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A day in the life of Mama Metro (metrogirl)


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Thanks girls.. He is a cutie.


I'll share a secret with you guys. My 17 year old son is smitten with the baby. Whenever my son is home, the baby is usually in his arms or laying next to him. It's really sweet to see them together.

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Thanks girls.. He is a cutie.


I'll share a secret with you guys. My 17 year old son is smitten with the baby. Whenever my son is home, the baby is usually in his arms or laying next to him. It's really sweet to see them together.


Awww that is cute! I am sure he will be a great father. Shoot he already has a great mama and I am sure the apple does not fall far from the tree!

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The one on the right....lol


A weird fact, the one on the left is the only one of my children that look like their father, hispanic with the dark hair and eyes. The other three have the blonde hair and blue eyes. Actually, the three of them could be triplets.

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The one on the right....lol


A weird fact, the one on the left is the only one of my children that look like their father, hispanic with the dark hair and eyes. The other three have the blonde hair and blue eyes. Actually, the three of them could be triplets.


They sound quite handsome! Watch out mama metro LOL! I am a total sucker for light skinned and blue/gree eyes.

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Thank you for the kind words girls. My boys are some lookers, thats for sure.



I made it to the gym but it seemed that the forces were against me from the start. I couldn't find my gloves or my gym card. Finally found them and then my son tells me that he doesn't have my workout towel. Grrrr


So I go to the store to buy one, I get to the gym and my mp3 player isn't working. It's so hard for me to have a good workout without any type of music or even tv tuning for that matter. I managed to get a good sweaty 30 mins on the elliptical and then I worked on my rear end and legs for a bit. Not the greatest workout but at least it was something.

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I think my mp3 is officially broken. I went to unplug it this morning and it showed it was still charging, well I had plugged it in yesterday when I got home from the gym. When I unplug it, the battery shows that it is almost drained.


He just bought the thing for me, through a mail order catalog. I've only had it a few months and I didn't keep any of the packaging.


So I can go to the gym and probably not even want to exercise without my music or I skip the gym and go buy another mp3 player but then that's a day of exercising I will be missing. Dammit


I can already feel that today is going to be a very draining day for me, emotionally. Some issues have surfaced that are taxing my relationship with him and we need to talk and I need to figure out what I want and how much I am willing to deal with and all of this thinking has left me tired today, sleep deprived and without much of an appetite.


For those of you that are praying girls, I need your prayers. I need the strength and piece of mind to deal with everything. I'm sorry if it all sounds so vague, I just don't have the words to talk about any of it right now.

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I have migraine. I'm at home when I want to be at the gym. I'm trying to charge my

mp3 player in hopes that it will miraculously start working and hoping my headache goes away so I can work out later. If it doesn't work out that way, I will just go to the gym in the morning. I'm working OT tomorrow but don't go in until 2:00p so I will have plenty of time in the morning.


I took OWB's and Renny's advice and started looking at Ipod's online. There are so many to choose from and all this 2nd generation, 4th generation stuff is so confusing. The have shuffles and nano's and touch and I have never been more confused. It was easier buying my Camry.

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It's not a migraine, I think I am suffering from a sinus headache. My head only hurts when I cough and it hurts in my forehead and the top of my head. I really don't like that feeling, I am trying to refrain from coughing and then sometimes that makes me cough harder. Aye.


So I hit the gym this morning with my mp3 player that now is working (go figure). Had a great workout, super sweaty. I could feel my heart just pumping. I'm gonna start working harder on my arms. I want nice arms. Chants * no more wings, no more wings.


I like going on Friday mornings. I go about 10:30am and I use the ellipitcal machine right outside the aerobics room. There is a step class that is going on at that time and I am always intrigued watching this one older couple. They have got to be in their 70's, a husband and wife and they are just amazing. The husband is in such excellent shape, muscular and pretty toned for a man that age. His wife, bless her heart doesn't skip a beat. She's not as quick as he is, but she holds her own. They are both truly inspirational. When the class is over, the husband and another guy take off running around the track. I can only hope and pray that I am healthy and vibrant at that age.


I'll be back at the gym bright and early tomorrow, want to get back and watch some soccer with my son and then I am off to work again for another day of overtime which is going to come in very handy as I just found out that I have to buy another stove. I had to call the gas company to check my oven because I could smell gas and he said the oven needs a new part, an expensive part and that I would probably be better off just buying another stove. Hooray, another expense!


