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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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I'm so freakin exhausted. Sleep is just not working out well for me. I know it's come to that time that I need to talk to my doctor about trying something different. I need to find out when he is back from vacation so I can make an appointment with him.


I went to see my friend yesterday in the hospital. He had the gastric sleeve done on Monday. I'm so proud of him, he is well on his way to healthier life. We've been best friends for at least 10 years, I've only known him as a large man. It's going to be very weird to watch him shrink into a smaller person. Come to think of it, all of my close friends have had some sort of weight loss surgery but they weren't as big. I'll be the only one that can really eat when we go out. LOL


I called the transplant hospital yesterday to inquire about the clearance letter that was faxed to them last week. I thought I would have heard something by now so when I asked if they had it, they reported it was never recieved. UGH.... I called the nurse yesterday and she re-faxed it yesterday while I was talking to her. So I will have to call the transplant hospital again to see if they finally have it. I just want to know one way or another what is going to happen because Jesse is now talking about retiring.

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The transplant hospital does have the clearance letter now and the person that works in living donation said the coordinator should be contacting me soon. I already know that the letter has to be presented to the surgeon and the review board and they meet on Thursdays. Hopefully something will happen soon.


I started to make dinner and then just left it on the stove. Absolutely zero energy but I think I may have figured out why. I stopped taking my multivitamin a few months ago and stopped my iron pills. No particular reason other than I just stopped taking them. So I need to refill my prescription for the iron pills and get another bottle of vitamins and get my rear in gear. The fact that I have turned into a lazy sloth and eat everything I shouldn't probably isn't helping either.

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I finished dinner last night after all. I didn't want to buy food from the truck so I made some chile verde and rice. It was fairly quick so that was good.


I'm going to take the bus to Jesse's house after work so I can use his car to do some shopping. I don't want to wait until the weekend to try and get my shopping done because I will have the babies and my time should be spent with them so I will get as much done today as I can.


Looks like I will be raking in the OT. One of the girls is going out on the sick list so I will cover her shift tomorrow and every Friday until someone is sent here to cover the shift. I'm hearing that another girl might go out next month which opens up even more OT. I'll take advantage of the OT as much as I can at least until the holidays have passed. Now if the person they send to cover the day shift has less senority than me, I'm working the holidays (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) Holiday pay here is double time and a half, I will gladly work the holidays for a big check.

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The call came yesterday while I was in the grocery store. I knew the number was from the hospital, I've seen the number more times than I care to remember.


Is this Metro?




Hi, it's Ellen from Cedars Sinai. You are APPROVED! Congratulations


finally? really, are you sure this time?


Yes everything is good, your case with Living Donation is now closed and Jesse needs to call his coordinator to make sure all of his tests are current and to schedule his plasmapheresis treatments and they will go over a transplant date with you.



So, friends of ENA the time has finally come and I should be happy but I have been so incredibly emotional since last night. After all the setbacks and rejections from them I truly believed it wasn't meant to be at least not from me. When they shot me down in July, I fell into such a terrible depression, I stopped exercising and ate myself into oblivion. I gained 14 lbs since then. She did talk about the weight, she said I should continue to maintain that healthy lifestyle that helped me to lose that weight earlier this year. She doesn't know that I'm over the weight threshold. I just agreed with what she was saying and now have to work super hard at getting back down there so the transplant happens. I felt guilty at that moment, like some sort of liar and cheat.


My friend asked me why I didn't sound happy? I'm too guarded to feel happy, I feel like the moment I allow myself to feel happy about this, something is going to happen to shatter our happiness again. I should be celebrating, instead I've been crying since last night because my emotions are misplaced it seems.


I thought about something else this morning that just made it seem bleak. My son is listed as my caregiver on the transplant paperwork, well since my son is now working he won't be able to help me. My other son doesn't drive, neither does my mother. My daughter is the only one that can drive but she has the kids during the day with different school schedules. If the hospital knows I don't have a caregiver, the transplant will be pushed back again.


