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Hell must have frozen over....

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...because my ex broke contact and sent a one line email.

I'm absolutely in shock. CANNOT believe it.

I have to tell ya...if MY ex broke down and made contact..hell MUST have frozen over because I never thought in a million years he would ever "stoop". He's a very hard, stubborn man....I'm baffled to say the least...confused, and a little shakey here. The email came about 5 hours ago and I'm just starting to get my bearings.

I will not respond.

I will not contact him.


60 days today since the last contact with my ex was made to return property....which was 2 days after he abruptly and coldly ended our 2 plus year relationship.

I never begged...I never pleaded.....I let him have his say...he may have bent the hell outta me but he did not break me down. In quiet tears I walked out the door when he told me he wanted me to go. Not a peep since then in either direction. It has been brutal...BUT..I've survived it.

It's been the hardest post break-up of my life and I do NOT want to ever repeat it.

I never thought in a million years contact would EVER be made on his part...he is Far, FAR too proud for that but there ya go.....just goes to show...when we least expect it....EXPECT IT.

One little sentence..."Would you like to meet somewhere?"....what the hell is that???!! Can he really be so clueless as to treating me like I'm a dispensible pile of nothing, dispose of me on a whim and then 8 weeks later send a one liner making contact?????? Makes me FUME!! It makes me angry and makes me wonder if the man doesn't have knads the size of bowling balls...he'd have to. Unbelieveable.


Just needed to post that and vent. I doubt that there has ever been a poster here on ENA who is as gobsmacked as I am!! Seriously.....If THIS happened....truly ANYTHING can.




Funny..because this past weekend, I've FINALLY felt a bit more like me....a bit more "even" in my thoughts and not constantly recycling memories like I have been for the past 2 months....felt a bit more at peace, finally.

Of course this little smidgen of contact from him has my mind going but...I'm on top of it, not the other way around!

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i agree, props on staying strong and no-contact. he doesn't deserve your time of day, especially with a one-liner like that.


i can relate... when my ex-gf made her first contact to reconcile a few months post-breakup, coincidentally i was feeling like myself again, feeling great, even had plans to meet a different girl THAT night. hearing from her def threw my feelings a curveball after finally feeling like i was forgetting her at the time. it's crazy how that happens.

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What would be most interesting would be if he actually contacts her again with something substantive to say.


Sounds like that is not quite his personality!


Anyway, I thought that was funny especially since she posted on that thread.


Men... You can love em and you can leave em but you can't kill them.


I need to get my behind to the bed. Can any of you pull my plug remotely?

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Thanks bro. It was a shock opening up my email this afternoon and seeing that....was the LAST thing I would have ever expected...can't say it enough. Gets a girl's mind going tho. With this guy....and yes, I do love him but....this is ALL about his ego. I haven't caved...didn't beg him or plead or any of the things I'm sure he thought I would have been doing within the past 8 weeks. Nope....ain't happening.


I think from the moment that someone decides that they no longer want you or that they no longer value you or the relationship enough to want to try and THEY make the decision to leave, you need to start working towards not wanting them either. Reject the rejector......although that's much easier said then done....I'm just starting to get there!

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Sounds like that is not quite his personality!


Anyway, I thought that was funny especially since she posted on that thread.


Men... You can love em and you can leave em but you can't kill them.


I need to get my behind to the bed. Can any of you pull my plug remotely?



Ooh, or men you can't live with 'em, you can't ... live with 'em!


Just kidding guys


Numb, just take the red pill instead of the blue one ...


Browneyes, stay strong honey.

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I'm curious Ms Darcy...I've no plans to respond...will see how far he takes this.

My ex was like little boy throwing a temper tantrum at times...was ridiculous and made my head swim watching him go off. I'm sure if things don't play out the way HE wants them to...he'll just huff off and pout and all will be quiet again. Who knows....he just probably wants to know if I'm still alive.....we just NEVER really know but...I have a pretty good idea there's not a whole lot of substance behind that one little pathetic line of an email. Time will tell......

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I'm curious Ms Darcy...I've no plans to respond...I have a pretty good idea there's not a whole lot of substance behind that one little pathetic line of an email. Time will tell......


You are incredibly strong. Have you considered dating again? Is it too soon? I think any man would be lucky to have you.

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Ms Darcy...Thank you! That was nice of you to say...I appreciate that.


Have had several friends tell me again and again that he never deserved me and I've only just recently started to believe that.

And no...no interest in dating.WAY too soon for me. I've got alot of healing to do this time around and I want to do it right. My "man pickers" off!! I need to get that sorted out once and for all so that this crap isn't ever repeated again....I have a cute little 34 year old on my tail and he's been awesome...just a dear friend though who I've known for about 10 years. He brings me up with his smiles and happy banter telling me I'm a "cougar" and that my ex really messed up....sure helps hearing stuff like that. He's been clear he would love to show me how a REAL man treats a woman but...not going there...no desire at all. Great friends are all that AND a bag of chips!!

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Hi Autumn...Thank you for your kind words.


What would make me want to respond? Hmmm....my heart missing the good things maybe? But...that would be a foolish reason to respond. I'm a softie in alot of ways and he knows that...he knows how to play on those things so I can't even consider going there...it will just be more of the same...my head knows this too well but my heart is still catching up. This morning is a bit more of a struggle but I pulled out my pro's and con's list and that's helping me keep me strong. Still utterly shocked I ever heard from him again...can't type or say that enough .Thing is, I know this man well...and my trust in him is gone....that was taken care of when he disposed of me and let me know that I and our relationship was completely and totally dispensable. If he's capable of ending a 2+ year relationship in the blink of an eye like that, he's completely capable of doing it again. I can't go through it again...just can't and won't.

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WOW. I have no idea who you are, but I must say I am downright proud! I wish I would have handled the first moments of my breakup with such dignity and grace! I wish many others here would do the same!


Kudos to you on not responding! I'm with you...move forward, not backward. Maybe this'll teach him a good lesson.

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Great?! Let the games begin..

I just don't understand why women play these games..

If u don't want anything to do with him, let him know politely and move on.

Why wait n see what happens?


Ummm...he left her. Did you read the story. This isn't a game. This is her getting over him and not falling for his antics. Her silence is good enough to let him know. Actually, since he broke up with her he should already know. She doesn't owe him any kind of explanation for her silence.


This is a very sexist comment...I'm pretty sure both genders play 'games'.


You are generalizing all women because of your experience.

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you are one strong classy lady and i luvvit! you deserve better than that crumb of an email...he should be a lil more open to a lil more dontya think, but if its about his ego, nah forget it...yours is more important than his right now

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Great?! Let the games begin..

I just don't understand why women play these games..

If u don't want anything to do with him, let him know politely and move on.

Why wait n see what happens?


Men are great game players. My ex won a Gold Medal in Ruining Relationships in the Olympics.

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