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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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The scale shows I'm down 4lbs. That's good I guess for what little effort I've put forth. I have done a little working out and some walking but mostly I've been watching what I eat, practicing portion control, and staying away from junk food. Anyone that knows me knows I have a terrible addiction to Cheetos but I haven't touched one in a couple of weeks. No soda either.


Jesse and I went to the movies yesterday. I had already eaten a late lunch at work so I really didn't want anything at the theater. He had some popcorn, I had maybe a handful and that was it. It was nice spending time with him, we really don't get to do that too much now. After the movie, we went back to my place. As expected he fell asleep on the couch and I clipped coupons. LOL I finally had to wake him up and send him home at 830 because I needed to get ready for bed since I had to do an OT shift this morning. I was trying to talk him out of working tonite so we can hang out some more. He doesn't want to miss another day though since he has exhausted all of his sick and family time, he doesn't get paid when he takes time off.


I'll just hang out at home and do some more coupon stuff and wait for my lovies to be dropped off. I think I might have all 5 grandbabies with weekend. Holy moly, Lord give me strength. lol

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I don't have the mental or physical energy to deal with a rambunctious 3 year old. Good God, how do mothers of toddlers do it? I had the grandsons this weekend which included the 3 year old. He had said that since he was a super good boy the last time he stayed at my house and didn't pee pee his pants and slept like a big boy that he wanted to come and do it again at Nana's house. Well he didn't tell me that he was going to drive me nuts nor did he tell me that he was going to make it nearly impossible to get him in and out of his car seat. I'm used to the bigger kids just getting in the car, buckling up their seat belt and we are on our way but with the little dude, I have to strap him in and that's if I can get him to actually sit down long enough to strap him in.


I was running around this weekend doing my couponing and I think I'm more exhausted today than I have been in a very long time. I definitely need a break before I have him overnight again. lol


We still haven't heard from the hospital. I told Jesse to give them a call today to see what's happening. I guess I shouldn't rush it, I'm still in the process of losing weight and doing my thing. I just want to hear something good, from somewhere......anywhere.

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He was just being such a turkey in Walmart. He decided he wanted to lift up shirt in the store. I said "Tootie everyone is going to see your boobs" so he thought it was hilarious and would pull his shirt up higher and higher. So I went through the whole speech again and he's still flashing so we round a corner and there is a lady standing there and I say "hey lady, he's showing his boobs to everyone" and he quickly put them away. LOL Later he tells me "Nana you're getting on my nerves, I'm getting soooooooo mad" and he squeezes his eyes closed really tight as if to say that he's just so angry with me. I laugh and I tell him "do you feel better now sir, did you get it out of your system"? He smiles and says "yes". I was tempted to leave him in the toy aisle but I think abandoning children in a retail store is frowned upon, plus his mother probably would have wondered where he was when I didn't return him back to her. LMAO

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Tyler was under the kitchen table doing something one day and I asked him what he was doing. Without looking up he says my name (in the shorterned child version that is adorable) and I'm like, 'yes?' And he says, "I'm doin' sumthing!' Adorable.




if you ever want an extra one.....let me know. I will ship him off in a box to you. Overnight of course, I wouldn't want the little fella to be cramped in a box too long. lol

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Had a really good workout yesterday after work. I used the gym at work since I don't have my car to go to the gym that I pay for. It was alright, I did 30 minutes on the elipitical and 30 minutes on the bike. Took the bus home and started the prep work for some of the food for Thanksgiving.


Last night I was preparing tuna for today's lunch and I realized I was out of mustard and bread, go figure. So I send my son to the neighborhood Hispanic market to get what I need and he calls me telling me that everything I was is super expensive. So I put on my Nike's and my sweater and we power walked all the way to the grocery store. LOL My son asked me "why are you walking so fast"? LMAO......because I need to hurry and this will serve as more cardio for me.


Still not sleeping well. Not sure why but I keep waking up in the middle of the night multiple times. Grrrrr.


Nothing new on the transplant front. Someone from the hospital did call Jesse yesterday to inform him that they are still waiting for Immunology to prepare a schedule for his blood treatments and to remind him that he needs to follow up with vascular surgery in January for a repeat ultrasound. I wasn't sure if that meant they are waiting for that appointment before proceeding or if it was just a general reminder that he needs to have it done.

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speaking of taking 3 year olds into public..did yall see my facebook status about Hayden obnoxiously announcing to the entire dressing room in American Eagle that his mom has a "nice bootay!!!!!!"


-____- seriously, I don't know how people have more than one kid under 5 at a time!!!!!!