Jesse was in awe when I called to tell him. I don't think he really believed it was going to happen either. The first thing he said was "yay we'll finally get to travel together, we need to get passports". Awwwww


I feel so incredibly stressed out right now.

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HOW EXCITING!!! You will drop that weight. What a huge motivator.


I am like that with great news, too. I usually don't show excitement until I'm actually doing said things. And you already had one disappointment so how you feel is very understandable.


Is there something you could get through your insurance or maybe the transplant center has some resources for you as far as a caregiver goes?

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HOW EXCITING!!! You will drop that weight. What a huge motivator.


I am like that with great news, too. I usually don't show excitement until I'm actually doing said things. And you already had one disappointment so how you feel is very understandable.


Is there something you could get through your insurance or maybe the transplant center has some resources for you as far as a caregiver goes?



Not sure, I guess it's something I could check into.


I only need someone to drive for me for the first 3 weeks. I think I can take care of myself at home, it's the going back and forth from my house to Jesse's house to care for him that is going to be a problem. His hospital stay is going to be a few days longer than mine (assuming nothing serious goes wrong) and I'm thinking since I won't have anyone to make that drive back and forth each day to take me, I will probably need to rent a motel/hotel so I can be close to him. I will need a place to sleep and shower at least.


Maybe I should try and talk to my other son, the one that is terrified of the thought of driving and see if he would be willing to learn how to drive so he could help me?

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He can get in home care. My friend got that, he has no one at the home that can help him with that stuff, his dad is frail. Let Jesse get in home care, mamamet. You are going to be having a major surgery. You NEED to heal and recover. And you can't do that very well caretaking for someone else.

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It absolutely made my day when I saw your FB status this morning!!


I know it's exciting news and we are all obviously so happy for you because we know the long road you and Jesse have been down, but I know that feeling of guarding yourself as well. I had it a few times during our visa process (specifically when the first part was approved). All I can say Mama is everything happens for a reason (and a specific TIME for a reason).


I wish I lived closer. I would totally drive for you. Is there no way Jesse could stay with you or vice versa so you are there all the time and not needing to drive?

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It absolutely made my day when I saw your FB status this morning!!


I know it's exciting news and we are all obviously so happy for you because we know the long road you and Jesse have been down, but I know that feeling of guarding yourself as well. I had it a few times during our visa process (specifically when the first part was approved). All I can say Mama is everything happens for a reason (and a specific TIME for a reason).


I wish I lived closer. I would totally drive for you. Is there no way Jesse could stay with you or vice versa so you are there all the time and not needing to drive?



Thank you hon. You are so sweet.


No I can't stay with him because he lives in a studio and it's far too small. He can't stay with me because I don't even have a bedroom. My mom and two sons have the 3 bedrooms and even if I did, the 3 bedrooms are all upstairs and he won't be able to make it up there.


I was trying to figure things out. My daughter lives down the street from him so she could walk over there during the day to assist him with things on the days that I can't. I could see if my best friend would be willing to do some driving while I am unable to. He currently isn't working so it might be do-able.


I think I need to just take a long walk to clear my head so I can think clearly. Hell, I need to get walking anyway.

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Thanks ladies.


Jesse picked me up from work today, he wanted to do some shopping at JCPennys. I was happy at the chance to be anywhere but my house. We talked a little bit, I asked him how he felt about everything. He said he was nervous. I talked to him about my concerns and he simply said "babe everything will work out". Well okay then.


We shopped, I picked up 3 boys hoodies and 3 boys tshirts on clearance with a 10 dollars off a 25 dollar purchase and spent only 22 dollars. Then we went to some juice place in mall, I had something green and expensive. I really need to find a juicer when I have time.

