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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Will they schedule it months in advance or weeks be enough time?


I was told that he will need at least one month of treatments (2 or 3 visits a week for a month) and then they will repeat the antibody titer test. If everything looks good, which it should then they will schedule the transplant around 6 weeks.

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jesse is a lucky man to have a woman like you! there's no bigger gift that one can give.


I'm trying to get up there with Mother Theresa. lol


No really, I just want him to feel better. I was thinking about how spry he was when we first started dating. Wow, he worked a lot of OT and had boundless energy. Now he's lucky if he can go a week without missing a day. He stays in bed a lot, he has this ashy grey color. I want to see that healthy glow again, I want him to wake up and feel good. I want him to be able to take a walk with me and not have to stop every few minutes because he's exhausted. I'm ready for us to enjoy life together.

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I agree with Annie, he is a very lucky man and you are a remarkable woman. 2014 will be an amazing year for you guys!


I hope so.


I asked him if his coordinator called him today. He said No. We were thinking that maybe they are out of the office today because of the holiday and he says "she'll probably call me tomorrow" and I replied "she better call somebody tomorrow" and I guess I had a slight hostile tone in my voice and he started laughing. It's so unlike me, I'm usually the chipper one and he's the cranky one. Total role reversal lately.

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I worked a 12 hour shift yesterday, went home and cooked up some burgers for the kids before I took them back home. Sometimes I wish they stayed with me, other times I'm glad that I have a quiet house. I feel blessed that I get to spend so much time with them. A friend of mine has a toddler, her family doesn't really spend too much time with her baby. They certainly don't keep her overnight so she doesn't get a break from the baby hardly ever. She said to me that she wished her mother was like me, since I always want to be around my grandchildren.


I'm working with this other girl (she's covering my coworkers shift) and she always has to have the office freezing. I swear it's like 60 something in here and my desk is right under a vent. My legs are literally aching because they are so cold. I can't wait for her to leave at 10. As soon as she hits the door, I'm turning the heater on.

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Ugh, I have to work with the girl that likes the office freezing. I brought a sweater and a jacket just for good measure.


I lost 2lbs according to the scale. Yay me.


Taking the bus to Jesse's today after work. I'm going to use his car to run some errands and get out of my house. I thought I was going to die of boredom yesterday, I really wanted to go to Walgreens but didn't want to lug my stuff back on the bus so today I can do it. The other day when I took the kids to soup plantation they had this soup called chicken pot pie stew. They serve it with hot buttermilk biscuits so I looked up the recipe online and I think I want to make it. So I will probably spend a little time compiling my shopping list.

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The transplant coordinator called Jess and told him he needs a final clearance from the vascular doctor because a couple of years ago he had what they thought was a blockage in his cartroid artery but once they did the ultrasound, they said it was clear. So I don't know, I have to make an appointment for him with the vascular surgeon to get the clearance letter. He was not amused, he said "here they go with their BS again". I think I calmed him down though.


As far as we know this is the final thing he needs so he can proceed with his blood treatments. Not giving up now.

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Ok appointment with vascular is on Monday but he wants me to see if we can get squeezed in tomorrow. lol Someone is anxious to get everything out of the way. YAY go team Jesse.


I borrowed his car yesterday to do some shopping. Woohoo, I picked up my Thanksgiving turkey. I picked out a 21lb Butterball and it fits nicely in my new deep freezer. lol My primary reason for wanting to hit the stores yesterday was to get my chicken broth at Walgreens for .79. Not the cans but the quart size! I bought 6 of them. How sad is my life that buying chicken broth for .79 cents was a priority yesterday? lmao I will probably grab some more this Saturday when I have my car.


I'm eager to do some more Christmas shopping. I have stuff in the trunk of my car that has been in there for the past couple of months. It's time to start getting the big toys for the little loves.

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My son got his first full paycheck last night. I know he's plenty happy, now he just needs to plunk away as much as he can so he can get himself a car. I can't tell you how incredibly bored I was at the house yesterday. Sure I could have done something with my coupons, I have inserts galore that need to be sorted through and clipped and organized but I still don't have my new organizer that I ordered so I wasn't enthusiastic about doing any of it. A package did come in the mail yesterday and briefly I was excited because I thought it might be the new organizer but it was just some underwear that I ordered for Jesse. Booooo stupid underwear! lol


I couldn't even get on my computer yesterday. I know I had said that I was going to buy one a couple of months ago but I was really trying to hold out for the best deal plus I figured if I bought the parts my laptop needed, my son could fix it and it would hold me over a little longer. Wellllll, I have the parts, he doesn't have the time and now my laptop has turned into some kind of evil spawn because when I power it up, the cable tv shuts off.


So I guess the time is now, to order a new one. Hopefully once things settle down here at work I will have a little time to read some reviews on the ones I'm eyeing and then I'll make a decision. Merry Christmas to me early I guess. I feel a little guilty, buying myself something like that. I know I shouldn't, I work hard and I deserve to have nice things but the mother and grandmother in me always wants to make sure her loved ones are taken care of first.