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speaking of taking 3 year olds into public..did yall see my facebook status about Hayden obnoxiously announcing to the entire dressing room in American Eagle that his mom has a "nice bootay!!!!!!"


-____- seriously, I don't know how people have more than one kid under 5 at a time!!!!!!


I did! I was dying when I read it because I could just envision it in my head. LOL Can you imagine Hayden, Tyler, and Tootie all together? LMAO......I would need wine after.

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I was the most productive busy bee yesterday. I brined my turkey, prepared my stuffing, and made the mixture for the stuffed jalapenos that I am going to make as an appetizer. I will actually bake the jalapenos here at work tomorrow. LOL Gotta love my job where I will be working 8 hours, getting paid for 20 hours, watching football in my office and baking appetizers upstairs in the kitchen.


My back was hurting again yesterday. I skipped the gym because of it but I did walk for 25 minutes on my lunch break. I had a lidocaine patch on my back and took some codeine to take the edge off. I went to sleep with the heating pad on and I guess everything I did worked out well because this morning I woke up feeling no pain. YAY. So I guess the agenda today is to walk on my lunch and if I'm still feeling good I'll hit the gym after work.

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Greetings and Happy Thanksgiving! It's a really pretty morning here in So Cal. I've been awake since 3am and in the office since 6am. It should be a nice quiet day here at work. I came thoroughly prepared to keep myself occupied. First things first, I am going to knock out all my paperwork today. I have a major bus shakeup happening in 2 weeks and need to prepare to move out 10 buses and bring in 22 buses. Not an easy task when there are so many maintenance records that have to be transferred out but that is why they pay me the good money. LOL


I have my tv with me for Turkey Day football games, I have a large totebag with coupons and I have my new Seahawks coupon organizer that I need to finish up with the dividers so I can start adding coupons to it.


I have a pie that I need to bake upstairs in the work kitchen and some stuffed jalapenos that I need to fix up and bake before I head home. LOL So going with the holiday spirit, I am thankful for this amazing job that I have, a job that I have been blessed with for almost 24 years.


Happy Thanksgiving everyone.

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Thanksgiving went well. The food was delicious and everyone loved my brined turkey. My daughter was there with the kids and step grandkids. They made a dump cake from a recipe I printed online. Holy calories batman, it was good though. She left around 5:30 and about 20 minutes later my son and his fiancé showed up and then my other son and his girlfriend arrived.


As I was settling down for the evening, I realized my car was still open so I went to close the windows and couldn't find my keys anywhere! I know I had them yesterday because I drove home from work. I'm thinking maybe they somehow got knocked into the trash from the counter where I keep them because we had food all over the counter. The babies don't recall seeing the keys and my daughter checked her purse and nothing. I'm a little stressed out because now I only have the one car key and all of my shoppers cards were on that keychain. Dammit...

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So my keys haven't turned up. I have one car key now and I'm constantly fearful that I am going to lock it in the car or lose it. I need to go have a couple of duplicate keys made so I can just relax. Still kinda irked that I lost all my shoppers cards on that keychain. One of them was for CVS but I don't know the phone number associated with it and I can't use the coupons that printed with the card number on them so it's going to be a total loss on that card. Boooo


If that's not bad enough, this morning I was rushing to get out of the house to go to work. Can't find my purse which has my office desk keys. I have a ton of work in my desk and can't open it. I think I'm pms'ing too because I feel this weird wave of emotions and I'm ready to just cry.


A stray kitten has been coming around my house for the past week. We have 3 grown cats, a father and the mama and one of their babies. My 14 year old cat passed away in a terrible accident in May of this year. I really didn't want to take on another animal. I had toyed with the idea of getting a dog for a few months but I think I'm over it now. So this kitten first appeared a few weeks back, I guess it was stuck in a tree in the neighbors house. Then it would roam the alley behind my house, never friendly though. Sometimes he would come into my back patio to steal my cat's food but would always run off when I opened the door. Well now he/she makes a bee line for the front door when I pull up in my car or when I open the front door. After some coaxing he let my mother pet him, then he let me touch him, now he just walks right in the house if the screen door is ajar. Seemingly everyone in the house has taken a liking to this cat including my son's girlfriend and she hates cats. He loves being held and cradled like a baby and he purrs a lot.

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I just can't see an animal in need and not do something


So I have Valentine (blind in one eye), Moogle (missing all but a tail stump), Fizzgig (abandoned when our neighbor's landlord went into foreclosure), Dizzy (found in dumpster)... you get the idea


But they do give plenty of love and amusement in return!

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It never really fails, I do think my fur babies that have long passed on send these animals to my house knowing darned well that I am the sucker that will take care of them.


Everyone one of the animals I have had previously or currently have been saved from the streets.

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