Two more people that I used to work with when I was on 2nd shift asked me today, "Hey Metro, are you losing weight"? Yes, 26 lbs so far. Guy #1~ "you look hot, no offense" Guy #2~ "looking good baby". My hard work is paying off!


This mornings weight 176.8. That's like almost 26 lbs. YYYEEESSS

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Did my workout yesterday and I mixed things up a bit. I did the weight machines first this time, worked the heck out of my arms and then made my way to an ab bench for some crunches. Next was cardio, I was aiming for my regular 30 minutes on the elliptical but I stopped at 15 minutes. I wasn't feeling it. Physically I was feeling already, I have just been drained emotionally this past week, that coupled with the fact that I am not sleeping well.


I have every intention of going to the gym today as well. Hopefully today's workout will be better than yesterday's.

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^^ haha.....Thank you Luna...


Well, I went back to the gym today. Did 15 minutes of intense cardio on the elliptical and then worked my poor legs to death. All I could think of was meaty thighs, go away. It didn't help that I work shorts today instead of the yoga pants that I normally wear. I kept looking in the mirror while I was doing my cardio thinking, oh yucky legs.


I will say that I have great calves. That comes from all the working out I did back in the day and the fact that I use to wear heels everyday.


I wish I would had more energy to work out longer today. I was rudely awakened at 1:45 in the morning and I am soooo extremely sleep deprived today.


For those of you that follow my journal, I have a question and please feel free to answer here.


If your significant other was drunk and made a nasty comment about your body, would that make you want to give up what you are doing, or work that much harder in the gym just to show him what a jerk he was for saying what he said?


I don't want to get into specifics, I was just looking for a general consensus.


Btw, he has apoligized profusely, but I still am not speaking to him. It wasn't just the comment, there are some other issues lingering as well but I'm wondering if my lack of effort these last few days is subconciously because of the comment he made?

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I think if an SO made a nasty comment about my body, I would probably work harder at stuff to try to prove him wrong. I dunno. Sometimes when T gets really mad at me, or just mad at life in general, and he lashes out at me, he will say things that hurt my feeling and/or really put me down. In the beginning, it used to really hurt me, but now I just take it with a grain of salt.


I used to go out of my way to try to prove him wrong.

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I think if an SO made a nasty comment about my body, I would probably work harder at stuff to try to prove him wrong. I dunno. Sometimes when T gets really mad at me, or just mad at life in general, and he lashes out at me, he will say things that hurt my feeling and/or really put me down. In the beginning, it used to really hurt me, but now I just take it with a grain of salt.


I used to go out of my way to try to prove him wrong.



Thank you for sharing Renny. I mean, I know I am doing well, a lot of people at work are giving me positive feedback, even the cleaning lady at the gym said that she sees the difference from when I started.


I don't know why I am letting the comment of a drunken idiot get me down like this. Maybe it's because I really thought he was proud of me.

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ok.. I'm going to try to stick to answering your request.


I would do exactly as I am doing... and if I change it up, I'd do exactly what "I" want to do in terms of beefing the work out up, or slowing it down. You are doing this for Metro.. not for some drunken idiot. You have much to be proud of and I am really sorry that he had the audacity to say ANYTHING negative, given what HE looks like and how much you have sacrificed to be there for him, including giving up gym time... I don't care if he's drunk or not! If any man had nerve to say something to me, he damn well better look like adonis!


Now I will stop typing before I say more.

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ok.. I'm going to try to stick to answering your request.


I would do exactly as I am doing... and if I change it up, I'd do exactly what "I" want to do in terms of beefing the work out up, or slowing it down. You are doing this for Metro.. not for some drunken idiot. You have much to be proud of and I am really sorry that he had the audacity to say ANYTHING negative, given what HE looks like and how much you have sacrificed to be there for him, including giving up gym time... I don't care if he's drunk or not! If any man had nerve to say something to me, he damn well better look like adonis!


Now I will stop typing before I say more.


You know I love you right? Thank you. Ok, I'm not gonna let this get to me. Think good thoughts, metro.....think good thoughts.

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If your significant other was drunk and made a nasty comment about your body, would that make you want to give up what you are doing, or work that much harder in the gym just to show him what a jerk he was for saying what he said?


I don't want to get into specifics, I was just looking for a general consensus.




I would have to get rid of the urge to punch his lights out, so I'd join a kickboxing class at the gym, and work harder.

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