and keep doing what I'm doing and it will happen eventually. I get to hung up on numbers and I need to stop it. (Although the hospital is just as hung up on numbers as I am


Working alone today so I don't get to do my walk on my lunch break but I do have a fully packed gym bag with me so I will be heading out to the gym after work and hopefully I can break a sweat today.


60 days......

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Well my stomach looks a little flatter if that even makes sense considering I have a flabby gut. lol It's just not as flabby. *shrugs*


I'm really disappointed that I didn't get to walk on my lunch break today, it's such a nice day out. It's sunny but really cool and I have on a comfy sweater. Grrrr.


I joined a kidney disease, dialysis, and transplant group on facebook. It's been really therapeutic for me to read about others and share our story with others and in turn I have learned some new stuff as well I have helped a few people that didn't know about the specific type of transplant that we are doing so they said it gave them something to hope for. Well this guy posted a picture of his stapled (maybe it was stitched) incision post transplant. Bloody hell, it's a massive incision. I haven't held back anything from Jesse and I try to be as open and concise as I can regarding everything to expect after transplant and I told him he should expect a decent sized scar but I really didn't think it was going to be that big.

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I did 40 minutes of cardio yesterday here at work. I'm not really fond of the gym here though, there are 3 treadmills, a stationary bike and an elliptical machine. They aren't in the best working order, I mean they work but the treadmill that I was using definitely needed some servicing or lubricating. The gym also has these really heavy duty weight machines that I don't typically use so I'm sort of limited to what I can do here.


Today I have help in the office so I will get to walk on my lunch. I brought my stomach belt thingy, you put it on and it makes you sweat a lot in the stomach area. So I'll walk with that for 30 minutes and then I will go to my gym after work. I already told Jesse I was coming to get his car so I can go to the gym. lol


59 days to go.....

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I only walked on my lunch yesterday. I had a pain in my hip which made it difficult for me to put pressure on my left side. Not sure what that was all about but whatever, it feels better today. I think I may get a ride to the gym today, so I will be able to get a better workout in.


Jesse is doing labs today for his kidney doctor appointment on Friday. Not expecting much change, his levels tend to stay in the same range month after month. We are still waiting to hear from the hospital as to when they are placing his chest cath so he can start his treatments. He wants me to go to his appointment on Friday because he is giving out Christmas gifts to the nurses and the doctor but Friday will probably be my last day of OT for a while so I want to take advantage of the money while it is still there. If it were a major appointment then of course I would go but this is just his regular monthly appointment so I feel ok not going. Besides I need to make as much money as I can right now because I will be off work for at least a month and Im not sure how long it will be before state disability gets around to paying me.


58 days...............

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I was reading a news story last night on my phone about a local homeless man that has been hailed a hero for saving the life of someone at the lake where I go walking. I usually see the homeless man (he identified himself as Patrick) standing at the freeway exit and I've given him money a handful of times. One time he was outside the local 7-11 and I bought him food and something to drink. He's a pleasant guy, doesn't bother anyone.


So the story is that a local man was riding his bike at the lake, fell off the bike and didn't have a helmet on and sustained a bad head injury. He was laying on the ground when Patrick found him and began CPR. Luckily a doctor was running that day and assisted with mouth to mouth. This guy was in full cardiac arrest and they saved his life.


Patrick was a former EMT and commercial truck driver. It's sad, I don't know what happened in his life that has brought him to where he is today. I'm hoping the story will bring at least a little good fortune to him. I'd like to do something for him but not sure what.

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California state disability takes about a month to send you your first check, but you get back pay for all the weeks. It's so lame. After that you get paid every two weeks.


Yeah I figured it would take about that long. I'm going to just pay extra on my bills this month and next so nothing gets disconnected in Feb. lol

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57 days.......


Jesse hates that I have this countdown going. I remind him everyday and he confided in a mutual friend of ours that he wishes I didn't do that because it makes him nervous. Ummm, whether I count or not you are still getting a kidney in 57 days so you need to deal with it.


Im not sure if he was being funny earlier or testing my patience, either way I wasn't really feeling it because I have a migraine and I'm super busy at work but he called me to tell me that Kaiser called him. I thought it was going to be about his pending catheter placement but it was the renal pharmacist calling to advise him that his hemoglobin is falling and his iron is really low. They now want him to take his iron pills with orange juice and if his iron doesn't come up shortly, he will need another iron infusion. I said "ok I'll go with you if you need me to" and he responds by telling me that he hates the infusions and won't do it. Yeah ok, whatever you say homeboy.


I think I'm going to just go home and medicate myself and lay down to get rid of this migraine.

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56 days.......


Nothing to report really. I came to work (day off) and was almost in tears this morning at the thought but I'm glad I made it because it was relatively easy money. I will be out of here at 2, taking the bus to Jesse's house to steal his car and then I am going to do some much needed retail therapy. I will have a window of about 3 hours that I can use the car before he needs it back to go to work tonite.


I will do more serious damage tomorrow when I have my own car and no time restrictions. Have a good weekend everyone!

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Went hiking on Saturday. This time my daughter went with us and although she struggled a bit up the mountain, she said she would do it again. LOL My grandsons love going up there and we finished off the morning with breakfast at Denny's. I order this plate called Fit Slam, it's a higher protein, lower calorie breakfast. Perfect amount of food and I'm satisfied for several hours after.


Was feeling pretty moody yesterday, not sure what got into me but everything seem to upset me. I'd like to say it's hormones from my erratic period but I could just genuinely be tired. I did have all five grandbabies spend Saturday night at my house and I swear they banded together to drive me crazy and my sleep was broken so that was probably it.


I woke up today one pound lighter so that put an instant smile on my face. Feeling really good today, ready to tackle all of this paperwork that has building up at work. I have projects to do and have been given permission to work as much as I want to complete these projects which means more OT $$$$.

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