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I had the worst migraine last night. Took meds, went to sleep and had to get up early to take my son to work. I was expecting him to be off today and I wasn't about to give him my car on my only day off. So I drove him to work, stopped at the lake on the way back to do a 2 mile walk. I got home and made the grandbabies some breakfast, went to do a little more grocery shopping and now the kids want to know where Nana is taking them. LOL


I really want to just lay on the couch but I know the kiddos need to get out of here. Maybe just a little nap? lol

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Ah man I hate migraines SO much! My son had one yesterday too and missed school.


Aww poor baby, he's so young.


My daughter had her first documented migraine when she was 7. Horrible thing to watch. My son, experienced temporary blindness as a kid when he had migraines. My 23 year old gets them at least twice a week.

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Aww poor baby, he's so young.


My daughter had her first documented migraine when she was 7. Horrible thing to watch. My son, experienced temporary blindness as a kid when he had migraines. My 23 year old gets them at least twice a week.

Awww that is so sad that your kids get them too!!! It is such suffering! Yeah my son started getting them at 6. My mom was three years old when she started getting them. I started getting them when I was about 23. My brother was lucky and did not inherit that. Every time my son gets one I would love to bare it for him. But I can't .

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I think if one parent has migraines there's a 65 or more percent chance your kids will get them. If both parents get migraines it's almost 100%. Both my husband and I get migraines. But my husband only has one about once every 10 years.


I don't know if my ex husband has/had them or not. I really think they inherited them from me. My grandmother had them, my mother has them. I think I had my first one at 15. I remember that day, I thought I was going to die. I had never experienced pain like that. Terrible.


To my knowledge, the grandbabies haven't complained of migraines. God, I hope they never get one.

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Had a fun day with the babies yesterday. I already had two, I went to my daughters and picked up two more and we headed out to lunch. They wanted Hometown Buffet, who am I to say no to them? LOL I didn't eat nearly as much as I could have, I was good with portion sizes too. We went to Jesse's after to take him some lunch and the kids played outside for a while with his neighbor's grandson. I joined them and we were playing football. Something I learned yesterday, I am too fat to play football and it's not a good idea to punt the ball when you are wearing Converse. lol My legs hurt all night although I'm sure it was great exercise.


At work today for only 4 hours. I'm leaving at 10am and going to Jesse's to watch football. Go Seahawks!!

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Another successful weekend with the babies. Jade had a meltdown and didn't want to leave my house. Poor baby cried, like I was leaving on a permanent vacation or something. I told her not to cry, that next weekend was her weekend to stay with me. I have this little lavender scented dog thing, you put in the microwave to heat up and use it as a heating pad. Well she loves to sleep with it, she calls it a 'hot dog'. She took the 'hot dog' home with her last night. I think that made her feel more at ease.


My Seahawks played a good game yesterday. I ended the evening with a quick trip to Rite Aid for some good coupon deals. I bought 4 bags of beef jerkey, 4 bottles of Coke and 4 Covergirl eyeshadows (the cosmetics make excellent little gifts for teens) and after all coupons I paid 2.13. LOVE LOVE LOVE coupons. I'm out of the beef jerky coupons but I will repeat the Covergirl deal a few more times.


Jesse should be hearing from his coordinator today. He spoke to her briefly on Friday. She hadn't been notified that we are now a go for the transplant so she needed to look into his case file and make sure there are no pending tests that he needs to complete. I'm pretty sure he is up to date with everything and if he does need anything I think it might be just a chest xray which can be done here at his doctors office. They should be giving him his appointment dates soon for his blood treatment. In the meantime I have been watching what I eat, haven't really exercised with the exception of the 2 mile walk the other day and my brief football playing with the grandson. I'm working a 12 hour shift today so I will do some walking around the bus yard a little later. I have a healthy breakfast and lunch packed for today, no sodas and no junk food. Hopefully the weight will start coming off a little. I should be good to go by the time the transplant date rolls around. I'm not going to sit on my butt and do nothing, we have waited so long for this. I'll figure something out, all I know is Jesse will soon be the proud owner of my left kidney.

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