Jesse offered to pick me up from work today so we could spend a little time together. He will be with his family tomorrow for his grandsons birthday so I won't see him at all. If he's feeling ok we'll try to see a movie, if not then we'll try for Monday after his Vascular appointment. I'm taking that day off so we'll have the whole day after the appointment to hang out. Actually that would be a good day to do some shopping, I'll even offer to drive. lol

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Thanksgiving dinner shopping yesterday and some Christmas shopping too. I scored some good deals last night at this little spot near my house. It's an outlet store and they were having some killer deals. The guy informed me that everything in the store will be 75% off on Black Friday. Naturally I have to work that day however I am going to see if I can get someone to go for me. They have a Jack LaLane juicer I want. It sells for 50 dollars but with the 75% off it will be marked down to 12.50!


I saw they also had a whole pallet of heaters. He said they are probably going to be 10 dollars! I can get one for my grandbabies because it gets cold in their house. I did pick up some pj's as a Christmas gift for my son's gf and a hoodie for him because. I love bargain shopping!


Not much going on today. Going to Jesse's after work to watch my Seahawks game and then take the babies out for a bit after. They were actually both acting like little pills yesterday. Not sure what got into them but I did tell them if they felt compelled to continue acting like that, they could grab their suitcase and I would take them back to their mom's. I didn't have much of a problem with them after that.

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Jesse has finally been cleared for transplant. Immunology will be contacting Kaiser for him to get a chest cath and they are supposed to be mapping out his appointments for treatment. I will go with him the first couple of times because I don't know how he is going to feel after. Once I know he feels ok after treatments, I will let him go by himself. It's during that time from what I understand that they will go over available transplant dates with us.


I have my gym bag with me, first day back in the gym. Ugh... I will probably die on the treadmill. I have my car today because my son injured himself at work last night so he's not going to school today and may not work either. I'm really hoping that he won't be sidelined long although I don't know the extent of his injury. He is supposed to go back to the company doctor today for an xray.


Jesse and I did come to an agreement though yesterday that on the days I want to go to the gym and I don't have my car, I will take the bus to his house and get his car to go to the gym. I could actually walk to the gym from my house however I would have to walk on a road with no sidewalks and past an on and off ramp to the frwy with cars zooming by at 60mph. Nah......I will just take Jesse's car so I can live to see the next day.


So I'm excited. Since I can't announce that we are having a baby.......I'm going to go around announcing that we are having a kidney. LMAO

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My son came to get my car anyway because he had to fill out more paperwork for the workman's comp people. The doctor is allowing him to work light duty and thankfully his employers are being really good about it and letting him do office stuff until he is able to work fully. He did tell me yesterday that the xray revealed he broke his finger in three places.


So as it turns out, I didn't die from working out. LOL I walked for 30 minutes yesterday on my lunch break and then did 40 minutes in the gym, 20 on the elipitical and 20 on the bike. I have my gym bag here again. My son has my car as he has to go back to the doctor today for a wound check and an antibiotic booster shot in the rear end. So I'll take the bus to Jesse's house so I can get his car and go to my gym. They have a better variety of machines anyway than the gym here at work.


We're having a Thanksgiving dinner here at work today. Everyone was asked to pay 7.00 dollars for their plate. Since I have a yummy chicken salad with me today, I'll wrap the plate and Jesse will now how dinner.

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Well is this just not the most exciting thing ever!! !!!!!!! I am so excited for you guys!!


On the other hand though I'm sorry about your son.


Thanks Vic.....


He broke his finger in 3 places and the flesh was torn off the finger. The doctor cut away the dead skin and flesh and used gelfoam to help with healing. He's gone back a couple of times to get it cleaned out and he went back today to get a shot of antibiotics in his butt in addition to the oral antibiotics he's taking now. He actually went back to work the next day on light duty and is primarily doing office work until he gets the ok to use his hand.

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Thanks Vic.....


He broke his finger in 3 places and the flesh was torn off the finger. The doctor cut away the dead skin and flesh and used gelfoam to help with healing. He's gone back a couple of times to get it cleaned out and he went back today to get a shot of antibiotics in his butt in addition to the oral antibiotics he's taking now. He actually went back to work the next day on light duty and is primarily doing office work until he gets the ok to use his hand.


Awwww poor kid!!! That is nasty!!


I remember one time at work when I almost cut the tip of my thumb off. Most of the cut was through the front of the fingernail. Thankfully it was my left, not my right one. Even now healed I still have no feeling in the upper portion of my thumb.


And when I was 13 I crushed three of my fingers on my right hand. My dad never even took me to a doctor and I had to learn to write left-handed to do my schoolwork.

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Awwww poor kid!!! That is nasty!!


I remember one time at work when I almost cut the tip of my thumb off. Most of the cut was through the front of the fingernail. Thankfully it was my left, not my right one. Even now healed I still have no feeling in the upper portion of my thumb.


And when I was 13 I crushed three of my fingers on my right hand. My dad never even took me to a doctor and I had to learn to write left-handed to do my schoolwork.


Omg, how horrible. Did your fingers ever really heal correctly?

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